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Introduction With the proliferation of social media use, scholars have turned their attention to the psychosocial implications of such behaviors ( Chai et al., 2019; Dhir et al., 2021; Tandon et al., 2020; 2021a, b). A challenging aspect that three of the participants referred to while using FoMO-R is the pressure that they felt from peers and significant others (subjective norms). Self-talk is a tool that can be used to frame an individuals resistance to temptation and to motivate goal-directed behaviour. In addition, to measure anonymity, participants were asked a single question about whether they use anonymous accounts on social media. In addition, our study was demanding in terms of time, lasting for ten days, and in terms of effort, requiring the filling in a diary template. In addition, the diary study and open-ended questions, as the qualitative components of the evaluation, were reported on in conjunction with the quantitative aspect. To date, most of the empirical research concerning FoMO has been conducted on social science and psychological grounds. In Section 5, we discuss the paper, and in Section 6, we conclude it and present future research directions. Curr Psychol. A neutral opinion regarding FoMO-R usability was held by 3.3% of participants. Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) is the tendency to experience anxiety over missing out on rewarding experiences of others. A variety of positive comments were received in relation to the clarity of the FoMO-R. It relates most closely to the second and fifth classifications of FoMO shown in Table 1. Of these various factors, fear of missing out (FOMO; Elhai et al., 2020) has been shown to play a prominent role in the onset and maintenance of technological addiction. All the study went through the ethics approval process of the authors institution. Engagement, within this context, refers to a willingness to use the FoMO-R, in the absence of any interpersonal coercion or pressure being exerted. The material can be found in the supplementary material. This is a reflection of autonomous behaviour which is one for which the regulation is experienced as chosen and as emanating from ones self. Participants were provided with a hard copy document on which to write their diary entries, and they were also reminded to record this information through the use of text messages. Wolniewicz C.A., Tiamiyu M.F., Weeks J.W., Elhai J.D. Alblwi A., Stefanidis A., Phalp K., Ali R. Procrastination on Social Networking Sites: Combating by Design; Proceedings of the 2019 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS); Brussels, Belgium. 5 Signs Youre Being Quiet Dumped By Your Partner, A Film for the Adult Children of Self-Absorbed Parents, Financial Worry and Substance Use Among Cancer Patients. Cultures Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. In Context (3), displaying an unwillingness to engage in social interaction, a significant change in FoMO experiences before using the FoMO-R (M = 19.03, SD = 7.86) and after using it (M = 28.53, SD = 5.41) was recorded; t (29) = 9.13, p < 0.001. However, the participants did not comment on this further after they started to use the method. The results show that FoMO-R was anticipated to help people to effectively manage their FoMO. . In the past few decades, the definition has become more consistent [34], but there is a specific distinction between considering resilience as an outcome or as a non-static developmental process. This has brought about a fundamental change in the locus of control in how people interact with their social group. This stage raises awareness about FoMO and also provides the help-seeker with a greater understanding of the types of FoMO. This is the stage in which help-seekers intend to manage their FoMO in relation to social media. This could be inferred from one of the participants comments: I do not use Booklet 3 because I found countermeasures are useful to me. Format: Individuals should check the representation and language used in the post. Perceived locus of causality and internalization: Examining reasons for acting in two domains. Self-control occurs when individuals try to alter the way in which they would otherwise think, feel or behave [20]. Problematic smartphone use and relations with negative affect, fear of missing out, and fear of negative and positive evaluation. In addition, in response to the question regarding the level of awareness of managing FoMO, a significant change in awareness levels occurred before using the FoMO-R (M = 3.56, SD = 1.16) as compared to after using it (M = 1.70, SD = 0.43); t (29) = 7.53, p < 0.001. It is widely used by many researchers and practitioners. Thus, if the senders were aware of these reasons, they prepare for them proactively to avoid facing FoMO later. A study of the motivations of reciprocity. Compulsive behaviour is a kind of anxiety disorder in which intrusive and subjectively uncontrollable thoughts are the main features. Aphantasia is a condition where a person has deficits or a complete lack of mental imagery. The poll of 2,000 Americans who use . Duluth: Association for Consumer Research, 2015: 244-248. . Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction. . Ten participants were allocated to each of the three focus groups. The open-ended questions were used to minimise the risk of missing important information and to allow participants to feel free to add information they felt was relevant to the FoMO-R evaluation process. A further 36.7% reacted positively to the booklet, by agreeing that the key information was included. According to FOMO research, 56% of people are afraid of missing out on events, news, and other important status updates if they are away from social networks. In Context (4), referring to having to or feeling a need to engage in continuous and untimed interaction, a significant change in FoMO experiences before using the FoMO-R (M = 44.80, SD = 16.37) and after using it (M = 69.30, SD = 10.51) was recorded; t (29) = 10.45, p < 0.001. Fox J., Moreland J.J. The first factor was autonomous regulation, and it comprised five items representing autonomous reasons for using the FoMO-R (Q4, Q6, Q7, Q9 and Q12) and adhering to the guidelines. This introduces limitations due to the possibility of recall bias and questions about ecological validity. Webb T.L., Sniehotta F.F., Michie S. Using theories of behaviour change to inform interventions for addictive behaviours. An online survey was used to investigate the association between social networks use, FoMO and a broad range of clinically relevant health outcomes [14]. Pre-posting thinking is a basic strategy that can help individuals to post on social media without experiencing negative feelings. In this paper, we proposed and evaluated FoMO-R, a method to help people to manage FoMO. Mindless use of social media may lead to negative mental health outcomes for consumers. One concept that has been linked to problematic social media use is FOMO, or fear of missing out." In response to this question, it can be noted that a large proportion of the participants (66.7%) strongly agreed that the information provided in Booklet 1 was complete, while the remaining one-third (33.3%) agreed with this statement. Midanik L.T. The descriptive statistics produced were as follows: autonomous regulation (M = 26.20, SD = 4.06); and controlled regulation (M = 30.43, SD = 9.73). Resilience is often described as a pattern of adaptive functioning in the presence of life adversities [32,33]. A New Way to Think About Your Oldest Memories, The 3 Most Important Questions to Ask in Your Twenties. It also provides educational material that explains how FoMO occurs and how it can be dealt with; e.g., through checklists, self-talk and expectation management. The diary studies approach was also chosen as it minimises recall bias and provides the opportunity to gather in-play data, which are more expressive and contextualised [59]. In this section, we report on the design of the FoMO-R evaluation process, the findings that emerged and, finally, the conclusions are drawn. The method was clearly explained and made easy to use. Another potential approach is to engage representative help-seekers in co-design sessions with researchers to tailor the proposed countermeasures the social network nature and features and its typical scenarios and contexts of use. Maintained a focus on the selected countermeasures and on the appropriate relapse prevention technique(s). The age of participants ranged between 18 and 32 years (M = 21.52, SD = 2.69). Compulsive behaviour can be regulated using techniques such as distraction and reappraisal [28]. Help-seeker determines the challenges that may make it harder for them to manage their FoMO by answering the following questions: Help-seeker reviews their self-monitoring sheet to assess whether they have managed their FoMO. To mitigate such shortcomings, Alutaybi, et al. Over the past few years . The results emerging from all e-TAP factors are positive, which indicates the possibility that the FoMO-R method will be adopted in the future. The self-rating booklet (Booklet 1) introduces the classifications of FoMO to people who typically experience it when using social media. We also added a new set of countermeasures related to skills and practices on social media. Set status: you would like certain contacts to set their status in advance to show you whether they are online or available to interact or not. In this stage, the help-seeker is reminded by doing activities that were declared by them in the planning stage in order to prevent a relapse. If they managed their FoMO, they repeat the first stage (the preparation stage) to see whether there are any other FoMO types that apply to them. Some of the technical countermeasures, such as recap and the priority list, have not yet been implemented fully on de facto social media. Solutions shall be socio-technical, and design teams shall be inter-disciplinary, involving members with skills in software engineering, interactive systems, social psychology and behavioural change. Adams, S. K., Murdock, K. K., Daly-Cano, M., & Rose, M. (2020). 8600 Rockville Pike In this section, we discuss the theories that informed the design of the FoMO-R method, based on both theories that relate to the reasons an individual experiences FoMO and the theories that have been used to bring about behaviour change and improvements in wellbeing in other domains. Overall, taken together, these findings suggest that the FoMO-R is expected to work effectively and contribute to helping people to manage their FoMO. A further 3.3% of participants expressed a neutral opinion that strong continuity exists between all the FoMO-R stages. The scores for this factor were in the range of 5 (low score) to 35 (high score). A Brief History Research Minimizing FOMO The fear of missing out, or FOMO, refers to the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal If yes, please explain? Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. In response to the question regarding this aspect, the results, shown in Figure 4, demonstrate that the largest proportion of participants strongly agreed that the FoMO-R was not difficult to understand and was explained in a clear manner, with 70% strongly agreeing. Explicating Relationship Management as a General Theory of Public Relations. Essentially, participants perceive that the FoMO-R is a useful approach in helping them to manage their FoMO more effectively. An Italian study investigated the association between positive social touch and depression, anxiety, and stress. Thus, the usability of the FoMO-R was evaluated and considered in this study (See Appendix A), as was the self-help guide which has also been developed to accompany it. Relapse can be avoided by will power and self-discipline alone. Sample of FoMO countermeasures for Context 1 (Booklet 2 in the Supplementary Material). 37583765. the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. Another participant indicated that, There are plenty of countermeasures provided that help them in managing their FoMO. Two different scales were used in this study: Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) and Psychological Well-being. The help-seekers are asked to spend a period of time, typically one week, practicing and rehearsing the techniques they have selected from the previous stage, the planning stage. This included considering factors such as its awareness-raising capability regarding FoMO types and how it can be managed, and determining if its supplementary materials (self-rating and countermeasure education documents) provide sufficient information about how FoMO occurs on social media and how it can be managed. Additionally, because self-talk affects the mental representation of ones selections, a refusal framed to signify a sense of empowerment and control has the potential to be effective in self-regulation [50]. Extremely aware; Moderately aware; Somewhat aware; Slightly aware; Not at all aware. To do so, they determine the challenges that may make it harder for them to manage their FoMO by answering the following questions: After having thought about these questions, they have a choice to select other countermeasures from the FoMO countermeasure document (Booklet 2), or following the instructions in Booklet 4, return to the application stage and repeat. Background: The fear of missing out (FoMO) on social media refers to the apprehension that online content and interactions from others are unseen and reacted to in a timely fashion. The Social Media Party: Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), Social Media Intensity, Connection, and Well-Being. The results show that the majority of participants had a positive attitude towards these aspects after using FoMO-R. Paired sample t-tests were conducted on the total score within each context of felt FoMO, before and after using FoMO-R. As such, the quantitative data that were collected and analysed appeared to triangulate and support the qualitative results, although as discussed in more detail below it is acknowledged that the sample size used in the study limits how strongly this claim can be made. A 5-point Likert scale reflecting an agreement was used for this survey with open-ended questions for each question to enable the participants to elaborate their answer. [12] conducted three studies to understand FoMO, and they used online survey and interviews. FOMO describes the nagging feeling that other people may be experiencing something fun and awesome but that you are missing out on it. However, by using AI and personalization, we may still be able to get the right countermeasures and skills for relapse prevention through a limited number of loops. Potapov K., Marshall P. LifeMosaic: Co-design of a personal informatics tool for youth; Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference; London, UK. Most participants provided positive comments regarding the coverage of Booklet 1. Abel J.P., Buff C.L., Burr S.A. Social Media and the Fear of Missing Out: Scale Development and Assessment. The method is based on previous research that the authors did and in which they discovered the lived experience of FoMO, the contexts of use leading to it and the fears encountered. (2) What has been improved? In response to the questionnaire, Table 8 outlines the distribution of means and standard deviations for intention, attitude, subjective norms and perceived control in relation to FoMO-R use. 2931 May 2019; Miami, FL, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2019. pp. Bagozzi R.P. Motivators of online vulnerability: The impact of social network site use and FOMO. The participants were asked to apply FoMO-R and provide any suggestions they may have. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,,, Fear of missing the ability to be popular, Fear of missing the ability to be interesting, Fear of missing the ability to get the right interpretation, Fear of missing information due to large volume, Fear of missing the ability to deal with different social networks, Fear of missing temporally available information, Removed by a person or naturally disappeared, Immediate response-Misunderstanding (friends feel they are ignored), Fear of missing the ability to keep followers, Fear of missing information/events due to multi following, Missing post from a certain person (celebrities), Fear of missing the ability to defend your popularity, Misunderstanding (i.e., ignoring friends), Fear of missing empathy and leaving a good impression, Fear of missing the opportunity to know others impressions, Fear of missing the opportunity to attend an online event, Missing peoples availability on social media. Fear of missing out impacts people of all ages. The empowered refusal booklet (Booklet 4) provides those seeking help with further support to manage their FoMO in the event that the countermeasures selected from Booklet 2 fail. Applying some of our countermeasures can, in turn, trigger other FoMO of the type, what would others say about me as I changed my status to unavailable. It involves a deep sense of envy and affects self-esteem . Help-seeker applies each of their selected countermeasures for a period of time, typically one week. Compulsive behaviour is related to addiction, as an addiction is a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behaviour or substance [26]. The social anxiety that other people are having fun without you, also known as FoMO, is more associated with loneliness, low self-esteem and low . FoMO types are by nature context-dependent, e.g., some happen when one is unable to communicate due to the technical or social context, and others happen when one is not receiving interactions from others and unable to interpret the reason. You posted your holiday pictures on social media a few times and expected to receive some Likes and comments from friends, but you did not receive any. Another example of expectation management which helps users to avoid feelings of ostracisation by others on social media is to make clear to their social media contacts their current situation, e.g., being busy preparing for an exam or having limited time. Elhai J.D., Levine J.C., Dvorak R.D., Hall B.J. Importantly, however, they would be aware that those within their social group had the same understanding of the situation. FoMO can have a positive impact on well-being if it leads to social media use that fosters social connection. Help-seeker applies the selected countermeasure. Participants also reported a positive experience with the method steps and material. Fear of missing out, need for touch, anxiety and depression are related to problematic smartphone use. The effectiveness of FoMO-R was evaluated by undertaking a comparative analysis of the FoMO experience before and after using FoMO-R (see Appendix B). Kochenderfer-Ladd B., Skinner K. Childrens coping strategies: Moderators of the effects of peer victimization? 353 likes, 49 comments - Anela Malik | Storyteller + Traveler (@feedthemalik) on Instagram: " . This relates to all five of the classifications of FoMO shown in Table 1, especially the first classification. Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is the anxiety or apprehension surrounding missing out on things like: social events; gatherings; the latest gossip or news A theory of social media dependence: Evidence from microblog users. Fear of missing out (FoMO) among social media users: a systematic literature review, synthesis and framework for future research Internet Res , 31 ( 3 ) ( 2021 ) , pp. In Context (5), when an online social gathering is expected, a significant change in FoMO experiences before using the FoMO-R (M = 13.33, SD = 4.56) and after using it (M = 19.13, SD = 3.31) was recorded; t (29) = 8.26, p < 0.001. Share. This section sets out the procedures put in place in relation to participant recruitment and data collection. During the diary study phase, participants were requested to complete the treatment questionnaire concerning continued programme participation TSRQ [60] after three days. Muraven M., Baumeister R.F. In this stage, help-seekers review what they did in the previous stages to see whether they have managed their FoMO. A Bonferroni correction was applied to the results to accommodate the multiple comparisons that were made to the data set (0.05/7). In the question relating to the coverage of the self-help guide (which provides information on how FoMO occurs on social media), most of the participants displayed a strong positive attitude toward it. It appears that when users of social media do not receive the interactions they expect, they may experience different fears. The analysis was conducted using descriptive analysis (frequency procedure) for each statement independently regarding aspects such as clarity, coherence, coverage and usability. The first step involved collecting baseline information; the second step entailed applying FoMO-R tools and advised practices for ten days, and the third step was to complete the paper survey. Future social media designs can introduce them to aid users with their digital wellbeing. Kelley [31] noted that humans are influenced by the real, implied or imagined presence of others. Do you put the needs of others above your own? Self-talk words are helpful in the mitigation of FoMO; for example, one might say I do not need to respond swiftly instead of I am unable to respond swiftly., The FoMO-R user will be told that each time they experience FoMO, they should tell themselves I dont do X. Additionally, they will be asked to rehearse the strategy. Hence, the concept is difficult to define because it is not one simple construct but a combination of biological, psychological and sociological processes and interactions. For those who saw no improvement, this may be indicative of comorbidity. In contrast, people with lower FOMO had a higher level of self-discipline than those with high FOMO. In addition, literacy about online usage and its relation to the design and factors such as the social pressure it facilitates, is yet to be studied in terms of its impact on creating resilience to FoMO. 45 FoMO experience questions Using the 1 to 6 scale, starting from Always to Never. Subjective norms (for example, social pressures and norms), which are determined by the expectations of peers and individual motivation to comply with their beliefs. It is an active self-help remedy relying on the vicious circle model of anxiety. FoMO: context classifications, fears and countermeasures (summary of [2,18,19]). The transtheoretical model was taken as a template for the FoMO-R stages. The authors conducted a meta-analysis a statistical analysis that integrates the results of many different scientific studies. This may reflect that participants were self-directed and purposefully engaged in using the FoMO-R, thus exercising a strong sense of choice. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The study relied upon self-report for both the quantitative and qualitative data collection. The second section included the e-Therapy Attitudes and Process Questionnaire (e-TAP), which is based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. 3 Communication Styles That Gradually Poison a Relationship, How to Reclaim Your Playful Self and Find More Joy, Why Some People Hand Their Lives Over to Cults, Choosing Between Authenticity and Attachment, Synchronicity: Enhance Well-Being via Meaningful Coincidences, New Thinking About Sex and Relationship Longevity. It was a straightforward method to follow and presented clearly. In the absence of self-control, individuals will carry out a particular desired behaviour; that is, they fail to delay gratification [21]. K. R. (2019). Key points A new study investigated the association between FOMO (fear of missing out) and social media use. However, some of the participants tended to use the self-talk technique to help alleviate such pressure; e.g., I set my status saying I am busy at the moment, so I do not need to check each notification immediately. Selected the types of FoMO that applied to them. Received 2020 Jul 23; Accepted 2020 Aug 17. This stage works by asking the help-seekers to answer the questions: (1) What happened? Przybylski, et al. On the one hand, it could be assumed that people with high FOMO check the social media feeds of their friends and family to not miss out on what happens in their lives. It can be formed based on attitudes, values or norms [54,55]. Despite indicators of the effect of FoMO on users well-being, guidance and tools that allow people to manage it are still not available. In response to the question regarding FoMO-R usability, quantitative analysis (see Figure 6) revealed that most participants strongly agreed with the statement that the FoMO-R was not difficult to use (63.6%). Thus, you may experience the following FoMO but may practice the following techniques to reduce your fear: Fear of missing the ability to be popular (P1, P2 and P3), Auto-reply; e.g., when you send a message, you would like your contacts to set a form of autoreply to inform if they cannot interact currently, Fear of missing the ability to be interesting (P4, P5 and P6). The study data was gathered using the Fear of Missing out Scale, the Social . It is also the extent to which an organisation or group depends on social norms or rules to alleviate the unexpected in future events. A self-help guide booklet provides information regarding FoMO and how it can occur on social media. Moreover, Figure 3 shows the response to questions regarding the coverage of the FoMO-R materials used, namely, the self-help guide and Booklets 14; the following sections explain the responses received for each booklet separately. FOMO could in turn lead you to compare your experiences with others, sometimes creating a sense of . It was simple and clear and explained for easy implementation. The first part of the questionnaire focused on participant FoMO experiences. FoMO can become problematic, leading to anxiety, interrupted sleep, lack of concentration and dependence on social media to generate gratification. Baker Z.G., Krieger H., Leroy A.S. Demographics, the awareness level of knowing and managing FoMO types, and FoMO experience. As children, people innately know how to play, but this often gets lost in the busyness of adult lives. Indeed, studies from the USA have found a robust association between intense social media use, fear of missing out and both depression and . Expect that not all your contacts are interested, Expect that the algorithm may not show the post to the intended recipient, Expect that others were unable to connect to the internet, Recognise that if they do not receive a response from someone who is online, they may be involved in an urgent or business conversation, Recognise that if they do not receive a response from someone who is online, they may not be prepared to answer. 16. The help-seeker is asked to tick the symptoms that they feel when they experience a certain FoMO situation and is given a self-rating booklet to diagnose their FoMO based on their daily usage. Wang C., Lee M.K., Hua Z. Because of this, we're. Within a software engineering context, usability is the level to which software can be utilised by specified individuals to perform particular goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Negative consequences from heavy social networking in adolescents: The mediating role of fear of missing out. Participants received a consent form and details outlining the purpose of the study through email in advance in order to give them adequate time to peruse these documents and seek further information, as required. Reducing the number of loops could adversely affect the effectiveness of FoMO-R. This is achieved by creating awareness among them of how FoMO occurs on social media and how it can be managed by adopting different countermeasures, which can be either technical or social in nature. Our literature search returned no methods proposed to combat FoMO. The questions are as follows, and they are based on [2]. PostedJune 13, 2021 They found that people who showed high FOMO also were more depressed, anxious, and neurotic than those with lower FOMO. This was represented as an improvement in managing FoMO. How do you rate your awareness of knowing the types of FoMO? Qualitative analysis was also applied to the open-ended questions contained in the survey, which comprised coding the responses, as well as identifying patterns and trends, which were subsequently classified into various categories. They also show that a set of extra functionalities in social media design is needed so that users can manage FoMO more effectively. The following are some examples: The structure was connected and when you follow the steps it makes sense. Help-seeker selects the FoMO type(s) that they typically experience by referring to the self-rating booklet (Booklet 1). The quantitative and qualitative findings were compiled, and they were then reported on collectively. If so, think about ways of reducing FOMO. Originally derived from the theory of reasoned action [65], this theory gradually evolved, whereby a third factor was inserted which expresses the same sense of self-efficacy [66]. There is controversy about the notion of resilience and the standard values that support what is considered good functioning [37,38]. What Is FOMO? This was represented as an improvement in managing FoMO. Distribution of range, means and standard deviation of intention, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived control as predictors of FoMO-R use (n = 30). This indicates the importance of understanding that resilience is a process of changing risk and protective factors that affect how people adapt in different contexts. Hence, they may experience one or more kinds of FoMO, such as fear of missing the ability to be popular, fear of missing the ability to be interesting or fear of missing the ability to get the right interpretation. The score range for the behavioural intention subscale was between 4 and 28; however, the actual mean score recorded was 23.90 (SD = 2.74), indicating that the participants had moderate intention to use the FoMO-R. Knowledge and the Prediction of Behavior: The Role of Information Accuracy in the Theory of Planned Behavior. In contrast, controlled behaviour is one for which the regulation is experienced as pressured or coerced by some interpersonal or intrapsychic force [61]. Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: Does self-control resemble a muscle? FoMO can become problematic, leading to anxiety, interrupted sleep, lack of concentration and dependence on social media to generate gratification. FOMO, which was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013, refers to that nervous or anxious feeling a person gets when they realize they are not attending a social event either because they were not invited, couldn't attend, or they just did not feel like going. Help-seeker describes the outcome of actions taken by answering the following: Preoccupied with the lack of my participation with others that leads them not to interact with me (P1), Preoccupied with missing prior interactions with others that leads them not to interact with me (P2), Preoccupied with the loss of my reputation among friends (P3), Preoccupied with my post not being appealing enough (P4), Preoccupied with my profile being less active so that others do not interact with me (P5), Preoccupied that living outside my geographic social circle leads them not to interact with me (P6). 782 - 821 , 10.1108/INTR-11-2019-0455 The public relations philosophy of John W. Hill: Bricks in the foundation of issues management. Since the development of smart devices and social media, it is now almost always possible for people to communicate and interact with their social group. They were also asked whether they had encountered issues or difficulties when they were applying the FoMO-R using the diary template. Reviewed by Gary Drevitch. The reward was given upon the return of the forms. Background: The fear of missing out (FoMO) on social media refers to the apprehension that online content and interactions from others are unseen and reacted to in a timely fashion. Although we have identified five classifications of FoMO, it is acknowledged that any behaviour can be multi-faceted and complicated and that it would be simplistic to assume that each individual may only experience one type of FoMO. Each participant was given FoMO-R materials that can be found in the supplementary materials of this paper. For this reason, expectation management is included in our proposed FoMO-R method. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. A growing body of research has examined the potential effects of the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) on Social Networking Site (SNS) use and Problematic SNS use (PSNSU). Help-seeker is asked to assess their own satisfaction with using the selected countermeasure(s). The age and gender of the participants in the included studies did not influence this effect. Sutton S. Back to the drawing board? Hence, their FoMO increases due to the desire to increase their knowledge of their social circle well. Booklet 1 is based on the results from previous work that was conducted by Alutaybi, et al. Fear of missing out (FoMO) Online social comparison Social media fatigue Social media stalking 1. Signs Of FOMO What Causes FOMO? With regard to the question on the coverage of Booklet 2, analysis has shown that most participants strongly agreed that it contained sufficient countermeasures combating different types of FoMO, with 56.7% strongly agreeing with this statement. Table 4 and Table 5 show samples of FoMO-R countermeasures and relapse prevention strategies, respectively, and further information about booklets with user version can be found in the supplementary material. This was achieved by undertaking a comparative analysis of participant answers gathered through the focus group sessions with their responses elicited through the questionnaire. The site is secure. Where in the World Do People Hug and Kiss the Most? Higher FOMO was associated with more social media use and more problems. They should bear in mind the time zones of contacts/followers in other countries. For example, FoMO on instant messaging has a different nature and patterns on online forums. In this research, the authors focus on the fear of missing out (FOMO) as a key determinant of those negative outcomes by illustrating how repeated social media use forms a habit loop termed "social media FOMO." Heath R.L., Bowen S.A. In the study, the authors integrated the results of 33 independent samples on FOMO and social media with an overall number of participants of 21,473. Booklet 2 outlines a variety of countermeasures that exist, which are either technical or social, and they can help people in managing the different forms of FoMO. The paper is structured as follows: in Section 2, we present the theoretical underpinnings of the FoMO-R method. Retrieved from ResearchGate; 582 shares. The sample of this study consisted of 232 participants (69.8% female) between the ages of 18-59. Overall, the comments were positive in relation to the coverage in Booklet 2. Therefore, fifteen men and fifteen women (n = 30), ranging in age from 18 to 42 years (M = 26.37, SD = 5.89), participated in this study. Lots of them you experience yourself so its easy to remember. If you feel like you or a loved one may show problematic social media use, reflecting on the reasons why this behavior happens may be helpful. Do you like using social media apps or do you find social media boring? We investigate the mediating roles of different variables, such as overload, well-being, and compulsive use. But one way or the other, the study suggests, FOMO is a relevant factor when it comes to social media use that should be considered for psychological interventions for problematic social media use. The use of do not can be effective when resisting temptation and motivating goal-directed behaviour because it provides a sense of psychological empowerment and also conveys force and determination, and is therefore final and not to open to discussion [52,53]. (2021). Almourad B.M., McAlaney J., Skinner T., Pleva M., Ali R. Defining digital addiction: Key features from the literature. Dos Santos V.A., Freire R.C., Zugliani M.M., Cirillo P., Santos H.H., E Nardi A., King A.L., Maia A.C., Alves V. Treatment of Internet Addiction with Anxiety Disorders: Treatment Protocol and Preliminary Before-After Results Involving Pharmacotherapy and Modified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The whole means of dealing with FoMO, alongside the stickers helped to countermeasure against FoMO. With the rise in social media, the psychology of FOMO is gaining a lot more traction in scholarly conversations because of its power to dominate the mental health of those on the outside looking in. FoMO can become problematic, leading to anxiety, interrupted sleep, lack of concentration and dependence on social media to generate gratification. These are software-assisted countermeasures, and we recognise the need for a human counterpart. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (, GUID:25C3B774-7E84-47FD-B70E-2E08F4499E06. Ajzen I., Joyce N., Sheikh S., Cote N.G. Coherence was one of the aspects that was considered in the FoMO-R evaluation. Finally, a neutral opinion was held in relation to this question by 6.6% of the participants. People show considerable differences in their interest in social media and researchers are only beginning to grasp why. FoMO-R stages (booklets are in the Supplementary Material of this paper). Hope is double-edged, false hope can set you on a collision course with despair. ; Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC); Bari, Italy. The stickers and different booklets made FoMO-R really easy to follow and use. Essentially, participants continued to use this tool without feeling in any way pressurised or coerced. Please tick the box as close as possible to your daily experience with FoMO on social media. The authors declare no conflict of interest. and (3) Did you manage your FoMO? This was represented as an improvement in managing FoMO. Lai C., Altavilla D., Ronconi A., Aceto P. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is associated with activation of the right middle temporal gyrus during inclusion social cue. Problematic social media use occurs if social media use starts to resemble an addiction. Cognitive distortions are determined in the first stage, and the help-seeker comes to realise that such distortions facilitate the experience of FoMO and the excessive use of the internet; e.g., I have to answer my friends immediately, otherwise they will not forgive me; If my friends dont give likes on my posts or my photos, it is a signal that they dont like me or that I did something wrong; and If I am unable to connect to social media, I will miss important or valuable things because the best things are on social media. All thoughts related to anxiety and social media use were extracted over two studies and explained in [2]. One participant commented on the coverage of FoMO-R, stating that: The booklets provide step by step plans for identifying, treating and preventing FoMO in users in an effective way. FoMO can happen when others do not interact as expected, when unable to interact or connect as wished, when unwilling to engage in social interaction when having to, or feeling a need to engage in continuous untimed interactions and when an online social gathering is expected. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Age and gender did not affect the results. A review of applications of the transtheoretical model to substance use. government site. When it's been a while, a hug delivers a major mood boost. Adams S.K., Williford D.N., Vaccaro A., Kisler T.S., Francis A., Newman B. Livingstone S., Helsper E.J. Giulia Fioravanti, Silvia Casale, Sara Bocci Benucci, Alfonso Prostamo, Andrea Falone, Valdo Ricca, Francesco Rotella. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Existing approaches overlook the role of social network design features in triggering the problem and, at the same time, their potential to play a role in solving it. 376. Hofstede G. Cultural differences in teaching and learning. Tweet . The stages of FoMO-R are summarised in Table 2. This highlights the importance of graphic design in FoMO-R and that it shall be enhanced, taking into account how different people perceive colours and symbols. In the future, this issue can be reduced when FoMO-R is implemented as an online app, allowing navigation and filtering. Clough B.A., Eigeland J.A., Madden I.R., Rowland D., Casey L.M. Note: Compulsive use of Social media (CSMU), Anxiety (ANX), Depression (DEP), Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), poor social media Sleep Hygiene (SH), Problematic Sleep due . This questionnaire contained 16 items. We evaluate the potential of the method empirically through focus groups and a diary study involving 30 participants. Millennials or Gen Z: Who Shows Greater Shyness? In addition, participant demographics and FoMO experience data were collected by administering a survey. In general, FOMO causes people to assume that they have a low social rank. Ensuring long term adoption and sustainable change will need a longer time period. In order to achieve this, an e-TAP questionnaire was selected, which measures TAB factors. Alrobai A., McAlaney J., Phalp K., Ali R. Persuasive Technology, Proceeding of 11th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2016, Salzburg, Austria, 57 April 2016. If an individual feels unpopular because they have not achieved the number of Likes for a post they expected, they may experience stress and anxiety [28]. Bottrell D. Understanding Marginal Perspectives. Help-seekers are asked to select suitable technical and/or socio countermeasure(s) from the FoMO-R countermeasures booklet (Booklet 2) for each type of FoMO that was selected from the self-rating booklet (Booklet 1) in the previous phase. Table 3 shows a sample of self-rating, and further information about the booklet with the user version can be found in the supplementary material. These questions focused on the usefulness, coverage and clarity of the FOMO-R. That these pictures often look better than the actual experience was is often ignored. Based on the definition of online resilience, FoMO is one of those negative online experiences that is associated with negative consequences [11,13,15,17]. If they found at least one useful countermeasure for each of their FoMO types, they move on to Stage 4, the review stage. Given the underlying fear component of FoMO, anxiety relates to each of the five classifications of FoMO and is especially relevant to the first, second and fourth classifications, where there is an element of the individual experiencing a loss of control (Table 1). Self-rating (Booklet 1 in the Supplementary Material). FoMO-R is aimed at building resilience in making people who use social media aware of how FoMO happens and how it can be managed, whether in applying technical countermeasures or social ones. "Abdication syndrome" occurs when followers hand responsibility for their lives over to leaders. Patrick V.M., Hagtvedt H. I Dont versus I Cant: When Empowered Refusal Motivates Goal-Directed Behavior. Sleep in the social world of college students: Bridging interpersonal stress and fear of missing out with mental health. All participants stated that they were keen to learn more about how FoMO manifests and how it can be managed on social media. 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Introduction With the proliferation of social media use, scholars have turned their attention to the psychosocial implications of such behaviors ( Chai et al., 2019; Dhir et al., 2021; Tandon et al., 2020; 2021a, b). A challenging aspect that three of the participants referred to while using FoMO-R is the pressure that they felt from peers and significant others (subjective norms). Self-talk is a tool that can be used to frame an individuals resistance to temptation and to motivate goal-directed behaviour. In addition, to measure anonymity, participants were asked a single question about whether they use anonymous accounts on social media. In addition, our study was demanding in terms of time, lasting for ten days, and in terms of effort, requiring the filling in a diary template. In addition, the diary study and open-ended questions, as the qualitative components of the evaluation, were reported on in conjunction with the quantitative aspect. To date, most of the empirical research concerning FoMO has been conducted on social science and psychological grounds. In Section 5, we discuss the paper, and in Section 6, we conclude it and present future research directions. Curr Psychol. A neutral opinion regarding FoMO-R usability was held by 3.3% of participants. Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) is the tendency to experience anxiety over missing out on rewarding experiences of others. A variety of positive comments were received in relation to the clarity of the FoMO-R. It relates most closely to the second and fifth classifications of FoMO shown in Table 1. Of these various factors, fear of missing out (FOMO; Elhai et al., 2020) has been shown to play a prominent role in the onset and maintenance of technological addiction. All the study went through the ethics approval process of the authors institution. Engagement, within this context, refers to a willingness to use the FoMO-R, in the absence of any interpersonal coercion or pressure being exerted. The material can be found in the supplementary material. This is a reflection of autonomous behaviour which is one for which the regulation is experienced as chosen and as emanating from ones self. Participants were provided with a hard copy document on which to write their diary entries, and they were also reminded to record this information through the use of text messages. Wolniewicz C.A., Tiamiyu M.F., Weeks J.W., Elhai J.D. Alblwi A., Stefanidis A., Phalp K., Ali R. Procrastination on Social Networking Sites: Combating by Design; Proceedings of the 2019 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS); Brussels, Belgium. 5 Signs Youre Being Quiet Dumped By Your Partner, A Film for the Adult Children of Self-Absorbed Parents, Financial Worry and Substance Use Among Cancer Patients. Cultures Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. In Context (3), displaying an unwillingness to engage in social interaction, a significant change in FoMO experiences before using the FoMO-R (M = 19.03, SD = 7.86) and after using it (M = 28.53, SD = 5.41) was recorded; t (29) = 9.13, p < 0.001. However, the participants did not comment on this further after they started to use the method. The results show that FoMO-R was anticipated to help people to effectively manage their FoMO. . In the past few decades, the definition has become more consistent [34], but there is a specific distinction between considering resilience as an outcome or as a non-static developmental process. This has brought about a fundamental change in the locus of control in how people interact with their social group. This stage raises awareness about FoMO and also provides the help-seeker with a greater understanding of the types of FoMO. This is the stage in which help-seekers intend to manage their FoMO in relation to social media. This could be inferred from one of the participants comments: I do not use Booklet 3 because I found countermeasures are useful to me. Format: Individuals should check the representation and language used in the post. Perceived locus of causality and internalization: Examining reasons for acting in two domains. Self-control occurs when individuals try to alter the way in which they would otherwise think, feel or behave [20]. Problematic smartphone use and relations with negative affect, fear of missing out, and fear of negative and positive evaluation. In addition, in response to the question regarding the level of awareness of managing FoMO, a significant change in awareness levels occurred before using the FoMO-R (M = 3.56, SD = 1.16) as compared to after using it (M = 1.70, SD = 0.43); t (29) = 7.53, p < 0.001. It is widely used by many researchers and practitioners. Thus, if the senders were aware of these reasons, they prepare for them proactively to avoid facing FoMO later. A study of the motivations of reciprocity. Compulsive behaviour is a kind of anxiety disorder in which intrusive and subjectively uncontrollable thoughts are the main features. Aphantasia is a condition where a person has deficits or a complete lack of mental imagery. The poll of 2,000 Americans who use . Duluth: Association for Consumer Research, 2015: 244-248. . Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction. . Ten participants were allocated to each of the three focus groups. The open-ended questions were used to minimise the risk of missing important information and to allow participants to feel free to add information they felt was relevant to the FoMO-R evaluation process. A further 36.7% reacted positively to the booklet, by agreeing that the key information was included. According to FOMO research, 56% of people are afraid of missing out on events, news, and other important status updates if they are away from social networks. In Context (4), referring to having to or feeling a need to engage in continuous and untimed interaction, a significant change in FoMO experiences before using the FoMO-R (M = 44.80, SD = 16.37) and after using it (M = 69.30, SD = 10.51) was recorded; t (29) = 10.45, p < 0.001. Fox J., Moreland J.J. The first factor was autonomous regulation, and it comprised five items representing autonomous reasons for using the FoMO-R (Q4, Q6, Q7, Q9 and Q12) and adhering to the guidelines. This introduces limitations due to the possibility of recall bias and questions about ecological validity. Webb T.L., Sniehotta F.F., Michie S. Using theories of behaviour change to inform interventions for addictive behaviours. An online survey was used to investigate the association between social networks use, FoMO and a broad range of clinically relevant health outcomes [14]. Pre-posting thinking is a basic strategy that can help individuals to post on social media without experiencing negative feelings. In this paper, we proposed and evaluated FoMO-R, a method to help people to manage FoMO. Mindless use of social media may lead to negative mental health outcomes for consumers. One concept that has been linked to problematic social media use is FOMO, or fear of missing out." In response to this question, it can be noted that a large proportion of the participants (66.7%) strongly agreed that the information provided in Booklet 1 was complete, while the remaining one-third (33.3%) agreed with this statement. Midanik L.T. The descriptive statistics produced were as follows: autonomous regulation (M = 26.20, SD = 4.06); and controlled regulation (M = 30.43, SD = 9.73). Resilience is often described as a pattern of adaptive functioning in the presence of life adversities [32,33]. A New Way to Think About Your Oldest Memories, The 3 Most Important Questions to Ask in Your Twenties. It also provides educational material that explains how FoMO occurs and how it can be dealt with; e.g., through checklists, self-talk and expectation management. The diary studies approach was also chosen as it minimises recall bias and provides the opportunity to gather in-play data, which are more expressive and contextualised [59]. In this section, we report on the design of the FoMO-R evaluation process, the findings that emerged and, finally, the conclusions are drawn. The method was clearly explained and made easy to use. Another potential approach is to engage representative help-seekers in co-design sessions with researchers to tailor the proposed countermeasures the social network nature and features and its typical scenarios and contexts of use. Maintained a focus on the selected countermeasures and on the appropriate relapse prevention technique(s). The age of participants ranged between 18 and 32 years (M = 21.52, SD = 2.69). Compulsive behaviour can be regulated using techniques such as distraction and reappraisal [28]. Help-seeker determines the challenges that may make it harder for them to manage their FoMO by answering the following questions: Help-seeker reviews their self-monitoring sheet to assess whether they have managed their FoMO. To mitigate such shortcomings, Alutaybi, et al. Over the past few years . The results emerging from all e-TAP factors are positive, which indicates the possibility that the FoMO-R method will be adopted in the future. The self-rating booklet (Booklet 1) introduces the classifications of FoMO to people who typically experience it when using social media. We also added a new set of countermeasures related to skills and practices on social media. Set status: you would like certain contacts to set their status in advance to show you whether they are online or available to interact or not. In this stage, the help-seeker is reminded by doing activities that were declared by them in the planning stage in order to prevent a relapse. If they managed their FoMO, they repeat the first stage (the preparation stage) to see whether there are any other FoMO types that apply to them. Some of the technical countermeasures, such as recap and the priority list, have not yet been implemented fully on de facto social media. Solutions shall be socio-technical, and design teams shall be inter-disciplinary, involving members with skills in software engineering, interactive systems, social psychology and behavioural change. Adams, S. K., Murdock, K. K., Daly-Cano, M., & Rose, M. (2020). 8600 Rockville Pike In this section, we discuss the theories that informed the design of the FoMO-R method, based on both theories that relate to the reasons an individual experiences FoMO and the theories that have been used to bring about behaviour change and improvements in wellbeing in other domains. Overall, taken together, these findings suggest that the FoMO-R is expected to work effectively and contribute to helping people to manage their FoMO. A further 3.3% of participants expressed a neutral opinion that strong continuity exists between all the FoMO-R stages. The scores for this factor were in the range of 5 (low score) to 35 (high score). A Brief History Research Minimizing FOMO The fear of missing out, or FOMO, refers to the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal If yes, please explain? Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. In response to the question regarding this aspect, the results, shown in Figure 4, demonstrate that the largest proportion of participants strongly agreed that the FoMO-R was not difficult to understand and was explained in a clear manner, with 70% strongly agreeing. Explicating Relationship Management as a General Theory of Public Relations. Essentially, participants perceive that the FoMO-R is a useful approach in helping them to manage their FoMO more effectively. An Italian study investigated the association between positive social touch and depression, anxiety, and stress. Thus, the usability of the FoMO-R was evaluated and considered in this study (See Appendix A), as was the self-help guide which has also been developed to accompany it. Relapse can be avoided by will power and self-discipline alone. Sample of FoMO countermeasures for Context 1 (Booklet 2 in the Supplementary Material). 37583765. the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. Another participant indicated that, There are plenty of countermeasures provided that help them in managing their FoMO. Two different scales were used in this study: Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) and Psychological Well-being. The help-seekers are asked to spend a period of time, typically one week, practicing and rehearsing the techniques they have selected from the previous stage, the planning stage. This included considering factors such as its awareness-raising capability regarding FoMO types and how it can be managed, and determining if its supplementary materials (self-rating and countermeasure education documents) provide sufficient information about how FoMO occurs on social media and how it can be managed. Additionally, because self-talk affects the mental representation of ones selections, a refusal framed to signify a sense of empowerment and control has the potential to be effective in self-regulation [50]. Extremely aware; Moderately aware; Somewhat aware; Slightly aware; Not at all aware. To do so, they determine the challenges that may make it harder for them to manage their FoMO by answering the following questions: After having thought about these questions, they have a choice to select other countermeasures from the FoMO countermeasure document (Booklet 2), or following the instructions in Booklet 4, return to the application stage and repeat. Background: The fear of missing out (FoMO) on social media refers to the apprehension that online content and interactions from others are unseen and reacted to in a timely fashion. The Social Media Party: Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), Social Media Intensity, Connection, and Well-Being. The results show that the majority of participants had a positive attitude towards these aspects after using FoMO-R. Paired sample t-tests were conducted on the total score within each context of felt FoMO, before and after using FoMO-R. As such, the quantitative data that were collected and analysed appeared to triangulate and support the qualitative results, although as discussed in more detail below it is acknowledged that the sample size used in the study limits how strongly this claim can be made. A 5-point Likert scale reflecting an agreement was used for this survey with open-ended questions for each question to enable the participants to elaborate their answer. [12] conducted three studies to understand FoMO, and they used online survey and interviews. FOMO describes the nagging feeling that other people may be experiencing something fun and awesome but that you are missing out on it. However, by using AI and personalization, we may still be able to get the right countermeasures and skills for relapse prevention through a limited number of loops. Potapov K., Marshall P. LifeMosaic: Co-design of a personal informatics tool for youth; Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference; London, UK. Most participants provided positive comments regarding the coverage of Booklet 1. Abel J.P., Buff C.L., Burr S.A. Social Media and the Fear of Missing Out: Scale Development and Assessment. The method is based on previous research that the authors did and in which they discovered the lived experience of FoMO, the contexts of use leading to it and the fears encountered. (2) What has been improved? In response to the questionnaire, Table 8 outlines the distribution of means and standard deviations for intention, attitude, subjective norms and perceived control in relation to FoMO-R use. 2931 May 2019; Miami, FL, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2019. pp. Bagozzi R.P. Motivators of online vulnerability: The impact of social network site use and FOMO. The participants were asked to apply FoMO-R and provide any suggestions they may have. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,,, Fear of missing the ability to be popular, Fear of missing the ability to be interesting, Fear of missing the ability to get the right interpretation, Fear of missing information due to large volume, Fear of missing the ability to deal with different social networks, Fear of missing temporally available information, Removed by a person or naturally disappeared, Immediate response-Misunderstanding (friends feel they are ignored), Fear of missing the ability to keep followers, Fear of missing information/events due to multi following, Missing post from a certain person (celebrities), Fear of missing the ability to defend your popularity, Misunderstanding (i.e., ignoring friends), Fear of missing empathy and leaving a good impression, Fear of missing the opportunity to know others impressions, Fear of missing the opportunity to attend an online event, Missing peoples availability on social media. Fear of missing out impacts people of all ages. The empowered refusal booklet (Booklet 4) provides those seeking help with further support to manage their FoMO in the event that the countermeasures selected from Booklet 2 fail. Applying some of our countermeasures can, in turn, trigger other FoMO of the type, what would others say about me as I changed my status to unavailable. It involves a deep sense of envy and affects self-esteem . Help-seeker applies each of their selected countermeasures for a period of time, typically one week. Compulsive behaviour is related to addiction, as an addiction is a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behaviour or substance [26]. The social anxiety that other people are having fun without you, also known as FoMO, is more associated with loneliness, low self-esteem and low . FoMO types are by nature context-dependent, e.g., some happen when one is unable to communicate due to the technical or social context, and others happen when one is not receiving interactions from others and unable to interpret the reason. You posted your holiday pictures on social media a few times and expected to receive some Likes and comments from friends, but you did not receive any. Another example of expectation management which helps users to avoid feelings of ostracisation by others on social media is to make clear to their social media contacts their current situation, e.g., being busy preparing for an exam or having limited time. Elhai J.D., Levine J.C., Dvorak R.D., Hall B.J. Importantly, however, they would be aware that those within their social group had the same understanding of the situation. FoMO can have a positive impact on well-being if it leads to social media use that fosters social connection. Help-seeker applies the selected countermeasure. Participants also reported a positive experience with the method steps and material. Fear of missing out, need for touch, anxiety and depression are related to problematic smartphone use. The effectiveness of FoMO-R was evaluated by undertaking a comparative analysis of the FoMO experience before and after using FoMO-R (see Appendix B). Kochenderfer-Ladd B., Skinner K. Childrens coping strategies: Moderators of the effects of peer victimization? 353 likes, 49 comments - Anela Malik | Storyteller + Traveler (@feedthemalik) on Instagram: " . This relates to all five of the classifications of FoMO shown in Table 1, especially the first classification. Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is the anxiety or apprehension surrounding missing out on things like: social events; gatherings; the latest gossip or news A theory of social media dependence: Evidence from microblog users. Fear of missing out (FoMO) among social media users: a systematic literature review, synthesis and framework for future research Internet Res , 31 ( 3 ) ( 2021 ) , pp. In Context (5), when an online social gathering is expected, a significant change in FoMO experiences before using the FoMO-R (M = 13.33, SD = 4.56) and after using it (M = 19.13, SD = 3.31) was recorded; t (29) = 8.26, p < 0.001. Share. This section sets out the procedures put in place in relation to participant recruitment and data collection. During the diary study phase, participants were requested to complete the treatment questionnaire concerning continued programme participation TSRQ [60] after three days. Muraven M., Baumeister R.F. In this stage, help-seekers review what they did in the previous stages to see whether they have managed their FoMO. A Bonferroni correction was applied to the results to accommodate the multiple comparisons that were made to the data set (0.05/7). In the question relating to the coverage of the self-help guide (which provides information on how FoMO occurs on social media), most of the participants displayed a strong positive attitude toward it. It appears that when users of social media do not receive the interactions they expect, they may experience different fears. The analysis was conducted using descriptive analysis (frequency procedure) for each statement independently regarding aspects such as clarity, coherence, coverage and usability. The first step involved collecting baseline information; the second step entailed applying FoMO-R tools and advised practices for ten days, and the third step was to complete the paper survey. Future social media designs can introduce them to aid users with their digital wellbeing. Kelley [31] noted that humans are influenced by the real, implied or imagined presence of others. Do you put the needs of others above your own? Self-talk words are helpful in the mitigation of FoMO; for example, one might say I do not need to respond swiftly instead of I am unable to respond swiftly., The FoMO-R user will be told that each time they experience FoMO, they should tell themselves I dont do X. Additionally, they will be asked to rehearse the strategy. Hence, the concept is difficult to define because it is not one simple construct but a combination of biological, psychological and sociological processes and interactions. For those who saw no improvement, this may be indicative of comorbidity. In contrast, people with lower FOMO had a higher level of self-discipline than those with high FOMO. In addition, literacy about online usage and its relation to the design and factors such as the social pressure it facilitates, is yet to be studied in terms of its impact on creating resilience to FoMO. 45 FoMO experience questions Using the 1 to 6 scale, starting from Always to Never. Subjective norms (for example, social pressures and norms), which are determined by the expectations of peers and individual motivation to comply with their beliefs. It is an active self-help remedy relying on the vicious circle model of anxiety. FoMO: context classifications, fears and countermeasures (summary of [2,18,19]). The transtheoretical model was taken as a template for the FoMO-R stages. The authors conducted a meta-analysis a statistical analysis that integrates the results of many different scientific studies. This may reflect that participants were self-directed and purposefully engaged in using the FoMO-R, thus exercising a strong sense of choice. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The study relied upon self-report for both the quantitative and qualitative data collection. The second section included the e-Therapy Attitudes and Process Questionnaire (e-TAP), which is based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. 3 Communication Styles That Gradually Poison a Relationship, How to Reclaim Your Playful Self and Find More Joy, Why Some People Hand Their Lives Over to Cults, Choosing Between Authenticity and Attachment, Synchronicity: Enhance Well-Being via Meaningful Coincidences, New Thinking About Sex and Relationship Longevity. It was a straightforward method to follow and presented clearly. In the absence of self-control, individuals will carry out a particular desired behaviour; that is, they fail to delay gratification [21]. K. R. (2019). Key points A new study investigated the association between FOMO (fear of missing out) and social media use. However, some of the participants tended to use the self-talk technique to help alleviate such pressure; e.g., I set my status saying I am busy at the moment, so I do not need to check each notification immediately. Selected the types of FoMO that applied to them. Received 2020 Jul 23; Accepted 2020 Aug 17. This stage works by asking the help-seekers to answer the questions: (1) What happened? Przybylski, et al. On the one hand, it could be assumed that people with high FOMO check the social media feeds of their friends and family to not miss out on what happens in their lives. It can be formed based on attitudes, values or norms [54,55]. Despite indicators of the effect of FoMO on users well-being, guidance and tools that allow people to manage it are still not available. In response to the question regarding FoMO-R usability, quantitative analysis (see Figure 6) revealed that most participants strongly agreed with the statement that the FoMO-R was not difficult to use (63.6%). Thus, you may experience the following FoMO but may practice the following techniques to reduce your fear: Fear of missing the ability to be popular (P1, P2 and P3), Auto-reply; e.g., when you send a message, you would like your contacts to set a form of autoreply to inform if they cannot interact currently, Fear of missing the ability to be interesting (P4, P5 and P6). The study data was gathered using the Fear of Missing out Scale, the Social . It is also the extent to which an organisation or group depends on social norms or rules to alleviate the unexpected in future events. A self-help guide booklet provides information regarding FoMO and how it can occur on social media. Moreover, Figure 3 shows the response to questions regarding the coverage of the FoMO-R materials used, namely, the self-help guide and Booklets 14; the following sections explain the responses received for each booklet separately. FOMO could in turn lead you to compare your experiences with others, sometimes creating a sense of . It was simple and clear and explained for easy implementation. The first part of the questionnaire focused on participant FoMO experiences. FoMO can become problematic, leading to anxiety, interrupted sleep, lack of concentration and dependence on social media to generate gratification. Baker Z.G., Krieger H., Leroy A.S. Demographics, the awareness level of knowing and managing FoMO types, and FoMO experience. As children, people innately know how to play, but this often gets lost in the busyness of adult lives. Indeed, studies from the USA have found a robust association between intense social media use, fear of missing out and both depression and . Expect that not all your contacts are interested, Expect that the algorithm may not show the post to the intended recipient, Expect that others were unable to connect to the internet, Recognise that if they do not receive a response from someone who is online, they may be involved in an urgent or business conversation, Recognise that if they do not receive a response from someone who is online, they may not be prepared to answer. 16. The help-seeker is asked to tick the symptoms that they feel when they experience a certain FoMO situation and is given a self-rating booklet to diagnose their FoMO based on their daily usage. Wang C., Lee M.K., Hua Z. Because of this, we're. Within a software engineering context, usability is the level to which software can be utilised by specified individuals to perform particular goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Negative consequences from heavy social networking in adolescents: The mediating role of fear of missing out. Participants received a consent form and details outlining the purpose of the study through email in advance in order to give them adequate time to peruse these documents and seek further information, as required. Reducing the number of loops could adversely affect the effectiveness of FoMO-R. This is achieved by creating awareness among them of how FoMO occurs on social media and how it can be managed by adopting different countermeasures, which can be either technical or social in nature. Our literature search returned no methods proposed to combat FoMO. The questions are as follows, and they are based on [2]. PostedJune 13, 2021 They found that people who showed high FOMO also were more depressed, anxious, and neurotic than those with lower FOMO. This was represented as an improvement in managing FoMO. How do you rate your awareness of knowing the types of FoMO? Qualitative analysis was also applied to the open-ended questions contained in the survey, which comprised coding the responses, as well as identifying patterns and trends, which were subsequently classified into various categories. They also show that a set of extra functionalities in social media design is needed so that users can manage FoMO more effectively. The following are some examples: The structure was connected and when you follow the steps it makes sense. Help-seeker selects the FoMO type(s) that they typically experience by referring to the self-rating booklet (Booklet 1). The quantitative and qualitative findings were compiled, and they were then reported on collectively. If so, think about ways of reducing FOMO. Originally derived from the theory of reasoned action [65], this theory gradually evolved, whereby a third factor was inserted which expresses the same sense of self-efficacy [66]. There is controversy about the notion of resilience and the standard values that support what is considered good functioning [37,38]. What Is FOMO? This was represented as an improvement in managing FoMO. Distribution of range, means and standard deviation of intention, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived control as predictors of FoMO-R use (n = 30). This indicates the importance of understanding that resilience is a process of changing risk and protective factors that affect how people adapt in different contexts. Hence, they may experience one or more kinds of FoMO, such as fear of missing the ability to be popular, fear of missing the ability to be interesting or fear of missing the ability to get the right interpretation. The score range for the behavioural intention subscale was between 4 and 28; however, the actual mean score recorded was 23.90 (SD = 2.74), indicating that the participants had moderate intention to use the FoMO-R. Knowledge and the Prediction of Behavior: The Role of Information Accuracy in the Theory of Planned Behavior. In contrast, controlled behaviour is one for which the regulation is experienced as pressured or coerced by some interpersonal or intrapsychic force [61]. Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: Does self-control resemble a muscle? FoMO can become problematic, leading to anxiety, interrupted sleep, lack of concentration and dependence on social media to generate gratification. FOMO, which was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013, refers to that nervous or anxious feeling a person gets when they realize they are not attending a social event either because they were not invited, couldn't attend, or they just did not feel like going. Help-seeker describes the outcome of actions taken by answering the following: Preoccupied with the lack of my participation with others that leads them not to interact with me (P1), Preoccupied with missing prior interactions with others that leads them not to interact with me (P2), Preoccupied with the loss of my reputation among friends (P3), Preoccupied with my post not being appealing enough (P4), Preoccupied with my profile being less active so that others do not interact with me (P5), Preoccupied that living outside my geographic social circle leads them not to interact with me (P6). 782 - 821 , 10.1108/INTR-11-2019-0455 The public relations philosophy of John W. Hill: Bricks in the foundation of issues management. Since the development of smart devices and social media, it is now almost always possible for people to communicate and interact with their social group. They were also asked whether they had encountered issues or difficulties when they were applying the FoMO-R using the diary template. Reviewed by Gary Drevitch. The reward was given upon the return of the forms. Background: The fear of missing out (FoMO) on social media refers to the apprehension that online content and interactions from others are unseen and reacted to in a timely fashion. Although we have identified five classifications of FoMO, it is acknowledged that any behaviour can be multi-faceted and complicated and that it would be simplistic to assume that each individual may only experience one type of FoMO. Each participant was given FoMO-R materials that can be found in the supplementary materials of this paper. For this reason, expectation management is included in our proposed FoMO-R method. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. A growing body of research has examined the potential effects of the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) on Social Networking Site (SNS) use and Problematic SNS use (PSNSU). Help-seeker is asked to assess their own satisfaction with using the selected countermeasure(s). The age and gender of the participants in the included studies did not influence this effect. Sutton S. Back to the drawing board? Hence, their FoMO increases due to the desire to increase their knowledge of their social circle well. Booklet 1 is based on the results from previous work that was conducted by Alutaybi, et al. Fear of missing out (FoMO) Online social comparison Social media fatigue Social media stalking 1. Signs Of FOMO What Causes FOMO? With regard to the question on the coverage of Booklet 2, analysis has shown that most participants strongly agreed that it contained sufficient countermeasures combating different types of FoMO, with 56.7% strongly agreeing with this statement. Table 4 and Table 5 show samples of FoMO-R countermeasures and relapse prevention strategies, respectively, and further information about booklets with user version can be found in the supplementary material. This was achieved by undertaking a comparative analysis of participant answers gathered through the focus group sessions with their responses elicited through the questionnaire. The site is secure. Where in the World Do People Hug and Kiss the Most? Higher FOMO was associated with more social media use and more problems. They should bear in mind the time zones of contacts/followers in other countries. For example, FoMO on instant messaging has a different nature and patterns on online forums. In this research, the authors focus on the fear of missing out (FOMO) as a key determinant of those negative outcomes by illustrating how repeated social media use forms a habit loop termed "social media FOMO." Heath R.L., Bowen S.A. In the study, the authors integrated the results of 33 independent samples on FOMO and social media with an overall number of participants of 21,473. Booklet 2 outlines a variety of countermeasures that exist, which are either technical or social, and they can help people in managing the different forms of FoMO. The paper is structured as follows: in Section 2, we present the theoretical underpinnings of the FoMO-R method. Retrieved from ResearchGate; 582 shares. The sample of this study consisted of 232 participants (69.8% female) between the ages of 18-59. Overall, the comments were positive in relation to the coverage in Booklet 2. Therefore, fifteen men and fifteen women (n = 30), ranging in age from 18 to 42 years (M = 26.37, SD = 5.89), participated in this study. Lots of them you experience yourself so its easy to remember. If you feel like you or a loved one may show problematic social media use, reflecting on the reasons why this behavior happens may be helpful. Do you like using social media apps or do you find social media boring? We investigate the mediating roles of different variables, such as overload, well-being, and compulsive use. But one way or the other, the study suggests, FOMO is a relevant factor when it comes to social media use that should be considered for psychological interventions for problematic social media use. The use of do not can be effective when resisting temptation and motivating goal-directed behaviour because it provides a sense of psychological empowerment and also conveys force and determination, and is therefore final and not to open to discussion [52,53]. (2021). Almourad B.M., McAlaney J., Skinner T., Pleva M., Ali R. Defining digital addiction: Key features from the literature. Dos Santos V.A., Freire R.C., Zugliani M.M., Cirillo P., Santos H.H., E Nardi A., King A.L., Maia A.C., Alves V. Treatment of Internet Addiction with Anxiety Disorders: Treatment Protocol and Preliminary Before-After Results Involving Pharmacotherapy and Modified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The whole means of dealing with FoMO, alongside the stickers helped to countermeasure against FoMO. With the rise in social media, the psychology of FOMO is gaining a lot more traction in scholarly conversations because of its power to dominate the mental health of those on the outside looking in. FoMO can become problematic, leading to anxiety, interrupted sleep, lack of concentration and dependence on social media to generate gratification. These are software-assisted countermeasures, and we recognise the need for a human counterpart. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (, GUID:25C3B774-7E84-47FD-B70E-2E08F4499E06. Ajzen I., Joyce N., Sheikh S., Cote N.G. Coherence was one of the aspects that was considered in the FoMO-R evaluation. Finally, a neutral opinion was held in relation to this question by 6.6% of the participants. People show considerable differences in their interest in social media and researchers are only beginning to grasp why. FoMO-R stages (booklets are in the Supplementary Material of this paper). Hope is double-edged, false hope can set you on a collision course with despair. ; Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC); Bari, Italy. The stickers and different booklets made FoMO-R really easy to follow and use. Essentially, participants continued to use this tool without feeling in any way pressurised or coerced. Please tick the box as close as possible to your daily experience with FoMO on social media. The authors declare no conflict of interest. and (3) Did you manage your FoMO? This was represented as an improvement in managing FoMO. Lai C., Altavilla D., Ronconi A., Aceto P. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is associated with activation of the right middle temporal gyrus during inclusion social cue. Problematic social media use occurs if social media use starts to resemble an addiction. Cognitive distortions are determined in the first stage, and the help-seeker comes to realise that such distortions facilitate the experience of FoMO and the excessive use of the internet; e.g., I have to answer my friends immediately, otherwise they will not forgive me; If my friends dont give likes on my posts or my photos, it is a signal that they dont like me or that I did something wrong; and If I am unable to connect to social media, I will miss important or valuable things because the best things are on social media. All thoughts related to anxiety and social media use were extracted over two studies and explained in [2]. One participant commented on the coverage of FoMO-R, stating that: The booklets provide step by step plans for identifying, treating and preventing FoMO in users in an effective way. FoMO can happen when others do not interact as expected, when unable to interact or connect as wished, when unwilling to engage in social interaction when having to, or feeling a need to engage in continuous untimed interactions and when an online social gathering is expected. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Age and gender did not affect the results. A review of applications of the transtheoretical model to substance use. government site. When it's been a while, a hug delivers a major mood boost. Adams S.K., Williford D.N., Vaccaro A., Kisler T.S., Francis A., Newman B. Livingstone S., Helsper E.J. Giulia Fioravanti, Silvia Casale, Sara Bocci Benucci, Alfonso Prostamo, Andrea Falone, Valdo Ricca, Francesco Rotella. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Existing approaches overlook the role of social network design features in triggering the problem and, at the same time, their potential to play a role in solving it. 376. Hofstede G. Cultural differences in teaching and learning. Tweet . The stages of FoMO-R are summarised in Table 2. This highlights the importance of graphic design in FoMO-R and that it shall be enhanced, taking into account how different people perceive colours and symbols. In the future, this issue can be reduced when FoMO-R is implemented as an online app, allowing navigation and filtering. Clough B.A., Eigeland J.A., Madden I.R., Rowland D., Casey L.M. Note: Compulsive use of Social media (CSMU), Anxiety (ANX), Depression (DEP), Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), poor social media Sleep Hygiene (SH), Problematic Sleep due . This questionnaire contained 16 items. We evaluate the potential of the method empirically through focus groups and a diary study involving 30 participants. Millennials or Gen Z: Who Shows Greater Shyness? In addition, participant demographics and FoMO experience data were collected by administering a survey. In general, FOMO causes people to assume that they have a low social rank. Ensuring long term adoption and sustainable change will need a longer time period. In order to achieve this, an e-TAP questionnaire was selected, which measures TAB factors. Alrobai A., McAlaney J., Phalp K., Ali R. Persuasive Technology, Proceeding of 11th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2016, Salzburg, Austria, 57 April 2016. If an individual feels unpopular because they have not achieved the number of Likes for a post they expected, they may experience stress and anxiety [28]. Bottrell D. Understanding Marginal Perspectives. Help-seekers are asked to select suitable technical and/or socio countermeasure(s) from the FoMO-R countermeasures booklet (Booklet 2) for each type of FoMO that was selected from the self-rating booklet (Booklet 1) in the previous phase. Table 3 shows a sample of self-rating, and further information about the booklet with the user version can be found in the supplementary material. These questions focused on the usefulness, coverage and clarity of the FOMO-R. That these pictures often look better than the actual experience was is often ignored. Based on the definition of online resilience, FoMO is one of those negative online experiences that is associated with negative consequences [11,13,15,17]. If they found at least one useful countermeasure for each of their FoMO types, they move on to Stage 4, the review stage. Given the underlying fear component of FoMO, anxiety relates to each of the five classifications of FoMO and is especially relevant to the first, second and fourth classifications, where there is an element of the individual experiencing a loss of control (Table 1). Self-rating (Booklet 1 in the Supplementary Material). FoMO-R is aimed at building resilience in making people who use social media aware of how FoMO happens and how it can be managed, whether in applying technical countermeasures or social ones. "Abdication syndrome" occurs when followers hand responsibility for their lives over to leaders. Patrick V.M., Hagtvedt H. I Dont versus I Cant: When Empowered Refusal Motivates Goal-Directed Behavior. Sleep in the social world of college students: Bridging interpersonal stress and fear of missing out with mental health. All participants stated that they were keen to learn more about how FoMO manifests and how it can be managed on social media. 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