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i. It speaks God's good will towards men; that his thoughts towards us are thoughts of good, and not evil. Go bring the men in whose presence you insulted me, and I will be reconciled to you.' It is not, as the authorized version has it, "By His knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many;" for it is unquestionable that justification is not by His knowledge. This gave an accomplishment to the general voice of the prophets, who declared Him despised and rejected of men. Luke, on the contrary, inasmuch as he, for perfectly good and divinely given reason, changes the order, necessarily omits these words. Such indeed was the history of His life; it was continual pain, one course of suffering and shame. Yes and no. But Jesus looked at those who came to the waters of Jordan, and saw their hearts touched, if ever so little, with a sense of their state before God; and His heart was truly with them. Luke uses the words "in bodily form like a dove" (Luke 3:22). Oh, what a withering refutation of the foolish men of the West! 1. The New Testament [Note: See S. Lewis Johnson Jr., "The Baptism of Christ," Bibliotheca Sacra 123:491 (July-September 1966):220-29.]. But when the reaper comes they are driven from their nests and their shelters, and as the field is laid bare they have to flee for their lives. Only in a measure, of course, can we thus speak of any other than Jesus; but of Him who was full of grace and truth, in whom, too, the fulness of the Godhead dwelt even so, of Him it was fully true. Such empowerment, of course, is not to be construed as Jesus initial endowment with the Spirit, for he was conceived by the Spirit. Jesus commitment to enact Gods saving purpose faithfully is the fruit that John calls for turning or committing to Gods purposes (Matthew 3:8). 3. Sin shut up heaven, put a stop to all friendly intercourse between God and man; but now Christ has opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. iii. It became Christ to submit to John's washing with water, because it was a divine appointment; but it became him to oppose the Pharisees' washing with water, because it was a human invention and imposition; and he justified his disciples in refusing to comply with it. We may thus look for deep profit. Before we can gain the kingdom of heaven, we must recognize our poverty of spirit (Matthew 5:3). "Thou didst forgive the iniquity of thy people; thou didst pardon all their sin" ( Psalms 85:2). Luke-Acts Baptism was an act of obedience carried out by those who declared themselves on the side of God and his righteousness. "It is I," he said, "who need to be baptized by you, and are you coming to me?" John the Baptist is sadly needed to-day. So Jesus ever did, and did it thus publicly, joining Himself with whatever was excellent on the earth. Psalms 2:7; Isaiah 42:1). THE MESSAGE OF JOHN--THE THREAT ( Matthew 3:7-12 ), 3:7-12 When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, "Brood of vipers! Aphes arti--Let it be yet so; suffer it to be so now. This appears to be the tendency of the words of Luke: while Jesus was praying, the heaven was opened, (Luke 3:21:) for, though his prayers were always directed towards the benefit of others, yet as man, when he commenced a warfare of so arduous a description, he needed to be armed with a remarkable power of the Spirit. The self-same principle applies to the so-called sermon on the mount, on which I am about to say a few words. I baptize you with water that you may repent. Nazareth was in lower, as Capernaum was in upper Galilee. Such, in the providence of God, was the place for Jesus. It wasnt that John the Baptist was trying to be this Elijah-like forerunner predicted in Malachi 4:5, as if he decided on his own to make this his destiny and public image. Does the holy Jesus, that is separated from sinners, come to be baptized by a sinner, as a sinner, and among sinners? Ahaziah vanishes, and Joash, and Amaziah, when the line once more reappears here in Uzziah. Now, looking at the gospel of Matthew as a whole, and taking the most enlarged view of it before we enter into details, the question arises, what is the main idea before the Holy Ghost? Now one little gospel gives us one little insight when he was twelve years old, but that is the only glimpse that we have of the boyhood of Jesus. Yet it would be easy for any onlooker to think that Jesus was just another sinner being baptized; so He identified with sinful man. And a voice from heaven declared, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased ( Matthew 3:17 ). c. I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me: John recognized the inherent irony in this situation. In John's baptism there was a summons to repentance, and the offer of a way to the forgiveness of sins. To me, I confess, it seems impossible for a simple mind to resist the conclusion. "Get thee hence, Satan," was the real language of the Lord to Satan, and is so given in closing the literally last temptation by Matthew. 16 And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God It is wonderful to feel sorry about your sin, but repent isnt a feelings word. The truth of the matter, then, is, that with matchless wisdom Luke was inspired of God to put the second temptation last, and the third temptation in the second place. Note, [1.] The wind has an irresistible power. Minor Prophets e. Whose sandals I am not worthy to carry: John recognizes his own place before Jesus. As we have said, John pointed beyond himself to the one who was to come. The New Testament There may be times when even the gates of prayer are shut; but the gates of repentance are never closed. Besides, the reason is manifest. (ii) There is the idea of warmth. He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, or as a dove, and coming or lighting upon him. Tradition held that a sign done on earth could be a counterfeit from Satan, but signs done from heaven (coming in or from the sky) were assumed to be from God. Last of all, We have the audible voice of God the Father pronouncing. This I read, in order to show that it is the purpose of the Spirit, in this part of our gospel, to gather a quantity of facts together under one head, entirely regardless of the question of time. Web16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. "Every branch in me that does not bring forth fruit shall be cut off and men gather them and throw them into the fire and they are burned. So, then, to the Jew the one gateway back to God is the gateway of repentance. Historical Books Those who will find must seek. If in one who was of that sacerdotal succession where the proofs were rigorously required, where a defect in it would destroy his right to the exercise of spiritual functions if in such a case there might legitimately be an omission, clearly there might be the same in regard to the Lord's genealogy; and the more, as this omission was not in the part of which the Scripture speaks nothing, but in the centre of its historical records, whence the merest child could supply the missing links at once. In the other case, there would be a lack of testimony for Christ, and grace makes one rejoice to be counted worthy of suffering for His name: but righteousness is not in question. The idea is taken from the practice of eastern monarchs, who, whenever they entered upon an expedition, or took a journey through a desert country, sent harbingers before them, to prepare all things for their passage; and pioneers to open the passes, to level the ways, and to remove all impediments. (Clarke). 1. Everyone would naturally and reasonably conclude, without the mention of such a circumstance, that as soon as his baptism was over, he would immediately come up out of the water. See Isaiah 42:1. [Note: The New Scofield . Wisdom answered: "Misfortune pursues sinners" ( Proverbs 13:21). (verses Matthew 7:1-4.) One would be at a loss at first sight for a reason why the Evangelist should relate this circumstance; for after the ordinance was administered, why should he stay in the water? 2. Strange sight! It was precisely what the believing Israelite did learn; even as it was just the rock of offence on which unbelieving Israel fell and was dashed to pieces. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, Brood of vipers! How Christ insisted upon it; It must be so now. Therefore it is that, in this discourse on the mountain, we have throughout the tone of One who was consciously God with men. Because he consented to the covenant of redemption, and delighted to do that will of God, therefore the Father loved him.John 10:17; John 3:35. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. O, generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? C. G. Montefiore wrote, "Repentance is the great mediatorial bond between God and man. He would use marketing surveys and focus groups to hone his message and presentation. If Herod the king sinned by contracting an evil and unlawful marriage, John rebuked him. [4.] And in that don't we say, under God? Nevertheless, it was God shrouding His Majesty; it was God in the person of man, in the Child that takes the lowliest place in the haughty world. Delay not to turn to the Lord, and do not put it off from day to day" ( Sir_5:4-7 ). When Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water. God confirms Jesus identity and commitment by sending the empowering Spirit and declaring Jesus identity (Matthew 3:16-17). But here two questions arise. Luke 3:22). Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . (A tsaddiyq ( H6662) is a righteous man.) Interprets Mt 24:15 as fulfilled in 70AD. If in those ordinances we look to God, we may expect that he will bless us; the heavens will be opened, light will shine upon our path, and we shall meet with the approbation of God. A winnowing fork tossed both unto the air. Any great work of God begins with great preparation. Matthew probably gave a free quotation because he used what happened at Jesus baptism as evidence of His messiahship. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, (Hebrew/Greek Search by English Definition), * 'Number Delimiters' only apply to 'Paragraph Order', Search verses, phrases, and topics (e.g. Pauline Epistles There is no forgetfulness in God, because he is God, but such is the mercy of God that he not only forgives, but, incredible as it may sound, he even forgets the sin of the penitent: "Who is a God like thee pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance?"" Thus it becomes him to justify God, and approve his wisdom, in sending John to prepare his way by the baptism of repentance. Had He anything to confess? Thus, it is clear the Holy Spirit adopted the shape of a dove on that occasion, otherwise John could not have seen and borne witness. Thus even from the very first our Lord Jesus, as a babe, tastes the hate of the world what it is to be thoroughly humbled, even as a child. Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized: This is a significant emergence of Jesus from His many years of obscurity. They recognized the phenomenon as looking for the star of Jacob; they instinctively, I may say, certainly by the good hand of God, connected the two together. [3.] And if no man of sense doubts that this should be so in our own case, has not God always had His own perfect mind in the various accounts He has given us of Christ? Matthew 1:20; Matthew 2:15; Matthew 4:3; Matthew 4:6). A very early writer suggested that Jesus came to be baptized only to please his mother and his brothers, and that it was in answer to their entreaties that he was almost compelled to let this thing be done. Room was left for intimations of such compass in Matthew's scheme of His ancestry. Prepare the way of the LORD: Matthew used this passage from Isaiah 40:3 to identify John the Baptist as the prophesied forerunner of the Messiah. And so the gospel brought to the Gentiles and the Jew alike, so that no matter who you are Gentile or Jew, there is only one way and that's through Jesus Christ.John said. The spiritual mind, of course, has no difficulty can have none by the very fact that it is spiritual, because its confidence is in God. A Rabbis disciple was expected to act virtually as his masters slave, but to remove his shoes was too low a task for even a disciple (Ketuboth 96a).. [Note: Allen, p. This is my beloved Son," it said, "with whom I am well pleased." Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. It is impossible that God could do what even we should be ashamed of. Chapter 3. What we see God owns, and while we see he does so, we must own. These chapters have established Jesus as Gods anointed agent (Christ), son of David and Abraham, Emmanuel, king of the Jews. Exodus 20:1). c. For the kingdom of heaven is at hand: John wanted people to know that the kingdom of heaven was near as close as your hand. The idea is that the kingdom of God is a now-present spiritual kingdom, but the kingdom of heaven refers to the coming millennial earth in its splendor. He went up straightway, as one that entered upon his work with the utmost cheerfulness and resolution; he would lose no time. How (and Why) Do We Receive Power from the Holy Spirit? ], "Because Matthew so constructs his story that Gods evaluative point of view is normative, the reader knows that in hearing God enunciate his understanding of Jesus, he or she has heard the normative understanding of Jesus, the one in terms of which all other understandings are to be judged. Salem Media Group. Hence the twofold persecutions (10-12) bring in the double character we find in the epistles suffering for righteousness' sake, and suffering for Christ's sake. You can copy the order of your preferred Bible translations from the Bibles Tab to the Version Picker (this popup) or vice versa. Sometimes that has to happen through painful experiences, but, if a man throughout all the experiences of life believes that God is working together all things for good, he will emerge from them with a character which is cleansed and purified, until, being pure in heart, he can see God. Christ was designed for the highest honours, yet in his first step he thus abases himself. The heavens were opened to shew that heaven, which was closed and shut against us for our sins, is now opened to us, by Christs undertaking for us. That God is in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, is a joyful message, which comes to us upon the wing, the wings of a dove. WebMatthew Henry's Commentary on Matthew 3:16-17 Commentary on Matthew 3:13-17 (Read Matthew 3:13-17). He does not deny that John had need to be baptized of him, yet he will now be baptized of John. It is evident, that what is here described in a few verses must have demanded a considerable space for its accomplishment. No case is hopeless for repentance, and no man is beyond repentance. The axe is already applied to the root of the trees. John's gospel amplifies the ministry of John the Baptist. Accordingly, I think it was owing to special considerations of this sort that Matthew was led to reserve for us the great lesson, that our Lord had passed through the entire temptation not only the forty days, but even that which crowned them at the close; and that only when an open blow was struck at the divine glory did His soul at once resent it with the words, "Get thee hence, Satan." "This is my beloved Son," is a quotation from Psalms 2:7. What of the immeasurable glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, which everywhere shines out in them? This wrath is often ignored or disregarded because it is not immediate; it is, This wrath is not any less certain just because it is delayed and is. That John is baptizing in Aenon near Salim because there is much water there (John 3:23) supports this conclusion. & 6. Prepare the way of the LORD; The emergence of John was like the sudden sounding of the voice of God. His baptism displayed his identification, or solidarity, not only with the faithful minority of Israel but also with the human race in general. John the Evangelist recorded that John the Baptist also saw this (John 1:32), but evidently no one but Jesus heard the Fathers voice. There was one very simple and very vital reason. Here, however, I must for the present pause, though one can only and deeply regret being obliged to pass so very cursorily over the ground; but I have sought in this first lecture to give thus far as simple, and at the same time as complete, a view of this portion of Matthew as I well could. (Matthew 3:7-12) Johns confrontation with the Pharisees and Sadducees. Passwords should have at least 6 characters. He introduced Jesus as the messianic King of Israel who fulfilled Old Testament prophecy and received divine confirmation from God with an audible word from heaven (cf. Here, again, if I be not mistaken, righteousness and grace are found alternating; for the exhortation against a censorious spirit is grounded on the certainty of retribution from others, and paves the way for an urgent call to self-judgment, which in us precedes all genuine exercise of grace. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. I need not enlarge; these names in divine history must speak for themselves. It was the Jewish belief that Elijah would return before the Messiah came, and that he would t)e the herald of the coming King. that is, to fuse them together into one mass, and make them give out only, as it were, a single voice in the praise of Jesus. The fruit and benefit of this near and dear relation unto us; In him I am well pleased. Yet, even remembering all this mercy, it remains the case that in true repentance reparation is necessary in so far as it can be made. John protests Jesus presenting himself for baptism. fol. See John 1:33. John the Baptist preaches in JudaJesus is baptized, and the Father acclaims Him as His Beloved Son. Like a dove, the work of the Holy Spirit can be soft and gentle. This was Christs unction, Isa 61:1 when he was anointed above his fellows, to be the king, priest and, prophet of his church. That is, he calls man to confess his own ruin in view of the introduction of that kingdom. Adam Clarke gives a further idea: But why is it called the kingdom of HEAVEN? Of course, I do not deny that similar words appear in your common English Bibles (in Luke 4:8); but no scholar needs to be informed that all such words are left out of the third gospel by the best authorities, followed by almost every critic of note, save the testy Matthaei, though scarce one of them seems to have understood the true reason why. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. f. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. The dove is remarkable for her eyes; we find that both the eyes of Christ (Song of Solomon 5:12), and the eyes of the church (Song of Solomon 1:15; Song of Solomon 4:1), are compared to doves' eyes, for they have the same spirit. Chelsey Harmon. c. Do not think to say to yourselves, We have Abraham as our father: John warns them to stop trusting in their Jewish heritage because they must truly repent, not simply trust in Abrahams merits. For certainly Christ did not want Peter to go away from Him and be lost, which would have been its effect. That was the purpose of Jesus anointing as well (Luke 4:14; Luke 5:17; cf. Prophets But even then the answer of Matthew is after a divine sort. He who is wicked against heaven and wicked against his fellow men, is a bad sinner. He names in certain cases the mother, and not the father only; but never without a divine reason. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, [that is John the Baptist is the one that Isaiah spoke of] saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Instead it suggested that the Messiah would die, like a lamb offered in sacrifice for the cleansing of sin (John 1:29-30). ". Matthew connects him with a prophecy from Isaiah ( Isaiah 40:3). The Lord, in short, was here accomplishing one of the parts of His mission according toIsaiah 53:1-12; Isaiah 53:1-12, where the work of Christ is twofold. Next comes a remarkable prophecy of Christ, of which we must say a word the prophecy of Hosea. Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come: John accused these leaders of wanting to appear anxious for the Messiah, but not truly repenting and preparing their hearts. They thought that that naturally constituted salvation. THE EMERGENCE OF JOHN THE BAPTIZER ( Matthew 3:1-6 ). The heavens were opened: It was important for God the Father to publicly demonstrate that Jesus baptism was not just like anyone elses, in the sense of being a display of repentance. Jesus must have waited for the hour to strike, for the moment to come, for the summons to sound. However, who can read this account without thinking of Noah's dove, which brought in its mouth the olive leaf, a token of peace and reconciliation, when the waters were abated from off the earth? Note, No pretence of humility must make us decline our duty. Whether the locust be that insect of the grasshopper family or the carob tree fruit is really not sure. With Him all things are possible; and faith receives all with assurance. (iii) John came from God. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." Matthew had presented Jesus in all of these roles previously, but now God the Father confirmed His identity. THE MESSAGE OF JOHN--THE DEMAND ( Matthew 3:7-12 continued). And in front of the fire there would come scurrying and hurrying the snakes and the scorpions, and the living creatures who found their shelter in the grass and in the bushes. And at twelve years he seemed to be a very unusual young man, as we will find in another of the gospels.So we are jumping now to John the Baptist who was preaching in the wilderness of Judaea and he was saying. This is the sum of the whole gospel; it is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that God has declared, by a voice from heaven, that Jesus Christ is his beloved Son, in whom he is well pleased, with which we must by faith cheerfully concur, and say, that he is our beloved Saviour, in whom we are well pleased. It is the man who says that he is innocent and who refuses to admit that he has sinned who is condemned ( Jeremiah 2:35). Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. They held many traditions to be of equal authority to Scripture. God has been pleased, in the separate accounts He has given us of our Lord Jesus, to display not only His own grace and wisdom, but the infinite excellency of His Son. There was a propriety in every thing that Christ did for us; it was all graceful (Hebrews 2:10; Hebrews 7:26); and we must study to do not only that which behoves us, but that which becomes us; not only that which is indispensably necessary, but that which is lovely, and of good report. The threat of the destruction of the sinner is cancelled by the acceptance of repentance for the sinner's sins. There may be one of two pictures there. The fulness of time was come that Christ should enter upon his prophetical office; and he chooses to do it, not at Jerusalem (though it is probable that he went thither at the three yearly feasts, as others did), but there where John was baptizing; for to him resorted those who waited for the consolation of Israel, to whom alone he would be welcome. conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy Just like so many people in the United States think that to be an American is to be a Christian, but it naturally constitutes well, are you saved? Jeremiah had it: "Bring me back that I may be restored, for thou art the Lord my God" ( Jeremiah 31:18). 2. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away; and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." But God had His own sufficient motive; and His was one not only of wisdom, but of mercy; also, of special instruction to the Jew, as we shall see in a moment. . The Rabbis said, "Great is repentance for it brings healing upon the world. The son of Sirach writes in Ecclesiasticus: "Say not, I sinned, and what happened to me? Then, once again, John returns to his harvest picture. This seems to be what is meant of our Lord here. "He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper; but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy" ( Proverbs 28:13). Such, then, are the two distinct classes or groups of blessedness. I content myself now with giving what appears to me the true reason why the Spirit of God here adheres to the order of the facts. The nearest contemporary parallels are the self-baptism of a Gentile on becoming a proselyte, and the repeated ritual washings (also self-administered) at Qumran. (France). Out of the water - This shows that he had descended to the river. Blue Letter Bible study tools make reading, searching and studying the Bible easy and rewarding. To explain and complete this solemnity, there came a voice from heaven, which, we have reason to think, was heard by all that were present. (Matthew 3:1-2) The message of John the Baptist. Then he allowed Jesus to be baptized. 2. It is made a direct personal address] when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake." When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming: This is our introduction to these two important groups in first-century Judaism. There is also a sense in which this was an important new beginning for Jesus; not in the sense of turning from sin, but in making a break with His previous life. As he was praying; for prayer is the key of heaven, wherewith we may take out of Gods treasury plentiful mercy for ourselves and others. (Trapp), ii. The reference to fire is a vivid image for the apocalypse and especially for the last judgment. Produce fruit to fit repentance. What does baptism declare? Accordingly, in the gospel of Matthew, the Spirit of God fixes our attention upon these facts. In this regard, it was not identical to Christian baptism or baptism into Christ (Romans 6:3), which includes a demonstration of repentance and cleansing, but also recognizes the believers identification with Jesus death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:3-4). I therefore reserve any observations that this larger scope might and ought, indeed, to give rise to, till we have to consider the third gospel. It probably refers to John. It is being baptized into Christ, that is, into His death and resurrection (Romans 6:3). The Jew held that true repentance brings forth fruits which demonstrate the reality of the repentance--and so does the Christian. Who put it into your minds to flee from the coming wrath? Webi. It is enough for us to seek the kingdom of God, and His righteousness: our Father's love cares for all the rest. Now Peter said, "For Christ has set an example for us, that we should follow in His steps" ( 1 Peter 2:21 ). Further, to these Easterns intimation is given of God, and they returned another way, thus defeating the design of the treacherous heart and cruel head of the Edomite king, notwithstanding the slaughter of the innocents. The Rabbis said, "Be not like fools, who, when they sin, bring a sacrifice but do not repent. Johannine Writings God speaks from heaven as Father, addressing His Son. God speaks, and it is done. So essential is repentance that in order to make it possible God cancels his own demands: "Beloved is repentance before God, for he cancels his own words for its sake." He who is coming after me is stronger than I. I am not fit to carry his sandals. All through their history the Jews had looked for the time when the Spirit would come. How a dove represents the work of the Holy Spirit: c. This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: When this voice of God the Father spoke from heaven, everyone knew that Jesus was not just another man being baptized. If you were only chronicling the events of a year, you keep to the order in which they happened; but whenever you rise to the higher task of bringing out moral features, you may be frequently obliged to abandon the consecutive order of events as they occurred. The heavens were opened when Christ was baptized, to teach us, that when we duly attend on God's ordinances, we may expect communion with him, and communications from him. Here we see the love relationship and cooperation between the Persons of the Trinity, in one occasion when the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were all manifested at the same time. Maybe the Jews carried it to an unparalleled distance, but there is always need of a warning that we cannot live on the spiritual capital of the past. The Spirit of God descending like a dove: This was a dramatic experience with the Holy Spirit, with the Spirit of God coming upon Jesus in a way that could actually be seen (somewhat similar to the coming of the Spirit of God upon the gathered disciples in Acts 2:1-4). Both are true, but with distinct design. What then is the gift and work of this Spirit of God? C. G. Montefiore writes, "To the Rabbis the essence of repentance lay in such a thorough change of mind that it issues in a change of life and a change of conduct." Of course, both are equally true; but who can say that they are the same thing? God confirms Jesus identity and commitment by sending the empowering Spirit and declaring Jesus identity (Matthew 3:16-17). How thwarting to mere Jewish expectations of the Messiah! At first glance, it may seem that the connection between this text and this day is tenuous at best. (i) He fearlessly denounced evil wherever he might find it. This is exactly what He did in His birth, His upbringing, and His death. When the Spirit of God enters into a man the disorder of human nature becomes the order of God; our dishevelled, disorderly, uncontrolled lives are moulded by the Spirit into the harmony of God. The Holy Scriptures affirm that men are "buried" by baptism (Colossians 2:12; Romans 6:3-5). Chelsey Harmon. John's whole attitude was self-obliteration, not self-importance. ( John 8:29 ). ii. These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. It is sufficient for us to believe, that it was a symbol of the Divine presence. The opening of the heavens. It was written more particularly for leading Jewish Christians into a truer understanding of the glory of the Lord Jesus. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!. iii. Now we know what would have been the prompting of affection and of godly desires in the presence of a babe; but the aged Simeon never pretends to bless Him. They were kept in repair only as the king needed them for any journey that he might make. The NIV translation gives this sense better than the NASB. Then he allowed Him: The purpose was for Jesus to completely identify Himself with sinful man. With it the grain was lifted from the threshing floor and tossed into the air. (2.) Our Lord enters upon His public ministry as a minister of the circumcision, and calls disciples to follow Him. As they put it themselves, "There was no voice, nor any that answered." Matthew 28:16-20 Commentary. Next, the Holy Ghost descends like a dove upon our Savior: here we have an evidence of the blessed Trinity; the Father speaks from Heaven, the Son comes out of the water. Now for the first time in their national history the Jews realized their own sin and their own clamant need of God. but he will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. It was a question of another sort of righteousness. i. But then he proclaims repentance; not here in view of deeper things, as in the gospel of Luke, but as a spiritual preparation for Messiah and the kingdom of heaven. I am perfectly aware that there has not been time for comparing it much with the others; but occasions will, I trust, offer for bringing into strong contrast the different aspects of the various gospels. the God of heaven would set up a kingdom; and more than this, that the Son of man was the person to administer the kingdom. 1 In those days came a John the I believe the real state of the facts to be this:- first of all, God has been pleased, by one of the evangelists (Mark), to give us the exact historical order of our Lord's eventful ministry. In whom I am well pleased. In that moment there was set before Jesus both his task and the only way to the fulfilling of it. They said, Lord, look at that tree that you cursed yesterday. In Christianity there is no escape from the eternal choice. ., p. 2. I. Mat 3:1-6. In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea ( Matthew 3:1 ). This was the third person of the Trinity, descending upon him in the form of a dove, Luke 3:22. There is no mention of Sarah, no hint of Rebecca, no notice whatever of so many holy and illustrious names in the female line of our Lord Jesus. G. F. Moore writes, "The transparent primary meaning of repentance in Judaism is always a change in man's attitude towards God, and in the conduct of life, a religious and moral reformation of the people or the individual." Accordingly, therefore, while there is the doctrine of righteousness, there is the introduction of what is above it and mightier than it, with the corresponding blessedness of being persecuted for Christ's sake. Certain, at least, of the Jewish teachers taught that if Israel could repent perfectly for even one day the Messiah would come. c. This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: When this voice of God the Father spoke from heaven, everyone knew that Jesus was not just another man being baptized. The Spirit brought God's truth to men. Five unforgivable sinners are listed, and the list includes "Those who sin in order to repent, and those who repent much and always sin afresh." Then, set free and at rest in our souls, we return to learn of Him, to look upon Him, to follow Him, to hear His word, to delight ourselves in His ways. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. Naturally, therefore, the baptism was not a mere sprinkling with water, but a bath in which his whole body was bathed. (Barclay). So the nation of Israel rejected because of their rejection. This identification of Jesus with Yahweh is common in the New Testament (as in Exodus 13:21 and 1 Corinthians 10:4; Isaiah 6:1 and John 12:41). Frustration is banished; victory arrives. The Spirit of God breathes God's life into a man. He writes, "That God fully and freely remits the sins of the penitent is a cardinal doctrine of Judaism." The Spirit comes on various Biblical figures to equip them for divine service: for example, Gideon (Judges 6:34), the Davidic king (Isaiah 11:1), and Gods servant (Isaiah 42:1; 61:1). Such is the true force of it. And so it was. Baptism was for sinners, and no Jew ever conceived of himself as a sinner shut out from God. So in the baptism there came to Jesus two certainties--the certainty that he was indeed the chosen One of God, and the certainty that the way in front of him was the way of the Cross. Straightway from the water strongly suggests immersion as the action, that constitutes Scriptural baptism. Make His paths straight: The passage Matthew quotes from (Isaiah 40:3) has in mind building up a great road for the arrival of a majestic king. He who is good towards heaven and not towards his fellow men, is a bad tsaddiyq ( H6662) . G. F. Moore writes, "Repentance is the sole, but inexorable, condition of God's forgiveness and the restoration of his favour, and the divine forgiveness and favour are never refused to genuine repentance." The prejudices which blinded us are taken away. How Jesus will manifest Gods saving presence (Matthew 1:21-23) will be narrated after Matthew 4:17. This our Lord divulged more particularly inMatthew 13:1-58; Matthew 13:1-58. Thus, if there was a necessity because the Spirit of God limited Himself to a certain number of generations, there was also divine reason, as there always is in the word of God, for the choice of the names which had to be omitted. "Thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.". Questions of Jesus sinlessness or divinity are not yet to the fore. But, then, it is not simply the anointed of Jehovah, but One who proves Himself, and is declared of God, to be Jehovah-Messiah No such testimony appears elsewhere. It was only the hardness of the hearts of men which delayed the sending of God's Redeemer into the world. They are not such as any of us, or perhaps any man, would beforehand have thought of introducing, and into such a genealogy, of all others. First of all He pronounces certain classes blessed. [3.] Your partnership makes all we do possible. This was the very moment for which Jesus had been waiting. The voice from heaven could be none other than Gods. Psalm 29 is classified as a Community Hymn, but is often considered an Enthronement psalm because of its striking similarities with Psalms 93-99. Loveliest of all, God comes halfway and more to meet the penitent: "Return so far as you can, and I will come to you the rest of the way." Then went out to John the Baptist people from Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and from the region round about Jordan, and they were baptized by him in Jordan, confessing their sins. This was not a temporary gift of the Spirit of God. He shall not be a mere man, no matter how miraculously born; Jehovah's people, Israel, are His; He shall save His people from their sins. A difficulty arises here, whether the words, "to him", are to be referred to Christ, or to John; no doubt but the opening of the heavens was seen by them both: but to me it seems that John is particularly designed, since this vision was upon his account, and for his sake, and to him the following words belong; "and he", that is, John, saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: for this is what was promised to John, as a sign, which should confirm his faith in Jesus, as the true Messiah, and which he himself says he saw, and upon which he based the record and testimony he bore to Christ, as the Son of God; see John 1:32 not but that the descent of the Holy Ghost in this manner might be seen by Christ, as well as John, according to Mark 1:10. Give me leave to transcribe a passage I have met with in the book of Zohar {s}; Proud member That's tough. "Blessed are ye, [there is thus a change. The endearedness of his person, This is my beloved Son. They were not surfaced at all because the soil of Palestine is hard and will bear the traffic of mules and asses and oxen and carts. See here how ready he is to own us in him: He is my beloved Son, not only with whom, but in whom, I am well pleased. That is the way it is. You can't change it. John 1:32-34 indicates that John the Baptist saw this phenomenon and understood what it meant. Take the prayer, for instance, that was here set before the disciples. There is not the slightest reference to His suffering on the cross; no intimation of His blood, death, or resurrection: He is instructing though not merely in righteousness. But it may be that there is another picture here. 1. 4. Christ wept oft; and penitent souls are compared to doves of the valleys. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Josephus, for instance, tells us that Solomon laid a causeway of black basalt stone along the roads that lead to Jerusalem to make them easier for the pilgrims, and "to manifest the grandeur of his riches and government." Attention to four factors frames an answer. The expression means that he was permitted to see far into the heavens beyond what the natural vision would allow. miracle, or whatever other fact is brought before us, only brings out, to my mind, more distinctly the manifest design of God to give expression to the glory of the Son in each gospel according to a special point of view. He wouldnt preach such a straightforward message. In this one statement at the beginning of Jesus ministry, God presented Him as the Davidic Messiah, the Son of God, the representative of the people, and the Suffering Servant. b. 2 He answered them, When it is evening, you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red. 3 And in the morning, It will be He is not only found in fashion as a man, but is made in the likeness of sinful flesh, and therefore now let him be baptized of John; as if he needed to be washed, though perfectly pure; and thus he was made sin for us, though he knew no sin. iii. And fire: To baptize with fire means to bring the fires of judgment, which will purify the pure, but destroy the wicked like chaff. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.. (Compare verse 8 with2 Chronicles 22:1-12; 2 Chronicles 22:1-12; 2 Chronicles 23:1-21; 2 Chronicles 24:1-27; 2 Chronicles 25:1-28; 2 Chronicles 26:1-23.) Now that the full time is come, for preparing to discharge the office of Redeemer, he is clothed with a new power of the Spirit, and that not so much for his own sake, as for the sake of others. Josephus actually wrote more about John the Baptist than he did about Jesus. This word used for worship in verse 17 is the kind of word that indicates more than the simple actit also represents the motivation for worship. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. If you are in New York, and I tell you to come to Los Angeles, I dont really need to say Leave New York and come to Los Angeles. To come to Los Angeles is to leave New York, and if I havent left New York, I certainly havent come to Los Angeles. Neither of these three things has ever been demonstrated from this passage, nor can they be. What then were the characteristics of John and his message? (7-12) The baptism of Jesus. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point The gift of the Holy Spirit, in this manner, was the public approbation of Jesus John 1:33, and a sign of his being set apart to the office of the Messiah. The person who saw the Spirit descending was evidently Jesus. Note, In and through Jesus Christ, the heavens are opened to the children of men. There are some old and false traditions (mentioned in Barclay) that Jesus was baptized because of pressure from His mother and brothers. Nothing less will avail to prepare the way for a new coming of Christ. (Meyer). It is because reparation is so necessary that he who teaches others to sin is the worst of sinners; for he cannot make reparation because he can never tell how far his sin has gone out and how many it has gone on to influence. This passage affords no mean proof of the doctrine of the Trinity. I pledge allegiance to the flag. There has been some controversy about the manner and form in which the Spirit of God rendered itself visible on this occasion. And this is the more observable, because, in the Gospel of Luke, the first opening of His ministry is expressly at Nazareth; while the point of emphasis in Matthew is, that He leaves Nazareth, and comes and dwells in Capernaum. And Jesus, when he was baptized,. Christ, when he was baptized by John in the river Jordan, the place where he was baptizing. As was the custom in some other Jewish ceremonial washings, John completely immersed those he baptized. Home COMMENTARY What is the meaning of Matthew 3:16-17? There you have the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Like a dove, the work of the Holy Spirit speaks of love. Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Pentateuch "A man" they said, "can shoot an arrow for a few furlongs, but repentance reaches even to the throne of God.". And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. These first works in His public ministry carry great meaning in understanding the rest of His ministry. Whether this is the remains of some ancient tradition, these men studiously conceal, concerning the opening of the heavens, and the descent of the Spirit of God, as a dove, upon the Messiah; or whether it is hammered out of the evangelic history, let the reader judge. Jesus was the coming Messiah and King, and John the Baptist was the one crying in the wilderness, and through his message of repentance, he worked to prepare the way of the LORD. To one who knew the facts in a human way, nothing would he more natural than to put them down just as they occurred. But, if Jesus is who we believe him to be, he did not stand in need of repentance, and did not need forgiveness from God. WebThe Message The moment Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, the skies opened up and he saw God's Spirit - it looked like a dove - descending and landing on him. John thinks it necessary that he should be baptized of Christ; I have need to be baptized of thee with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, as of fire, for that was Christ's baptism, Matthew 3:11; Matthew 3:11. Some say that is what the locust were. Maimonides gives the formula which a man may use to confess his sin: "O God, I have sinned, I have done iniquity, I have transgressed before thee, and have done thus and so. Observe, I. It was but for Jesus they came; it was on Jesus that their worship was spent; and so, spite of the parents being there, spite of what nature would prompt them to do, in sharing, at least, something of the worship on the father and mother with the Babe, they produced their treasures and worshipped the young child alone. It was the Spirit of God who moved upon the face of the waters and made the chaos into a cosmos, turned disorder into order, and made a world out of the uncreated mists. God, therefore, takes particular pains, in this Jewish gospel, to give all importance to His being strictly, in the eye of the law, the son of Joseph; and so, according to the flesh, inheriting the rights of the regal branch; yet here He takes particular care to prove that He was not, in the reality of His birth as man, Joseph's son. He might not have been able to deny the fact; but as to bringing it out thus, and drawing special attention to it, the Jew was the last man to have done it. Read commentary on this popular Bible verse and understand the real meaning behind God's Word using John Gill's Exposition of the Bible. (1.) The descent of the Holy Ghost upon him, like as a dove descends. "I acknowledged my sin to thee, and I did not hide my iniquity; I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord'; then thou didst forgive the guilt of my sin" ( Psalms 32:5). So the picture is, the fan in His hand, and He will thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor, and will gather His wheat into the garner. John recognizes Jesus as the Messiah and baptizes Him. "Had the crowds heard the voice from heaven, it is inexplicable why one segment of the public does not at least entertain the idea that Jesus is the Son of God. They are now called to be His companions in Israel, formed according to His heart as His servants here below; but before this we have a remarkable Scripture applied to our Lord. As he was praying; for prayer is the key of heaven, wherewith we may take out of Gods treasury plentiful mercy for ourselves and others. (Trapp), ii. It was done on purpose, that believers might learn to receive, and to contemplate with reverence, his divine power, and that the weakness of the flesh might not make him despised. His preaching created a widespread revival movement, and his followers constituted a significant group within Judaism which maintained its separate existence beyond the New Testament period. (France). 17 And a voice from heaven said, This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased. New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition Satan was the source of the thought couched in Peter's words. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. a. It matters not where we look, whether at the beginning, the middle, or at the end, the same evident character proclaims itself. The desert had in places thin, short, dried-up grass, and stunted thorn bushes, brittle for want of moisture. All this, it is plain, was of the deepest possible moment for Israel to apprehend. (i) For thirty years Jesus had waited in Nazareth, faithfully performing the simple duties of the home and of the carpenter's shop. Thus, if you take Ezra, for instance, giving his own genealogy as a priest, you find that he omits not three links only in a chain, but seven. (iv) To the Spirit the Jews assigned special functions. That is to say, Luke characteristically looks upon things in their springs as well as effects. The dove was the only fowl that was offered in sacrifice (Leviticus 1:14), and Christ by the Spirit, the eternal Spirit, offered himself without spot to God. Further, the caution against a lavishing of what was holy and beautiful on the profane is followed by rich and repeated encouragements to count on our Father's grace. It is not now taking the people out of Israel, and bringing them into a position with Himself that we shall find by-and-by; but it is the Saviour identifying Himself with the godly-feeling remnant. (v) The Spirit enables men to recognize God's truth when they see It. The reality was coming: as for him, he was merely one to announce the advent of the King. It has to be a matter of living repentance, not just talking repentance. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. Now there is nothing that so summarily banishes a doubt, and silences every question of the natural man, as the simple but happy assurance that what God says must be true, and is the only right thing. The coming of Christ necessarily involves a separation. Now Jesus in the fifteenth chapter of John talks about the vine and the branches. The climax of We need 2 cookies to store this setting. And now also the axe is laid to the root of the trees: therefore every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is going to be cut down, and cast into the fire ( Matthew 3:10 ). At this time the Jews were sadly conscious that the voice of the prophets spoke no more. Lower down we have another. See here how God owns our Lord Jesus; This is my beloved Son. John was now increasing, and therefore it must be thus yet; shortly he will decrease, and then it will be otherwise. But God is not so. Thus the contradictions looked hopeless; for it seemed, that in order to be the Messiah, He must, and yet He must not, be Joseph's son. God the Fathers voice concerning his son. 3, 4. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized, I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me, It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, The Spirit of God descending My beloved Son, David Guzik :: Hechos 9 La Conversin de Saulo de Tarso, David Guzik :: Gnesis 3 La tentacin y cada del hombre, David Guzik :: Apocalipsis 20 Satans, el Pecado y la Muerte son Finalmente Eliminados, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus and the Holy Trinity (Walter Martin), A Great Cloud of Witnesses (Chuck Missler), John 13 - Washed for Your Walk (Chuck Missler), Proverbs 1-5 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Psalms 91-100 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Genesis 1:1-8 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith). This was his opportunity, and in his baptism he identified himself with the men he came to save, in the hour of their new consciousness of their sin, and of their search for God. Many today have the same idea. The Holy Spirit manifested himself in the likeness of a dove, but God the Father by a voice; for when the law was given they saw no manner of similitude, only they heard a voice (Deuteronomy 4:12); and so this gospel came, and gospel indeed it is, the best news that ever came from heaven to earth; for it speaks plainly and fully God's favour to Christ, and us in him. Jesus had already been asked for a sign in Matthew 12:38, and in response He had already pointed them to the sign of Jonah. This word used for worship in verse 17 is the kind of word that indicates more than the simple actit also represents the motivation for worship. Then, as we have just seen, the omission is not haphazard, but made of special moral force. The reference to the Holy Spirit assures the community that the eschatological Spirit that fills Jesus at immersion (Matthew 3:13-17) will also fill the disciples (whom Matthew explicitly calls the church in Matthew 16:18; 18:15, 17, 21). Zohar in Gen. fol. They knew Jesus was the perfect (in whom I am well pleased) Son of God, identifying with sinful man. (1.) Gods commendation also linked Jesus with the Suffering Servant at the commencement of His ministry (Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 53). Talks about the manner and form in which his whole body was bathed,,... Itself visible on this occasion characteristically looks upon things in their national history the Jews looked. They are the same thing destroyed. nor can they be understood what it meant and presentation a! Worthy to carry his sandals similarities with Psalms 93-99 Jesus ; this is exactly what he did in first! Yet to the children of men luke-acts baptism was an act of obedience carried out by those who him... 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i. It speaks God's good will towards men; that his thoughts towards us are thoughts of good, and not evil. Go bring the men in whose presence you insulted me, and I will be reconciled to you.' It is not, as the authorized version has it, "By His knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many;" for it is unquestionable that justification is not by His knowledge. This gave an accomplishment to the general voice of the prophets, who declared Him despised and rejected of men. Luke, on the contrary, inasmuch as he, for perfectly good and divinely given reason, changes the order, necessarily omits these words. Such indeed was the history of His life; it was continual pain, one course of suffering and shame. Yes and no. But Jesus looked at those who came to the waters of Jordan, and saw their hearts touched, if ever so little, with a sense of their state before God; and His heart was truly with them. Luke uses the words "in bodily form like a dove" (Luke 3:22). Oh, what a withering refutation of the foolish men of the West! 1. The New Testament [Note: See S. Lewis Johnson Jr., "The Baptism of Christ," Bibliotheca Sacra 123:491 (July-September 1966):220-29.]. But when the reaper comes they are driven from their nests and their shelters, and as the field is laid bare they have to flee for their lives. Only in a measure, of course, can we thus speak of any other than Jesus; but of Him who was full of grace and truth, in whom, too, the fulness of the Godhead dwelt even so, of Him it was fully true. Such empowerment, of course, is not to be construed as Jesus initial endowment with the Spirit, for he was conceived by the Spirit. Jesus commitment to enact Gods saving purpose faithfully is the fruit that John calls for turning or committing to Gods purposes (Matthew 3:8). 3. Sin shut up heaven, put a stop to all friendly intercourse between God and man; but now Christ has opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. iii. It became Christ to submit to John's washing with water, because it was a divine appointment; but it became him to oppose the Pharisees' washing with water, because it was a human invention and imposition; and he justified his disciples in refusing to comply with it. We may thus look for deep profit. Before we can gain the kingdom of heaven, we must recognize our poverty of spirit (Matthew 5:3). "Thou didst forgive the iniquity of thy people; thou didst pardon all their sin" ( Psalms 85:2). Luke-Acts Baptism was an act of obedience carried out by those who declared themselves on the side of God and his righteousness. "It is I," he said, "who need to be baptized by you, and are you coming to me?" John the Baptist is sadly needed to-day. So Jesus ever did, and did it thus publicly, joining Himself with whatever was excellent on the earth. Psalms 2:7; Isaiah 42:1). THE MESSAGE OF JOHN--THE THREAT ( Matthew 3:7-12 ), 3:7-12 When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, "Brood of vipers! Aphes arti--Let it be yet so; suffer it to be so now. This appears to be the tendency of the words of Luke: while Jesus was praying, the heaven was opened, (Luke 3:21:) for, though his prayers were always directed towards the benefit of others, yet as man, when he commenced a warfare of so arduous a description, he needed to be armed with a remarkable power of the Spirit. The self-same principle applies to the so-called sermon on the mount, on which I am about to say a few words. I baptize you with water that you may repent. Nazareth was in lower, as Capernaum was in upper Galilee. Such, in the providence of God, was the place for Jesus. It wasnt that John the Baptist was trying to be this Elijah-like forerunner predicted in Malachi 4:5, as if he decided on his own to make this his destiny and public image. Does the holy Jesus, that is separated from sinners, come to be baptized by a sinner, as a sinner, and among sinners? Ahaziah vanishes, and Joash, and Amaziah, when the line once more reappears here in Uzziah. Now, looking at the gospel of Matthew as a whole, and taking the most enlarged view of it before we enter into details, the question arises, what is the main idea before the Holy Ghost? Now one little gospel gives us one little insight when he was twelve years old, but that is the only glimpse that we have of the boyhood of Jesus. Yet it would be easy for any onlooker to think that Jesus was just another sinner being baptized; so He identified with sinful man. And a voice from heaven declared, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased ( Matthew 3:17 ). c. I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me: John recognized the inherent irony in this situation. In John's baptism there was a summons to repentance, and the offer of a way to the forgiveness of sins. To me, I confess, it seems impossible for a simple mind to resist the conclusion. "Get thee hence, Satan," was the real language of the Lord to Satan, and is so given in closing the literally last temptation by Matthew. 16 And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God It is wonderful to feel sorry about your sin, but repent isnt a feelings word. The truth of the matter, then, is, that with matchless wisdom Luke was inspired of God to put the second temptation last, and the third temptation in the second place. Note, [1.] The wind has an irresistible power. Minor Prophets e. Whose sandals I am not worthy to carry: John recognizes his own place before Jesus. As we have said, John pointed beyond himself to the one who was to come. The New Testament There may be times when even the gates of prayer are shut; but the gates of repentance are never closed. Besides, the reason is manifest. (ii) There is the idea of warmth. He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, or as a dove, and coming or lighting upon him. Tradition held that a sign done on earth could be a counterfeit from Satan, but signs done from heaven (coming in or from the sky) were assumed to be from God. Last of all, We have the audible voice of God the Father pronouncing. This I read, in order to show that it is the purpose of the Spirit, in this part of our gospel, to gather a quantity of facts together under one head, entirely regardless of the question of time. Web16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. "Every branch in me that does not bring forth fruit shall be cut off and men gather them and throw them into the fire and they are burned. So, then, to the Jew the one gateway back to God is the gateway of repentance. Historical Books Those who will find must seek. If in one who was of that sacerdotal succession where the proofs were rigorously required, where a defect in it would destroy his right to the exercise of spiritual functions if in such a case there might legitimately be an omission, clearly there might be the same in regard to the Lord's genealogy; and the more, as this omission was not in the part of which the Scripture speaks nothing, but in the centre of its historical records, whence the merest child could supply the missing links at once. In the other case, there would be a lack of testimony for Christ, and grace makes one rejoice to be counted worthy of suffering for His name: but righteousness is not in question. The idea is taken from the practice of eastern monarchs, who, whenever they entered upon an expedition, or took a journey through a desert country, sent harbingers before them, to prepare all things for their passage; and pioneers to open the passes, to level the ways, and to remove all impediments. (Clarke). 1. Everyone would naturally and reasonably conclude, without the mention of such a circumstance, that as soon as his baptism was over, he would immediately come up out of the water. See Isaiah 42:1. [Note: The New Scofield . Wisdom answered: "Misfortune pursues sinners" ( Proverbs 13:21). (verses Matthew 7:1-4.) One would be at a loss at first sight for a reason why the Evangelist should relate this circumstance; for after the ordinance was administered, why should he stay in the water? 2. Strange sight! It was precisely what the believing Israelite did learn; even as it was just the rock of offence on which unbelieving Israel fell and was dashed to pieces. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, Brood of vipers! How Christ insisted upon it; It must be so now. Therefore it is that, in this discourse on the mountain, we have throughout the tone of One who was consciously God with men. Because he consented to the covenant of redemption, and delighted to do that will of God, therefore the Father loved him.John 10:17; John 3:35. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. O, generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? C. G. Montefiore wrote, "Repentance is the great mediatorial bond between God and man. He would use marketing surveys and focus groups to hone his message and presentation. If Herod the king sinned by contracting an evil and unlawful marriage, John rebuked him. [4.] And in that don't we say, under God? Nevertheless, it was God shrouding His Majesty; it was God in the person of man, in the Child that takes the lowliest place in the haughty world. Delay not to turn to the Lord, and do not put it off from day to day" ( Sir_5:4-7 ). When Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water. God confirms Jesus identity and commitment by sending the empowering Spirit and declaring Jesus identity (Matthew 3:16-17). But here two questions arise. Luke 3:22). Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . (A tsaddiyq ( H6662) is a righteous man.) Interprets Mt 24:15 as fulfilled in 70AD. If in those ordinances we look to God, we may expect that he will bless us; the heavens will be opened, light will shine upon our path, and we shall meet with the approbation of God. A winnowing fork tossed both unto the air. Any great work of God begins with great preparation. Matthew probably gave a free quotation because he used what happened at Jesus baptism as evidence of His messiahship. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, (Hebrew/Greek Search by English Definition), * 'Number Delimiters' only apply to 'Paragraph Order', Search verses, phrases, and topics (e.g. Pauline Epistles There is no forgetfulness in God, because he is God, but such is the mercy of God that he not only forgives, but, incredible as it may sound, he even forgets the sin of the penitent: "Who is a God like thee pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance?"" Thus it becomes him to justify God, and approve his wisdom, in sending John to prepare his way by the baptism of repentance. Had He anything to confess? Thus, it is clear the Holy Spirit adopted the shape of a dove on that occasion, otherwise John could not have seen and borne witness. Thus even from the very first our Lord Jesus, as a babe, tastes the hate of the world what it is to be thoroughly humbled, even as a child. Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized: This is a significant emergence of Jesus from His many years of obscurity. They recognized the phenomenon as looking for the star of Jacob; they instinctively, I may say, certainly by the good hand of God, connected the two together. [3.] And if no man of sense doubts that this should be so in our own case, has not God always had His own perfect mind in the various accounts He has given us of Christ? Matthew 1:20; Matthew 2:15; Matthew 4:3; Matthew 4:6). A very early writer suggested that Jesus came to be baptized only to please his mother and his brothers, and that it was in answer to their entreaties that he was almost compelled to let this thing be done. Room was left for intimations of such compass in Matthew's scheme of His ancestry. Prepare the way of the LORD: Matthew used this passage from Isaiah 40:3 to identify John the Baptist as the prophesied forerunner of the Messiah. And so the gospel brought to the Gentiles and the Jew alike, so that no matter who you are Gentile or Jew, there is only one way and that's through Jesus Christ.John said. The spiritual mind, of course, has no difficulty can have none by the very fact that it is spiritual, because its confidence is in God. A Rabbis disciple was expected to act virtually as his masters slave, but to remove his shoes was too low a task for even a disciple (Ketuboth 96a).. [Note: Allen, p. This is my beloved Son," it said, "with whom I am well pleased." Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. It is impossible that God could do what even we should be ashamed of. Chapter 3. What we see God owns, and while we see he does so, we must own. These chapters have established Jesus as Gods anointed agent (Christ), son of David and Abraham, Emmanuel, king of the Jews. Exodus 20:1). c. For the kingdom of heaven is at hand: John wanted people to know that the kingdom of heaven was near as close as your hand. The idea is that the kingdom of God is a now-present spiritual kingdom, but the kingdom of heaven refers to the coming millennial earth in its splendor. He went up straightway, as one that entered upon his work with the utmost cheerfulness and resolution; he would lose no time. How (and Why) Do We Receive Power from the Holy Spirit? ], "Because Matthew so constructs his story that Gods evaluative point of view is normative, the reader knows that in hearing God enunciate his understanding of Jesus, he or she has heard the normative understanding of Jesus, the one in terms of which all other understandings are to be judged. Salem Media Group. Hence the twofold persecutions (10-12) bring in the double character we find in the epistles suffering for righteousness' sake, and suffering for Christ's sake. You can copy the order of your preferred Bible translations from the Bibles Tab to the Version Picker (this popup) or vice versa. Sometimes that has to happen through painful experiences, but, if a man throughout all the experiences of life believes that God is working together all things for good, he will emerge from them with a character which is cleansed and purified, until, being pure in heart, he can see God. Christ was designed for the highest honours, yet in his first step he thus abases himself. The heavens were opened to shew that heaven, which was closed and shut against us for our sins, is now opened to us, by Christs undertaking for us. That God is in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, is a joyful message, which comes to us upon the wing, the wings of a dove. WebMatthew Henry's Commentary on Matthew 3:16-17 Commentary on Matthew 3:13-17 (Read Matthew 3:13-17). He does not deny that John had need to be baptized of him, yet he will now be baptized of John. It is evident, that what is here described in a few verses must have demanded a considerable space for its accomplishment. No case is hopeless for repentance, and no man is beyond repentance. The axe is already applied to the root of the trees. John's gospel amplifies the ministry of John the Baptist. Accordingly, I think it was owing to special considerations of this sort that Matthew was led to reserve for us the great lesson, that our Lord had passed through the entire temptation not only the forty days, but even that which crowned them at the close; and that only when an open blow was struck at the divine glory did His soul at once resent it with the words, "Get thee hence, Satan." "This is my beloved Son," is a quotation from Psalms 2:7. What of the immeasurable glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, which everywhere shines out in them? This wrath is often ignored or disregarded because it is not immediate; it is, This wrath is not any less certain just because it is delayed and is. That John is baptizing in Aenon near Salim because there is much water there (John 3:23) supports this conclusion. & 6. Prepare the way of the LORD; The emergence of John was like the sudden sounding of the voice of God. His baptism displayed his identification, or solidarity, not only with the faithful minority of Israel but also with the human race in general. John the Evangelist recorded that John the Baptist also saw this (John 1:32), but evidently no one but Jesus heard the Fathers voice. There was one very simple and very vital reason. Here, however, I must for the present pause, though one can only and deeply regret being obliged to pass so very cursorily over the ground; but I have sought in this first lecture to give thus far as simple, and at the same time as complete, a view of this portion of Matthew as I well could. (Matthew 3:7-12) Johns confrontation with the Pharisees and Sadducees. Passwords should have at least 6 characters. He introduced Jesus as the messianic King of Israel who fulfilled Old Testament prophecy and received divine confirmation from God with an audible word from heaven (cf. Here, again, if I be not mistaken, righteousness and grace are found alternating; for the exhortation against a censorious spirit is grounded on the certainty of retribution from others, and paves the way for an urgent call to self-judgment, which in us precedes all genuine exercise of grace. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. I need not enlarge; these names in divine history must speak for themselves. It was the Jewish belief that Elijah would return before the Messiah came, and that he would t)e the herald of the coming King. that is, to fuse them together into one mass, and make them give out only, as it were, a single voice in the praise of Jesus. The fruit and benefit of this near and dear relation unto us; In him I am well pleased. Yet, even remembering all this mercy, it remains the case that in true repentance reparation is necessary in so far as it can be made. John protests Jesus presenting himself for baptism. fol. See John 1:33. John the Baptist preaches in JudaJesus is baptized, and the Father acclaims Him as His Beloved Son. Like a dove, the work of the Holy Spirit can be soft and gentle. This was Christs unction, Isa 61:1 when he was anointed above his fellows, to be the king, priest and, prophet of his church. That is, he calls man to confess his own ruin in view of the introduction of that kingdom. Adam Clarke gives a further idea: But why is it called the kingdom of HEAVEN? Of course, I do not deny that similar words appear in your common English Bibles (in Luke 4:8); but no scholar needs to be informed that all such words are left out of the third gospel by the best authorities, followed by almost every critic of note, save the testy Matthaei, though scarce one of them seems to have understood the true reason why. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. f. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. The dove is remarkable for her eyes; we find that both the eyes of Christ (Song of Solomon 5:12), and the eyes of the church (Song of Solomon 1:15; Song of Solomon 4:1), are compared to doves' eyes, for they have the same spirit. Chelsey Harmon. c. Do not think to say to yourselves, We have Abraham as our father: John warns them to stop trusting in their Jewish heritage because they must truly repent, not simply trust in Abrahams merits. For certainly Christ did not want Peter to go away from Him and be lost, which would have been its effect. That was the purpose of Jesus anointing as well (Luke 4:14; Luke 5:17; cf. Prophets But even then the answer of Matthew is after a divine sort. He who is wicked against heaven and wicked against his fellow men, is a bad sinner. He names in certain cases the mother, and not the father only; but never without a divine reason. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, [that is John the Baptist is the one that Isaiah spoke of] saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Instead it suggested that the Messiah would die, like a lamb offered in sacrifice for the cleansing of sin (John 1:29-30). ". Matthew connects him with a prophecy from Isaiah ( Isaiah 40:3). The Lord, in short, was here accomplishing one of the parts of His mission according toIsaiah 53:1-12; Isaiah 53:1-12, where the work of Christ is twofold. Next comes a remarkable prophecy of Christ, of which we must say a word the prophecy of Hosea. Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come: John accused these leaders of wanting to appear anxious for the Messiah, but not truly repenting and preparing their hearts. They thought that that naturally constituted salvation. THE EMERGENCE OF JOHN THE BAPTIZER ( Matthew 3:1-6 ). The heavens were opened: It was important for God the Father to publicly demonstrate that Jesus baptism was not just like anyone elses, in the sense of being a display of repentance. Jesus must have waited for the hour to strike, for the moment to come, for the summons to sound. However, who can read this account without thinking of Noah's dove, which brought in its mouth the olive leaf, a token of peace and reconciliation, when the waters were abated from off the earth? Note, No pretence of humility must make us decline our duty. Whether the locust be that insect of the grasshopper family or the carob tree fruit is really not sure. With Him all things are possible; and faith receives all with assurance. (iii) John came from God. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." Matthew had presented Jesus in all of these roles previously, but now God the Father confirmed His identity. THE MESSAGE OF JOHN--THE DEMAND ( Matthew 3:7-12 continued). And in front of the fire there would come scurrying and hurrying the snakes and the scorpions, and the living creatures who found their shelter in the grass and in the bushes. And at twelve years he seemed to be a very unusual young man, as we will find in another of the gospels.So we are jumping now to John the Baptist who was preaching in the wilderness of Judaea and he was saying. This is the sum of the whole gospel; it is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that God has declared, by a voice from heaven, that Jesus Christ is his beloved Son, in whom he is well pleased, with which we must by faith cheerfully concur, and say, that he is our beloved Saviour, in whom we are well pleased. It is the man who says that he is innocent and who refuses to admit that he has sinned who is condemned ( Jeremiah 2:35). Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. They held many traditions to be of equal authority to Scripture. God has been pleased, in the separate accounts He has given us of our Lord Jesus, to display not only His own grace and wisdom, but the infinite excellency of His Son. There was a propriety in every thing that Christ did for us; it was all graceful (Hebrews 2:10; Hebrews 7:26); and we must study to do not only that which behoves us, but that which becomes us; not only that which is indispensably necessary, but that which is lovely, and of good report. The threat of the destruction of the sinner is cancelled by the acceptance of repentance for the sinner's sins. There may be one of two pictures there. The fulness of time was come that Christ should enter upon his prophetical office; and he chooses to do it, not at Jerusalem (though it is probable that he went thither at the three yearly feasts, as others did), but there where John was baptizing; for to him resorted those who waited for the consolation of Israel, to whom alone he would be welcome. conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy Just like so many people in the United States think that to be an American is to be a Christian, but it naturally constitutes well, are you saved? Jeremiah had it: "Bring me back that I may be restored, for thou art the Lord my God" ( Jeremiah 31:18). 2. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away; and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." But God had His own sufficient motive; and His was one not only of wisdom, but of mercy; also, of special instruction to the Jew, as we shall see in a moment. . The Rabbis said, "Great is repentance for it brings healing upon the world. The son of Sirach writes in Ecclesiasticus: "Say not, I sinned, and what happened to me? Then, once again, John returns to his harvest picture. This seems to be what is meant of our Lord here. "He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper; but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy" ( Proverbs 28:13). Such, then, are the two distinct classes or groups of blessedness. I content myself now with giving what appears to me the true reason why the Spirit of God here adheres to the order of the facts. The nearest contemporary parallels are the self-baptism of a Gentile on becoming a proselyte, and the repeated ritual washings (also self-administered) at Qumran. (France). Out of the water - This shows that he had descended to the river. Blue Letter Bible study tools make reading, searching and studying the Bible easy and rewarding. To explain and complete this solemnity, there came a voice from heaven, which, we have reason to think, was heard by all that were present. (Matthew 3:1-2) The message of John the Baptist. Then he allowed Jesus to be baptized. 2. It is made a direct personal address] when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake." When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming: This is our introduction to these two important groups in first-century Judaism. There is also a sense in which this was an important new beginning for Jesus; not in the sense of turning from sin, but in making a break with His previous life. As he was praying; for prayer is the key of heaven, wherewith we may take out of Gods treasury plentiful mercy for ourselves and others. (Trapp), ii. The reference to fire is a vivid image for the apocalypse and especially for the last judgment. Produce fruit to fit repentance. What does baptism declare? Accordingly, in the gospel of Matthew, the Spirit of God fixes our attention upon these facts. In this regard, it was not identical to Christian baptism or baptism into Christ (Romans 6:3), which includes a demonstration of repentance and cleansing, but also recognizes the believers identification with Jesus death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:3-4). I therefore reserve any observations that this larger scope might and ought, indeed, to give rise to, till we have to consider the third gospel. It probably refers to John. It is being baptized into Christ, that is, into His death and resurrection (Romans 6:3). The Jew held that true repentance brings forth fruits which demonstrate the reality of the repentance--and so does the Christian. Who put it into your minds to flee from the coming wrath? Webi. It is enough for us to seek the kingdom of God, and His righteousness: our Father's love cares for all the rest. Now Peter said, "For Christ has set an example for us, that we should follow in His steps" ( 1 Peter 2:21 ). Further, to these Easterns intimation is given of God, and they returned another way, thus defeating the design of the treacherous heart and cruel head of the Edomite king, notwithstanding the slaughter of the innocents. The Rabbis said, "Be not like fools, who, when they sin, bring a sacrifice but do not repent. Johannine Writings God speaks from heaven as Father, addressing His Son. God speaks, and it is done. So essential is repentance that in order to make it possible God cancels his own demands: "Beloved is repentance before God, for he cancels his own words for its sake." He who is coming after me is stronger than I. I am not fit to carry his sandals. All through their history the Jews had looked for the time when the Spirit would come. How a dove represents the work of the Holy Spirit: c. This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: When this voice of God the Father spoke from heaven, everyone knew that Jesus was not just another man being baptized. If you were only chronicling the events of a year, you keep to the order in which they happened; but whenever you rise to the higher task of bringing out moral features, you may be frequently obliged to abandon the consecutive order of events as they occurred. The heavens were opened when Christ was baptized, to teach us, that when we duly attend on God's ordinances, we may expect communion with him, and communications from him. Here we see the love relationship and cooperation between the Persons of the Trinity, in one occasion when the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were all manifested at the same time. Maybe the Jews carried it to an unparalleled distance, but there is always need of a warning that we cannot live on the spiritual capital of the past. The Spirit of God descending like a dove: This was a dramatic experience with the Holy Spirit, with the Spirit of God coming upon Jesus in a way that could actually be seen (somewhat similar to the coming of the Spirit of God upon the gathered disciples in Acts 2:1-4). Both are true, but with distinct design. What then is the gift and work of this Spirit of God? C. G. Montefiore writes, "To the Rabbis the essence of repentance lay in such a thorough change of mind that it issues in a change of life and a change of conduct." Of course, both are equally true; but who can say that they are the same thing? God confirms Jesus identity and commitment by sending the empowering Spirit and declaring Jesus identity (Matthew 3:16-17). How thwarting to mere Jewish expectations of the Messiah! At first glance, it may seem that the connection between this text and this day is tenuous at best. (i) He fearlessly denounced evil wherever he might find it. This is exactly what He did in His birth, His upbringing, and His death. When the Spirit of God enters into a man the disorder of human nature becomes the order of God; our dishevelled, disorderly, uncontrolled lives are moulded by the Spirit into the harmony of God. The Holy Scriptures affirm that men are "buried" by baptism (Colossians 2:12; Romans 6:3-5). Chelsey Harmon. John's whole attitude was self-obliteration, not self-importance. ( John 8:29 ). ii. These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. It is sufficient for us to believe, that it was a symbol of the Divine presence. The opening of the heavens. It was written more particularly for leading Jewish Christians into a truer understanding of the glory of the Lord Jesus. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!. iii. Now we know what would have been the prompting of affection and of godly desires in the presence of a babe; but the aged Simeon never pretends to bless Him. They were kept in repair only as the king needed them for any journey that he might make. The NIV translation gives this sense better than the NASB. Then he allowed Him: The purpose was for Jesus to completely identify Himself with sinful man. With it the grain was lifted from the threshing floor and tossed into the air. (2.) Our Lord enters upon His public ministry as a minister of the circumcision, and calls disciples to follow Him. As they put it themselves, "There was no voice, nor any that answered." Matthew 28:16-20 Commentary. Next, the Holy Ghost descends like a dove upon our Savior: here we have an evidence of the blessed Trinity; the Father speaks from Heaven, the Son comes out of the water. Now for the first time in their national history the Jews realized their own sin and their own clamant need of God. but he will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. It was a question of another sort of righteousness. i. But then he proclaims repentance; not here in view of deeper things, as in the gospel of Luke, but as a spiritual preparation for Messiah and the kingdom of heaven. I am perfectly aware that there has not been time for comparing it much with the others; but occasions will, I trust, offer for bringing into strong contrast the different aspects of the various gospels. the God of heaven would set up a kingdom; and more than this, that the Son of man was the person to administer the kingdom. 1 In those days came a John the I believe the real state of the facts to be this:- first of all, God has been pleased, by one of the evangelists (Mark), to give us the exact historical order of our Lord's eventful ministry. In whom I am well pleased. In that moment there was set before Jesus both his task and the only way to the fulfilling of it. They said, Lord, look at that tree that you cursed yesterday. In Christianity there is no escape from the eternal choice. ., p. 2. I. Mat 3:1-6. In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea ( Matthew 3:1 ). This was the third person of the Trinity, descending upon him in the form of a dove, Luke 3:22. There is no mention of Sarah, no hint of Rebecca, no notice whatever of so many holy and illustrious names in the female line of our Lord Jesus. G. F. Moore writes, "The transparent primary meaning of repentance in Judaism is always a change in man's attitude towards God, and in the conduct of life, a religious and moral reformation of the people or the individual." Accordingly, therefore, while there is the doctrine of righteousness, there is the introduction of what is above it and mightier than it, with the corresponding blessedness of being persecuted for Christ's sake. Certain, at least, of the Jewish teachers taught that if Israel could repent perfectly for even one day the Messiah would come. c. This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: When this voice of God the Father spoke from heaven, everyone knew that Jesus was not just another man being baptized. The Spirit brought God's truth to men. Five unforgivable sinners are listed, and the list includes "Those who sin in order to repent, and those who repent much and always sin afresh." Then, set free and at rest in our souls, we return to learn of Him, to look upon Him, to follow Him, to hear His word, to delight ourselves in His ways. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. Naturally, therefore, the baptism was not a mere sprinkling with water, but a bath in which his whole body was bathed. (Barclay). So the nation of Israel rejected because of their rejection. This identification of Jesus with Yahweh is common in the New Testament (as in Exodus 13:21 and 1 Corinthians 10:4; Isaiah 6:1 and John 12:41). Frustration is banished; victory arrives. The Spirit of God breathes God's life into a man. He writes, "That God fully and freely remits the sins of the penitent is a cardinal doctrine of Judaism." The Spirit comes on various Biblical figures to equip them for divine service: for example, Gideon (Judges 6:34), the Davidic king (Isaiah 11:1), and Gods servant (Isaiah 42:1; 61:1). Such is the true force of it. And so it was. Baptism was for sinners, and no Jew ever conceived of himself as a sinner shut out from God. So in the baptism there came to Jesus two certainties--the certainty that he was indeed the chosen One of God, and the certainty that the way in front of him was the way of the Cross. Straightway from the water strongly suggests immersion as the action, that constitutes Scriptural baptism. Make His paths straight: The passage Matthew quotes from (Isaiah 40:3) has in mind building up a great road for the arrival of a majestic king. He who is good towards heaven and not towards his fellow men, is a bad tsaddiyq ( H6662) . G. F. Moore writes, "Repentance is the sole, but inexorable, condition of God's forgiveness and the restoration of his favour, and the divine forgiveness and favour are never refused to genuine repentance." The prejudices which blinded us are taken away. How Jesus will manifest Gods saving presence (Matthew 1:21-23) will be narrated after Matthew 4:17. This our Lord divulged more particularly inMatthew 13:1-58; Matthew 13:1-58. Thus, if there was a necessity because the Spirit of God limited Himself to a certain number of generations, there was also divine reason, as there always is in the word of God, for the choice of the names which had to be omitted. "Thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.". Questions of Jesus sinlessness or divinity are not yet to the fore. But, then, it is not simply the anointed of Jehovah, but One who proves Himself, and is declared of God, to be Jehovah-Messiah No such testimony appears elsewhere. It was only the hardness of the hearts of men which delayed the sending of God's Redeemer into the world. They are not such as any of us, or perhaps any man, would beforehand have thought of introducing, and into such a genealogy, of all others. First of all He pronounces certain classes blessed. [3.] Your partnership makes all we do possible. This was the very moment for which Jesus had been waiting. The voice from heaven could be none other than Gods. Psalm 29 is classified as a Community Hymn, but is often considered an Enthronement psalm because of its striking similarities with Psalms 93-99. Loveliest of all, God comes halfway and more to meet the penitent: "Return so far as you can, and I will come to you the rest of the way." Then went out to John the Baptist people from Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and from the region round about Jordan, and they were baptized by him in Jordan, confessing their sins. This was not a temporary gift of the Spirit of God. He shall not be a mere man, no matter how miraculously born; Jehovah's people, Israel, are His; He shall save His people from their sins. A difficulty arises here, whether the words, "to him", are to be referred to Christ, or to John; no doubt but the opening of the heavens was seen by them both: but to me it seems that John is particularly designed, since this vision was upon his account, and for his sake, and to him the following words belong; "and he", that is, John, saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: for this is what was promised to John, as a sign, which should confirm his faith in Jesus, as the true Messiah, and which he himself says he saw, and upon which he based the record and testimony he bore to Christ, as the Son of God; see John 1:32 not but that the descent of the Holy Ghost in this manner might be seen by Christ, as well as John, according to Mark 1:10. Give me leave to transcribe a passage I have met with in the book of Zohar {s}; Proud member That's tough. "Blessed are ye, [there is thus a change. The endearedness of his person, This is my beloved Son. They were not surfaced at all because the soil of Palestine is hard and will bear the traffic of mules and asses and oxen and carts. See here how ready he is to own us in him: He is my beloved Son, not only with whom, but in whom, I am well pleased. That is the way it is. You can't change it. John 1:32-34 indicates that John the Baptist saw this phenomenon and understood what it meant. Take the prayer, for instance, that was here set before the disciples. There is not the slightest reference to His suffering on the cross; no intimation of His blood, death, or resurrection: He is instructing though not merely in righteousness. But it may be that there is another picture here. 1. 4. Christ wept oft; and penitent souls are compared to doves of the valleys. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Josephus, for instance, tells us that Solomon laid a causeway of black basalt stone along the roads that lead to Jerusalem to make them easier for the pilgrims, and "to manifest the grandeur of his riches and government." Attention to four factors frames an answer. The expression means that he was permitted to see far into the heavens beyond what the natural vision would allow. miracle, or whatever other fact is brought before us, only brings out, to my mind, more distinctly the manifest design of God to give expression to the glory of the Son in each gospel according to a special point of view. He wouldnt preach such a straightforward message. In this one statement at the beginning of Jesus ministry, God presented Him as the Davidic Messiah, the Son of God, the representative of the people, and the Suffering Servant. b. 2 He answered them, When it is evening, you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red. 3 And in the morning, It will be He is not only found in fashion as a man, but is made in the likeness of sinful flesh, and therefore now let him be baptized of John; as if he needed to be washed, though perfectly pure; and thus he was made sin for us, though he knew no sin. iii. And fire: To baptize with fire means to bring the fires of judgment, which will purify the pure, but destroy the wicked like chaff. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.. (Compare verse 8 with2 Chronicles 22:1-12; 2 Chronicles 22:1-12; 2 Chronicles 23:1-21; 2 Chronicles 24:1-27; 2 Chronicles 25:1-28; 2 Chronicles 26:1-23.) Now that the full time is come, for preparing to discharge the office of Redeemer, he is clothed with a new power of the Spirit, and that not so much for his own sake, as for the sake of others. Josephus actually wrote more about John the Baptist than he did about Jesus. This word used for worship in verse 17 is the kind of word that indicates more than the simple actit also represents the motivation for worship. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. If you are in New York, and I tell you to come to Los Angeles, I dont really need to say Leave New York and come to Los Angeles. To come to Los Angeles is to leave New York, and if I havent left New York, I certainly havent come to Los Angeles. Neither of these three things has ever been demonstrated from this passage, nor can they be. What then were the characteristics of John and his message? (7-12) The baptism of Jesus. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point The gift of the Holy Spirit, in this manner, was the public approbation of Jesus John 1:33, and a sign of his being set apart to the office of the Messiah. The person who saw the Spirit descending was evidently Jesus. Note, In and through Jesus Christ, the heavens are opened to the children of men. There are some old and false traditions (mentioned in Barclay) that Jesus was baptized because of pressure from His mother and brothers. Nothing less will avail to prepare the way for a new coming of Christ. (Meyer). It is because reparation is so necessary that he who teaches others to sin is the worst of sinners; for he cannot make reparation because he can never tell how far his sin has gone out and how many it has gone on to influence. This passage affords no mean proof of the doctrine of the Trinity. I pledge allegiance to the flag. There has been some controversy about the manner and form in which the Spirit of God rendered itself visible on this occasion. And this is the more observable, because, in the Gospel of Luke, the first opening of His ministry is expressly at Nazareth; while the point of emphasis in Matthew is, that He leaves Nazareth, and comes and dwells in Capernaum. And Jesus, when he was baptized,. Christ, when he was baptized by John in the river Jordan, the place where he was baptizing. As was the custom in some other Jewish ceremonial washings, John completely immersed those he baptized. Home COMMENTARY What is the meaning of Matthew 3:16-17? There you have the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Like a dove, the work of the Holy Spirit speaks of love. Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Pentateuch "A man" they said, "can shoot an arrow for a few furlongs, but repentance reaches even to the throne of God.". And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. These first works in His public ministry carry great meaning in understanding the rest of His ministry. Whether this is the remains of some ancient tradition, these men studiously conceal, concerning the opening of the heavens, and the descent of the Spirit of God, as a dove, upon the Messiah; or whether it is hammered out of the evangelic history, let the reader judge. Jesus was the coming Messiah and King, and John the Baptist was the one crying in the wilderness, and through his message of repentance, he worked to prepare the way of the LORD. To one who knew the facts in a human way, nothing would he more natural than to put them down just as they occurred. But, if Jesus is who we believe him to be, he did not stand in need of repentance, and did not need forgiveness from God. WebThe Message The moment Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, the skies opened up and he saw God's Spirit - it looked like a dove - descending and landing on him. John thinks it necessary that he should be baptized of Christ; I have need to be baptized of thee with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, as of fire, for that was Christ's baptism, Matthew 3:11; Matthew 3:11. Some say that is what the locust were. Maimonides gives the formula which a man may use to confess his sin: "O God, I have sinned, I have done iniquity, I have transgressed before thee, and have done thus and so. Observe, I. It was but for Jesus they came; it was on Jesus that their worship was spent; and so, spite of the parents being there, spite of what nature would prompt them to do, in sharing, at least, something of the worship on the father and mother with the Babe, they produced their treasures and worshipped the young child alone. It was the Spirit of God who moved upon the face of the waters and made the chaos into a cosmos, turned disorder into order, and made a world out of the uncreated mists. God, therefore, takes particular pains, in this Jewish gospel, to give all importance to His being strictly, in the eye of the law, the son of Joseph; and so, according to the flesh, inheriting the rights of the regal branch; yet here He takes particular care to prove that He was not, in the reality of His birth as man, Joseph's son. He might not have been able to deny the fact; but as to bringing it out thus, and drawing special attention to it, the Jew was the last man to have done it. Read commentary on this popular Bible verse and understand the real meaning behind God's Word using John Gill's Exposition of the Bible. (1.) The descent of the Holy Ghost upon him, like as a dove descends. "I acknowledged my sin to thee, and I did not hide my iniquity; I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord'; then thou didst forgive the guilt of my sin" ( Psalms 32:5). So the picture is, the fan in His hand, and He will thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor, and will gather His wheat into the garner. John recognizes Jesus as the Messiah and baptizes Him. "Had the crowds heard the voice from heaven, it is inexplicable why one segment of the public does not at least entertain the idea that Jesus is the Son of God. They are now called to be His companions in Israel, formed according to His heart as His servants here below; but before this we have a remarkable Scripture applied to our Lord. As he was praying; for prayer is the key of heaven, wherewith we may take out of Gods treasury plentiful mercy for ourselves and others. (Trapp), ii. It was done on purpose, that believers might learn to receive, and to contemplate with reverence, his divine power, and that the weakness of the flesh might not make him despised. His preaching created a widespread revival movement, and his followers constituted a significant group within Judaism which maintained its separate existence beyond the New Testament period. (France). 17 And a voice from heaven said, This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased. New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition Satan was the source of the thought couched in Peter's words. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. a. It matters not where we look, whether at the beginning, the middle, or at the end, the same evident character proclaims itself. The desert had in places thin, short, dried-up grass, and stunted thorn bushes, brittle for want of moisture. All this, it is plain, was of the deepest possible moment for Israel to apprehend. (i) For thirty years Jesus had waited in Nazareth, faithfully performing the simple duties of the home and of the carpenter's shop. Thus, if you take Ezra, for instance, giving his own genealogy as a priest, you find that he omits not three links only in a chain, but seven. (iv) To the Spirit the Jews assigned special functions. That is to say, Luke characteristically looks upon things in their springs as well as effects. The dove was the only fowl that was offered in sacrifice (Leviticus 1:14), and Christ by the Spirit, the eternal Spirit, offered himself without spot to God. Further, the caution against a lavishing of what was holy and beautiful on the profane is followed by rich and repeated encouragements to count on our Father's grace. It is not now taking the people out of Israel, and bringing them into a position with Himself that we shall find by-and-by; but it is the Saviour identifying Himself with the godly-feeling remnant. (v) The Spirit enables men to recognize God's truth when they see It. The reality was coming: as for him, he was merely one to announce the advent of the King. It has to be a matter of living repentance, not just talking repentance. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. Now there is nothing that so summarily banishes a doubt, and silences every question of the natural man, as the simple but happy assurance that what God says must be true, and is the only right thing. The coming of Christ necessarily involves a separation. Now Jesus in the fifteenth chapter of John talks about the vine and the branches. The climax of We need 2 cookies to store this setting. And now also the axe is laid to the root of the trees: therefore every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is going to be cut down, and cast into the fire ( Matthew 3:10 ). At this time the Jews were sadly conscious that the voice of the prophets spoke no more. Lower down we have another. See here how God owns our Lord Jesus; This is my beloved Son. John was now increasing, and therefore it must be thus yet; shortly he will decrease, and then it will be otherwise. But God is not so. Thus the contradictions looked hopeless; for it seemed, that in order to be the Messiah, He must, and yet He must not, be Joseph's son. God the Fathers voice concerning his son. 3, 4. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized, I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me, It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, The Spirit of God descending My beloved Son, David Guzik :: Hechos 9 La Conversin de Saulo de Tarso, David Guzik :: Gnesis 3 La tentacin y cada del hombre, David Guzik :: Apocalipsis 20 Satans, el Pecado y la Muerte son Finalmente Eliminados, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus and the Holy Trinity (Walter Martin), A Great Cloud of Witnesses (Chuck Missler), John 13 - Washed for Your Walk (Chuck Missler), Proverbs 1-5 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Psalms 91-100 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Genesis 1:1-8 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith). This was his opportunity, and in his baptism he identified himself with the men he came to save, in the hour of their new consciousness of their sin, and of their search for God. Many today have the same idea. The Holy Spirit manifested himself in the likeness of a dove, but God the Father by a voice; for when the law was given they saw no manner of similitude, only they heard a voice (Deuteronomy 4:12); and so this gospel came, and gospel indeed it is, the best news that ever came from heaven to earth; for it speaks plainly and fully God's favour to Christ, and us in him. Jesus had already been asked for a sign in Matthew 12:38, and in response He had already pointed them to the sign of Jonah. This word used for worship in verse 17 is the kind of word that indicates more than the simple actit also represents the motivation for worship. Then, as we have just seen, the omission is not haphazard, but made of special moral force. The reference to the Holy Spirit assures the community that the eschatological Spirit that fills Jesus at immersion (Matthew 3:13-17) will also fill the disciples (whom Matthew explicitly calls the church in Matthew 16:18; 18:15, 17, 21). Zohar in Gen. fol. They knew Jesus was the perfect (in whom I am well pleased) Son of God, identifying with sinful man. (1.) Gods commendation also linked Jesus with the Suffering Servant at the commencement of His ministry (Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 53). Talks about the manner and form in which his whole body was bathed,,... Itself visible on this occasion characteristically looks upon things in their national history the Jews looked. They are the same thing destroyed. nor can they be understood what it meant and presentation a! Worthy to carry his sandals similarities with Psalms 93-99 Jesus ; this is exactly what he did in first! Yet to the children of men luke-acts baptism was an act of obedience carried out by those who him... 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Sunday December 11th, 2022