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The modification of this negative proposition; it was impossible they should do so.. But the apostle would have them so call to mind, as to consider withal what supportment they had under their sufferings, what satisfaction in them, what deliverance from them, that they might not despond upon the approach of the like evils and trials on the same account. Take care to keep faith vigorous and active; it will grow on no other root but that of faith. The answer which the apostle gives with respect unto the law in general may be applied unto the sacrifices of it, with a small addition from a respect unto their special nature. Some that were friendly before became our enemies thereon; as the law: and some that had a radical enmity, got power thereby to execute it; as the devil. That it is certain, it shall and will be; whatever appearances there are of its turning aside, and mens avoiding of it, it will come in its proper season: so speaks the prophet in a like case: Habakkuk 2:3. In the latter part of the verse there is a description of others, on a supposition of a contrary state, frame, and event. 37For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. An acknowledgment that it is not immediately to be looked for. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. 2. , . That with respect whereunto this impotency is charged on it; that is, the sacrifices which it offered., 3. 35Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. And there is in the argument used unto this end an inference from what was spoken before, and a new enforcement from the nature or subject-matter of these sacrifices. There are four things to be opened in the words: 1. Of these trials, afflictions, persecutions, they had . For fire doth so consume and devour what is put into it, as that it destroys the substance and being thereof, that it shall be no more. Especially, the great anniversary sacrifice on the day of expiation was appointed so expressly to make atonement for sin, to procure its pardon, to take away its guilt in the sight of God, and from the conscience of the sinner, that he should not be punished according unto the sentence of the law, as that it cannot be denied. And therein the consideration of the coming of Christ at the last day, unto the final and eternal judgment, ought not to be omitted. He declares directly and positively what he intends by this taking away of sin, and the ceasing of legal sacrifices thereon, verses 17, 18, Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. Yet doth it not signify the same condition absolutely as unto all persons and things that are his enemies; for they are not of one nature, and their subjection to him is such as their natures are capable of. How would your life be different if you lived with an eternal focus? All the privileges we have by Christ are great, glorious, and efficacious; all tending and leading unto life. Saving faith is not a one-time action, but an ongoing, daily matter of trusting in Gods promise of salvation in Christ. But after all, they find themselves mistaken. And in that sense the sufferings of these persons is included as the effect in the cause. The seasons of it; it was to be made every year. An ambassador in bonds, Ephesians 6:20. The word here, , was used before. Many ancient copies add the negative, , , whereof we shall speak immediately. 10. And this especial manner of its preparation was an act of infinite wisdom and grace. And the apostle by the use of it here testifies unto two things: (1.) Obs. And I suppose the difference arose from the order of the words in the text, or the placing of not immediately after , but interposing between them. The owning and avowing of them, as not being ashamed of their chains, bonds, or sufferings, 2 Timothy 1:16-17. Lesson 31: Enduring Faith (Hebrews 10:32-39) Related Media Our text exhorts us to have enduring faith in times of persecution. And there is no release in this matter whilst we are .in this world. And herein doth the apostle give glory unto that offering of Christ for sins, in that it perfectly accomplished what all legal sacrifices could not effect. And it is used only in this epistle, Hebrews 7:3, in this place, and verses 12, 14, of this chapter. 2. These things they will plead with men, and there is no contending with them. There is nothing in it that belongs unto David in a peculiar manner. For it is apt on many accounts to decay and be lost; but when it is so we lose much of the glory of our profession. For the other persons whom some would needs fancy to be writers of this epistle, as Luke, Barnabas, and Clemens, there is nothing in the Scripture or ecclesiastical story of any of their bonds in Judea, whereof it is plain that he here speaketh. But I suppose it may be thus expressed also to obviate a pretense of the Hebrews against the apostle at that season, namely, that by deserting the truth of the gospel, and returning unto their Judaism, they did that which was pleasing unto God, and wherein they should find acceptance with him. The words he useth are in the preterperfect tense, , and relate not only unto the things, but the time of the offering of the body of Christ. [3.] And this they found themselves led unto by Gods institution of their repetition; which had not been done if they could ever make the worshippers perfect. Conscience, as conscience, is not to be separated from the heart; but as it is evil, it must be so. Allowing these sacrifices and offerings all that they could pretend unto, namely, that they were established by the law, yet notwithstanding this, God rejects them as unto the expiation of sin and the salvation of the church. So he was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for us, 1 Peter 1:20. Obs. But the Holy Ghost useth these words in his name, as his, because they declare, express, and represent his mind, design, and resolution, in His coming into the world; which is the sole end and use of words. (2.) 4. 10. Again, his abode in the typical holy place was for a short season only; but Christ sat down at the right hand of God for ever, , in perpetuum; in an unalterable state and condition. It did so both in respect unto the consciences of the worshippers and the outward effects of its sacrifices. And he declares, from the order of the words in the psalmist, that these things are inseparable; namely, the taking away of legal sacrifices, and the establishment of that of Christ. There is no such order now, that he who draws nigh shall be cut off; but on the contrary, that he that doth not so do shall be destroyed. Although God was very severe in the prescription of these judgments, yet he would give no advantage thereby unto wicked and malicious persons to take away the lives of innocent men. 13. For whereas he first mentioned what they suffered in themselves, and then what they accompanied others in, here he insisteth on the latter of them in the first place, they had compassion of him in his bonds; and of the former in the second place, and took joyfully the spoiling of their goods. But he adds unto both the frame of their minds in what they did and suffered: as unto others, they were their companions in sympathy and compassion; and as unto their own losses, they them took joyfully.. Revised Standard Version, Wherefore in this case. Nothing could be done in it without the blood of the sacrifices. For all these expressions respect the guilt of sin, and its removal, or the pardon of it, with righteousness before God, acceptance and peace with him. Having told us that we have , an entrance into the holiest, he now declares what the way is whereby we may do so. 6. And this carries in it innumerable aggravations of this sin. There is an apprehension of the terror of the Lord in the final judgment, which is of great use unto the souls of men, 2 Corinthians 5:11. After our Lord Christ left this world, there was a mighty contest between the dying apostate church of the Jews and the rising gospel church of believers. The present argument, therefore, of the apostle is taken from a sign of the impotency and insufficiency which he had before asserted. The remaining words of this verse confirm the argument insisted on, namely, that those sacrifices would have ceased to be offered if they could have made the church perfect; for, saith he, The worshippers being once purged, they should have had no more conscience of sins. And we must inquire, 1. Who are intended by the worshippers., 3. And this is a high argument for the imperfection of their sacrifices, they were never brought unto that state by them as that the high priest might cease from ministering, and enter into a condition of rest. The last thing observable in this verse is, that this preparation of the body of Christ is ascribed unto God, even the Father, unto whom he speaks these words, A body hast thou prepared me. As unto the operation in the production of the substance of it, and the forming its structure, it was the peculiar and immediate work of the Holy Ghost, Luke 1:35. Wherefore it is the way of the expiation of sin, and of the complete sanctification of the church by the coming, and mediation, and sacrifice of Christ., that is this second, the thing spoken of in the second place; this God would establish, approve, confirm, and render unchangeable. The consequence thereof on the part of Christ; whereof there are two parts: (1.) 2. Let us hold fast the profession of [ our ] faith without wavering; (for he [ is ] faithful that promised.). 1. Required fields are marked *. Because it admits of no decays, but is always new, as unto its efficacy and use, as in the day of its first preparation. They are so, whether we respect them as they contain and exhibit present grace, mercy, and consolation; or as those which propose unto us things eternal in the future glorious reward. There was a glorious efficacy in the one offering of Christ. And it was so. 1. It was impossible from the nature of the things themselves, inasmuch as there was not a condecency unto the holy perfections of the divine nature that sin should be expiated and the church perfected by the blood of bulls and goats. There is a signal glory put upon the undertaking of Christ to make reconciliation for the church by the sacrifice of himself. 3. We sinning, or, if we sin wilfully, say we: our former translations, willingly; which we have now avoided, lest we should give countenance unto a supposition that there is no recovery after any voluntary sin. So that which is here , is , Hebrews 4:14. Such persons as they in the text, it may be, little thought what it was that they should principally be charged withal, namely, for their apostasy; and how dreadful was it when it came upon them in an evident conviction! 9. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. 18Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. Obs. Worldly people live for the acclaim of others. name. (2.) What he designed to prove thereby: and this was, that by the introduction and establishment of the sacrifice of Christ in the church there was an end put to all legal sacrifices. For the body of the people, having now refused the gospel, were given up unto all wickedness, and hatred unto Christ; an account whereof is given at large by the historian of their own nation. [5] On the Holy Spirit, miscellaneous works, vol. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. 3. For any man might bring his sin-offering, and trespass-offering, his peace-offering, his vow, or free-will-offering, unto the priest at any time, to be offered on the altar. 21. Not long into the process, they encountered some difficult trials. would not; thy body he hath purified unto me; making them, as I suppose, the words of the Father. That it was added because of transgressions, Galatians 3:19. 3. Prophets To deny this power unto them, is to deny it absolutely unto the whole law, and all its institutions. 2. There is a promise of the coming of Christ suited unto the state and condition of the church in all ages. Not to trust God is to call Him a liar and to question His integrity. Between the legal sacrifices and the obedience of Christ in his body, Hebrews 10:5; (2.) The church was taught by them that without a sacrifice there could be no atonement made for sin; wherefore the way of our deliverance must be by a sacrifice. 3. For when guilty persons were east unto beasts to be devoured, it was in the theater, where they were made a spectacle unto the people, or a gazing-stock. But the apostle limits the suffering of the Hebrews unto reproaches and afflictions;they had not yet resisted unto blood. So at Ephesus they drew Gaius and Aristarchus into the theater, with an intention to destroy them, Acts 19:29. As mens minds waver in these things, so their profession wavers; which the apostle here condemneth, and opposeth unto that full assurance of faith which he requireth in us. This he expresseth in the last clause of this verse: But a body hast thou prepared me. The adversative , but, declares that the way designed of God for this end was of another nature than those sacrifices were. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. In these words the apostle enters on the last part of the epistle, which is wholly parenetical, or hortatory. He could never prevail nor overcome in the public contests of old who did not strive mightily, putting forth his strength and skill both to preserve himself and oppose his enemy. Wherefore this article belongs not unto the text, for it is not in the best copies, nor is taken notice of in our translation. Above when he said, Sacrifice, and offering, and burnt-offerings, and [ offerings ] for sin, thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure [ therein, ] which are offered by the law; then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will O God. By expressing the nature of the sin which lies therein. This is expressly added unto the highest instance of despising the law, namely, the decalogue in the foundation of it, whereon all other precepts of the law were built; and that which comprised a total apostasy from the whole law. 2 dly . 1 st . In itself it is, for the most part, accompanied with joy, delight, zeal, and vigorous actings of faith and love, 1 Peter 1:8. (2.) 2. 3. Because the duties prescribed, in a right discharge of them, are the great means for the strengthening and supporting of our souls in that part of the trial which we are to undergo. When or on what consideration he so expressed himself; it was then: Then I said., 3. In this space, through the ministry of the apostles, and other faithful dispensers of the word, the gospel had been proposed unto all persons of that nation throughout the world, Romans 10:16-20. He shows what were those sacrifices appointed by the law which in an especial manner he intended; and they were those which were appointed for the legal and typical expiation of sin. There are no footsteps of light or testimony that those of the former sort, namely, the Gentiles, did ever retain any sense of the true reason and end of their original institution, and the practice of mankind thereon; which was only the confirmation of the first promise by a prefiguration of the means and way of its accomplishment. (2.) Obs. Concerning them it was provided in the law that those who were guilty of them should be put to death. It is the cause of it with respect unto the consciences of believers, in the application of it unto their souls. What is the effect of this fiery indignation against those adversaries? Whereas there were two things pretended unto in the behalf of these sacrifices and offerings; first, their institution by God himself; and, secondly, his acceptance of them, or being well pleased with them; one of these words is peculiarly applied unto the former, the other unto the latter. + 2 Otherwise, would not the sacrifices have stopped being offered, because . If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. For although the general sentence of the law was a curse, wherein death was contained, against every transgression thereof, Deuteronomy 27:0, yet God had ordained and appointed, that for all their sins of ignorance, infirmity, or surprisals by temptations, an atonement should be made by sacrifice; whereon the guilty were freed as unto the terms of the covenant, and restored to a right unto all the promises of it. The once for all sacrifice of Jesus. By their apprehension that the same sufferings would reach unto themselves, seeing there was the same cause in them as in others; [3.] Obs. Focus on doing Gods will in the present, especially when trials tempt you to compromise. Obs. The neglect of the authority and love of Christ in the appointment of the means of our edification, will always tend to great and ruinous evils. The abundant life that Jesus promised has nothing to do with a trouble-free life, but rather with having His joy in the midst of tribulation. Secondly, By what they suffered therein. The way into the holiest under the tabernacle was a passage with blood through the sanctuary, and then a turning aside of the veil, as we have declared before. The first concerneth the necessity and efficacy of the sacrifice of Christ; from the beginning unto Hebrews 10:18. Such a taking away of sin would have been inconsistent with his truth, holiness, and righteous government of mankind, as I have elsewhere at large demonstrated. That book which God has given to the church as the only guide of its faith, the Bible; (that is, the book, all other books being of no consideration in comparison of it;) that book wherein all divine precepts and promises are enrolled or recorded: in this book, in the volume of it, this is the principal subject, especially in the head of the roll, or the beginning of it, namely, in the first promise, it is so written of me.God commanded this great truth of the coming of Christ to be so enrolled, for the encouragement of the faith of them that should believe. The inference is plain: Seeing you have suffered so many things in your persons and goods, seeing God by the power of his grace bath carried you through with satisfaction and joy, do not now despond and faint upon the approach of the same difficulties, or those of a like nature.The especial force of the inference the words themselves do declare. The ascription of these words unto the Lord Christ on the reason mentioned, gives us a prospect into. ; make perfect; perficere, confirmare; to perfect, to confirm.. Obs. He was to come to destroy those murderers, and to burn their city; which fell out not long after the writing of this epistle, and is properly intended in this place. 22. A due consideration of the nature of God, his office, that he is the judge of all, especially of his people, and that enclosure he hath made of vengeance unto himself, under an irrevocable purpose for its execution, gives indubitable assurance of the certain, unavoidable destruction of all wilful apostates. That which they suffered in was their , their outward substance, and present enjoyments It is extended unto houses, lands, possessions, whatever rightfully belongs unto men and is enjoyed by them. The motive unto that degree; As ye see the day approaching. In the FIRST there is. Shall live by faith; so we. In opposition unto the way into the holiest under the tabernacle, which was. But if we make the application of it unto the temporal destruction that came upon them, the similitude holds throughout, for it utterly consumed them, and devoured them, and all that belonged unto them in this world: they were devoured by it. They are ready to conclude that either vengeance doth not belong unto God; or that it shall be executed when and where they are not concerned. And those, if any, might be made perfect by the sacrifices of the law, namely, those that came unto God by them, or through the use of them, according unto his institution. 1. Surely, saith he, they are my people, children that will not lie., 2. But there could be no such thing between the demerit of sin and the affront put on the righteousness of God on the one hand, and a reparation by the blood of bulls and goats on the other. The evidence of the inference which he makes; for this is such as he refers it unto themselves to judge upon, Suppose ye shall he be thought worthy.. Herein also consists the great demonstration of the love, grace, and mercy of God, with an encouragement unto faith, in that when the old sacrifices neither would nor could perfectly expiate sin, he would not suffer the work itself to fail, but provided a way that should be infallibly effective of it, as is declared in the following verses. Obs. For thus they were apt to think and hope, that, by one way and means or another, they might have acceptance with God by the law. Remember how He saved you and opened your eyes to the truth. The expression is taken from the sprinkling of blood upon the offering of the sacrifices, Exodus 29:16; Exodus 29:21; Leviticus 4:17; Leviticus 14:7: the spiritual interpretation and application whereof is given us, Ezekiel 36:25. But it respects the framing of the organ of hearing, which is as it were bored; and the internal sense, in readiness unto obedience, is expressed by the framing of the outward instrument of hearing, that we may learn to obey thereby. The one is the effect of the sacerdotal actings of Christ towards God in making atonement for sin; the other of the application of the virtue and efficacy of that sacrifice unto our souls and consciences, whereby they are purged, cleansed, renewed, and changed. As unto this access unto God by Christ, the apostle requires that there be a full assurance of faith. Many have disputed wherein this assurance of faith doth consist, what it is that belongs thereunto. This being that alone wherein at present the apostle is concerned, and from whence he confirms his present argument, he distinguisheth it from the other, as that which was of particular use in itself. But it may be said, How should the approach of this day, wherein all things seem to be dissolved, the church to be scattered, the whole nation to be consumed with blood and fire, be a motive unto redoubled diligence in attendance unto the duties of Christian assemblies? 1. Nor would it have been to his purpose so to have done; for the Hebrews might have said, that although the glory of heaven after this life doth exceed the glories of the services of the tabernacle, which none ever questioned, yet the benefit, use, and efficacy of their present ordinances and worship might be more excellent than any thing that they could obtain by the gospel. The word , until, here hath respect unto both these, the gradual and final destruction of all the enemies of Christ. Particularly, as unto that part of their office which is now under consideration; they often (that is, every day) offered the same sacrifices.. But this he did only in the case of their gross hypocrisy, and the two great evils wherewith it was accompanied. The neglect and evil which they are cautioned against; that is, forsaking the assembling of ourselves. 2. For, as the apostle shows, verses 12, 13, after this sacrifice offered, he had no more to do but to enter into glory. The first concerneth the necessity and efficacy of the sacrifice of Christ; from the beginning unto Hebrews 10:18.The other is an improvement of the doctrine of it unto faith, obedience, and perseverance; from Hebrews 10:19 to the end of the chapter.. Of the first general proposition of the subject to be treated of there are two parts: The substance of it is laid down, Hebrews 10:5. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point Constancy and diligence in the performance of all the duties which are required unto the continuation of this profession. The negation is of the same whereof the concession was made, the grant being in one sense, and the denial in another. See John 13:1; John 16:28; John 17:11; John 17:13: I leave the world; I am no more in the world, but these are in the world. This, therefore, cannot be his coming into the world. Obs. For hereon ensued the deliverance of the church from the rage and persecution of the Jews, with the illustrious propagation of the gospel throughout the world. (F) 3But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins. The Lord Christ had an infinite prospect of all that he yeas to do and suffer in the world, in the discharge of his office and undertaking. By the general nature of it, it is judgment;, (2.) (3.) This is the principal design of the apostle in the whole epistle, namely, to call off the believing Hebrews from all adherence unto and conjunction in Mosaical institutions; for he knew the danger, both spiritual and temporal, which would accompany and arise from such an adherence. They said he was a malefactor, an evil-doer, a seditious person, a glutton, a wine-bibber, a seducer, one that had a devil; and thereby stirred up the rage, hatred, and contempt of the people against him. The immediate consequent of his offering was, , that he sat down on the right hand of God. This glorious exaltation of Christ hath been spoken unto and opened before, on Hebrews 1:3; Hebrews 8:1. But we must yet inquire more particularly into the nature of this preparation of the body of Christ, here ascribed unto the Father. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 11. That they were not such sacrifices as men had found out and appointed. For it is spoken in opposition unto the dedication of the tabernacle, and way into the most holy place, by the blood of sacrifices, whereof we have treated in the ninth chapter. Faith in and by these means will give an infallible evidence of heavenly things, secure against all opposition; and in all these things it works by hope, because it respects things that are future. [2.] That of Christ, our high priest, was offered once for all; henceforth he dieth no more, he is offered no more, nor can there be any other sacrifice offered for ever. Hereunto also belong the privileges of the gospel, in liberty, boldness, immediate access unto God, the means of that access, by Christ our high priest, and confidence therein; in opposition unto that fear, bondage, distance, and exclusion from the holy place of the presence of God, which they of old were kept under. And it doth not design only the doing of a thing at one time, but the so doing of it as that it should never more be done. For. And these also were of three sorts: 1st . Whatever there may be in any religious institutions, and the diligent observation of them, if they come short of exhibiting Christ himself unto believers, with the benefits of his mediation, they cannot make us perfect, nor give us acceptation with God. But the nature and design of this prefiguration being dark and obscure, and the things signified being utterly hid from them, as unto their especial nature and the manner of their efficacy, many in all ages of the church expected them from these sacrifices; and they had a great appearance of being divinely ordained unto that end and purpose. What God speaks concerning his enemies, and the enemies of his people in covenant with him, is applicable unto that people itself when they absolutely break and reject the covenant. Why not laugh at the same dirty jokes? As unto the continuance of his state and condition afterwards, Hebrews 10:13. , , , . The impotency of the law; , It can never., 2. Nothing is good or useful unto the church but through its relation unto him. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.. And in these words, I said, he engageth himself in the work now proposed unto him. 3. Young's Literal Translation, It is an act upon sin itself, and not immediately upon the sinner. Secondly, This being granted unto the law, there is added thereunto what is denied of it, wherein the argument of the apostle doth consist. Vulg., tunc dixi, then I said; that is, , for he said for the apostle doth not speak these words, but repeats the words of the psalmist. For there is in them a twofold proposition; one concerning the rejection of legal sacrifices, and the other an introduction and tender of Christ and his mediation. It is a general name for every thing that is hard and afflictive unto our nature, from what cause or occasion soever it doth arise. See Matthew 24:3; Matthew 24:27; Matthew 24:30; 2 Peter 3:4; Jude 1:14; Revelation 1:7; Mark 14:62; James 5:7-8. The person and office of Christ are to be rested in with full assurance in all our accesses to the throne of grace. 4. That this difference, so far as it had yet continued, had no way alienated his mind and affections from them, though he knew how great their mistake was, and what danger, even of eternal ruin, it exposed them unto. For although all that is intended herein did not immediately follow on the death of Christ, yet were they all in it, as the effects in their proper cause, to be produced by virtue of it in their times and seasons; and the principal effect intended was the immediate consequent thereof. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. 3. For these, and other reasons of the same kind, which I have handled at large elsewhere, it was impossible, as the apostle assures us, that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. And we may observe. In this frame of spirit, by this fruit and effect of faith, these Hebrews were carried cheerfully through all their sufferings for the gospel And indeed without it, it is impossible that we should undergo any great sufferings unto the glory of God, or our own advantage. He that casts away his confidence as unto his present profession, and the duties thereof, doth what lies in him cast away his interest in future salvation. 23. But neither of these can be confined unto his body alone. And there are many degrees of this sin, some doctrinal, some practical; which though they arise not unto the degree here intended, yet are they perilous unto the souls of men. So heaven above is called his throne, and this lower part of the creation is his footstool, Isaiah 66:1. 1. Obs. 13. He doth not so expect these things, as though there were any thing wanting to his own blessedness, glory, power, or authority, until it be actually and completely finished; but saith the apostle, As to what remains to the Lord Christ in the discharge of his office, he henceforth is no more to offer, to suffer, no more to die, no more to do any thing for the expiation of sin or by way of sacrifice; all this being absolutely and completely perfected, he is for ever in the enjoyment of the glory that was set before him; satisfied in the promises, the power, and wisdom of God, for the complete effecting of his mediatory office, in the eternal salvation of the church, and by the conquest and destruction of all his and their enemies in the proper times and seasons for it.And from this interpretation of the words we may take these observations: Obs. Of the person of him who is, and is to be the sole judge in this case, who is God alone: For we know him. And, 2. 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The modification of this negative proposition; it was impossible they should do so.. But the apostle would have them so call to mind, as to consider withal what supportment they had under their sufferings, what satisfaction in them, what deliverance from them, that they might not despond upon the approach of the like evils and trials on the same account. Take care to keep faith vigorous and active; it will grow on no other root but that of faith. The answer which the apostle gives with respect unto the law in general may be applied unto the sacrifices of it, with a small addition from a respect unto their special nature. Some that were friendly before became our enemies thereon; as the law: and some that had a radical enmity, got power thereby to execute it; as the devil. That it is certain, it shall and will be; whatever appearances there are of its turning aside, and mens avoiding of it, it will come in its proper season: so speaks the prophet in a like case: Habakkuk 2:3. In the latter part of the verse there is a description of others, on a supposition of a contrary state, frame, and event. 37For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. An acknowledgment that it is not immediately to be looked for. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. 2. , . That with respect whereunto this impotency is charged on it; that is, the sacrifices which it offered., 3. 35Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. And there is in the argument used unto this end an inference from what was spoken before, and a new enforcement from the nature or subject-matter of these sacrifices. There are four things to be opened in the words: 1. Of these trials, afflictions, persecutions, they had . For fire doth so consume and devour what is put into it, as that it destroys the substance and being thereof, that it shall be no more. Especially, the great anniversary sacrifice on the day of expiation was appointed so expressly to make atonement for sin, to procure its pardon, to take away its guilt in the sight of God, and from the conscience of the sinner, that he should not be punished according unto the sentence of the law, as that it cannot be denied. And therein the consideration of the coming of Christ at the last day, unto the final and eternal judgment, ought not to be omitted. He declares directly and positively what he intends by this taking away of sin, and the ceasing of legal sacrifices thereon, verses 17, 18, Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. Yet doth it not signify the same condition absolutely as unto all persons and things that are his enemies; for they are not of one nature, and their subjection to him is such as their natures are capable of. How would your life be different if you lived with an eternal focus? All the privileges we have by Christ are great, glorious, and efficacious; all tending and leading unto life. Saving faith is not a one-time action, but an ongoing, daily matter of trusting in Gods promise of salvation in Christ. But after all, they find themselves mistaken. And in that sense the sufferings of these persons is included as the effect in the cause. The seasons of it; it was to be made every year. An ambassador in bonds, Ephesians 6:20. The word here, , was used before. Many ancient copies add the negative, , , whereof we shall speak immediately. 10. And this especial manner of its preparation was an act of infinite wisdom and grace. And the apostle by the use of it here testifies unto two things: (1.) Obs. And I suppose the difference arose from the order of the words in the text, or the placing of not immediately after , but interposing between them. The owning and avowing of them, as not being ashamed of their chains, bonds, or sufferings, 2 Timothy 1:16-17. Lesson 31: Enduring Faith (Hebrews 10:32-39) Related Media Our text exhorts us to have enduring faith in times of persecution. And there is no release in this matter whilst we are .in this world. And herein doth the apostle give glory unto that offering of Christ for sins, in that it perfectly accomplished what all legal sacrifices could not effect. And it is used only in this epistle, Hebrews 7:3, in this place, and verses 12, 14, of this chapter. 2. These things they will plead with men, and there is no contending with them. There is nothing in it that belongs unto David in a peculiar manner. For it is apt on many accounts to decay and be lost; but when it is so we lose much of the glory of our profession. For the other persons whom some would needs fancy to be writers of this epistle, as Luke, Barnabas, and Clemens, there is nothing in the Scripture or ecclesiastical story of any of their bonds in Judea, whereof it is plain that he here speaketh. But I suppose it may be thus expressed also to obviate a pretense of the Hebrews against the apostle at that season, namely, that by deserting the truth of the gospel, and returning unto their Judaism, they did that which was pleasing unto God, and wherein they should find acceptance with him. The words he useth are in the preterperfect tense, , and relate not only unto the things, but the time of the offering of the body of Christ. [3.] And this they found themselves led unto by Gods institution of their repetition; which had not been done if they could ever make the worshippers perfect. Conscience, as conscience, is not to be separated from the heart; but as it is evil, it must be so. Allowing these sacrifices and offerings all that they could pretend unto, namely, that they were established by the law, yet notwithstanding this, God rejects them as unto the expiation of sin and the salvation of the church. So he was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for us, 1 Peter 1:20. Obs. But the Holy Ghost useth these words in his name, as his, because they declare, express, and represent his mind, design, and resolution, in His coming into the world; which is the sole end and use of words. (2.) 4. 10. Again, his abode in the typical holy place was for a short season only; but Christ sat down at the right hand of God for ever, , in perpetuum; in an unalterable state and condition. It did so both in respect unto the consciences of the worshippers and the outward effects of its sacrifices. And he declares, from the order of the words in the psalmist, that these things are inseparable; namely, the taking away of legal sacrifices, and the establishment of that of Christ. There is no such order now, that he who draws nigh shall be cut off; but on the contrary, that he that doth not so do shall be destroyed. Although God was very severe in the prescription of these judgments, yet he would give no advantage thereby unto wicked and malicious persons to take away the lives of innocent men. 13. For whereas he first mentioned what they suffered in themselves, and then what they accompanied others in, here he insisteth on the latter of them in the first place, they had compassion of him in his bonds; and of the former in the second place, and took joyfully the spoiling of their goods. But he adds unto both the frame of their minds in what they did and suffered: as unto others, they were their companions in sympathy and compassion; and as unto their own losses, they them took joyfully.. Revised Standard Version, Wherefore in this case. Nothing could be done in it without the blood of the sacrifices. For all these expressions respect the guilt of sin, and its removal, or the pardon of it, with righteousness before God, acceptance and peace with him. Having told us that we have , an entrance into the holiest, he now declares what the way is whereby we may do so. 6. And this carries in it innumerable aggravations of this sin. There is an apprehension of the terror of the Lord in the final judgment, which is of great use unto the souls of men, 2 Corinthians 5:11. After our Lord Christ left this world, there was a mighty contest between the dying apostate church of the Jews and the rising gospel church of believers. The present argument, therefore, of the apostle is taken from a sign of the impotency and insufficiency which he had before asserted. The remaining words of this verse confirm the argument insisted on, namely, that those sacrifices would have ceased to be offered if they could have made the church perfect; for, saith he, The worshippers being once purged, they should have had no more conscience of sins. And we must inquire, 1. Who are intended by the worshippers., 3. And this is a high argument for the imperfection of their sacrifices, they were never brought unto that state by them as that the high priest might cease from ministering, and enter into a condition of rest. The last thing observable in this verse is, that this preparation of the body of Christ is ascribed unto God, even the Father, unto whom he speaks these words, A body hast thou prepared me. As unto the operation in the production of the substance of it, and the forming its structure, it was the peculiar and immediate work of the Holy Ghost, Luke 1:35. Wherefore it is the way of the expiation of sin, and of the complete sanctification of the church by the coming, and mediation, and sacrifice of Christ., that is this second, the thing spoken of in the second place; this God would establish, approve, confirm, and render unchangeable. The consequence thereof on the part of Christ; whereof there are two parts: (1.) 2. Let us hold fast the profession of [ our ] faith without wavering; (for he [ is ] faithful that promised.). 1. Required fields are marked *. Because it admits of no decays, but is always new, as unto its efficacy and use, as in the day of its first preparation. They are so, whether we respect them as they contain and exhibit present grace, mercy, and consolation; or as those which propose unto us things eternal in the future glorious reward. There was a glorious efficacy in the one offering of Christ. And it was so. 1. It was impossible from the nature of the things themselves, inasmuch as there was not a condecency unto the holy perfections of the divine nature that sin should be expiated and the church perfected by the blood of bulls and goats. There is a signal glory put upon the undertaking of Christ to make reconciliation for the church by the sacrifice of himself. 3. We sinning, or, if we sin wilfully, say we: our former translations, willingly; which we have now avoided, lest we should give countenance unto a supposition that there is no recovery after any voluntary sin. So that which is here , is , Hebrews 4:14. Such persons as they in the text, it may be, little thought what it was that they should principally be charged withal, namely, for their apostasy; and how dreadful was it when it came upon them in an evident conviction! 9. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. 18Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. Obs. Worldly people live for the acclaim of others. name. (2.) What he designed to prove thereby: and this was, that by the introduction and establishment of the sacrifice of Christ in the church there was an end put to all legal sacrifices. For the body of the people, having now refused the gospel, were given up unto all wickedness, and hatred unto Christ; an account whereof is given at large by the historian of their own nation. [5] On the Holy Spirit, miscellaneous works, vol. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. 3. For any man might bring his sin-offering, and trespass-offering, his peace-offering, his vow, or free-will-offering, unto the priest at any time, to be offered on the altar. 21. Not long into the process, they encountered some difficult trials. would not; thy body he hath purified unto me; making them, as I suppose, the words of the Father. That it was added because of transgressions, Galatians 3:19. 3. Prophets To deny this power unto them, is to deny it absolutely unto the whole law, and all its institutions. 2. There is a promise of the coming of Christ suited unto the state and condition of the church in all ages. Not to trust God is to call Him a liar and to question His integrity. Between the legal sacrifices and the obedience of Christ in his body, Hebrews 10:5; (2.) The church was taught by them that without a sacrifice there could be no atonement made for sin; wherefore the way of our deliverance must be by a sacrifice. 3. For when guilty persons were east unto beasts to be devoured, it was in the theater, where they were made a spectacle unto the people, or a gazing-stock. But the apostle limits the suffering of the Hebrews unto reproaches and afflictions;they had not yet resisted unto blood. So at Ephesus they drew Gaius and Aristarchus into the theater, with an intention to destroy them, Acts 19:29. As mens minds waver in these things, so their profession wavers; which the apostle here condemneth, and opposeth unto that full assurance of faith which he requireth in us. This he expresseth in the last clause of this verse: But a body hast thou prepared me. The adversative , but, declares that the way designed of God for this end was of another nature than those sacrifices were. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. In these words the apostle enters on the last part of the epistle, which is wholly parenetical, or hortatory. He could never prevail nor overcome in the public contests of old who did not strive mightily, putting forth his strength and skill both to preserve himself and oppose his enemy. Wherefore this article belongs not unto the text, for it is not in the best copies, nor is taken notice of in our translation. Above when he said, Sacrifice, and offering, and burnt-offerings, and [ offerings ] for sin, thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure [ therein, ] which are offered by the law; then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will O God. By expressing the nature of the sin which lies therein. This is expressly added unto the highest instance of despising the law, namely, the decalogue in the foundation of it, whereon all other precepts of the law were built; and that which comprised a total apostasy from the whole law. 2 dly . 1 st . In itself it is, for the most part, accompanied with joy, delight, zeal, and vigorous actings of faith and love, 1 Peter 1:8. (2.) 2. 3. Because the duties prescribed, in a right discharge of them, are the great means for the strengthening and supporting of our souls in that part of the trial which we are to undergo. When or on what consideration he so expressed himself; it was then: Then I said., 3. In this space, through the ministry of the apostles, and other faithful dispensers of the word, the gospel had been proposed unto all persons of that nation throughout the world, Romans 10:16-20. He shows what were those sacrifices appointed by the law which in an especial manner he intended; and they were those which were appointed for the legal and typical expiation of sin. There are no footsteps of light or testimony that those of the former sort, namely, the Gentiles, did ever retain any sense of the true reason and end of their original institution, and the practice of mankind thereon; which was only the confirmation of the first promise by a prefiguration of the means and way of its accomplishment. (2.) Obs. Concerning them it was provided in the law that those who were guilty of them should be put to death. It is the cause of it with respect unto the consciences of believers, in the application of it unto their souls. What is the effect of this fiery indignation against those adversaries? Whereas there were two things pretended unto in the behalf of these sacrifices and offerings; first, their institution by God himself; and, secondly, his acceptance of them, or being well pleased with them; one of these words is peculiarly applied unto the former, the other unto the latter. + 2 Otherwise, would not the sacrifices have stopped being offered, because . If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. For although the general sentence of the law was a curse, wherein death was contained, against every transgression thereof, Deuteronomy 27:0, yet God had ordained and appointed, that for all their sins of ignorance, infirmity, or surprisals by temptations, an atonement should be made by sacrifice; whereon the guilty were freed as unto the terms of the covenant, and restored to a right unto all the promises of it. The once for all sacrifice of Jesus. By their apprehension that the same sufferings would reach unto themselves, seeing there was the same cause in them as in others; [3.] Obs. Focus on doing Gods will in the present, especially when trials tempt you to compromise. Obs. The neglect of the authority and love of Christ in the appointment of the means of our edification, will always tend to great and ruinous evils. The abundant life that Jesus promised has nothing to do with a trouble-free life, but rather with having His joy in the midst of tribulation. Secondly, By what they suffered therein. The way into the holiest under the tabernacle was a passage with blood through the sanctuary, and then a turning aside of the veil, as we have declared before. The first concerneth the necessity and efficacy of the sacrifice of Christ; from the beginning unto Hebrews 10:18. Such a taking away of sin would have been inconsistent with his truth, holiness, and righteous government of mankind, as I have elsewhere at large demonstrated. That book which God has given to the church as the only guide of its faith, the Bible; (that is, the book, all other books being of no consideration in comparison of it;) that book wherein all divine precepts and promises are enrolled or recorded: in this book, in the volume of it, this is the principal subject, especially in the head of the roll, or the beginning of it, namely, in the first promise, it is so written of me.God commanded this great truth of the coming of Christ to be so enrolled, for the encouragement of the faith of them that should believe. The inference is plain: Seeing you have suffered so many things in your persons and goods, seeing God by the power of his grace bath carried you through with satisfaction and joy, do not now despond and faint upon the approach of the same difficulties, or those of a like nature.The especial force of the inference the words themselves do declare. The ascription of these words unto the Lord Christ on the reason mentioned, gives us a prospect into. ; make perfect; perficere, confirmare; to perfect, to confirm.. Obs. He was to come to destroy those murderers, and to burn their city; which fell out not long after the writing of this epistle, and is properly intended in this place. 22. A due consideration of the nature of God, his office, that he is the judge of all, especially of his people, and that enclosure he hath made of vengeance unto himself, under an irrevocable purpose for its execution, gives indubitable assurance of the certain, unavoidable destruction of all wilful apostates. That which they suffered in was their , their outward substance, and present enjoyments It is extended unto houses, lands, possessions, whatever rightfully belongs unto men and is enjoyed by them. The motive unto that degree; As ye see the day approaching. In the FIRST there is. Shall live by faith; so we. In opposition unto the way into the holiest under the tabernacle, which was. But if we make the application of it unto the temporal destruction that came upon them, the similitude holds throughout, for it utterly consumed them, and devoured them, and all that belonged unto them in this world: they were devoured by it. They are ready to conclude that either vengeance doth not belong unto God; or that it shall be executed when and where they are not concerned. And those, if any, might be made perfect by the sacrifices of the law, namely, those that came unto God by them, or through the use of them, according unto his institution. 1. Surely, saith he, they are my people, children that will not lie., 2. But there could be no such thing between the demerit of sin and the affront put on the righteousness of God on the one hand, and a reparation by the blood of bulls and goats on the other. The evidence of the inference which he makes; for this is such as he refers it unto themselves to judge upon, Suppose ye shall he be thought worthy.. Herein also consists the great demonstration of the love, grace, and mercy of God, with an encouragement unto faith, in that when the old sacrifices neither would nor could perfectly expiate sin, he would not suffer the work itself to fail, but provided a way that should be infallibly effective of it, as is declared in the following verses. Obs. For thus they were apt to think and hope, that, by one way and means or another, they might have acceptance with God by the law. Remember how He saved you and opened your eyes to the truth. The expression is taken from the sprinkling of blood upon the offering of the sacrifices, Exodus 29:16; Exodus 29:21; Leviticus 4:17; Leviticus 14:7: the spiritual interpretation and application whereof is given us, Ezekiel 36:25. But it respects the framing of the organ of hearing, which is as it were bored; and the internal sense, in readiness unto obedience, is expressed by the framing of the outward instrument of hearing, that we may learn to obey thereby. The one is the effect of the sacerdotal actings of Christ towards God in making atonement for sin; the other of the application of the virtue and efficacy of that sacrifice unto our souls and consciences, whereby they are purged, cleansed, renewed, and changed. As unto this access unto God by Christ, the apostle requires that there be a full assurance of faith. Many have disputed wherein this assurance of faith doth consist, what it is that belongs thereunto. This being that alone wherein at present the apostle is concerned, and from whence he confirms his present argument, he distinguisheth it from the other, as that which was of particular use in itself. But it may be said, How should the approach of this day, wherein all things seem to be dissolved, the church to be scattered, the whole nation to be consumed with blood and fire, be a motive unto redoubled diligence in attendance unto the duties of Christian assemblies? 1. Nor would it have been to his purpose so to have done; for the Hebrews might have said, that although the glory of heaven after this life doth exceed the glories of the services of the tabernacle, which none ever questioned, yet the benefit, use, and efficacy of their present ordinances and worship might be more excellent than any thing that they could obtain by the gospel. The word , until, here hath respect unto both these, the gradual and final destruction of all the enemies of Christ. Particularly, as unto that part of their office which is now under consideration; they often (that is, every day) offered the same sacrifices.. But this he did only in the case of their gross hypocrisy, and the two great evils wherewith it was accompanied. The neglect and evil which they are cautioned against; that is, forsaking the assembling of ourselves. 2. For, as the apostle shows, verses 12, 13, after this sacrifice offered, he had no more to do but to enter into glory. The first concerneth the necessity and efficacy of the sacrifice of Christ; from the beginning unto Hebrews 10:18.The other is an improvement of the doctrine of it unto faith, obedience, and perseverance; from Hebrews 10:19 to the end of the chapter.. Of the first general proposition of the subject to be treated of there are two parts: The substance of it is laid down, Hebrews 10:5. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point Constancy and diligence in the performance of all the duties which are required unto the continuation of this profession. The negation is of the same whereof the concession was made, the grant being in one sense, and the denial in another. See John 13:1; John 16:28; John 17:11; John 17:13: I leave the world; I am no more in the world, but these are in the world. This, therefore, cannot be his coming into the world. Obs. For hereon ensued the deliverance of the church from the rage and persecution of the Jews, with the illustrious propagation of the gospel throughout the world. (F) 3But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins. The Lord Christ had an infinite prospect of all that he yeas to do and suffer in the world, in the discharge of his office and undertaking. By the general nature of it, it is judgment;, (2.) (3.) This is the principal design of the apostle in the whole epistle, namely, to call off the believing Hebrews from all adherence unto and conjunction in Mosaical institutions; for he knew the danger, both spiritual and temporal, which would accompany and arise from such an adherence. They said he was a malefactor, an evil-doer, a seditious person, a glutton, a wine-bibber, a seducer, one that had a devil; and thereby stirred up the rage, hatred, and contempt of the people against him. The immediate consequent of his offering was, , that he sat down on the right hand of God. This glorious exaltation of Christ hath been spoken unto and opened before, on Hebrews 1:3; Hebrews 8:1. But we must yet inquire more particularly into the nature of this preparation of the body of Christ, here ascribed unto the Father. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 11. That they were not such sacrifices as men had found out and appointed. For it is spoken in opposition unto the dedication of the tabernacle, and way into the most holy place, by the blood of sacrifices, whereof we have treated in the ninth chapter. Faith in and by these means will give an infallible evidence of heavenly things, secure against all opposition; and in all these things it works by hope, because it respects things that are future. [2.] That of Christ, our high priest, was offered once for all; henceforth he dieth no more, he is offered no more, nor can there be any other sacrifice offered for ever. Hereunto also belong the privileges of the gospel, in liberty, boldness, immediate access unto God, the means of that access, by Christ our high priest, and confidence therein; in opposition unto that fear, bondage, distance, and exclusion from the holy place of the presence of God, which they of old were kept under. And it doth not design only the doing of a thing at one time, but the so doing of it as that it should never more be done. For. And these also were of three sorts: 1st . Whatever there may be in any religious institutions, and the diligent observation of them, if they come short of exhibiting Christ himself unto believers, with the benefits of his mediation, they cannot make us perfect, nor give us acceptation with God. But the nature and design of this prefiguration being dark and obscure, and the things signified being utterly hid from them, as unto their especial nature and the manner of their efficacy, many in all ages of the church expected them from these sacrifices; and they had a great appearance of being divinely ordained unto that end and purpose. What God speaks concerning his enemies, and the enemies of his people in covenant with him, is applicable unto that people itself when they absolutely break and reject the covenant. Why not laugh at the same dirty jokes? As unto the continuance of his state and condition afterwards, Hebrews 10:13. , , , . The impotency of the law; , It can never., 2. Nothing is good or useful unto the church but through its relation unto him. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.. And in these words, I said, he engageth himself in the work now proposed unto him. 3. Young's Literal Translation, It is an act upon sin itself, and not immediately upon the sinner. Secondly, This being granted unto the law, there is added thereunto what is denied of it, wherein the argument of the apostle doth consist. Vulg., tunc dixi, then I said; that is, , for he said for the apostle doth not speak these words, but repeats the words of the psalmist. For there is in them a twofold proposition; one concerning the rejection of legal sacrifices, and the other an introduction and tender of Christ and his mediation. It is a general name for every thing that is hard and afflictive unto our nature, from what cause or occasion soever it doth arise. See Matthew 24:3; Matthew 24:27; Matthew 24:30; 2 Peter 3:4; Jude 1:14; Revelation 1:7; Mark 14:62; James 5:7-8. The person and office of Christ are to be rested in with full assurance in all our accesses to the throne of grace. 4. That this difference, so far as it had yet continued, had no way alienated his mind and affections from them, though he knew how great their mistake was, and what danger, even of eternal ruin, it exposed them unto. For although all that is intended herein did not immediately follow on the death of Christ, yet were they all in it, as the effects in their proper cause, to be produced by virtue of it in their times and seasons; and the principal effect intended was the immediate consequent thereof. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. 3. For these, and other reasons of the same kind, which I have handled at large elsewhere, it was impossible, as the apostle assures us, that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. And we may observe. In this frame of spirit, by this fruit and effect of faith, these Hebrews were carried cheerfully through all their sufferings for the gospel And indeed without it, it is impossible that we should undergo any great sufferings unto the glory of God, or our own advantage. He that casts away his confidence as unto his present profession, and the duties thereof, doth what lies in him cast away his interest in future salvation. 23. But neither of these can be confined unto his body alone. And there are many degrees of this sin, some doctrinal, some practical; which though they arise not unto the degree here intended, yet are they perilous unto the souls of men. So heaven above is called his throne, and this lower part of the creation is his footstool, Isaiah 66:1. 1. Obs. 13. He doth not so expect these things, as though there were any thing wanting to his own blessedness, glory, power, or authority, until it be actually and completely finished; but saith the apostle, As to what remains to the Lord Christ in the discharge of his office, he henceforth is no more to offer, to suffer, no more to die, no more to do any thing for the expiation of sin or by way of sacrifice; all this being absolutely and completely perfected, he is for ever in the enjoyment of the glory that was set before him; satisfied in the promises, the power, and wisdom of God, for the complete effecting of his mediatory office, in the eternal salvation of the church, and by the conquest and destruction of all his and their enemies in the proper times and seasons for it.And from this interpretation of the words we may take these observations: Obs. Of the person of him who is, and is to be the sole judge in this case, who is God alone: For we know him. And, 2. 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Sunday December 11th, 2022