define exposition in literature

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Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. One tried and true method of introducing a central character in the best possible light is to have them save the cat, a screenwriting term popularized by Blake Snyder in his book of the same name. A love story might begin in the middle of the love vs. hate scale, rise during the meet cute, fall during a breakup, and end high on the love scale. Lets look at where exposition can show up in your story. Think about how this works well in the story as you recall the exposition literary definitionhow it establishes the Shire, the tone for the novel, and the quaint setting that will drastically change once Bilbo leaves home. Through the introduction of Christopher, we learn that he has autism and views the world with a unique mindset. The audience learns that Marlin lost his wife before Nemo was born and this leads him to be a protective father over his only child. 2023. Journalists use this kind of direct exposition because news reporting is intended to give readers important information in a clear, direct, and succinct fashion. Though exposition is a fairly straightforward literary device, writers must finely balance revealing too little in terms of information or sharing too much detail. We also get a feeling of responsibility; Hansel wants to protect his sister from the fear of the unknown and protect her from whatever is in the dark forest. Though exposition is necessary for nearly every single story, it's hard to get it right. What Is Composition? Instant downloads of all 1736 LitChart PDFs. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, for instance, Harry and the reader discover that he has been accepted into Hogwarts at the same time: when he finally gets to read the letter of admission. Prologues and epilogues are two tools writers can use to create exposition, providing readers with information that allows them to better understand the story or themes of a work of literature. For example, Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein tells the story of Dr. Frankenstein and his monster through the letters of a peripheral character who is recounting the story to his sister. Which can be dialogue, narration, or even visual information that helps the audience better understand what is going on in the story. The narrator of a story or novel has the role of revealing information to the reader, including exposition. Join over 450,000 readers who are saying YES to practice. Exposition is critical to any tale, for with out it nothing makes sense. This is when the main action of the play begins. A strong exposition evokes feelings and emotion within the reader. In Lowrys novel, the reader is provided limited expository information as the story and significance of this fictional world unfolds. This list and the terms included in it can . Youre right, he said. Want best-seller coaching? Writers utilize exposition to provide essential backstory for characters, plot, and other narrative elements. You can use their conversation to convey background information to your reader, too. I get this, from a certain perspective, since its the party that throws the two families together irrevocably, but I think that event is dwarfed by instant attraction between the two lovers. Direct exposition is okay in small doses, but try to relay information indirectly as much as you can. A characters internal monologue is another effective method of conveying exposition. Meet beta readers, get feedback on your writing, and become a better writer! What would you sayreally isthe literary definition of exposition, and how can knowing it help you write better stories? Understanding the exposition literary definition and studying examples of stories (like the ones covered in this post) that include exposition with purpose will help you apply exposition (well) in your own story. Its also where a character processes what theyre feeling about a given situation. "Understanding Exposition in Literature." Instead, you want to set the foundation of all the story that is going to happen in the future, starting with your inciting incident. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. ), Or, Heres where my brother and I used to record our heights every year. M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia, B.A., History, Armstrong State University. This is because most of the time, you need to try and get this necessary background information to your reader early on in the first chapter so that they can follow along with the rest of the plot. Accessed 4 Jun. Long shadows reached out to her. The music world gives us clues as to what is happening in an exposition, too. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1736 titles we cover. Classic fairy tales often use the words "once upon a time" to introduce expository details, like who the main characters are, where the story is set, and what the major conflict or problem of the story might be. Fleming, Grace. In the same way, in a story, the exposition can be the place where the theme and the main ideas are fist stated. Definition, Types, and Examples, Summary and Review of Proof by David Auburn, Juliet's Monologues From Shakespeare's Tragedy, Writing About Literature: Ten Sample Topics for Comparison & Contrast Essays, 5 of the Best Plays Written by Tennessee Williams, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831) by Victor Hugo, How to Find the Theme of a Book or Short Story, The Setting of 'A Streetcar Named Desire'. This isnt going to be easy. Without such expository information, the storylines would be inaccessible in terms of understanding. In literature, exposition is a form of writing that explains what's happening or has happened in the story in a very matter-of-fact way. These lines, which form part of the song's chorus, establish that Drake is addressing a person with whom he used to have a relationship. Exposition is all about communicating the most possible information in the least amount of words, while maintaining the forward motion of the story. Johns friends had tried over the years to set him up with various co-workers and mutual acquaintances, but hed never felt ready. A lot of movies show the exposition by panning over the city or countryside and showing the main character doing something such as walking, working, or waking up. However, he also reveals his coping mechanism in turning to books and reading for connection, comfort, and safety. Your exposition muststillbe a good story. Direct exposition is where you say something clearly to the reader, either through your narration or through expository dialogue. Exposition may present background information of the plot or characters, explain details about the setting, convey a sense of the historical context, and so on. Flashbacks are where instead of describing key plot points that have happened, your reader actually gets to see them happening. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Dialogue is conversation between two or more characters. The main options are third person limited, third person omniscient, and first person. Exposition isn't always quite that easy to spot, but some form of exposition appears in almost every work of literature, and readers typically rely on exposition and background information to give context to the main events of a story. Included below is a list of literary terms that can help you interpret, critique, and respond to a variety of different written works. Now that you've read this post, how well do you understand the exposition literary definition? Click here to get The Write Structure ($5.99). Climax: The master thief gives up the profit, saving his/her team. Here are a few examples of exposition in literature that show whole worlds in just a few moments. Exposition also enhances the readers understanding of a literary work and encourages their connection to it. This list is by no means comprehensive, but instead offers a primer to the language frequently used by scholars and students researching literary works. View Practice ({"message": "Internal Server Error"} Songs often tell stories just as novels or other literature does. And if you post, be sure to leave feedback on a few pieces by other writers. If not, your readers dont need to know about it. Exposition is the description or explanation of background information within a work of literature. Dialogue is conversation between two or more characters, Get our writing markets & contests newsletter, Gift a membership & buy gift certificates, Get a professional online writing portfolio, Free, liberated ebooks for the true book lover. In some books, for example, you may find that exposition takes place through flashbacks that a character experiences. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. If it didn't the characters would exist in a world without context, without histories or a setting. Then you come around again and say, "Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me." The narrators expository observation reveals information about himself in addition to Sonny. Conversation and even argument allows a writer to illuminate backstory and context for the reader to achieve greater understanding of the narrative, plot, characters, etc, in a story or novel. Since the narration is in the first person, readers are offered exposition about the characters and events through the point of view of the protagonist. Flashbacks always need to be triggered by somethingusually something sensory. The word comes from the Latin language, and its literal which means is "a showing forth.". Improve your writing in one of the largest and most successful writing groups online. For example: Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood who lived with her mother in a cottage at the edge of a dark forest. We turn things over in our heads based on what we already know and consider only the details we need to process those things. Writers can introduce exposition into a story in a variety of ways, but it appears across all genres and styles of storytelling. In non-linear narratives (stories that include flashbacks or move backward and forward in time), writers are more likely to scatter expository details throughout the work. In Disney-Pixars Finding Nemo, the exposition is the opening scene where the audience is introduced to the main characters Marlin and Nemo. This allows the reader to understand his perspective before he encounters the central conflict in the plot. As a result, the storys meaning and impact is even stronger. How do you make sure your exposition has conflict and choice so that it can develop the plot? The purpose of the exposition is to give the audience a basis for understanding the story in a film or piece of literature. Though this is similar to using a character's memories to fill in important information for the reader, a character's thoughts in the present moment can be used to indicate their opinions and worldview, relationships with other characters, and can even give readers important information about other characters. Exposition usually appears in the very first section of a piece, but it can appear later. Exposition is a literary term that refers to the part of a story that sets the stage for the drama to follow: it introduces the theme, setting, characters, and circumstances at the story's beginnings. Exposition. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Exposition is a literary term that introduces necessary information about events, setting, characters, and other elements that are necessary to an audience's ability to fully comprehend a story. The setting is his home in England where he lives with his father. This provides revealing elements and insight in terms of the character themselves, other characters, and perceptions of events in the story. Here are a few of the risks and rewards of using exposition in your writing. Are you telling an adventure story on the life vs. death scale? It took all his strength to hold himself back from bawling on day one, when they marched him through the tall gates topped with razor wire. As youre describing whats happening, you can sneak in hints of what led up to that moment. For example, inThe Hobbit, there are just a couple of pages of exposition before Gandalf shows up and invites Bilbo on an adventure. They dont want that. This might be through your characters talking about something thats happened, one character explaining something to another, or from them discovering something new together. Understanding Exposition in Literature. In this passage, the reader learns that whatever happened at the party caused Melinda to call the police. Its also about introducing the values at play in your story. This is an example of the use of "in-universe media" to create exposition. The final sentence shows us the narrators personality, his view of his job, and his begrudging acceptance of his place in it. Its something that isnt actually happening in the plot, but thats important for the reader to know. With this prologue, Shakespeare uses direct exposition to convey important background information. However, the expository information is also limited to the narrators knowledge, experience, and understanding within the story. This conversation provides indirect exposition, showing readerswithout explaining it directlythat Mrs. Bennet is preoccupied with arranging marriages for her daughters, and that Mr. Bennet has a deadpan sense of humor and enjoys teasing his wife. Everything still looks like home.. These are all things that will help your reader understand why the events of the novel unfold the way they do. Gecko opens the dryer door and staggers back from a blast of arid heat that sears his skin and bakes the moisture out of his eyes, nose, and mouth. Dialogue between characters is an effective method to convey exposition. They noticed Ive been trying to draw. Understanding who the characters are and the world in which they live gives us the ability to relate to the struggle they attempt to overcome throughout the course of the plot. This can be about your characters, the setting, important plot points, or historically significant events that contribute to your story. Youve probably heard that old reliable adage, Show, dont tell. Indirect exposition is what theyre talking about. Struggling with distance learning? She tried not to show her fear, but Alan had always been able to see right through her. In the exposition of a story, the author introduces the situation of the story. In journalistic writing, it is common practice to open a story with a "lede," or a sentence that sums up the main event that the story is reporting on. In relaying this backstory, the reader achieves greater enjoyment and understanding of the story and its meaning. If youre writing a novel, screenplay, or other narrative, how do you write great exposition? This can include anything from a character's backstory to a description of the setting. Definition of exposition: The exposition of a story is the opening part in which the audience is introduced to the characters and their situation. In a story, you can use this in the same way as dialogue to convey new information to the reader. As the narrator re-tells the story of his birthday to himself and the reader, he reveals significant information about his backstory and how it has influenced who he has become. The exposition is always at the. Exposition is a great way to address any questions or uncertainties that your reader may have. Crisis:Benvolio must choose whether to fight and break the peace or allow himself to be called a coward. Refine any search. In this passage, the narrator reminisces about the physical characteristics of his young brother as well as Sonnys perceived innocence as a child. Knowing the origins of the exposition literary definition can help you purposefully use exposition in scenes structuring your story. Exposition can cover characters and their relationship to one another, the setting or time and place of events, as well as any relevant ideas, details, or historical context. This gives the reader insight into the complex relationship between the brothers and the potential conflict to ensue in the story. Your character wouldnt say to themselves, I havent been back here since my brother died; they might say something like, It feels like its been a lot less than twenty years. Exposition is crucial to any story, for without it nothing makes sense. Some of this might actually be important information for the reader to know, but heaping it all in a pile all at once takes us away from whats really happening (this is sometimes called an information dump). Melinda does not tell her friends, family, or even the reader what exactly happened to her until later in the novel, so Anderson uses a combination of direct and indirect expositionincluding flashbacks and Melinda's thoughtsto gradually clue readers into why she feels so isolated and depressed. This can take the form of an isolated section of the story, such as a prologue or a separate chapter, or it can happen as a short deviation from the events happening in the present. Here are a few examples of exposition in literature: In Romeo and Juliet, the exposition is actually fairly long, even longer depending on where you put the inciting incident (Freytag puts it earlier than I would, but then, Freytag has a different way of thinking about story structure): At this party, Romeo meets Juliet, and falls in love at first sight, creating the inciting incident. No, you want to start with strong exposition, using crisis choices to introduce characters in a way your reader can root for them, not giving away too much information, not creating much movement. After you practice this plot element in the exercise below, check out my new book The Write Structure which helps writers make their plot better and write books readers love. The type of narration influences the way such background information is relayed or dispensed. Are you telling a performance story about a team competing to win a major tournament? It's important to understand that, Explanations and citation info for 36,295 quotes across 1736 books, Downloadable (PDF) line-by-line translations of every Shakespeare play. Books were safer than other people anyway. Additionally, we learn why Montresor chooses carnival for his revenge: his foe will likely be caught off guard as well as full of wine during this time of celebration. (2020, August 28). From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. In the above example, you might tell the reader that the woman has just been divorced at the start of your story, but you might choose not to reveal the reason for the divorce until closer to the end. He hadnt been on a date in more than two years, not since his last girlfriend left him for someone she originally thought was her cousin, but then turned out to just be her step-cousin and therefore completely unrelated to her. For example: The morning sun was just reaching the tips of the fir trees as Little Red Riding Hood left her mothers cottage. We get a feeling of despair coming from multiple occurrences, including the mother kicking the children out and the fact that Hansel's breadcrumbs are running out. Resolution: Missing out on the heist, or appearing to, was all part of the thiefs plan, and he/she shares the profits with his/her team. In literature, exposition conveys information that advances the plot of a story and provides insight into characters. I lay on the bed and lost myself in the stories.I liked that. This literary device requires an artistic touch so that writers offer their readers enough necessary context for understanding a story without overwhelming them with tedious or inessential detail. Retrieved from He had been picked up, the evening before, in a raid on an apartment downtown, for peddling and using heroin. Take care to introduce them with the exact impression you want the reader to take away. Terms of Service. Here the exposition smoothly and deftly establishes the setting. Stories can feel slow and boring during the exposition, even when theyre by great authors. How you introduce your characters is how they will be remembered by the reader throughout the story. This information is important to the story because it sets up the characters and background information of the story. LitCharts Teacher Editions. What a fine thing for our girls!, My dear Mr. Bennet, replied his wife, how can you be so tiresome! Exposition is the first point in Freytags pyramid. All of these exposition methods can be useful in a story, but any of them will become cumbersome when used too extensively or exclusively. Synonyms for exposition, in storytelling, include introduction (used by Freytag) and sometimes hook. The Star Wars film franchise makes use of exposition through the scrolling text that begins each movie. Crisis: Best bad choice. For example, an omniscient narrator can see everything in the world of the story as well as into each characters thoughts and emotions, and can thereby provide any information about any character or aspect of the story at any time. Folk and fairy tales, in particular, require exposition so that their unusual characters make sense and the fantastical plots have meaning. What is an Oxymoron? With a slow buildup to the action? It helps them relate to your characters and feel more connected to their trials and triumphs as they follow them from beginning to end. An exposition is the first section of a fugue or sonata form during which the main melodic themes are introduced for first time. Denouement:The Prince declares that anyone who breaks the peace will be executed. We all talk to ourselves and sort things out in our heads all the time. Montresor, therefore, plans to exact his revenge on Fortunato during the celebration of carnival. ), Flash Stories: Brevity and Echo in Writing. Otherwise your reader will read five pages of your story and then put it down in boredom. Scribophile is a community of hundreds of thousands of writers from all over the world. In the middle of the action? But why cant everyone have the memories? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! You get both a feeling for Ella's sense of unease and the father's desire to provide for his daughter, but are left wondering what will happen. People dont actually think like this. Similarly, a story that starts with a flash forward (as opposed to a flashback) begins not in the exposition but in the climaxnot a full climax but a shortened glimpse of the climax. She looked up and remembered how scared she had been, yelling at him to get down and stop messing around. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Depending on a writer's goals and the style in which they are writing, they may place exposition at the beginning of a story, or they may introduce it gradually throughout the text, often with the aim of creating mystery or building suspense by withholding key details that contextualize important events and explain characters' world-views or motivations. They noticed. The exposition is a set of scenes in a storythat are meant to introduce the audience to the characters, world, and tone of the story. For example, if you show your main character walking into an old house at the beginning of your story, you can say something like, It was the first time shed been back in her childhood home since her brothers death. (Direct exposition. You can intersperse your characters thoughts and internal monologue with details that show how the setting is affecting your characters and how theyre reacting to it. PDF downloads of all 1736 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Rising Complication:Benvolio, a Montague, tries to stop the fight, but Tybalt, a Capulet, insults him. This can be about your characters, the setting, important plot points, or historically significant events that contribute to your story. But does that time of their life influence the choices theyre making right now? Some stories, especially shorter ones, will need very little expository writing for the reader to understand whats happening in front of them. Should you know how the people surviving together on a floating piece of space jetsam go to the bathroom? There are traditionally six value scales: Stories rise and fall on the scale of these values. Many stories do. Here are some examples of exposition in literary works: When he was about as old as the boys in my classes his face had been bright and open, there was a lot of copper in it; and hed had wonderfully direct brown eyes, and a great gentleness and privacy. Whether your story is set in a fantastical faerie tale kingdom, a distant colony in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, or an alternate version of Victorian-era London, exposition introduces your readers to the most minute details of what makes your story world special and unique. Non-fiction writers may quote media (such as books, newspapers, websites, text-messages, magazines, letters, or emails) in order to convey important information directly to readers. Book Joe here. I think it would seem a little easier if the memories were shared. The biggest risk when it comes to clumsy exposition is that it can pull your reader out of your story. Read through the first few paragraphs or pages where the author gives a description of the setting and the mood before the action takes place. Glamor or Glamour Whats the Difference. This enhances the suspense of the plot as well as the novels unexpected twists in action. Exposition gives audience basic information at the beginning of a story so that they have a context in which to frame the rest of the narrative. Below, we'll take a look at some of the major techniques that writers use to create both direct and indirect exposition. Exposition locates readers in the world of the story: it establishes the "who, what, where, when," and sometimes "why" of a plot. This missile strike and the space debris chain reaction occurs right at the end of the first scene, meaning the exposition is less than a scene long. The reader learns from this passage that Sonnys brother remembers him in detail and with fondness as a child. Exposition is a literary device that communicates key background information to your reader. I was sad that nobody had come to my birthday party, but happy that I had a Batman figure, and there was a birthday present waiting to be read, a boxed set of the Narnia books, which I took upstairs. Shakespeare opens Romeo and Juliet with a prologue delivered by a chorus. The best way to create exposition in your story is to use some or all of these methods together, building the backstory of your novel or short story piece by piece. An exchange of words can introduce important background information in a natural and unforced way within a story. Exposition in writing can make or break a story. Examples of Literary Exposition: In Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado", the reader is introduced to the characters Montresor and Fortunato. This text outlines the characters and the situation in which they currently find themselves. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. For example: John stared down at the scrap of paper with the girls phone number on it. For example, in her dystopian novel The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood uses her narrator's memories to gradually explain how an ultra-conservative sect of Christianity overthrew the United States government and installed a repressive regime. Exposition is used in literature to introduce the reader to the characters and setting of the story being told. There are drawbacks to beginning with a moment deep in the action of the story, whether in medias res or a flash forward. The word comes from the Latin language, and its literal meaning is "a showing forth.". Not all movies utilize visual exposition, however. Get a quick-reference PDF with concise definitions of all 136 Lit Terms we cover. This exposition is important to include so that the reader is able to understand the characters before they encounter a major struggle they must overcome in the story. It must have been around a quarter to eleven. According to the guidebooks, Cabo Blanco was unspoiled wilderness, almost a paradise. In third person perspective, however, the characters thoughts will be distinct from the rest of the story., What to Do After You Write a Book: 5 Next Steps, 10 Easy Steps to Building an Author Website (2023), From Imagination to Publication: 100+ Novel Ideas to Fuel Your Literary Journey, 10 Writing Hacks to Actually Finish Your Book. Here are some common sources of exposition in writing so that readers are given sufficient information: All narratives require exposition so that the reader has enough information and context in order to understand the story. Inciting incident: A master thief shares the plan for the greatest heist of his/her career with his/her team. Instant PDF downloads. 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1. For example, if your protagonist is a recently divorced woman, telling or showing the reader what led to the divorce before your book began is exposition. While the story might be set in the main character's current and somewhat stable life, their flashbacks give vital information that sets the scene for something that might be an internal struggle that will surface within the remainder of the story. Exposition gives you a way to show the readers the sort of conflicts your characters have faced in the past, what their hopes and desires are, and what sort of experiencesgood and badhave made them into the people they are today. We see this through a feuding street fight between the Capulet and Montague families. Then, in the middle of the crisis of that scene, you pull away from the scene and flash back to the start of the story, the exposition. Indirect exposition gives the reader enough clues through the narrative, dialogue, and setting for them to absorb the information youre giving them without the need to state it outright. Though writers can use many different techniques to create exposition, it comes in two main forms: direct and indirect exposition. But then everyone would be burdened and pained. An internal monologue is where your character is talking to themselves inside their thoughts. Then, when you start with these values and keep them in mind throughout the rest of your story, youll find the story comes together. Specific sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures are deeply linked to our memories, and you can use those sensory stimuli to reveal information to your reader. Then begin with your first life vs. death moment. And throughout the Harry Potter series, various information is conveyed, to both Harry and the reader, through articles from the wizarding newspaper, The Daily Prophet. The entire fourteen-line prologue, in fact, reveals even the fact that Romeo and Juliet will ultimately die: the entire plot, and the character's fate, is provided in the exposition of the prologue. Lets explore how to convey exposition in the best possible way to take your writing to the next level. In first person perspective, this will usually be a part of the narration. Inciting Incident:Two Montague servants come onstage and a verbal feud begins. What is always true of successful stories is you have to get through the exposition atsomepoint, even if its not in the first scene. Define exposition: The exposition of a story is the beginning of the plot where the reader learns the characters and the setting of the story. It directly tells the reader where they are, but also manages to drop some subtle hints in along the way: a guidebook, suggesting that the character Mike is unfamiliar with the location, and the the idea that his vacation is back on track, which loads a lot of back story into a minuscule moment. Wellbeing or Well-Being Which is Correct? Indirect exposition is even more essential when youre in the midst of your story. In the opening lines of "Hotline Bling," Drake sings: You used to call me on my cellphone Late nights when you need my love. In the story of "Cinderella," the exposition goes something like this: This passage sets the stage for the action to come, alluding to the notion that Ella's happy life might be about to change for the worse. The key is to include only as much background information as the reader needs to follow the plot. Copyright 2023 Literary Devices. In some stories, especially action, thriller, or horror stories, its appropriate to begin with a short scene of heightened tension. This begins the story with a heightened level of suspense at the expense of clarity for the sake of the reader. Enter your practice here: Authors are often counseled to keep exposition . A sailor came in and ordered a chilli dog and coffee. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'exposition.' Its up to you to decide how much background information your reader needs to get oriented in your world and how much to withhold. An exposition is the first section of a fugue or sonata form during which the main melodic themes are introduced for first time. This feels much more present and intimate. How much exposition does your story need? You can introduce exposition into your story in two ways: directly and indirectly. If two characters are walking into the old house together, you could have one character say to the other, I havent been back here since my brother died. (Direct exposition. You can use exposition in dialogue as a stand in for the reader to help make sense of anything that might feel out of place. Romeo, a young son of the Montagues, is depressed after being rejected by a woman, and his friends attempt to cheer him up. Definition, Examples of the Exposition in a Story. Exposition (EK-spuh-ZI-shuhn) is a writing technique that discloses details about events, settings, or characters. A good example of this technique isFight Clubby Chuck Palahniuk (both the novel and film versions). The point here is to get to the point: the inciting incident. Great stories are built out of dynamic, multi-layered characters, and the best way to accomplish this is to give your characters dynamic, multi-layered lives. Clunky exposition can put an unnecessary distance between your reader and your characters. Exposition. To understand what exposition is, look at how the writer sets the scene for the story and the characters within it. The term comes fromRoxeanne, the 1987 film starring Steve Martin and Darryl Hannah. Risk losing the heist for the sake of the team, or choose to save the team and give up the profit from the heist? He reaches in, burning his fingers on the metal snaps of at least thirty orange jumpsuits. I scribbled a check and put it by his plate. So I moved up the characters introduction, and it made the story flow much better. He laughed at her and climbed up onto the bannister, arms outstretched, balanced precariously on a thin strip of polished wood. However, its essential for writers to avoid overusing dialogue as a method of exposition since this can overwhelm and/or bore the reader in addition to appearing forced and unnatural. You and I wouldnt have to bear so much by ourselves, if everybody took a part.The Giver sighed. The writers who do it the best draw the audience out of the action as quickly as they drew them in, soon beginning normal exposition. Enter your practice hereCAPTCHA Julie had been her best friend for more than ten years, when they met on the playground back in primary school and Julie stood up to a bully who was making fun of Sophies ratty old clothes. Most exposition is just two or three scenes, and sometimes its just half a scene. Also be sure to introduce all or at least mostof the important characters in your story in the exposition. His fingers moved towards his phone, and he wondered how he was going to explain that hed turned down Kevins friend from the Harpers Bazaar shoot but took a chance on a strange girl hed met at a bus stop. This can have the advantage of encouraging the audience to keep reading or watching as the story unfolds. They selected me and you to lift that burden from themselves.. Some stories don't start with exposition. Delivered to your inbox! Teachers and parents! The tricky thing about exposition is that it can slow your plot way down. Though Helen and Paul quickly break off their relationship, Helen's declaration of love gives readers (and Helen's sister) key information they would not have known otherwise, and sets the action of the novel in motion. This is ill-advised in narrative and is even worse when used in dialogue. The industrial-size equipment in the laundry room of the Jerome Atchison Juvenile Detention Center must be powered by volcanic heat, accessed straight from the earths core, Gecko reflects, trying to blink some tears back to his eyes. That familiar feeling of dread curled up in the pit of his stomach, where it had been living since Charlotte left him two years ago. Exposition thats used poorly, however, can drag down a brilliant idea and turn it into something unreadable. Its the same when youre building fantastical worlds. So, too, any scene inyourexposition should have this dramatic structure, or else risk feeling like boring info-dumping. In the classic story structure Freytags pyramid, exposition is listed as the very first stage of the plot. If you want to write a great story, you dont start too fast with a climactic moment. Sunshine streamed through the skylight and illuminated the bannister where Alan had been playing that day. When 'thingamajig' and 'thingamabob' just won't do, A simple way to keep them apart. There are long, He is masterly in absorbing information and masterful in organizing itskeptical of fashion, clear in, Although they were invited to use an early X ray machine on display at the, The writing can only be described as complete mumbo-jumbo theres so much explaining, truly reams of, The confrontation and confession scenes are clear and direct, but some of the underlying, His quivering fearfulness brings weight and tension to the film's proceedings, introducing tense information, delivering key, That requires a certain amount of potentially awkward opening, Flashback: From the seas to the stars, Shedd and Adler brought wonder to Chicago May 27, 1933: Century of Progress Worlds Fair began Connected by a land bridge to the city (later made a roadway), Northerly Island hosted the futuristic, As Tetris begins, Rogers' attempt to extract a loan from a skeptical banker is used as an extremely awkward framing device for a massive background, Post the Definition of exposition to Facebook, Share the Definition of exposition on Twitter, Palter, Dissemble, and Other Words for Lying, Skunk, Bayou, and Other Words with Native American Origins, Words For Things You Didn't Know Have Names, Vol. Unfortunately, the temptation when using exposition can be to tell your readers too much, which pulls them away from the scene youre showing in that moment. Sometimes youll need to sneak in little asides of direct exposition in your story, and thats okay. What is Exposition? Swift draws from memories and uses dialogue to establish that she and the person she is addressing have broken up and gotten back together several times. Just like understanding the exposition literary definition is crucial to storytelling, so is understanding the definition and application of point of view. This is a lesson I learned the hard way in my memoir Crowdsourcing Paris, when I introduced a pivotal character all the way at the end of act two. We can pick up a lot of information about the characters in this story, just by witnessing the conversation between mother and child. In historical fiction, providing historical context is important so the reader understands the limitations your main character is facing. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. This is an effective use of the literary device in that these internal monologues provide insight into the narrators character, allowing the reader to connect with his thoughts and feelings. Tears flood my eyes. Readers will be most engaged with your writing when your characters feel intimate and present and real. Exposition is a literary device used to introduce background information about events, settings, characters, or other elements of a work to the audience or readers. Well, show the audience a moment when good confronts evil right at the start. As we showed in our example, the exposition isnt meant to be long: as short as half a scene and as long as four. It begins as follows: Two households, both alike in dignity In fair Verona, where we lay our scene From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. In contrast, the filmGravity, about an astronaut attempting to survive a disaster in space, has an exposition that is quite short. How do you actually do that though? Writers can also build suspense by withholding expository details, and then revealing them later in a story. I should have known better! But it isnt until the fifth scene that the inciting incident occurs, which makes this one of the longer examples of exposition. Need more plot help? Do what you need to do to set up the inciting incident, and then move on. However, in certain stories and genres this is well worth it for the sake of an immediate shot of action. Start by outlining the missing exposition in a single sentence. However, exposition can happen at any time. (What?) For instance, you might say, Sophie waved to her friend Julie as she entered the classroom. Literary Terms. Helen is staying with family friends at a house called Howard's End when she writes the letter that closes Chapter 1, which reads as follows: Howard's End, Sunday. These background details helps the reader understand the characters thoughts and choices later on. Thinking about the exposition literary definition and how it works in storytelling, here are a few tips: As weve talked about in our discussion of story arcs, every story has a core value scale that it moves on, and when you begin a story, your very first scene should be about the core value of your story. Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. She adjusted the weight of the basket on her arm, making sure that the treats for her grandmother were safe, and started off down the path through the woods. Instead, try breaking it into small manageable bites and conveying some of it indirectly instead. This could be the year we finally get the band back together.". Exposition is a marvellous tool when it comes to building imaginary worlds in your story. Right away we can tell that the point of view is from someone working in the diner, and the short, snappy quality of the sentences suggests a worker who has gone through these motions a thousand times before. Exposition thats artfully placed throughout the narrative with just the right balance of discovery and suspense can elevate an average novel or short story into a bestseller. What's Important About The Title of 'Wuthering Heights'? Similarly, fiction writers may use "in-universe media," meaning forms of media that exist within the world of a story, to contextualize key events or convey background information to the reader. If only I could find a practice space and a drummer, she thought. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, In Jon Scieszkas The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, the wolf, who lives out in the country, is introduced to readers while baking a cake for his grandmother. The admirable act, of course, doesnothave to be saving a cat. Dearest, dearest Meg, I do not know what you will say: Paul and I are in love, the younger son who only came here Wednesday. Nonsense, how can you talk so! It is these six elements within every scene that will keep your story moving. One of the biggest challenges in expository writing is taking the time to share necessary information with your readers, without losing sight of your main goal as a writerwhich is to tell the story. Fleming, Grace. Unfortunately, this wont be the same every timethat would make our job too easy! Grace Fleming, M.Ed., is a senior academic advisor at Georgia Southern University, where she helps students improve their academic performance and develop good study skills. We can also predict that something is about to occur and that event will most likely involve that big bad wolf. Korman manages to say quite a lot in a very small space. Im sure they suspect I was at the party. It certainly has a cozy, fireside quality to it, but it lacks immediacy. When a beta reader gave me feedback that I needed to introduce the character earlier, I did a massive facepalm. Romeos friends convince him to attend a party at the Capulets. Exposition is designed to convey information that provides insight into a character or advances the story. Either extreme can result in confusion and frustration for the reader. You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them., Design! Thats why great exposition is such an art form! The audience, who doesnt after all know the characters who are caught up in the action, can easily feel distant or even confused. This is not an easy book, and the reader may find the layers of detail challenging. Montresor, the narrator, reveals that he has been has been irreparably insulted by Fortunato. The sunlight poured through the skylight and illuminated his hair like a renaissance painting just before he fell. Writing posted to Scribophile is its author. Exposition is crucial to setting the stage, as it provides readers with essential background information like character backstories, past plot points, and historical context. I wouldnt have recommended the unpalatable mess to a starving animal. This provides exposition in terms of who Sonny was, in his brothers memory, and creates a stark contrast to who Sonny has becomean addict and convict. Here are some common examples of exposition in well-known tales: Writers have choices in the methods they use to convey exposition in a story or novel. This opening paragraph allows itself a moment to enjoy the view in peaceful harmony. Exposition:Two Capulet servants talk about their hatred of the Montagues. Exposition is a literary term that refers to the part of a story that sets the stage for the drama to follow: it introduces the theme, setting, characters, and circumstances at the storys beginnings. If Id known he wouldnt have the chance I would have been a lot nicer to him.. As far as literary terms go, exposition may be one of the simplest to understand. Exposition is a literary device that communicates key background information to your reader. Remember how that lasted for a day? Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Only if it becomes relevant to the plot. Does the reader need to know? Through it she was able to show us what really happened. Some additional key details about exposition: First impressions matter. Forster begins Howard's End with a series of letters from Helen to her sister, Meg. Your exposition is not just about introducing your setting and your maincharacters' background information. Most classic faerie tales and many stories from classic literature open like this. Dialogue is an indirect way of incorporating critical details in expository writing. For example, lets look at the opening scene in Romeo and Juliet, in which the servants from the Montagues and Capulets feud on the streets. Exposition is a literary device that is designed to convey important information, within a short story or novel, to the reader. Acclaimed writer and poet Dr. Vasilis Manousakis teaches you the fundamentals of powerful flash fiction. Narration makes up the bulk of your story. While you can introduce characters throughout the first act of your story (its usually not a good idea to introduce them afterward) its your expositions job to introduce most of your cast. practices) Then set your timer for fifteen minutes and write your exposition as quickly as you can. Climax:Tybalt and Benvolio fight until their fight is broken up by armed citizens. Here are the most common methods of conveying exposition: Narration is a simple and direct method of conveying exposition. The term refers to a character who does a selfless, or at least admirable, act to prove they are worth rooting for and endear him or herself to the reader early on in the story. We can also derive background information from a conversation that takes place between two characters, such as this dialogue from the classic fairy tale of "Little Red Riding Hood:". This isnt whats going through Sophies head in this moment. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. In the opening lines of "We Are Never Getting Back Together," Taylor Swift sings: I remember when we broke up the first time Saying, "This is it, I've had enough," 'cause like We hadn't seen each other in a month When you said you needed space. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Exposition is a literary tool used to introduce background statistics about activities, settings, characters, or other factors of a piece to the audience or readers. This makes them feel more real to the reader. For example, in the short story Death By Scrabble, Charlie Fish delivers a great deal of exposition in the very first line: This statement reveals a significant amount of information at the outset about the storys atmosphere as well as the emotional state and mindset of the narrator. This exposition definition applies directly to film. In Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, the readers learn that the main characters are lovers from two feuding families, the Capulets and Montagues, in Verona, Italy. If you want to learn more about how to write a great story, by mastering storytelling musts like the exposition literary definition, you can get the book for a limited time low price. Learn the literary definition for exposition and how to use it in your story in this article. If you're writing a novel, screenplay, or other narrative, how do you write great exposition? Exposition is a literary device that introduces key background information to the reader. A first person narrator, however, should only be able to convey any backstory or emotional information in a limited way. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen's narrator uses dialogue to introduce Mrs. and Mr. Bennet, their relationship, and their differing attitudes towards arranging marriages for their daughters: "A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. In movies, unlike literature, the main characters and setting will be shown rather than explained through a narrator because they have actors and scenery to aid in the telling of stories. For example: John stared down at the scrap of paper with the phone number on it. Without this starting point, the audience would not be able to connect with the characters easily. Now weve covered all our important background information, but the story maintains its continuous forward momentum. Seeing it now made Bowman feel as if the vacation was back on track. By using exposition in writing you can give your readers a wider view of the world youre creating; you can give your characters new depth and new facets; and you can broaden your core story to include a greater range of space and time. Click here to get The Write Structure ($5.99). ), Or, If she unfocused her eyes, she could almost see her own ghost playing at the foot of the stairs, safe and warm in the belief that she and her brother would both have a chance to grow up. (Indirect exposition.). (Most of the time.). The point of view is the perspective from which you tell the story. Ive almost forgotten there was a scrap of paper to begin with, i.e. In Mark Haddons The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, the reader is introduced to the main character and narrator, Christopher, as he discovers the slain body of his neighbors dog. But they can really drag when inexperienced authors make the mistake of thinking the exposition is just to introduce characters, provide backstory, and develop their world. An internal monologue should always be indirect exposition; the reason is that when were talking to ourselves, we dont naturally convey information in a very direct way. Get this guide to Exposition as an easy-to-print PDF. Heres how: just as a story has the six elements of dramatic structure, so everyscenemust incorporate them as well. Narrators knowledge, experience, and how can you be so tiresome definitions... To do to set him up with various co-workers and mutual acquaintances, but had... Oriented in your story try to relay information indirectly as much as you.... Direct and indirect exposition Red Riding Hood left her mothers cottage flashbacks need! Benvolio, a Montague, tries to stop the fight, but the story in a on... 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Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. One tried and true method of introducing a central character in the best possible light is to have them save the cat, a screenwriting term popularized by Blake Snyder in his book of the same name. A love story might begin in the middle of the love vs. hate scale, rise during the meet cute, fall during a breakup, and end high on the love scale. Lets look at where exposition can show up in your story. Think about how this works well in the story as you recall the exposition literary definitionhow it establishes the Shire, the tone for the novel, and the quaint setting that will drastically change once Bilbo leaves home. Through the introduction of Christopher, we learn that he has autism and views the world with a unique mindset. The audience learns that Marlin lost his wife before Nemo was born and this leads him to be a protective father over his only child. 2023. Journalists use this kind of direct exposition because news reporting is intended to give readers important information in a clear, direct, and succinct fashion. Though exposition is a fairly straightforward literary device, writers must finely balance revealing too little in terms of information or sharing too much detail. We also get a feeling of responsibility; Hansel wants to protect his sister from the fear of the unknown and protect her from whatever is in the dark forest. Though exposition is necessary for nearly every single story, it's hard to get it right. What Is Composition? Instant downloads of all 1736 LitChart PDFs. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, for instance, Harry and the reader discover that he has been accepted into Hogwarts at the same time: when he finally gets to read the letter of admission. Prologues and epilogues are two tools writers can use to create exposition, providing readers with information that allows them to better understand the story or themes of a work of literature. For example, Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein tells the story of Dr. Frankenstein and his monster through the letters of a peripheral character who is recounting the story to his sister. Which can be dialogue, narration, or even visual information that helps the audience better understand what is going on in the story. The narrator of a story or novel has the role of revealing information to the reader, including exposition. Join over 450,000 readers who are saying YES to practice. Exposition is critical to any tale, for with out it nothing makes sense. This is when the main action of the play begins. A strong exposition evokes feelings and emotion within the reader. In Lowrys novel, the reader is provided limited expository information as the story and significance of this fictional world unfolds. This list and the terms included in it can . Youre right, he said. Want best-seller coaching? Writers utilize exposition to provide essential backstory for characters, plot, and other narrative elements. You can use their conversation to convey background information to your reader, too. I get this, from a certain perspective, since its the party that throws the two families together irrevocably, but I think that event is dwarfed by instant attraction between the two lovers. Direct exposition is okay in small doses, but try to relay information indirectly as much as you can. A characters internal monologue is another effective method of conveying exposition. Meet beta readers, get feedback on your writing, and become a better writer! What would you sayreally isthe literary definition of exposition, and how can knowing it help you write better stories? Understanding the exposition literary definition and studying examples of stories (like the ones covered in this post) that include exposition with purpose will help you apply exposition (well) in your own story. Its also where a character processes what theyre feeling about a given situation. "Understanding Exposition in Literature." Instead, you want to set the foundation of all the story that is going to happen in the future, starting with your inciting incident. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. ), Or, Heres where my brother and I used to record our heights every year. M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia, B.A., History, Armstrong State University. This is because most of the time, you need to try and get this necessary background information to your reader early on in the first chapter so that they can follow along with the rest of the plot. Accessed 4 Jun. Long shadows reached out to her. The music world gives us clues as to what is happening in an exposition, too. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1736 titles we cover. Classic fairy tales often use the words "once upon a time" to introduce expository details, like who the main characters are, where the story is set, and what the major conflict or problem of the story might be. Fleming, Grace. In the same way, in a story, the exposition can be the place where the theme and the main ideas are fist stated. Definition, Types, and Examples, Summary and Review of Proof by David Auburn, Juliet's Monologues From Shakespeare's Tragedy, Writing About Literature: Ten Sample Topics for Comparison & Contrast Essays, 5 of the Best Plays Written by Tennessee Williams, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831) by Victor Hugo, How to Find the Theme of a Book or Short Story, The Setting of 'A Streetcar Named Desire'. This isnt going to be easy. Without such expository information, the storylines would be inaccessible in terms of understanding. In literature, exposition is a form of writing that explains what's happening or has happened in the story in a very matter-of-fact way. These lines, which form part of the song's chorus, establish that Drake is addressing a person with whom he used to have a relationship. Exposition is all about communicating the most possible information in the least amount of words, while maintaining the forward motion of the story. Johns friends had tried over the years to set him up with various co-workers and mutual acquaintances, but hed never felt ready. A lot of movies show the exposition by panning over the city or countryside and showing the main character doing something such as walking, working, or waking up. However, he also reveals his coping mechanism in turning to books and reading for connection, comfort, and safety. Your exposition muststillbe a good story. Direct exposition is where you say something clearly to the reader, either through your narration or through expository dialogue. Exposition may present background information of the plot or characters, explain details about the setting, convey a sense of the historical context, and so on. Flashbacks are where instead of describing key plot points that have happened, your reader actually gets to see them happening. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Dialogue is conversation between two or more characters. The main options are third person limited, third person omniscient, and first person. Exposition isn't always quite that easy to spot, but some form of exposition appears in almost every work of literature, and readers typically rely on exposition and background information to give context to the main events of a story. Included below is a list of literary terms that can help you interpret, critique, and respond to a variety of different written works. Now that you've read this post, how well do you understand the exposition literary definition? Click here to get The Write Structure ($5.99). Climax: The master thief gives up the profit, saving his/her team. Here are a few examples of exposition in literature that show whole worlds in just a few moments. Exposition also enhances the readers understanding of a literary work and encourages their connection to it. This list is by no means comprehensive, but instead offers a primer to the language frequently used by scholars and students researching literary works. View Practice ({"message": "Internal Server Error"} Songs often tell stories just as novels or other literature does. And if you post, be sure to leave feedback on a few pieces by other writers. If not, your readers dont need to know about it. Exposition is the description or explanation of background information within a work of literature. Dialogue is conversation between two or more characters, Get our writing markets & contests newsletter, Gift a membership & buy gift certificates, Get a professional online writing portfolio, Free, liberated ebooks for the true book lover. In some books, for example, you may find that exposition takes place through flashbacks that a character experiences. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. If it didn't the characters would exist in a world without context, without histories or a setting. Then you come around again and say, "Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me." The narrators expository observation reveals information about himself in addition to Sonny. Conversation and even argument allows a writer to illuminate backstory and context for the reader to achieve greater understanding of the narrative, plot, characters, etc, in a story or novel. Since the narration is in the first person, readers are offered exposition about the characters and events through the point of view of the protagonist. Flashbacks always need to be triggered by somethingusually something sensory. The word comes from the Latin language, and its literal which means is "a showing forth.". Improve your writing in one of the largest and most successful writing groups online. For example: Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood who lived with her mother in a cottage at the edge of a dark forest. We turn things over in our heads based on what we already know and consider only the details we need to process those things. Writers can introduce exposition into a story in a variety of ways, but it appears across all genres and styles of storytelling. In non-linear narratives (stories that include flashbacks or move backward and forward in time), writers are more likely to scatter expository details throughout the work. In Disney-Pixars Finding Nemo, the exposition is the opening scene where the audience is introduced to the main characters Marlin and Nemo. This allows the reader to understand his perspective before he encounters the central conflict in the plot. As a result, the storys meaning and impact is even stronger. How do you make sure your exposition has conflict and choice so that it can develop the plot? The purpose of the exposition is to give the audience a basis for understanding the story in a film or piece of literature. Though this is similar to using a character's memories to fill in important information for the reader, a character's thoughts in the present moment can be used to indicate their opinions and worldview, relationships with other characters, and can even give readers important information about other characters. Exposition usually appears in the very first section of a piece, but it can appear later. Exposition is a literary term that refers to the part of a story that sets the stage for the drama to follow: it introduces the theme, setting, characters, and circumstances at the story's beginnings. Exposition. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Exposition is a literary term that introduces necessary information about events, setting, characters, and other elements that are necessary to an audience's ability to fully comprehend a story. The setting is his home in England where he lives with his father. This provides revealing elements and insight in terms of the character themselves, other characters, and perceptions of events in the story. Here are a few of the risks and rewards of using exposition in your writing. Are you telling an adventure story on the life vs. death scale? It took all his strength to hold himself back from bawling on day one, when they marched him through the tall gates topped with razor wire. As youre describing whats happening, you can sneak in hints of what led up to that moment. For example, inThe Hobbit, there are just a couple of pages of exposition before Gandalf shows up and invites Bilbo on an adventure. They dont want that. This might be through your characters talking about something thats happened, one character explaining something to another, or from them discovering something new together. Understanding Exposition in Literature. In this passage, the reader learns that whatever happened at the party caused Melinda to call the police. Its also about introducing the values at play in your story. This is an example of the use of "in-universe media" to create exposition. The final sentence shows us the narrators personality, his view of his job, and his begrudging acceptance of his place in it. Its something that isnt actually happening in the plot, but thats important for the reader to know. With this prologue, Shakespeare uses direct exposition to convey important background information. However, the expository information is also limited to the narrators knowledge, experience, and understanding within the story. This conversation provides indirect exposition, showing readerswithout explaining it directlythat Mrs. Bennet is preoccupied with arranging marriages for her daughters, and that Mr. Bennet has a deadpan sense of humor and enjoys teasing his wife. Everything still looks like home.. These are all things that will help your reader understand why the events of the novel unfold the way they do. Gecko opens the dryer door and staggers back from a blast of arid heat that sears his skin and bakes the moisture out of his eyes, nose, and mouth. Dialogue between characters is an effective method to convey exposition. They noticed Ive been trying to draw. Understanding who the characters are and the world in which they live gives us the ability to relate to the struggle they attempt to overcome throughout the course of the plot. This can be about your characters, the setting, important plot points, or historically significant events that contribute to your story. Youve probably heard that old reliable adage, Show, dont tell. Indirect exposition is what theyre talking about. Struggling with distance learning? She tried not to show her fear, but Alan had always been able to see right through her. In the exposition of a story, the author introduces the situation of the story. In journalistic writing, it is common practice to open a story with a "lede," or a sentence that sums up the main event that the story is reporting on. In relaying this backstory, the reader achieves greater enjoyment and understanding of the story and its meaning. If youre writing a novel, screenplay, or other narrative, how do you write great exposition? This can include anything from a character's backstory to a description of the setting. Definition of exposition: The exposition of a story is the opening part in which the audience is introduced to the characters and their situation. In a story, you can use this in the same way as dialogue to convey new information to the reader. As the narrator re-tells the story of his birthday to himself and the reader, he reveals significant information about his backstory and how it has influenced who he has become. The exposition is always at the. Exposition is a great way to address any questions or uncertainties that your reader may have. Crisis:Benvolio must choose whether to fight and break the peace or allow himself to be called a coward. Refine any search. In this passage, the narrator reminisces about the physical characteristics of his young brother as well as Sonnys perceived innocence as a child. Knowing the origins of the exposition literary definition can help you purposefully use exposition in scenes structuring your story. Exposition can cover characters and their relationship to one another, the setting or time and place of events, as well as any relevant ideas, details, or historical context. This gives the reader insight into the complex relationship between the brothers and the potential conflict to ensue in the story. Your character wouldnt say to themselves, I havent been back here since my brother died; they might say something like, It feels like its been a lot less than twenty years. Exposition is crucial to any story, for without it nothing makes sense. Some of this might actually be important information for the reader to know, but heaping it all in a pile all at once takes us away from whats really happening (this is sometimes called an information dump). Melinda does not tell her friends, family, or even the reader what exactly happened to her until later in the novel, so Anderson uses a combination of direct and indirect expositionincluding flashbacks and Melinda's thoughtsto gradually clue readers into why she feels so isolated and depressed. This can take the form of an isolated section of the story, such as a prologue or a separate chapter, or it can happen as a short deviation from the events happening in the present. Here are a few examples of exposition in literature: In Romeo and Juliet, the exposition is actually fairly long, even longer depending on where you put the inciting incident (Freytag puts it earlier than I would, but then, Freytag has a different way of thinking about story structure): At this party, Romeo meets Juliet, and falls in love at first sight, creating the inciting incident. No, you want to start with strong exposition, using crisis choices to introduce characters in a way your reader can root for them, not giving away too much information, not creating much movement. After you practice this plot element in the exercise below, check out my new book The Write Structure which helps writers make their plot better and write books readers love. The type of narration influences the way such background information is relayed or dispensed. Are you telling a performance story about a team competing to win a major tournament? It's important to understand that, Explanations and citation info for 36,295 quotes across 1736 books, Downloadable (PDF) line-by-line translations of every Shakespeare play. Books were safer than other people anyway. Additionally, we learn why Montresor chooses carnival for his revenge: his foe will likely be caught off guard as well as full of wine during this time of celebration. (2020, August 28). From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. In the above example, you might tell the reader that the woman has just been divorced at the start of your story, but you might choose not to reveal the reason for the divorce until closer to the end. He hadnt been on a date in more than two years, not since his last girlfriend left him for someone she originally thought was her cousin, but then turned out to just be her step-cousin and therefore completely unrelated to her. For example: The morning sun was just reaching the tips of the fir trees as Little Red Riding Hood left her mothers cottage. We get a feeling of despair coming from multiple occurrences, including the mother kicking the children out and the fact that Hansel's breadcrumbs are running out. Resolution: Missing out on the heist, or appearing to, was all part of the thiefs plan, and he/she shares the profits with his/her team. In literature, exposition conveys information that advances the plot of a story and provides insight into characters. I lay on the bed and lost myself in the stories.I liked that. This literary device requires an artistic touch so that writers offer their readers enough necessary context for understanding a story without overwhelming them with tedious or inessential detail. Retrieved from He had been picked up, the evening before, in a raid on an apartment downtown, for peddling and using heroin. Take care to introduce them with the exact impression you want the reader to take away. Terms of Service. Here the exposition smoothly and deftly establishes the setting. Stories can feel slow and boring during the exposition, even when theyre by great authors. How you introduce your characters is how they will be remembered by the reader throughout the story. This information is important to the story because it sets up the characters and background information of the story. LitCharts Teacher Editions. What a fine thing for our girls!, My dear Mr. Bennet, replied his wife, how can you be so tiresome! Exposition is the first point in Freytags pyramid. All of these exposition methods can be useful in a story, but any of them will become cumbersome when used too extensively or exclusively. Synonyms for exposition, in storytelling, include introduction (used by Freytag) and sometimes hook. The Star Wars film franchise makes use of exposition through the scrolling text that begins each movie. Crisis: Best bad choice. For example, an omniscient narrator can see everything in the world of the story as well as into each characters thoughts and emotions, and can thereby provide any information about any character or aspect of the story at any time. Folk and fairy tales, in particular, require exposition so that their unusual characters make sense and the fantastical plots have meaning. What is an Oxymoron? With a slow buildup to the action? It helps them relate to your characters and feel more connected to their trials and triumphs as they follow them from beginning to end. An exposition is the first section of a fugue or sonata form during which the main melodic themes are introduced for first time. Denouement:The Prince declares that anyone who breaks the peace will be executed. We all talk to ourselves and sort things out in our heads all the time. Montresor, therefore, plans to exact his revenge on Fortunato during the celebration of carnival. ), Flash Stories: Brevity and Echo in Writing. Otherwise your reader will read five pages of your story and then put it down in boredom. Scribophile is a community of hundreds of thousands of writers from all over the world. In the middle of the action? But why cant everyone have the memories? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! You get both a feeling for Ella's sense of unease and the father's desire to provide for his daughter, but are left wondering what will happen. People dont actually think like this. Similarly, a story that starts with a flash forward (as opposed to a flashback) begins not in the exposition but in the climaxnot a full climax but a shortened glimpse of the climax. She looked up and remembered how scared she had been, yelling at him to get down and stop messing around. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Depending on a writer's goals and the style in which they are writing, they may place exposition at the beginning of a story, or they may introduce it gradually throughout the text, often with the aim of creating mystery or building suspense by withholding key details that contextualize important events and explain characters' world-views or motivations. They noticed. The exposition is a set of scenes in a storythat are meant to introduce the audience to the characters, world, and tone of the story. For example, if you show your main character walking into an old house at the beginning of your story, you can say something like, It was the first time shed been back in her childhood home since her brothers death. (Direct exposition. You can intersperse your characters thoughts and internal monologue with details that show how the setting is affecting your characters and how theyre reacting to it. PDF downloads of all 1736 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Rising Complication:Benvolio, a Montague, tries to stop the fight, but Tybalt, a Capulet, insults him. This can be about your characters, the setting, important plot points, or historically significant events that contribute to your story. But does that time of their life influence the choices theyre making right now? Some stories, especially shorter ones, will need very little expository writing for the reader to understand whats happening in front of them. Should you know how the people surviving together on a floating piece of space jetsam go to the bathroom? There are traditionally six value scales: Stories rise and fall on the scale of these values. Many stories do. Here are some examples of exposition in literary works: When he was about as old as the boys in my classes his face had been bright and open, there was a lot of copper in it; and hed had wonderfully direct brown eyes, and a great gentleness and privacy. Whether your story is set in a fantastical faerie tale kingdom, a distant colony in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, or an alternate version of Victorian-era London, exposition introduces your readers to the most minute details of what makes your story world special and unique. Non-fiction writers may quote media (such as books, newspapers, websites, text-messages, magazines, letters, or emails) in order to convey important information directly to readers. Book Joe here. I think it would seem a little easier if the memories were shared. The biggest risk when it comes to clumsy exposition is that it can pull your reader out of your story. Read through the first few paragraphs or pages where the author gives a description of the setting and the mood before the action takes place. Glamor or Glamour Whats the Difference. This enhances the suspense of the plot as well as the novels unexpected twists in action. Exposition gives audience basic information at the beginning of a story so that they have a context in which to frame the rest of the narrative. Below, we'll take a look at some of the major techniques that writers use to create both direct and indirect exposition. Exposition locates readers in the world of the story: it establishes the "who, what, where, when," and sometimes "why" of a plot. This missile strike and the space debris chain reaction occurs right at the end of the first scene, meaning the exposition is less than a scene long. The reader learns from this passage that Sonnys brother remembers him in detail and with fondness as a child. Exposition is a literary device that communicates key background information to your reader. I was sad that nobody had come to my birthday party, but happy that I had a Batman figure, and there was a birthday present waiting to be read, a boxed set of the Narnia books, which I took upstairs. Shakespeare opens Romeo and Juliet with a prologue delivered by a chorus. The best way to create exposition in your story is to use some or all of these methods together, building the backstory of your novel or short story piece by piece. An exchange of words can introduce important background information in a natural and unforced way within a story. Exposition in writing can make or break a story. Examples of Literary Exposition: In Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado", the reader is introduced to the characters Montresor and Fortunato. This text outlines the characters and the situation in which they currently find themselves. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. For example: John stared down at the scrap of paper with the girls phone number on it. For example, in her dystopian novel The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood uses her narrator's memories to gradually explain how an ultra-conservative sect of Christianity overthrew the United States government and installed a repressive regime. Exposition is used in literature to introduce the reader to the characters and setting of the story being told. There are drawbacks to beginning with a moment deep in the action of the story, whether in medias res or a flash forward. The word comes from the Latin language, and its literal meaning is "a showing forth.". Not all movies utilize visual exposition, however. Get a quick-reference PDF with concise definitions of all 136 Lit Terms we cover. This exposition is important to include so that the reader is able to understand the characters before they encounter a major struggle they must overcome in the story. It must have been around a quarter to eleven. According to the guidebooks, Cabo Blanco was unspoiled wilderness, almost a paradise. In third person perspective, however, the characters thoughts will be distinct from the rest of the story., What to Do After You Write a Book: 5 Next Steps, 10 Easy Steps to Building an Author Website (2023), From Imagination to Publication: 100+ Novel Ideas to Fuel Your Literary Journey, 10 Writing Hacks to Actually Finish Your Book. Here are some common sources of exposition in writing so that readers are given sufficient information: All narratives require exposition so that the reader has enough information and context in order to understand the story. Inciting incident: A master thief shares the plan for the greatest heist of his/her career with his/her team. Instant PDF downloads. 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1. For example, if your protagonist is a recently divorced woman, telling or showing the reader what led to the divorce before your book began is exposition. While the story might be set in the main character's current and somewhat stable life, their flashbacks give vital information that sets the scene for something that might be an internal struggle that will surface within the remainder of the story. Exposition gives you a way to show the readers the sort of conflicts your characters have faced in the past, what their hopes and desires are, and what sort of experiencesgood and badhave made them into the people they are today. We see this through a feuding street fight between the Capulet and Montague families. Then, in the middle of the crisis of that scene, you pull away from the scene and flash back to the start of the story, the exposition. Indirect exposition gives the reader enough clues through the narrative, dialogue, and setting for them to absorb the information youre giving them without the need to state it outright. Though writers can use many different techniques to create exposition, it comes in two main forms: direct and indirect exposition. But then everyone would be burdened and pained. An internal monologue is where your character is talking to themselves inside their thoughts. Then, when you start with these values and keep them in mind throughout the rest of your story, youll find the story comes together. Specific sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures are deeply linked to our memories, and you can use those sensory stimuli to reveal information to your reader. Then begin with your first life vs. death moment. And throughout the Harry Potter series, various information is conveyed, to both Harry and the reader, through articles from the wizarding newspaper, The Daily Prophet. The entire fourteen-line prologue, in fact, reveals even the fact that Romeo and Juliet will ultimately die: the entire plot, and the character's fate, is provided in the exposition of the prologue. Lets explore how to convey exposition in the best possible way to take your writing to the next level. In first person perspective, this will usually be a part of the narration. Inciting Incident:Two Montague servants come onstage and a verbal feud begins. What is always true of successful stories is you have to get through the exposition atsomepoint, even if its not in the first scene. Define exposition: The exposition of a story is the beginning of the plot where the reader learns the characters and the setting of the story. It directly tells the reader where they are, but also manages to drop some subtle hints in along the way: a guidebook, suggesting that the character Mike is unfamiliar with the location, and the the idea that his vacation is back on track, which loads a lot of back story into a minuscule moment. Wellbeing or Well-Being Which is Correct? Indirect exposition is even more essential when youre in the midst of your story. In the opening lines of "Hotline Bling," Drake sings: You used to call me on my cellphone Late nights when you need my love. In the story of "Cinderella," the exposition goes something like this: This passage sets the stage for the action to come, alluding to the notion that Ella's happy life might be about to change for the worse. The key is to include only as much background information as the reader needs to follow the plot. Copyright 2023 Literary Devices. In some stories, especially action, thriller, or horror stories, its appropriate to begin with a short scene of heightened tension. This begins the story with a heightened level of suspense at the expense of clarity for the sake of the reader. Enter your practice here: Authors are often counseled to keep exposition . A sailor came in and ordered a chilli dog and coffee. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'exposition.' Its up to you to decide how much background information your reader needs to get oriented in your world and how much to withhold. An exposition is the first section of a fugue or sonata form during which the main melodic themes are introduced for first time. This feels much more present and intimate. How much exposition does your story need? You can introduce exposition into your story in two ways: directly and indirectly. If two characters are walking into the old house together, you could have one character say to the other, I havent been back here since my brother died. (Direct exposition. You can use exposition in dialogue as a stand in for the reader to help make sense of anything that might feel out of place. Romeo, a young son of the Montagues, is depressed after being rejected by a woman, and his friends attempt to cheer him up. Definition, Examples of the Exposition in a Story. Exposition (EK-spuh-ZI-shuhn) is a writing technique that discloses details about events, settings, or characters. A good example of this technique isFight Clubby Chuck Palahniuk (both the novel and film versions). The point here is to get to the point: the inciting incident. Great stories are built out of dynamic, multi-layered characters, and the best way to accomplish this is to give your characters dynamic, multi-layered lives. Clunky exposition can put an unnecessary distance between your reader and your characters. Exposition. To understand what exposition is, look at how the writer sets the scene for the story and the characters within it. The term comes fromRoxeanne, the 1987 film starring Steve Martin and Darryl Hannah. Risk losing the heist for the sake of the team, or choose to save the team and give up the profit from the heist? He reaches in, burning his fingers on the metal snaps of at least thirty orange jumpsuits. I scribbled a check and put it by his plate. So I moved up the characters introduction, and it made the story flow much better. He laughed at her and climbed up onto the bannister, arms outstretched, balanced precariously on a thin strip of polished wood. However, its essential for writers to avoid overusing dialogue as a method of exposition since this can overwhelm and/or bore the reader in addition to appearing forced and unnatural. You and I wouldnt have to bear so much by ourselves, if everybody took a part.The Giver sighed. The writers who do it the best draw the audience out of the action as quickly as they drew them in, soon beginning normal exposition. Enter your practice hereCAPTCHA Julie had been her best friend for more than ten years, when they met on the playground back in primary school and Julie stood up to a bully who was making fun of Sophies ratty old clothes. Most exposition is just two or three scenes, and sometimes its just half a scene. Also be sure to introduce all or at least mostof the important characters in your story in the exposition. His fingers moved towards his phone, and he wondered how he was going to explain that hed turned down Kevins friend from the Harpers Bazaar shoot but took a chance on a strange girl hed met at a bus stop. This can have the advantage of encouraging the audience to keep reading or watching as the story unfolds. They selected me and you to lift that burden from themselves.. Some stories don't start with exposition. Delivered to your inbox! Teachers and parents! The tricky thing about exposition is that it can slow your plot way down. Though Helen and Paul quickly break off their relationship, Helen's declaration of love gives readers (and Helen's sister) key information they would not have known otherwise, and sets the action of the novel in motion. This is ill-advised in narrative and is even worse when used in dialogue. The industrial-size equipment in the laundry room of the Jerome Atchison Juvenile Detention Center must be powered by volcanic heat, accessed straight from the earths core, Gecko reflects, trying to blink some tears back to his eyes. That familiar feeling of dread curled up in the pit of his stomach, where it had been living since Charlotte left him two years ago. Exposition thats used poorly, however, can drag down a brilliant idea and turn it into something unreadable. Its the same when youre building fantastical worlds. So, too, any scene inyourexposition should have this dramatic structure, or else risk feeling like boring info-dumping. In the classic story structure Freytags pyramid, exposition is listed as the very first stage of the plot. If you want to write a great story, you dont start too fast with a climactic moment. Sunshine streamed through the skylight and illuminated the bannister where Alan had been playing that day. When 'thingamajig' and 'thingamabob' just won't do, A simple way to keep them apart. There are long, He is masterly in absorbing information and masterful in organizing itskeptical of fashion, clear in, Although they were invited to use an early X ray machine on display at the, The writing can only be described as complete mumbo-jumbo theres so much explaining, truly reams of, The confrontation and confession scenes are clear and direct, but some of the underlying, His quivering fearfulness brings weight and tension to the film's proceedings, introducing tense information, delivering key, That requires a certain amount of potentially awkward opening, Flashback: From the seas to the stars, Shedd and Adler brought wonder to Chicago May 27, 1933: Century of Progress Worlds Fair began Connected by a land bridge to the city (later made a roadway), Northerly Island hosted the futuristic, As Tetris begins, Rogers' attempt to extract a loan from a skeptical banker is used as an extremely awkward framing device for a massive background, Post the Definition of exposition to Facebook, Share the Definition of exposition on Twitter, Palter, Dissemble, and Other Words for Lying, Skunk, Bayou, and Other Words with Native American Origins, Words For Things You Didn't Know Have Names, Vol. Unfortunately, the temptation when using exposition can be to tell your readers too much, which pulls them away from the scene youre showing in that moment. Sometimes youll need to sneak in little asides of direct exposition in your story, and thats okay. What is Exposition? Swift draws from memories and uses dialogue to establish that she and the person she is addressing have broken up and gotten back together several times. Just like understanding the exposition literary definition is crucial to storytelling, so is understanding the definition and application of point of view. This is a lesson I learned the hard way in my memoir Crowdsourcing Paris, when I introduced a pivotal character all the way at the end of act two. We can pick up a lot of information about the characters in this story, just by witnessing the conversation between mother and child. In historical fiction, providing historical context is important so the reader understands the limitations your main character is facing. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. This is an effective use of the literary device in that these internal monologues provide insight into the narrators character, allowing the reader to connect with his thoughts and feelings. Tears flood my eyes. Readers will be most engaged with your writing when your characters feel intimate and present and real. Exposition is a literary device used to introduce background information about events, settings, characters, or other elements of a work to the audience or readers. Well, show the audience a moment when good confronts evil right at the start. As we showed in our example, the exposition isnt meant to be long: as short as half a scene and as long as four. It begins as follows: Two households, both alike in dignity In fair Verona, where we lay our scene From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. In contrast, the filmGravity, about an astronaut attempting to survive a disaster in space, has an exposition that is quite short. How do you actually do that though? Writers can also build suspense by withholding expository details, and then revealing them later in a story. I should have known better! But it isnt until the fifth scene that the inciting incident occurs, which makes this one of the longer examples of exposition. Need more plot help? Do what you need to do to set up the inciting incident, and then move on. However, in certain stories and genres this is well worth it for the sake of an immediate shot of action. Start by outlining the missing exposition in a single sentence. However, exposition can happen at any time. (What?) For instance, you might say, Sophie waved to her friend Julie as she entered the classroom. Literary Terms. Helen is staying with family friends at a house called Howard's End when she writes the letter that closes Chapter 1, which reads as follows: Howard's End, Sunday. These background details helps the reader understand the characters thoughts and choices later on. Thinking about the exposition literary definition and how it works in storytelling, here are a few tips: As weve talked about in our discussion of story arcs, every story has a core value scale that it moves on, and when you begin a story, your very first scene should be about the core value of your story. Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. She adjusted the weight of the basket on her arm, making sure that the treats for her grandmother were safe, and started off down the path through the woods. Instead, try breaking it into small manageable bites and conveying some of it indirectly instead. This could be the year we finally get the band back together.". Exposition is a marvellous tool when it comes to building imaginary worlds in your story. Right away we can tell that the point of view is from someone working in the diner, and the short, snappy quality of the sentences suggests a worker who has gone through these motions a thousand times before. Exposition thats artfully placed throughout the narrative with just the right balance of discovery and suspense can elevate an average novel or short story into a bestseller. What's Important About The Title of 'Wuthering Heights'? Similarly, fiction writers may use "in-universe media," meaning forms of media that exist within the world of a story, to contextualize key events or convey background information to the reader. If only I could find a practice space and a drummer, she thought. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, In Jon Scieszkas The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, the wolf, who lives out in the country, is introduced to readers while baking a cake for his grandmother. The admirable act, of course, doesnothave to be saving a cat. Dearest, dearest Meg, I do not know what you will say: Paul and I are in love, the younger son who only came here Wednesday. Nonsense, how can you talk so! It is these six elements within every scene that will keep your story moving. One of the biggest challenges in expository writing is taking the time to share necessary information with your readers, without losing sight of your main goal as a writerwhich is to tell the story. Fleming, Grace. Unfortunately, this wont be the same every timethat would make our job too easy! Grace Fleming, M.Ed., is a senior academic advisor at Georgia Southern University, where she helps students improve their academic performance and develop good study skills. We can also predict that something is about to occur and that event will most likely involve that big bad wolf. Korman manages to say quite a lot in a very small space. Im sure they suspect I was at the party. It certainly has a cozy, fireside quality to it, but it lacks immediacy. When a beta reader gave me feedback that I needed to introduce the character earlier, I did a massive facepalm. Romeos friends convince him to attend a party at the Capulets. Exposition is designed to convey information that provides insight into a character or advances the story. Either extreme can result in confusion and frustration for the reader. You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them., Design! Thats why great exposition is such an art form! The audience, who doesnt after all know the characters who are caught up in the action, can easily feel distant or even confused. This is not an easy book, and the reader may find the layers of detail challenging. Montresor, the narrator, reveals that he has been has been irreparably insulted by Fortunato. The sunlight poured through the skylight and illuminated his hair like a renaissance painting just before he fell. Writing posted to Scribophile is its author. Exposition is crucial to setting the stage, as it provides readers with essential background information like character backstories, past plot points, and historical context. I wouldnt have recommended the unpalatable mess to a starving animal. This provides exposition in terms of who Sonny was, in his brothers memory, and creates a stark contrast to who Sonny has becomean addict and convict. Here are some common examples of exposition in well-known tales: Writers have choices in the methods they use to convey exposition in a story or novel. This opening paragraph allows itself a moment to enjoy the view in peaceful harmony. Exposition:Two Capulet servants talk about their hatred of the Montagues. Exposition is a literary term that refers to the part of a story that sets the stage for the drama to follow: it introduces the theme, setting, characters, and circumstances at the storys beginnings. If Id known he wouldnt have the chance I would have been a lot nicer to him.. As far as literary terms go, exposition may be one of the simplest to understand. Exposition is a literary device that communicates key background information to your reader. Remember how that lasted for a day? Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Only if it becomes relevant to the plot. Does the reader need to know? Through it she was able to show us what really happened. Some additional key details about exposition: First impressions matter. Forster begins Howard's End with a series of letters from Helen to her sister, Meg. Your exposition is not just about introducing your setting and your maincharacters' background information. Most classic faerie tales and many stories from classic literature open like this. Dialogue is an indirect way of incorporating critical details in expository writing. For example, lets look at the opening scene in Romeo and Juliet, in which the servants from the Montagues and Capulets feud on the streets. Exposition is a literary device that is designed to convey important information, within a short story or novel, to the reader. Acclaimed writer and poet Dr. Vasilis Manousakis teaches you the fundamentals of powerful flash fiction. Narration makes up the bulk of your story. While you can introduce characters throughout the first act of your story (its usually not a good idea to introduce them afterward) its your expositions job to introduce most of your cast. practices) Then set your timer for fifteen minutes and write your exposition as quickly as you can. Climax:Tybalt and Benvolio fight until their fight is broken up by armed citizens. Here are the most common methods of conveying exposition: Narration is a simple and direct method of conveying exposition. The term refers to a character who does a selfless, or at least admirable, act to prove they are worth rooting for and endear him or herself to the reader early on in the story. We can also derive background information from a conversation that takes place between two characters, such as this dialogue from the classic fairy tale of "Little Red Riding Hood:". This isnt whats going through Sophies head in this moment. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. In the opening lines of "We Are Never Getting Back Together," Taylor Swift sings: I remember when we broke up the first time Saying, "This is it, I've had enough," 'cause like We hadn't seen each other in a month When you said you needed space. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Exposition is a literary tool used to introduce background statistics about activities, settings, characters, or other factors of a piece to the audience or readers. This makes them feel more real to the reader. For example, in the short story Death By Scrabble, Charlie Fish delivers a great deal of exposition in the very first line: This statement reveals a significant amount of information at the outset about the storys atmosphere as well as the emotional state and mindset of the narrator. This exposition definition applies directly to film. In Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, the readers learn that the main characters are lovers from two feuding families, the Capulets and Montagues, in Verona, Italy. If you want to learn more about how to write a great story, by mastering storytelling musts like the exposition literary definition, you can get the book for a limited time low price. Learn the literary definition for exposition and how to use it in your story in this article. If you're writing a novel, screenplay, or other narrative, how do you write great exposition? Exposition is a literary device that introduces key background information to the reader. A first person narrator, however, should only be able to convey any backstory or emotional information in a limited way. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen's narrator uses dialogue to introduce Mrs. and Mr. Bennet, their relationship, and their differing attitudes towards arranging marriages for their daughters: "A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. In movies, unlike literature, the main characters and setting will be shown rather than explained through a narrator because they have actors and scenery to aid in the telling of stories. For example: John stared down at the scrap of paper with the phone number on it. Without this starting point, the audience would not be able to connect with the characters easily. Now weve covered all our important background information, but the story maintains its continuous forward momentum. Seeing it now made Bowman feel as if the vacation was back on track. By using exposition in writing you can give your readers a wider view of the world youre creating; you can give your characters new depth and new facets; and you can broaden your core story to include a greater range of space and time. Click here to get The Write Structure ($5.99). ), Or, If she unfocused her eyes, she could almost see her own ghost playing at the foot of the stairs, safe and warm in the belief that she and her brother would both have a chance to grow up. (Indirect exposition.). (Most of the time.). The point of view is the perspective from which you tell the story. Ive almost forgotten there was a scrap of paper to begin with, i.e. In Mark Haddons The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, the reader is introduced to the main character and narrator, Christopher, as he discovers the slain body of his neighbors dog. But they can really drag when inexperienced authors make the mistake of thinking the exposition is just to introduce characters, provide backstory, and develop their world. An internal monologue should always be indirect exposition; the reason is that when were talking to ourselves, we dont naturally convey information in a very direct way. Get this guide to Exposition as an easy-to-print PDF. Heres how: just as a story has the six elements of dramatic structure, so everyscenemust incorporate them as well. Narrators knowledge, experience, and how can you be so tiresome definitions... To do to set him up with various co-workers and mutual acquaintances, but had... Oriented in your story try to relay information indirectly as much as you.... Direct and indirect exposition Red Riding Hood left her mothers cottage flashbacks need! Benvolio, a Montague, tries to stop the fight, but the story in a on... 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