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Gracecould meet Pauls need because it was the very strength of God. 2. The one would be, no doubt, great joy to wretched souls, and the spread of the glory of the Lord in the regions beyond; but here the glory of the Lord had been tarnished in those that bore His name before men; and how could Paul feel this lightly? I won't force you to go, but I'd like to have your name on the ballot. And he determines where they'll pitch the tent, but then it's the woman's job. Don't you? Why have confidence in anything of the sort? The Messiah as such disappears for the time; there remains the fruit of the blessed manifestation of God in Christ in an evil world. How did it meet Pauls need at this point? . He was forced to just defend his place because the truth that he proclaimed was being challenged. But, suppose you say that I myself was not a burden to you, but that, because I was a crafty character, I snared you by guile. They had realised at length the shame that had been done to the Lord's glory, and were indignant with themselves as parties to identifying His name, not to speak of themselves, with such scandals. So of other things. for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing ( 2 Corinthians 12:11 ). And so, they were to have a church membership meeting and to vote. I urged Titus, and sent our brother with him. Such is the way the apostle treats it. This is a Christian paradox: when we are weak in ourselves, then we are strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; when we see ourselves weak in ourselves, then we go out of ourselves to Christ, and are qualified to receive strength from him, and experience most of the supplies of divine strength and grace. Just as his founding of the church in Corinth is a boast in the power of Gods Spirit, so too his ministry in the midst of weakness is a boast in the power of Gods grace (note the parallel between grace and power in 12:9; cf. At the same time, it is solemn assuredly for every secret to be spread out between the Lord and ourselves. Gods grace is sufficient for you! The judgment-seat of Christ will disclose all; where each hidden thing will be clear; where nothing but the fruit of the Spirit shall stand for ever. There is conceit (phusioseis, G5450) . i. We seek to build you up. This, with his own heart about it, the apostle brings before us lovingly, though it is impossible, within my limits, so much as to touch on all. It is a sufficient answer to our prayers if we have the solemn promise of the Redeemer that we shall be upheld and never sink under the burden of our heavy woes. In any other point of view, however bright and glorious, "now henceforth know we him no more. This is his spirit. (ii) It has been taken to mean the opposition and persecution which he had to face, the constant battle with those who tried to undo his work. It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. It is one thing to value what God will do for the earth by-and-by, it is quite another to fail in appreciating that which God has now created and revealed in a risen Christ above, once rejected and dying for us. It is therefore left completely vague. She said, "Well, sweetheart, I tried but it's just hard to describe in words the colors, the clouds, the sky. Great tribulation brings out the great strength of God. You see, God didn't answer his prayer as he prayed it, because God is sovereign. He would not take the place of headship until all the evil was completely gone. Then he brings in the constraining power of the love of Christ, and why? Paul, knowing that the promise of grace could not fail, because of the Divine truth, says: Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my afflictions, that such a power of Christ may overshadow and defend me. , "Bath Kol", a voice from heaven, an articulate audible one; or by some extraordinary revelation of the Spirit of God; or by a divine impression upon his mind; whereby he was assured of what follows. We often close our ears to God if He responds in a way we did not hope for or expect. The weaker the human instrument, the more clearly Gods grace shines forth. If I love you to excess, am I to be loved the less for that? Are you so different? 12 13 2 Corinthians 12 - The Strength of Grace in Weakness Audio for 2 Corinthians 12: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 - The Strength of Grace 2 Corinthians 12:11-13:14 - Examining Yourself A. Paul's vision and its legacy in his life. As we find an unholy man might be inspired of God to bring out a new communication for example, a Balaam or a Caiaphas, so holy men of God still more. None of these solutions can be right, for three reasons. The consequence is, all evil is gone for us, and all blessedness secured, and known to be so, in Christ; and, as he says here, "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (i) The thorn has been taken to mean spiritual temptations; the temptation to doubt and to shirk the duties of the apostolic life, and the sting of conscience when temptation conquered. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities [this weakness], in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong ( 2 Corinthians 12:10 ). a. New International Version (NIV), NIV Application Commentary 2 Corinthians 12:9. But in reality he's saying, "I don't know if I was dead or alive. Many of us think that real Christian maturity is when we come to a place where we are somewhat independent of God. That's foolishness. This is exceedingly assuring, and it is as evidently divine, the effectual working of God's own grace. Note, It is an excellent thing to have a lowly spirit in the midst of high advancements; and those who abase themselves shall be exalted. Few lies are as attractive, and poisonous, as the claim that following God is a means to worldly success (1 Timothy 6:3-5). And I know that this man about whom I am speaking--whether it was with the body or without the body, I do not know; God knows--was caught up to Paradise and heard words which can never be uttered, which it is not lawful for a man to speak. . As is said here, "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; who also hath made us able ministers of the new covenant." not in a mere literal fashion but in the spirit of it), so he connects this spirit with the forms of the law all through. We are not capable of knowing all, nor is it fit we should know very much, of the particulars of that glorious place and state; it is our duty and interest to give diligence to make sure to ourselves a mansion there; and, if that be cleared up to us, then we should long to be removed thither, to abide there for ever. For it is the allowed liveliness of nature that hinders the manifestation of the treasure; whereas its judgment leaves room for the light to shine out. In fact, it is never right to be narrow, and always wrong to be lax. There is fornication (porneia, G4202) . And the little girl, sitting there on her mother's lap as the bandages were removed, looked around. The complete passing away of this creation is at hand. There is disorder (akatastasiai, G181) . They have found their every verification in Christ. 10 That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in . Such a meeting could not yet be. So they take these tent stakes, about eighteen inches long or so, and they drive these tent stakes in to hold the tents against those desert winds. But in the midst of such sorrow and the rather as flowing from such sources, God watched over all with observant eye. There is a wonderful, a beautiful, and, I suppose, an intentional parallel between the prayers of the servant and of the Master. I'm not running the universe. For all things are for your sakes." 7b-8) and to his refraining from boasting in his own "surpassingly great revelations" (vv. (viii) By far the most likely thing is that Paul suffered from chronically recurrent attacks of a certain virulent malarial fever which haunted the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean. For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious." You can also change some of your preferences. This is a great word which has come down in the world. "And whether we be afflicted," he says, "it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation." There were not wanting there those that endeavoured to impose legal principles on the Corinthians. 50+ reference books. Therefore I rejoice in weaknesses, in insults, in inescapable things, in persecutions, in straitened circumstances, for whenever I am weak, then I am strong. for my strength is made perfect in weakness; by the "strength" of Christ is meant, not his strength as the mighty God, but that communicative strength which he has, and is in him as Mediator, and which saints look to him for, and receive from him; this is "made perfect in" their "weakness"; not that their weakness can add perfection to his strength, for his strength is perfect in itself, not to say anything of the contradiction such a sense carries in it; but the meaning is, that the strength of Christ is made to appear, is illustrated and shines forth in its perfection and glory, in supplying, supporting, and strengthening his people under all their weakness; and if they were not left to some weaknesses in themselves, his strength would not be so manifest; see ( James 2:22 ) . Paul reveals to us the mind of a true and sincere pastor when he says that he will look on the sins of others with grief. (Calvin). "Now brings up an interesting point: the fact that Paul didn't know if he were dead or alive, but he did know that his spirit was in heaven, consciously there, hearing things that were so glorious it would be a crime to try to describe them, shows that the spirit immediately is there in the conscious state in heaven when you are dead. Most gladly I will spend and be spent to the uttermost for your lives. The man is himself and yet Paul can look at the man who had this amazing experience with a kind of wondering detachment. Again, do you think that we excuse ourselves to you? I have become a fool in boasting; you have compelled me. Here with a true heart he at once brings in the sufferings of Christ: "For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. Therefore, Pauls message is that the Lords greatest work is seen in Christians even when they are weak physically. We give you the opportunity, if you so desire, to give. In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter." Because I definitely believe it was a situation like with Paul. It is not merely that we have the heavenly title, as we are taught in 1 Corinthians 15:1-58. This thorn in the flesh is said to be a messenger of Satan, which he did not send with a good design, but on the contrary, with ill intentions, to discourage the apostle (who had been so highly favoured of God) and hinder him in his work. It wasnt so much that the presence of the most eminent apostles bothered Paul. It explained much in the apostle's path which they had not been in a state to comprehend; and it contributed, where received and applied in the Spirit, to advance God's objects as regards them. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (iii) It seems that the Corinthians had had one last charge against Paul. And he said to me, "My grace is enough for you, for power is perfected in weakness." But be that as it may, I did not burden you. He had by His own blood blotted out the sins of others who believe in Him. examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves." I could relate other similar stories that we have seen. "Oh, come on, you can tell us." All these were the fruit of the worldly thinking the Corinthian Christians bought into, and these must change before Paul comes for his third visit to Corinth. In the darkest day he had looked up to God with confidence about it, when any other heart had failed utterly; but now that light was beginning to dawn upon them, yet still but dawned so to speak afresh, he could boldly say that they were not merely his, but Christ's, letter. "Since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you . A man must become a valley if he wants to receive the heavenly rain of Gods spiritual grace. (Calvin), iii. Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds. This, then, is what God carries on. Thus, as in the exercise of ministry according to Christ, there was nothing that should not be endured; there was no scorn or trial, no pain or shame, but what he himself counted as nothing that Christ only should be served, and the witness of His name kept up in this world according to His grace; so now he presses on the saints what is incumbent on them as the epistle of Christ, to make good a true witness for Him in this world, steering clear of all that is hard and narrow, which is altogether alien from the grace of God, and of that laxity which is still more offensive to His nature. He touches, with that delicate tact so characteristic of him, on their repentance. Originally this word simply described work which is done for pay, the work of the day labourer. Once again he speaks with distaste of this whole wretched business of self-justification; but the thing has got to be gone through. That grace is not made powerless in mans weakness; but perfects its strength just then; and hence it is sufficient for the sufferer without the added favor of healing" (218). It is not the condescension of the Word made flesh coming down to where man is, but the triumph of accomplished righteousness and glory, because the Spirit comes down from Christ in heaven. He isn't there to fulfill three wishes. we know, in point of fact, that we are liable through unwatchfulness to his wiles; but this does not make it less a humiliation for us, and a temporary advantage for Satan when we fall into his trap. We're not here to receive. . It was Paul. The money for the Christians in Jerusalem. There is indeed the result of that salutary dealing in the very different state of individuals, and also of the assembly; but very emphatically, whatever might be the effect on the many, to a large extent there is a blessed unfolding of life in Christ in its power and effects. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. It can be repellent; in the ancient world it was attributed to demons. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. Finally there are the sins of which even yet some of the recalcitrant Corinthians may not have repented. (3) Learn to bear trials with joy. Whatever might be the preciousness of presenting Christ to those who knew Him not, to see the manifestation of the glory of Christ in those that did know Him, to see it restored where it was obscured was something even nearer to his heart. It is Gods provision for our every need when we need it." "Several years ago, we were approached by our supervisor to take a pastorate out in the Chino area, which we were rather reluctant to do. And, O! . Well, that's interesting that they know that. But the same man who was thus let down immediately after speaks of being caught up to heaven. What we must learn from what Paul told us about this messenger of Satan is that God used it to teach the apostle dependence on Himself and the sufficiency of His grace. But I do know I was caught up.". (914) Much in accordance with this beautiful sentiment is Bunyans description of the Valley of Humiliation, in the second part of his Pilgrims Progress. It is the best and most fruitful piece of ground in all these parts. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. The very thing to be done was to keep him humble; and this affliction could not be withdrawn without also foregoing the benefit. The changed attitude that came to Paul through prayer.And many times that's the greatest effect of prayer, and the greatest answer to prayer is not the taking us out of the circumstance, but God's all-sufficient grace taking us through the circumstance with great victory in our hearts. i. In the rest of the seventh chapter he renews (and has, I think, connected both with these words about the ministry and the responsibility of the saints) what he had alluded to already among them. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. God works through the man who has been wiped clean and turned inside out, his life emptied before the Lord until he is hopelessly weak, that no flesh might glory in His presence. (Redpath), f. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities: In the end, Paul does not resign himself to his fate; he welcomes it. Yet even if we were to grow to the spiritual strength and maturity of a Paul, God would say to us as well: I need to keep you depending on Me in everything. For this reason, Paul boasts in the very things that cause others to slander him. I couldn't have been dead because you know, I knew what was going on." In our hearts, we have moved out of the house. The man who traveled the ancient world spreading the gospel of Jesus despite the fiercest persecutions, who endured shipwrecks and imprisonment, who preached to kings and slaves, who established strong churches and trained up their leaders was not a weak man. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not knowGod knows. Many answers have been given. Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia, asking him to come to that region to help ( Acts 16:9-10 ). But he said, "I'll tell you what I really glory in. But there is nothing like a manifestation of grace to call out grace; and he lets them know what was his own feeling, not merely about the wrong-doer, but about themselves. Because it was a bothersome thing; it was a painful thing. It is not simply the mercy of God, you observe, but the ministration of righteousness. It is not I, Paul, but "a man in Christ" is taken up, who had seen such things as could not be expressed in human words, nor suited to man's present state. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. "For sorrow according to God worketh repentance to salvation not to be regretted: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. We simply dont have enough information to say precisely, but that hasnt prevented many commentators and teachers from giving their opinion. For the first time could see her mother's face, the doctor's face, the room. If you can give cheerfully and hilariously, fine. (3) God has often some better thing in store for us than would be the immediate answer to our prayer Who can doubt that this was true of Paul? Because I am now experiencing God's strength. Cf. By knowing Him he means the special form of the truth with which we are concerned, the manner in which we are put into positive, living association with Him. He would give us His own acceptance before God. 534. 12 Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds. Verse-. He wants people to judge him only from their personal experience of him, from what they themselves have seen him do and heard him say (5-6).It would be easy for Paul to have feelings of self-importance because of his visions, but God intervened to make sure this would not happen. He is gone, but not the errand of mercy for which He came. A man is a fool who tries to direct God to condescend to his will, to his demand.What do I know? This passage, in which Paul is coming near to the end of his defence, reads like the words of a man who has put out some tremendous effort and is now weary. There was the outward ritual and commandment with which flesh made itself content; but faith always looked to the Lord, and saw Him, however dimly, beyond the letter in which God marked indelibly, and now makes known by ever accumulating proofs, that He from the first pointed to the One that was coming. And there is a subtle thing here though. if they are the means of raising us to a higher seat in heaven, and placing us nearer the Redeemer there who will not rejoice in his trials? He does not want to take stern measures, but, if necessary, he will not shrink from them. And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you ( 2 Corinthians 12:15 ); I love that. Law can only condemn; it can but enforce death as on God's part. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. It was not merely in quest of the lost sheep of Israel. asked the visitor. When you grow up some, you can be partners with me in the work and support me. Paul said what he did, especially in 2 Corinthians 10:1 to 2 Corinthians 12:18, primarily to build up the Corinthian believers in their faith. Instead of calling that ministry into question, Pauls various weaknesses (listed in 11:23b33 and now summarized in 12:10) are therefore his only legitimating boast as an apostle, since they are the means by which God makes known his glory in Christ among the Corinthians (cf. Enough had been cleared away to open his heart on it: he could enlarge here. The Corinthians lived in a society which did not regard adultery as a sin and expected a man to take his pleasures where he could. It may be that his eyes never recovered again. At the end of Galatians he writes, "See in what large letters I am writing to you" ( Galatians 6:11), as if he was describing the great sprawling characters of a man who could hardly see. For then do we make room for Christs grace, when in true humility of mind, we feel and confess our own weakness. Ben Soma beheld it and went mad. Many persons suppose that the words, being crafty, I caught you with guile, are the words of the apostle, and not of his slanderers; and therefore have concluded that it is lawful to use guile, deceit, [and so forth], in order to serve a good and religious purpose. "We are there, and our desire is to build you up; our whole purpose is to build you up." Originally it described a great emotion, that of the man who sees a fine life or a fine action and is moved to emulation. Evidently there was a great deal that required to be set right in them; but they were on the right road. Every letter he wrote, every visit he made, every prayer he prayed was with one goal: to build up the Corinthian Christians in Jesus Christ. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Themselves. He's had it, you know." He connects righteousness with heavenly glory, while at the same time this righteousness and glory are shown to be perfectly in grace as regards us. The signs of an apostle have been wrought among you in all endurance, with signs and wonders and deeds of power. (913) Let that man, therefore, become a valley, who is desirous to receive the heavenly rain of Gods spiritual grace. In 10:1718 boasting in the Lord referred to Pauls apostolic ministry of the Spirit (cf. Such was the case with Paul; so it was doubtless with David; and so it is often with Christians now The removal of the calamity might be apparently a blessing, but it might also be attended with danger to our spiritual welfare; the grace imparted may be of permanent value and may be connected with the development of some of the loveliest traits of Christian character. (iv) It has been suggested that the thorn was Paul's physical appearance. Some err by an undue narrowness, others by as injurious laxity. . His strength is made perfect in our weakness. It does not mean "since being clothed we shall not be found naked," which has no worthy lesson to convey to any soul. Jesus selflessly seeks our good, and His heart is for us, not for what He can get from us. As he knew what God's grace had wrought in their hearts, he could the more freely express the sympathy he felt, and, encouraged by all that had been wrought, take up what remained to be accomplished in them. She burst into tears. I told him how stupid he is. In Galatians 4:14 Paul says that when the Galatians saw his infirmity they did not reject him. "We that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed." "Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being present I should use sharpness, according to the power which the Lord hath given me to edification, and not to destruction." Gracecould meet Pauls need because it expresses Gods acceptance and pleasure in us. i. My grace is sufficient for you. Grace is the favor and love of God in action. 12:19-21 You have been thinking for a long time that it is to you that we have been making our defence. And so here I am so limited in my understanding and knowledge and yet I say, "All right now God, this is what I want You to do and if You want me to keep serving You, You better do it, you know. Was he a weak or strong man? May rest upon me - episkenose. In this experience, as never before and never again, Paul had been the companion of God. This characterized the dealings of the law, that there never was the bringing God and man, so to speak, face to face. Grace is not weak or wimpy. He wished to come with nothing but kindness, to blame nobody, to speak of nothing painful and humiliating to them (albeit, in truth, more humiliating to him, for he loved them). 2 Corinthians 1:1-24. "Hey, I'm not behind any of those chief apostles but I'm nothing." The word that Paul preached was not "yea and nay." The answer to the apostle's request, supported with this reason, was wonderfully satisfactory to him; wherefore he concludes. Though God accepts the prayer of faith, yet he does not always answer it in the letter; as he sometimes grants in wrath, so he sometimes denies in love. . Sufferers of this type of malaria experience attacks when under stress, and they feel a contempt and loathing for self, and believe that others feel equal contempt and loathing. This malarial fever also produces severe headaches, described by sufferers as being like a red-hot bar thrust through the forehead., iv. The first part of this verse may have been a statement or a question. The mystic always has aimed at that moment of wonder when "the seer and the Seen are one." Did we not walk in the same spirit? "His bodily presence is weak" ( 2 Corinthians 10:10). In other words, the Lord promises with His loving grace Paul will be able to deal with the ailment. 4:7). Had his detractors been brethren of the circumcision from Jerusalem, neither the trial nor the blessing would have been anything like what it is for depth; but the fact that it came to Paul from his own children in Achaia was enough to pain him to the quick, and did prove him thoroughly. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. He closes the list by telling them at last how he had been let down from the wall of a city in a basket, not a very dignified position for an apostle. and at last, having entered in, and taken possession of the houses. And after these things, having entered into the houses, they took possession of the city. CEcumenius, cited by Parkhurst, considers , as employed by the Apostle here, to be equivalent to may entirely take possession of,me, and dwell in me. And they exist to be ministered to by the people.That was not Paul's ministry. Could anyone on earth be more meek than the Son of God to be hung on the cross, hung in our place that He might redeem us from our sins? Although such an opportunity now offered itself, and was, no doubt, a strong impelling cause to work there, still he had no rest for his spirit. Would it be all right with you if I left your name on the ballot?" He will continue his previous practice among the Corinthian Christians of supporting himself and he will not be burdensome to the Corinthian Christians. The greater we sense our weakness, the more we will sense Gods power (cf. 2 Corinthians 12:9. It furnishes, therefore, a very instructive lesson in regard to prayer, and shows as that we are not to expect as a matter of course that all our prayers will be literally answered, and that we should not be disappointed or disheartened if they are not. Not to take from them, but to give to them. forgive me this wrong ( 2 Corinthians 12:13 ). Grace signifies two things:-- [1.] It is not imparted to those who feel that they are strong and who do not realize their need of divine aid. But the apostle, I believe, means that the Lord Jesus is the spirit of the different forms that are found in the law. 4:718). That day is an illusion. "What is grace? He realized that when he was naturally weak the Lord would provide the power that he lacked and needed. i. It was the proof of their excellent condition that the apostle had such perfect confidence in them, even while he was absolutely precluded from being near them. When you really think, begin to think that you are something. Now if you go back fourteen years, you come back to Paul's stoning at Lystra, and it is possibly this very experience that Paul is talking about. This then is Pauls strongest argument for the legitimacy of his apostleship: His weaknesses are the basis of Christs power. God did not answer Pauls prayer to remove this trial, but that was to Pauls advantage, because it made him constantly dependent on Gods grace and power. Not only has God come down to man face to face, but man is brought to look in where God is in His own glory, and without a veil between. His reference in 12:9 to Christs power resting on me recalls the earlier affirmation in 3:718 that under the new covenant the glory of God is being revealed in Christ unveiled. Here too Paul is reflecting the contrast between his own ministry of the Spirit and the veiled glory on Moses face and in the tent of meeting, tabernacle, and temple (cf. He would have reason to think, I must not be a very good apostle or leader because these Corinthian Christians will not respond to me. That was not the whole truth, but it would still humble Paul. He considers not only those written to, but the one He was employing to write. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. grace -- In this context, the Greek word used here, charis, refers to Christs power to help Paul endure hardship, be strengthened when struggling (physically, mentally, or spiritually), or experience forgiveness. When he was 83 he wrote in his diary, "I am a wonder to myself. His strength in 12:10b is not his personal strength, but the strength that derives from his divinely granted ability to endure adversity for the sake of the gospel (cf. The promise of Gods grace and power leads Paul to be pleased in his sufferings (v. 10a) rather than continuing to pray for their removal, because he now knows that when he is weak, then he is strong (v. 10b). Akatharsia ( G167) is the very opposite of that clean purity. Christs declaration and Pauls response in 12:9 are yet another affirmation that the apostle is a mediator of Gods transforming presence under the new covenant ministry of the Spirit. It almost seems that Paul is limp with the effort that he has made. I am never tired, either with preaching, writing, or travelling." It is not in the slightest degree glory without love (as sometimes people might think of glory as a cold thing); and if it withers up man from before it, the fleshly nature no doubt, it is only with a view to the enjoyment of greater vigour, through the power of Christ resting on us in our detected and felt weakness. I have to face him next week, you know. Pauls weakness makes it clear that his apostolic ministry, in all its glory, can only be attributed to the Lord (1:12; 3:46; 5:14, 18; 10:8). Not enough green grass here for our sheep, we better move along, you know. But Christ is here, as ever, the theme of the apostle from first to last. The one standard by which Paul would have his apostleship judged was its ability to bring the life-changing grace of Jesus Christ to men. He was at a distance from them, and had but small prospect of meeting with them shortly. iii. 2. It is not nothing, but it is far from everything, for in all true giving the giver must give not only his substance but himself. Most of us provide our own thorns, and an honest look shows us enough weakness to make us constantly and totally rely on the grace and strength of Jesus. What should be the practical witness to a righteousness not acquired by us, but freely given of God! It is now hindered by various causes, as far as we are concerned. His purpose of visiting Corinth had been set aside. "He that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit;" given us, therefore, even now a taste of the blessedness and glory that are in store for us. Start for FREE. This ministry is supported by God's people. David had far more trouble from Absalom than he had from the death of the child for which he so earnestly prayed. The prince of the world is judged, but the sentence is not executed yet. For many of us, especially in American culture, this is a huge obstacle. The apostle knew sorrow as no other ever knew it. They thought, "Oh, poor old Paul. As for a living Messiah, and all the expectations that were bound up with Him and His coming here below, all this is passed away for the Christian. The really malicious mind will stick at nothing to find a ground of criticism. ii. But when he comes to special wonders, he does not speak about himself; when about the basket he is open. 453. The Holy Ghost brings us into the power and enjoyment of this as a present thing. The sense is, that the power which Christ manifested to his people rested with them, or abode with them in their trials, and therefore he would rejoice in afflictions, in order that he might partake of the aid and consolation thus imparted. d. For what is it in which you were inferior to other churches: If Paul is inferior in any way, it is only in that he refused to take money from the Corinthian Christians. 2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. Paul himself knew he had not yet attained, neither was already perfect; and yet he was in danger of being lifted up with pride. For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed according to God, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! For this he had authority from God, and the responsibility of heeding it abides, I need not say, in its entirety for us. Do you not think it is rather modest of the Lord to say sufficient?. The effect of manifestation for the believer will be the fulness of rest and delight in the ways of God. Some think it was an acute bodily pain or sickness; others think it was the indignities done him by the false apostles, and the opposition he met with from them, particularly on the account of his speech, which was contemptible. For I fear lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I wish, and that I shall be found by you such as you do not wish; lest there be contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, backbitings, whisperings, conceits, tumults; lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and I shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness, fornication, and lewdness which they have practiced. Note, Though afflictions are sent for our spiritual benefit, yet we may pray to God for the removal of them: we ought indeed to desire also that they may reach the end for which they are designed. Instead, it is the power of God to fulfill what we lack. Forgive me for this sin. "Hey, we've killed him. Such is the character of it, according to the work of Christ before God and of His redemption; so we should "give no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments." (2.) "I don't want you to think . Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away." Be ready to give. Undoubtedly we should lose much if we had it not in its full perfection in Christ; but how much we should lose if we had not also the working of grace, not where human nature was itself lovely, not a spot without nor a taint of sin within, but where everything natural was evil, and nothing else; where nevertheless the power of the Holy Ghost wrought in the new man, lifting the believer completely above the flesh. Accordingly his own feelings are told out, how exceedingly cast down he had been, and oppressed on every side, so that he had no rest. His heart was for them, not for himself. Brief and pregnant salutations follow, with the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost. A Church is a democracy, but it may become a democracy run mad. And so that is the philosophy upon which we founded Calvary Chapel: to give to the people, to minister to the people, not to seek to be ministered to by the people. The first word describes the open, loud-mouthed attack, the insults flung out in public, the public vilification of some person whose views are different. vi. For the word perfected has a reference to the perception and apprehension of mankind, because it is not perfected unless it openly shines forth, so as to receive its due praise. 12. My spirit, I know that my spirit went into heaven. There is nothing so hard to face as misinterpretation and cruel misjudgment. It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. When his spirit was bound, because of there being so much to cause shame and pain, he could not be free; but now he is. How it all ought to have gone to their hearts, if they had any feeling at all, as indeed they had! Now he tells them that it was to spare them he had not come to Corinth. God did not allow this thorn in the flesh to punish Paul or to keep him weak for the sake of weakness. [Note: Hughes, p. 451. For we see very many yielding, indeed, submission to God, as being afraid of incurring sacrilege in coveting his glory, but, at the same time, not without reluctance, or at least, less cheerfully than were becoming. In more modern times, historian Sir William Ramsay offered the suggestion that Pauls infirmity was a type of malaria common to the area where he served as a missionary. You know, it's because of our misconception of heaven or a lack of faith that we grieve over the Christians who died. Did we not walk in the same steps? For God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (James 4:6.) The scripture is silent and so it's only guesswork. 57a). He took with him a little book of cheer for those in trouble, a sunny book, a happy book, a laughing book. I glory in that thorn, you know, because through it I've come to a deeper relationship with God where I know more of His power in my life than I've ever known before." In fact, the illusion of strength and independence actually leaves someone in a weaker place. "My grace is sufficient for you and my strength will be made perfect in your weakness. Instead of removing the thorn, Christ declared that his own . 2 Corinthians 12:9. the Lord always hears and answers his people sooner or later, in one form or another, though not always in the way and manner they desire; but yet in such a way as is most for his glory and their good: the apostle had not his request granted, that Satan might immediately depart from him, only he is assured of a sufficiency . Of the honour itself which was done to the apostle: he was caught up into the third heaven, v. 2. 2 CORINTHIANS 12:7 dio, {C} Although dio, is absent from such important witnesses as 46 D Y 88 614 itd, ar vg syrp, h copsa goth, the Committee preferred to retain the word in the text as. Alas! For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. And what now that He is gone away? It is the kind of anger which Basil described as the intoxication of the soul, that sweeps a man into doing things for which afterwards he is bitterly sorry. The meaning is the same in either case. It was your duty and your interest to have supported your apostle; other Churches have done so: I did not require this from you; in this respect all other Churches are superior to you. And this is put in a most forcible way. Where He is, there is liberty. Yet he warns lest what he is absent they may learn in him present. My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness: Instead of removing the thorn from Pauls life, God gave and would keep giving His grace to Paul. Paul said, "I don't know if I was dead or alive." Happy is the man who has supporters whom he can trust as he would trust his own soul. "When we get to heaven we'll go up to Paul and say, "Paul, you were here. Therein lies his strength (8-10). This is neither the manner nor the measure in which He reveals Himself now. All his life Paul was up against it and all his life he never gave in. "Now folks, we want you to write in this week. The apostle would warn every soul that, although every one will be clothed in the day that is coming (namely, at the resurrection of the body, when souls are no longer found without the body but clothed), nevertheless some, even in spite of that clothing, shall be found naked. also how beautiful with lilies! (Song of Solomon 2:1). You can resist Gods grace and refuse to set your mind on Jesus, and then find your thorn cursing you instead of blessing you. They want to find the secret and go back and do the same thing in their communities. This, again, is a very important truth indeed in its own place, and the effect is most striking; namely, deep anxiety about the lost, and the consciousness of our own manifestation to God now. It is not here wrought something for us, but "wrought us." Kipling prayed. i. Subjects treated by Paul in this chapter are: the revelations he received from the Lord (2 Corinthians 12:1-6), the counteracting thorn in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7-10), another regret at the necessity of glorying (2 Corinthians 12:11-12), his independence (2 Corinthians 12:13-15), a reply to false charges (2 Corinthians 12:16-18), and certain cautions and warnings (2 . This was a joy to his heart, and so at once he encourages them, and gives them to know how little his heart had turned away from them, how he loved to link himself with them instead of standing aloof from them. How great is the grace! Now concerning the ministering to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you; for I know your willingness, about which I boast of you to the Macedonians, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal has stirred up the majority. Or I won't believe in You anymore. Some see it mainly as spiritual harassment. Isnt His love, His favor, enough? And when I knew the whole truth, I was so embarrassed by what I said. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven.". For great would be the loss for a sinner awakened, if it were possible for him not to take God's part against himself. The apostle was pained with a thorn in the flesh, and buffeted with a messenger of Satan, 2 Corinthians 12:7; 2 Corinthians 12:7. But Paul mentions it here.There are many ministries that exist for the purpose of being ministered to. (1-6) Paul reluctantly describes his vision. THE MARKS OF AN UNCHRISTIAN CHURCH ( 2 Corinthians 12:19-21 ). you're forcing me to commend myself. It describes that utterly selfish and self-centred ambition which has no idea of service and which is in everything for what it can get out of it for itself. "Do we begin again to commend ourselves? But I forbear to boast in case anyone forms a judgment about me beyond what he sees in me and hears from me. It is not that he might die, but the very reverse, that the mortality already working in him might be swallowed up by Him who is eternal life, and our life. "We," he says, "that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened." 1. Nevertheless he interweaves his own experience with theirs in a way which is wonderfully gracious to those who had a heart. Here he lays down again one of the supreme principles of Christian giving. Not at all. And really, you're better off if the scripture is silent that you remain silent.I believe that God deliberately didn't let us know what his thorn in the flesh was because any of us who have any thorn in the flesh can relate to Paul and relate to his experience. What was the effect of this? Someone has said that Christians live on promises, not explanations. There was a veiled form of truth, and now it is manifest. Nor these only, but the Spirit He now brings in through Christ. And as a parent would be ashamed in his child's shame far more than the child is capable of feeling, so precisely the apostle had this feeling about those he had begotten in the gospel. 9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.". It would be presumption for us to determine, if not also to enquire into, this matter, seeing the apostle himself says, Whether in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell. Click on the different category headings to find out more. And we say, "The ushers will come forward and receive." It is possible, as Macknight supposes, that Christ appeared to him again and spoke to him in an audible manner. "Not for," then, "that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon." He had been often whipped and stoned, had been weary, thirsty, hungry, by sea and land: these were the prizes he had received, and these the honours which the world gave him. And a great physician performed a series of operations on her eyes. - FSB. We have an account of the answer given to the apostle's prayer, that, although the trouble was not removed, yet an equivalent should be granted: My grace is sufficient for thee. Pauls sufferings can never outstrip Gods supply of grace (cf. Now Paul here declares that a mark of the apostle was really the gift of miracles. It is solemn for all to be set in the light in which we may have been misled now, and which may have caused trouble and grief to others, casting reproach on the name of the Lord, in itself an affecting and afflicting thing. most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities; in the weaknesses which attended either his body or soul, through the buffetings of the angel Satan, rather than in his visions and revelations; or rather than insist upon his departure from him, he is content things should be as they were, since he had such a promise of a sufficiency of grace to bear him up, under and through whatever was the pleasure of God concerning him; and since the strength of Christ was made illustrious through his weakness, so that Satan was not able to make any advantage over him, he is willing to remain in the same posture and condition: may rest upon me, or "tabernacle over me"; he considered himself as a poor weak feeble creature, and the power of Christ as a tabernacle over him, as the power of God is represented as a garrison about the believer, 1 Peter 1:5, sheltering, preserving, and protecting him from the insults of Satan, in every form and shape; see Isaiah 4:6, where Christ is said to be a tabernacle, for a place of refuge, and for a covert. An infirmary is a hospital, a place where the sick people are taken. Once Dr. Chalmers was congratulated on a great speech to a crowded assembly. I said to Kay, "What do we do now?" A minister may be burdensome to a congregation by receiving support when it is not appropriate or by receiving too much support. But Paul is not making excuses; he has nothing to excuse. For when I am weak, then I am strong. The chapter opens with an allusion to the habit so familiar to God's church of sending and requiring a letter of commendation. Forgive me this wrong! His death is the judgment of our sins in God's grace, and an end of the whole scene for us, and hence perfect deliverance from man and from present things yea, even from the best hopes for the earth. You see, if we knew exactly what it was, we'll say, "Oh well, that's Paul, mine's different. You thought something had to change before His grace would be enough. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. But we don't say, "Now folks, we ask you not to give from the top of your purse but from the bottom of your heart," and you know, all these clichs and all, you know. As man, at least as of Israel, Jesus was born under the law; but this was in not the slightest degree an abandonment of God's rights, and still less of His grace. that they have these mighty deeds wrought through their ministry. And they had responded to the solemn call pressed on them in the name of the Lord, and had purged out the evil leaven from the midst of their paschal feast. Verse 1. Accordingly he says, "We know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 Corinthians 12 churns with irony, sarcasm, and faith. THE DEFENCE DRAWS TO AN END ( 2 Corinthians 12:11-18 ). They could not bear the fact that Paul didnt care about money in the ministry, so they assigned their motives to him. "We are always confident." fol. It is a great comfort to us, whatever thorns in the flesh we are pained with, that God's grace is sufficient for us. Do we do now? own experience with a kind of wondering detachment greater we sense weakness! Chapter opens with an allusion to the apostle knew sorrow as no other ever knew it ''! Being ministered to is never right to be loved the less for that we would be,. Great word which has come down in the faith ; prove your own selves. cleared to. Down immediately after speaks of being caught up to Paul and say, `` am... Marks of an UNCHRISTIAN church ( 2 Corinthians 12:15 ) ; I love that as ever, veil... Is himself and yet Paul can look at the man who had a heart information... Touches, with that delicate tact so characteristic of him, on their repentance, on their.... 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Gracecould meet Pauls need because it was the very strength of God. 2. The one would be, no doubt, great joy to wretched souls, and the spread of the glory of the Lord in the regions beyond; but here the glory of the Lord had been tarnished in those that bore His name before men; and how could Paul feel this lightly? I won't force you to go, but I'd like to have your name on the ballot. And he determines where they'll pitch the tent, but then it's the woman's job. Don't you? Why have confidence in anything of the sort? The Messiah as such disappears for the time; there remains the fruit of the blessed manifestation of God in Christ in an evil world. How did it meet Pauls need at this point? . He was forced to just defend his place because the truth that he proclaimed was being challenged. But, suppose you say that I myself was not a burden to you, but that, because I was a crafty character, I snared you by guile. They had realised at length the shame that had been done to the Lord's glory, and were indignant with themselves as parties to identifying His name, not to speak of themselves, with such scandals. So of other things. for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing ( 2 Corinthians 12:11 ). And so, they were to have a church membership meeting and to vote. I urged Titus, and sent our brother with him. Such is the way the apostle treats it. This is a Christian paradox: when we are weak in ourselves, then we are strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; when we see ourselves weak in ourselves, then we go out of ourselves to Christ, and are qualified to receive strength from him, and experience most of the supplies of divine strength and grace. Just as his founding of the church in Corinth is a boast in the power of Gods Spirit, so too his ministry in the midst of weakness is a boast in the power of Gods grace (note the parallel between grace and power in 12:9; cf. At the same time, it is solemn assuredly for every secret to be spread out between the Lord and ourselves. Gods grace is sufficient for you! The judgment-seat of Christ will disclose all; where each hidden thing will be clear; where nothing but the fruit of the Spirit shall stand for ever. There is conceit (phusioseis, G5450) . i. We seek to build you up. This, with his own heart about it, the apostle brings before us lovingly, though it is impossible, within my limits, so much as to touch on all. It is a sufficient answer to our prayers if we have the solemn promise of the Redeemer that we shall be upheld and never sink under the burden of our heavy woes. In any other point of view, however bright and glorious, "now henceforth know we him no more. This is his spirit. (ii) It has been taken to mean the opposition and persecution which he had to face, the constant battle with those who tried to undo his work. It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. It is one thing to value what God will do for the earth by-and-by, it is quite another to fail in appreciating that which God has now created and revealed in a risen Christ above, once rejected and dying for us. It is therefore left completely vague. She said, "Well, sweetheart, I tried but it's just hard to describe in words the colors, the clouds, the sky. Great tribulation brings out the great strength of God. You see, God didn't answer his prayer as he prayed it, because God is sovereign. He would not take the place of headship until all the evil was completely gone. Then he brings in the constraining power of the love of Christ, and why? Paul, knowing that the promise of grace could not fail, because of the Divine truth, says: Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my afflictions, that such a power of Christ may overshadow and defend me. , "Bath Kol", a voice from heaven, an articulate audible one; or by some extraordinary revelation of the Spirit of God; or by a divine impression upon his mind; whereby he was assured of what follows. We often close our ears to God if He responds in a way we did not hope for or expect. The weaker the human instrument, the more clearly Gods grace shines forth. If I love you to excess, am I to be loved the less for that? Are you so different? 12 13 2 Corinthians 12 - The Strength of Grace in Weakness Audio for 2 Corinthians 12: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 - The Strength of Grace 2 Corinthians 12:11-13:14 - Examining Yourself A. Paul's vision and its legacy in his life. As we find an unholy man might be inspired of God to bring out a new communication for example, a Balaam or a Caiaphas, so holy men of God still more. None of these solutions can be right, for three reasons. The consequence is, all evil is gone for us, and all blessedness secured, and known to be so, in Christ; and, as he says here, "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (i) The thorn has been taken to mean spiritual temptations; the temptation to doubt and to shirk the duties of the apostolic life, and the sting of conscience when temptation conquered. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities [this weakness], in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong ( 2 Corinthians 12:10 ). a. New International Version (NIV), NIV Application Commentary 2 Corinthians 12:9. But in reality he's saying, "I don't know if I was dead or alive. Many of us think that real Christian maturity is when we come to a place where we are somewhat independent of God. That's foolishness. This is exceedingly assuring, and it is as evidently divine, the effectual working of God's own grace. Note, It is an excellent thing to have a lowly spirit in the midst of high advancements; and those who abase themselves shall be exalted. Few lies are as attractive, and poisonous, as the claim that following God is a means to worldly success (1 Timothy 6:3-5). And I know that this man about whom I am speaking--whether it was with the body or without the body, I do not know; God knows--was caught up to Paradise and heard words which can never be uttered, which it is not lawful for a man to speak. . As is said here, "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; who also hath made us able ministers of the new covenant." not in a mere literal fashion but in the spirit of it), so he connects this spirit with the forms of the law all through. We are not capable of knowing all, nor is it fit we should know very much, of the particulars of that glorious place and state; it is our duty and interest to give diligence to make sure to ourselves a mansion there; and, if that be cleared up to us, then we should long to be removed thither, to abide there for ever. For it is the allowed liveliness of nature that hinders the manifestation of the treasure; whereas its judgment leaves room for the light to shine out. In fact, it is never right to be narrow, and always wrong to be lax. There is fornication (porneia, G4202) . And the little girl, sitting there on her mother's lap as the bandages were removed, looked around. The complete passing away of this creation is at hand. There is disorder (akatastasiai, G181) . They have found their every verification in Christ. 10 That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in . Such a meeting could not yet be. So they take these tent stakes, about eighteen inches long or so, and they drive these tent stakes in to hold the tents against those desert winds. But in the midst of such sorrow and the rather as flowing from such sources, God watched over all with observant eye. There is a wonderful, a beautiful, and, I suppose, an intentional parallel between the prayers of the servant and of the Master. I'm not running the universe. For all things are for your sakes." 7b-8) and to his refraining from boasting in his own "surpassingly great revelations" (vv. (viii) By far the most likely thing is that Paul suffered from chronically recurrent attacks of a certain virulent malarial fever which haunted the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean. For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious." You can also change some of your preferences. This is a great word which has come down in the world. "And whether we be afflicted," he says, "it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation." There were not wanting there those that endeavoured to impose legal principles on the Corinthians. 50+ reference books. Therefore I rejoice in weaknesses, in insults, in inescapable things, in persecutions, in straitened circumstances, for whenever I am weak, then I am strong. for my strength is made perfect in weakness; by the "strength" of Christ is meant, not his strength as the mighty God, but that communicative strength which he has, and is in him as Mediator, and which saints look to him for, and receive from him; this is "made perfect in" their "weakness"; not that their weakness can add perfection to his strength, for his strength is perfect in itself, not to say anything of the contradiction such a sense carries in it; but the meaning is, that the strength of Christ is made to appear, is illustrated and shines forth in its perfection and glory, in supplying, supporting, and strengthening his people under all their weakness; and if they were not left to some weaknesses in themselves, his strength would not be so manifest; see ( James 2:22 ) . Paul reveals to us the mind of a true and sincere pastor when he says that he will look on the sins of others with grief. (Calvin). "Now brings up an interesting point: the fact that Paul didn't know if he were dead or alive, but he did know that his spirit was in heaven, consciously there, hearing things that were so glorious it would be a crime to try to describe them, shows that the spirit immediately is there in the conscious state in heaven when you are dead. Most gladly I will spend and be spent to the uttermost for your lives. The man is himself and yet Paul can look at the man who had this amazing experience with a kind of wondering detachment. Again, do you think that we excuse ourselves to you? I have become a fool in boasting; you have compelled me. Here with a true heart he at once brings in the sufferings of Christ: "For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. Therefore, Pauls message is that the Lords greatest work is seen in Christians even when they are weak physically. We give you the opportunity, if you so desire, to give. In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter." Because I definitely believe it was a situation like with Paul. It is not merely that we have the heavenly title, as we are taught in 1 Corinthians 15:1-58. This thorn in the flesh is said to be a messenger of Satan, which he did not send with a good design, but on the contrary, with ill intentions, to discourage the apostle (who had been so highly favoured of God) and hinder him in his work. It wasnt so much that the presence of the most eminent apostles bothered Paul. It explained much in the apostle's path which they had not been in a state to comprehend; and it contributed, where received and applied in the Spirit, to advance God's objects as regards them. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (iii) It seems that the Corinthians had had one last charge against Paul. And he said to me, "My grace is enough for you, for power is perfected in weakness." But be that as it may, I did not burden you. He had by His own blood blotted out the sins of others who believe in Him. examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves." I could relate other similar stories that we have seen. "Oh, come on, you can tell us." All these were the fruit of the worldly thinking the Corinthian Christians bought into, and these must change before Paul comes for his third visit to Corinth. In the darkest day he had looked up to God with confidence about it, when any other heart had failed utterly; but now that light was beginning to dawn upon them, yet still but dawned so to speak afresh, he could boldly say that they were not merely his, but Christ's, letter. "Since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you . A man must become a valley if he wants to receive the heavenly rain of Gods spiritual grace. (Calvin), iii. Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds. This, then, is what God carries on. Thus, as in the exercise of ministry according to Christ, there was nothing that should not be endured; there was no scorn or trial, no pain or shame, but what he himself counted as nothing that Christ only should be served, and the witness of His name kept up in this world according to His grace; so now he presses on the saints what is incumbent on them as the epistle of Christ, to make good a true witness for Him in this world, steering clear of all that is hard and narrow, which is altogether alien from the grace of God, and of that laxity which is still more offensive to His nature. He touches, with that delicate tact so characteristic of him, on their repentance. Originally this word simply described work which is done for pay, the work of the day labourer. Once again he speaks with distaste of this whole wretched business of self-justification; but the thing has got to be gone through. That grace is not made powerless in mans weakness; but perfects its strength just then; and hence it is sufficient for the sufferer without the added favor of healing" (218). It is not the condescension of the Word made flesh coming down to where man is, but the triumph of accomplished righteousness and glory, because the Spirit comes down from Christ in heaven. He isn't there to fulfill three wishes. we know, in point of fact, that we are liable through unwatchfulness to his wiles; but this does not make it less a humiliation for us, and a temporary advantage for Satan when we fall into his trap. We're not here to receive. . It was Paul. The money for the Christians in Jerusalem. There is indeed the result of that salutary dealing in the very different state of individuals, and also of the assembly; but very emphatically, whatever might be the effect on the many, to a large extent there is a blessed unfolding of life in Christ in its power and effects. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. It can be repellent; in the ancient world it was attributed to demons. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. Finally there are the sins of which even yet some of the recalcitrant Corinthians may not have repented. (3) Learn to bear trials with joy. Whatever might be the preciousness of presenting Christ to those who knew Him not, to see the manifestation of the glory of Christ in those that did know Him, to see it restored where it was obscured was something even nearer to his heart. It is Gods provision for our every need when we need it." "Several years ago, we were approached by our supervisor to take a pastorate out in the Chino area, which we were rather reluctant to do. And, O! . Well, that's interesting that they know that. But the same man who was thus let down immediately after speaks of being caught up to heaven. What we must learn from what Paul told us about this messenger of Satan is that God used it to teach the apostle dependence on Himself and the sufficiency of His grace. But I do know I was caught up.". (914) Much in accordance with this beautiful sentiment is Bunyans description of the Valley of Humiliation, in the second part of his Pilgrims Progress. It is the best and most fruitful piece of ground in all these parts. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. The very thing to be done was to keep him humble; and this affliction could not be withdrawn without also foregoing the benefit. The changed attitude that came to Paul through prayer.And many times that's the greatest effect of prayer, and the greatest answer to prayer is not the taking us out of the circumstance, but God's all-sufficient grace taking us through the circumstance with great victory in our hearts. i. In the rest of the seventh chapter he renews (and has, I think, connected both with these words about the ministry and the responsibility of the saints) what he had alluded to already among them. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. God works through the man who has been wiped clean and turned inside out, his life emptied before the Lord until he is hopelessly weak, that no flesh might glory in His presence. (Redpath), f. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities: In the end, Paul does not resign himself to his fate; he welcomes it. Yet even if we were to grow to the spiritual strength and maturity of a Paul, God would say to us as well: I need to keep you depending on Me in everything. For this reason, Paul boasts in the very things that cause others to slander him. I couldn't have been dead because you know, I knew what was going on." In our hearts, we have moved out of the house. The man who traveled the ancient world spreading the gospel of Jesus despite the fiercest persecutions, who endured shipwrecks and imprisonment, who preached to kings and slaves, who established strong churches and trained up their leaders was not a weak man. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not knowGod knows. Many answers have been given. Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia, asking him to come to that region to help ( Acts 16:9-10 ). But he said, "I'll tell you what I really glory in. But there is nothing like a manifestation of grace to call out grace; and he lets them know what was his own feeling, not merely about the wrong-doer, but about themselves. Because it was a bothersome thing; it was a painful thing. It is not simply the mercy of God, you observe, but the ministration of righteousness. It is not I, Paul, but "a man in Christ" is taken up, who had seen such things as could not be expressed in human words, nor suited to man's present state. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. "For sorrow according to God worketh repentance to salvation not to be regretted: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. We simply dont have enough information to say precisely, but that hasnt prevented many commentators and teachers from giving their opinion. For the first time could see her mother's face, the doctor's face, the room. If you can give cheerfully and hilariously, fine. (3) God has often some better thing in store for us than would be the immediate answer to our prayer Who can doubt that this was true of Paul? Because I am now experiencing God's strength. Cf. By knowing Him he means the special form of the truth with which we are concerned, the manner in which we are put into positive, living association with Him. He would give us His own acceptance before God. 534. 12 Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds. Verse-. He wants people to judge him only from their personal experience of him, from what they themselves have seen him do and heard him say (5-6).It would be easy for Paul to have feelings of self-importance because of his visions, but God intervened to make sure this would not happen. He is gone, but not the errand of mercy for which He came. A man is a fool who tries to direct God to condescend to his will, to his demand.What do I know? This passage, in which Paul is coming near to the end of his defence, reads like the words of a man who has put out some tremendous effort and is now weary. There was the outward ritual and commandment with which flesh made itself content; but faith always looked to the Lord, and saw Him, however dimly, beyond the letter in which God marked indelibly, and now makes known by ever accumulating proofs, that He from the first pointed to the One that was coming. And there is a subtle thing here though. if they are the means of raising us to a higher seat in heaven, and placing us nearer the Redeemer there who will not rejoice in his trials? He does not want to take stern measures, but, if necessary, he will not shrink from them. And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you ( 2 Corinthians 12:15 ); I love that. Law can only condemn; it can but enforce death as on God's part. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. It was not merely in quest of the lost sheep of Israel. asked the visitor. When you grow up some, you can be partners with me in the work and support me. Paul said what he did, especially in 2 Corinthians 10:1 to 2 Corinthians 12:18, primarily to build up the Corinthian believers in their faith. Instead of calling that ministry into question, Pauls various weaknesses (listed in 11:23b33 and now summarized in 12:10) are therefore his only legitimating boast as an apostle, since they are the means by which God makes known his glory in Christ among the Corinthians (cf. Enough had been cleared away to open his heart on it: he could enlarge here. The Corinthians lived in a society which did not regard adultery as a sin and expected a man to take his pleasures where he could. It may be that his eyes never recovered again. At the end of Galatians he writes, "See in what large letters I am writing to you" ( Galatians 6:11), as if he was describing the great sprawling characters of a man who could hardly see. For then do we make room for Christs grace, when in true humility of mind, we feel and confess our own weakness. Ben Soma beheld it and went mad. Many persons suppose that the words, being crafty, I caught you with guile, are the words of the apostle, and not of his slanderers; and therefore have concluded that it is lawful to use guile, deceit, [and so forth], in order to serve a good and religious purpose. "We are there, and our desire is to build you up; our whole purpose is to build you up." Originally it described a great emotion, that of the man who sees a fine life or a fine action and is moved to emulation. Evidently there was a great deal that required to be set right in them; but they were on the right road. Every letter he wrote, every visit he made, every prayer he prayed was with one goal: to build up the Corinthian Christians in Jesus Christ. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Themselves. He's had it, you know." He connects righteousness with heavenly glory, while at the same time this righteousness and glory are shown to be perfectly in grace as regards us. The signs of an apostle have been wrought among you in all endurance, with signs and wonders and deeds of power. (913) Let that man, therefore, become a valley, who is desirous to receive the heavenly rain of Gods spiritual grace. In 10:1718 boasting in the Lord referred to Pauls apostolic ministry of the Spirit (cf. Such was the case with Paul; so it was doubtless with David; and so it is often with Christians now The removal of the calamity might be apparently a blessing, but it might also be attended with danger to our spiritual welfare; the grace imparted may be of permanent value and may be connected with the development of some of the loveliest traits of Christian character. (iv) It has been suggested that the thorn was Paul's physical appearance. Some err by an undue narrowness, others by as injurious laxity. . His strength is made perfect in our weakness. It does not mean "since being clothed we shall not be found naked," which has no worthy lesson to convey to any soul. Jesus selflessly seeks our good, and His heart is for us, not for what He can get from us. As he knew what God's grace had wrought in their hearts, he could the more freely express the sympathy he felt, and, encouraged by all that had been wrought, take up what remained to be accomplished in them. She burst into tears. I told him how stupid he is. In Galatians 4:14 Paul says that when the Galatians saw his infirmity they did not reject him. "We that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed." "Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being present I should use sharpness, according to the power which the Lord hath given me to edification, and not to destruction." Gracecould meet Pauls need because it expresses Gods acceptance and pleasure in us. i. My grace is sufficient for you. Grace is the favor and love of God in action. 12:19-21 You have been thinking for a long time that it is to you that we have been making our defence. And so here I am so limited in my understanding and knowledge and yet I say, "All right now God, this is what I want You to do and if You want me to keep serving You, You better do it, you know. Was he a weak or strong man? May rest upon me - episkenose. In this experience, as never before and never again, Paul had been the companion of God. This characterized the dealings of the law, that there never was the bringing God and man, so to speak, face to face. Grace is not weak or wimpy. He wished to come with nothing but kindness, to blame nobody, to speak of nothing painful and humiliating to them (albeit, in truth, more humiliating to him, for he loved them). 2 Corinthians 1:1-24. "Hey, I'm not behind any of those chief apostles but I'm nothing." The word that Paul preached was not "yea and nay." The answer to the apostle's request, supported with this reason, was wonderfully satisfactory to him; wherefore he concludes. Though God accepts the prayer of faith, yet he does not always answer it in the letter; as he sometimes grants in wrath, so he sometimes denies in love. . Sufferers of this type of malaria experience attacks when under stress, and they feel a contempt and loathing for self, and believe that others feel equal contempt and loathing. This malarial fever also produces severe headaches, described by sufferers as being like a red-hot bar thrust through the forehead., iv. The first part of this verse may have been a statement or a question. The mystic always has aimed at that moment of wonder when "the seer and the Seen are one." Did we not walk in the same spirit? "His bodily presence is weak" ( 2 Corinthians 10:10). In other words, the Lord promises with His loving grace Paul will be able to deal with the ailment. 4:7). Had his detractors been brethren of the circumcision from Jerusalem, neither the trial nor the blessing would have been anything like what it is for depth; but the fact that it came to Paul from his own children in Achaia was enough to pain him to the quick, and did prove him thoroughly. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. He closes the list by telling them at last how he had been let down from the wall of a city in a basket, not a very dignified position for an apostle. and at last, having entered in, and taken possession of the houses. And after these things, having entered into the houses, they took possession of the city. CEcumenius, cited by Parkhurst, considers , as employed by the Apostle here, to be equivalent to may entirely take possession of,me, and dwell in me. And they exist to be ministered to by the people.That was not Paul's ministry. Could anyone on earth be more meek than the Son of God to be hung on the cross, hung in our place that He might redeem us from our sins? Although such an opportunity now offered itself, and was, no doubt, a strong impelling cause to work there, still he had no rest for his spirit. Would it be all right with you if I left your name on the ballot?" He will continue his previous practice among the Corinthian Christians of supporting himself and he will not be burdensome to the Corinthian Christians. The greater we sense our weakness, the more we will sense Gods power (cf. 2 Corinthians 12:9. It furnishes, therefore, a very instructive lesson in regard to prayer, and shows as that we are not to expect as a matter of course that all our prayers will be literally answered, and that we should not be disappointed or disheartened if they are not. Not to take from them, but to give to them. forgive me this wrong ( 2 Corinthians 12:13 ). Grace signifies two things:-- [1.] It is not imparted to those who feel that they are strong and who do not realize their need of divine aid. But the apostle, I believe, means that the Lord Jesus is the spirit of the different forms that are found in the law. 4:718). That day is an illusion. "What is grace? He realized that when he was naturally weak the Lord would provide the power that he lacked and needed. i. It was the proof of their excellent condition that the apostle had such perfect confidence in them, even while he was absolutely precluded from being near them. When you really think, begin to think that you are something. Now if you go back fourteen years, you come back to Paul's stoning at Lystra, and it is possibly this very experience that Paul is talking about. This then is Pauls strongest argument for the legitimacy of his apostleship: His weaknesses are the basis of Christs power. God did not answer Pauls prayer to remove this trial, but that was to Pauls advantage, because it made him constantly dependent on Gods grace and power. Not only has God come down to man face to face, but man is brought to look in where God is in His own glory, and without a veil between. His reference in 12:9 to Christs power resting on me recalls the earlier affirmation in 3:718 that under the new covenant the glory of God is being revealed in Christ unveiled. Here too Paul is reflecting the contrast between his own ministry of the Spirit and the veiled glory on Moses face and in the tent of meeting, tabernacle, and temple (cf. He would have reason to think, I must not be a very good apostle or leader because these Corinthian Christians will not respond to me. That was not the whole truth, but it would still humble Paul. He considers not only those written to, but the one He was employing to write. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. grace -- In this context, the Greek word used here, charis, refers to Christs power to help Paul endure hardship, be strengthened when struggling (physically, mentally, or spiritually), or experience forgiveness. When he was 83 he wrote in his diary, "I am a wonder to myself. His strength in 12:10b is not his personal strength, but the strength that derives from his divinely granted ability to endure adversity for the sake of the gospel (cf. The promise of Gods grace and power leads Paul to be pleased in his sufferings (v. 10a) rather than continuing to pray for their removal, because he now knows that when he is weak, then he is strong (v. 10b). Akatharsia ( G167) is the very opposite of that clean purity. Christs declaration and Pauls response in 12:9 are yet another affirmation that the apostle is a mediator of Gods transforming presence under the new covenant ministry of the Spirit. It almost seems that Paul is limp with the effort that he has made. I am never tired, either with preaching, writing, or travelling." It is not in the slightest degree glory without love (as sometimes people might think of glory as a cold thing); and if it withers up man from before it, the fleshly nature no doubt, it is only with a view to the enjoyment of greater vigour, through the power of Christ resting on us in our detected and felt weakness. I have to face him next week, you know. Pauls weakness makes it clear that his apostolic ministry, in all its glory, can only be attributed to the Lord (1:12; 3:46; 5:14, 18; 10:8). Not enough green grass here for our sheep, we better move along, you know. But Christ is here, as ever, the theme of the apostle from first to last. The one standard by which Paul would have his apostleship judged was its ability to bring the life-changing grace of Jesus Christ to men. He was at a distance from them, and had but small prospect of meeting with them shortly. iii. 2. It is not nothing, but it is far from everything, for in all true giving the giver must give not only his substance but himself. Most of us provide our own thorns, and an honest look shows us enough weakness to make us constantly and totally rely on the grace and strength of Jesus. What should be the practical witness to a righteousness not acquired by us, but freely given of God! It is now hindered by various causes, as far as we are concerned. His purpose of visiting Corinth had been set aside. "He that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit;" given us, therefore, even now a taste of the blessedness and glory that are in store for us. Start for FREE. This ministry is supported by God's people. David had far more trouble from Absalom than he had from the death of the child for which he so earnestly prayed. The prince of the world is judged, but the sentence is not executed yet. For many of us, especially in American culture, this is a huge obstacle. The apostle knew sorrow as no other ever knew it. They thought, "Oh, poor old Paul. As for a living Messiah, and all the expectations that were bound up with Him and His coming here below, all this is passed away for the Christian. The really malicious mind will stick at nothing to find a ground of criticism. ii. But when he comes to special wonders, he does not speak about himself; when about the basket he is open. 453. The Holy Ghost brings us into the power and enjoyment of this as a present thing. The sense is, that the power which Christ manifested to his people rested with them, or abode with them in their trials, and therefore he would rejoice in afflictions, in order that he might partake of the aid and consolation thus imparted. d. For what is it in which you were inferior to other churches: If Paul is inferior in any way, it is only in that he refused to take money from the Corinthian Christians. 2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. Paul himself knew he had not yet attained, neither was already perfect; and yet he was in danger of being lifted up with pride. For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed according to God, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! For this he had authority from God, and the responsibility of heeding it abides, I need not say, in its entirety for us. Do you not think it is rather modest of the Lord to say sufficient?. The effect of manifestation for the believer will be the fulness of rest and delight in the ways of God. Some think it was an acute bodily pain or sickness; others think it was the indignities done him by the false apostles, and the opposition he met with from them, particularly on the account of his speech, which was contemptible. For I fear lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I wish, and that I shall be found by you such as you do not wish; lest there be contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, backbitings, whisperings, conceits, tumults; lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and I shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness, fornication, and lewdness which they have practiced. Note, Though afflictions are sent for our spiritual benefit, yet we may pray to God for the removal of them: we ought indeed to desire also that they may reach the end for which they are designed. Instead, it is the power of God to fulfill what we lack. Forgive me for this sin. "Hey, we've killed him. Such is the character of it, according to the work of Christ before God and of His redemption; so we should "give no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments." (2.) "I don't want you to think . Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away." Be ready to give. Undoubtedly we should lose much if we had it not in its full perfection in Christ; but how much we should lose if we had not also the working of grace, not where human nature was itself lovely, not a spot without nor a taint of sin within, but where everything natural was evil, and nothing else; where nevertheless the power of the Holy Ghost wrought in the new man, lifting the believer completely above the flesh. Accordingly his own feelings are told out, how exceedingly cast down he had been, and oppressed on every side, so that he had no rest. His heart was for them, not for himself. Brief and pregnant salutations follow, with the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost. A Church is a democracy, but it may become a democracy run mad. And so that is the philosophy upon which we founded Calvary Chapel: to give to the people, to minister to the people, not to seek to be ministered to by the people. The first word describes the open, loud-mouthed attack, the insults flung out in public, the public vilification of some person whose views are different. vi. For the word perfected has a reference to the perception and apprehension of mankind, because it is not perfected unless it openly shines forth, so as to receive its due praise. 12. My spirit, I know that my spirit went into heaven. There is nothing so hard to face as misinterpretation and cruel misjudgment. It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. When his spirit was bound, because of there being so much to cause shame and pain, he could not be free; but now he is. How it all ought to have gone to their hearts, if they had any feeling at all, as indeed they had! Now he tells them that it was to spare them he had not come to Corinth. God did not allow this thorn in the flesh to punish Paul or to keep him weak for the sake of weakness. [Note: Hughes, p. 451. For we see very many yielding, indeed, submission to God, as being afraid of incurring sacrilege in coveting his glory, but, at the same time, not without reluctance, or at least, less cheerfully than were becoming. In more modern times, historian Sir William Ramsay offered the suggestion that Pauls infirmity was a type of malaria common to the area where he served as a missionary. You know, it's because of our misconception of heaven or a lack of faith that we grieve over the Christians who died. Did we not walk in the same steps? For God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (James 4:6.) The scripture is silent and so it's only guesswork. 57a). He took with him a little book of cheer for those in trouble, a sunny book, a happy book, a laughing book. I glory in that thorn, you know, because through it I've come to a deeper relationship with God where I know more of His power in my life than I've ever known before." In fact, the illusion of strength and independence actually leaves someone in a weaker place. "My grace is sufficient for you and my strength will be made perfect in your weakness. Instead of removing the thorn, Christ declared that his own . 2 Corinthians 12:9. the Lord always hears and answers his people sooner or later, in one form or another, though not always in the way and manner they desire; but yet in such a way as is most for his glory and their good: the apostle had not his request granted, that Satan might immediately depart from him, only he is assured of a sufficiency . Of the honour itself which was done to the apostle: he was caught up into the third heaven, v. 2. 2 CORINTHIANS 12:7 dio, {C} Although dio, is absent from such important witnesses as 46 D Y 88 614 itd, ar vg syrp, h copsa goth, the Committee preferred to retain the word in the text as. Alas! For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. And what now that He is gone away? It is the kind of anger which Basil described as the intoxication of the soul, that sweeps a man into doing things for which afterwards he is bitterly sorry. The meaning is the same in either case. It was your duty and your interest to have supported your apostle; other Churches have done so: I did not require this from you; in this respect all other Churches are superior to you. And this is put in a most forcible way. Where He is, there is liberty. Yet he warns lest what he is absent they may learn in him present. My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness: Instead of removing the thorn from Pauls life, God gave and would keep giving His grace to Paul. Paul said, "I don't know if I was dead or alive." Happy is the man who has supporters whom he can trust as he would trust his own soul. "When we get to heaven we'll go up to Paul and say, "Paul, you were here. Therein lies his strength (8-10). This is neither the manner nor the measure in which He reveals Himself now. All his life Paul was up against it and all his life he never gave in. "Now folks, we want you to write in this week. The apostle would warn every soul that, although every one will be clothed in the day that is coming (namely, at the resurrection of the body, when souls are no longer found without the body but clothed), nevertheless some, even in spite of that clothing, shall be found naked. also how beautiful with lilies! (Song of Solomon 2:1). You can resist Gods grace and refuse to set your mind on Jesus, and then find your thorn cursing you instead of blessing you. They want to find the secret and go back and do the same thing in their communities. This, again, is a very important truth indeed in its own place, and the effect is most striking; namely, deep anxiety about the lost, and the consciousness of our own manifestation to God now. It is not here wrought something for us, but "wrought us." Kipling prayed. i. Subjects treated by Paul in this chapter are: the revelations he received from the Lord (2 Corinthians 12:1-6), the counteracting thorn in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7-10), another regret at the necessity of glorying (2 Corinthians 12:11-12), his independence (2 Corinthians 12:13-15), a reply to false charges (2 Corinthians 12:16-18), and certain cautions and warnings (2 . This was a joy to his heart, and so at once he encourages them, and gives them to know how little his heart had turned away from them, how he loved to link himself with them instead of standing aloof from them. How great is the grace! Now concerning the ministering to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you; for I know your willingness, about which I boast of you to the Macedonians, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal has stirred up the majority. Or I won't believe in You anymore. Some see it mainly as spiritual harassment. Isnt His love, His favor, enough? And when I knew the whole truth, I was so embarrassed by what I said. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven.". For great would be the loss for a sinner awakened, if it were possible for him not to take God's part against himself. The apostle was pained with a thorn in the flesh, and buffeted with a messenger of Satan, 2 Corinthians 12:7; 2 Corinthians 12:7. But Paul mentions it here.There are many ministries that exist for the purpose of being ministered to. (1-6) Paul reluctantly describes his vision. THE MARKS OF AN UNCHRISTIAN CHURCH ( 2 Corinthians 12:19-21 ). you're forcing me to commend myself. It describes that utterly selfish and self-centred ambition which has no idea of service and which is in everything for what it can get out of it for itself. "Do we begin again to commend ourselves? But I forbear to boast in case anyone forms a judgment about me beyond what he sees in me and hears from me. It is not that he might die, but the very reverse, that the mortality already working in him might be swallowed up by Him who is eternal life, and our life. "We," he says, "that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened." 1. Nevertheless he interweaves his own experience with theirs in a way which is wonderfully gracious to those who had a heart. Here he lays down again one of the supreme principles of Christian giving. Not at all. And really, you're better off if the scripture is silent that you remain silent.I believe that God deliberately didn't let us know what his thorn in the flesh was because any of us who have any thorn in the flesh can relate to Paul and relate to his experience. What was the effect of this? Someone has said that Christians live on promises, not explanations. There was a veiled form of truth, and now it is manifest. Nor these only, but the Spirit He now brings in through Christ. And as a parent would be ashamed in his child's shame far more than the child is capable of feeling, so precisely the apostle had this feeling about those he had begotten in the gospel. 9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.". It would be presumption for us to determine, if not also to enquire into, this matter, seeing the apostle himself says, Whether in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell. Click on the different category headings to find out more. And we say, "The ushers will come forward and receive." It is possible, as Macknight supposes, that Christ appeared to him again and spoke to him in an audible manner. "Not for," then, "that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon." He had been often whipped and stoned, had been weary, thirsty, hungry, by sea and land: these were the prizes he had received, and these the honours which the world gave him. And a great physician performed a series of operations on her eyes. - FSB. We have an account of the answer given to the apostle's prayer, that, although the trouble was not removed, yet an equivalent should be granted: My grace is sufficient for thee. Pauls sufferings can never outstrip Gods supply of grace (cf. Now Paul here declares that a mark of the apostle was really the gift of miracles. It is solemn for all to be set in the light in which we may have been misled now, and which may have caused trouble and grief to others, casting reproach on the name of the Lord, in itself an affecting and afflicting thing. most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities; in the weaknesses which attended either his body or soul, through the buffetings of the angel Satan, rather than in his visions and revelations; or rather than insist upon his departure from him, he is content things should be as they were, since he had such a promise of a sufficiency of grace to bear him up, under and through whatever was the pleasure of God concerning him; and since the strength of Christ was made illustrious through his weakness, so that Satan was not able to make any advantage over him, he is willing to remain in the same posture and condition: may rest upon me, or "tabernacle over me"; he considered himself as a poor weak feeble creature, and the power of Christ as a tabernacle over him, as the power of God is represented as a garrison about the believer, 1 Peter 1:5, sheltering, preserving, and protecting him from the insults of Satan, in every form and shape; see Isaiah 4:6, where Christ is said to be a tabernacle, for a place of refuge, and for a covert. An infirmary is a hospital, a place where the sick people are taken. Once Dr. Chalmers was congratulated on a great speech to a crowded assembly. I said to Kay, "What do we do now?" A minister may be burdensome to a congregation by receiving support when it is not appropriate or by receiving too much support. But Paul is not making excuses; he has nothing to excuse. For when I am weak, then I am strong. The chapter opens with an allusion to the habit so familiar to God's church of sending and requiring a letter of commendation. Forgive me this wrong! His death is the judgment of our sins in God's grace, and an end of the whole scene for us, and hence perfect deliverance from man and from present things yea, even from the best hopes for the earth. You see, if we knew exactly what it was, we'll say, "Oh well, that's Paul, mine's different. You thought something had to change before His grace would be enough. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. But we don't say, "Now folks, we ask you not to give from the top of your purse but from the bottom of your heart," and you know, all these clichs and all, you know. As man, at least as of Israel, Jesus was born under the law; but this was in not the slightest degree an abandonment of God's rights, and still less of His grace. that they have these mighty deeds wrought through their ministry. And they had responded to the solemn call pressed on them in the name of the Lord, and had purged out the evil leaven from the midst of their paschal feast. Verse 1. Accordingly he says, "We know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 Corinthians 12 churns with irony, sarcasm, and faith. THE DEFENCE DRAWS TO AN END ( 2 Corinthians 12:11-18 ). They could not bear the fact that Paul didnt care about money in the ministry, so they assigned their motives to him. "We are always confident." fol. It is a great comfort to us, whatever thorns in the flesh we are pained with, that God's grace is sufficient for us. Do we do now? own experience with a kind of wondering detachment greater we sense weakness! Chapter opens with an allusion to the apostle knew sorrow as no other ever knew it ''! Being ministered to is never right to be loved the less for that we would be,. Great word which has come down in the faith ; prove your own selves. cleared to. Down immediately after speaks of being caught up to Paul and say, `` am... Marks of an UNCHRISTIAN church ( 2 Corinthians 12:15 ) ; I love that as ever, veil... Is himself and yet Paul can look at the man who had a heart information... Touches, with that delicate tact so characteristic of him, on their repentance, on their.... 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Sunday December 11th, 2022