did both thieves mocked jesus

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We all need grace. Matthew is reminding us that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, by becoming a curse for us, by hanging on that tree, as Paul reminded us in Galatians 3:13. Whats Matthew telling you there? The three contradictory accounts can not be resolved by looking for the 'truth', because we have no way of establishing which account is true in any absolute sense. I want to pause and just say right there, somehow, somewhere, young people are going to go off to college and you are going to find some professor in a religion class that says this doesnt happen. Or did just one? (Youngs Literal). May God show you your need of grace, because the minute you see your need of grace, He will show you who provides it. I gave my back to those who strike, Lessons in Tampa: Jesus Evidence, From Shadow to Reality. Help us identify new roles for community members. The Lord Christ was crucified at midday 12'0 clock. The other gospels say that only ONE of the robbers mocked Jesus, while the other praised him. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! There are those who reject Jesus and will spend an eternity paying for their own sins. Its the plan of God. What did Jesus say to the thieves on the cross? Or maybe it was a culmination of all those things. For one thing, hes been telling us this because it happened. 300-309): It is feasible that Matthew and Mark were using the plural in place of the singular in their accounts of the thieves reviling Christ on the cross. What day of the week does the Jewish Passover fall on? His best friends had deserted him. When they were caught, they offered to exchange their secret recipe, which had allowed them to commit the robberies without catching the disease, in exchange for leniency. It is a beautiful picture of Jesus' saving power. Condemned criminals, of course they need a Savior. Castin Matt. And you see what Matthew is doing there. This approach will solve a great proportion of the supposed inconsistencies in the gospel accounts. Matthew does not provide evidential support for the account this gospel shares with Mark, as its author knew nothing further about the crucifixion beyond what was found in his source, Mark's Gospel. It bears remembering that the torture of Jesus on the cross continued for at least three hours. -- Luke 23:42 (NAB). Constantine ordered the construction of a basilica, which became known as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Our Lord and our God, there is no one like our Savior, and we bow before Him and we worship Him. Victims died of heart failure, of exhaustion and of shock. Je-sus saved one of them and that thief instantly stopped insulting Je-sus and began to defend Him. The answer is simple, yet the majority of you want to discredit the scripture instead of accepting the obvious answer. Just before he breathed his last breath, Jesus uttered the phrase it is finished. Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to fulfill Scripture he said, I am thirsty. A jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it up to his lips. Two of them are eye-witness accounts (John and Matthew) to most of the events. Matthew is saying that Jesus mockers have unwittingly but rightly identified Him. What is it that these people are doing? And furthermore, if youll look very closely at Matthew 27, verse 44 we are told that they were insulting Him, and I tried to emphasize this as I read, they were insulting Him with the same words. Obviously, if the eye-witness Matthew had reported everything he saw, this part of his book would take up many pages. Published Merriam-Webster defines this term as a figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole (as fifty sail for fifty ships), the whole for a part (as society for high society)or the name of the material for the thing made (as boards for stage) (italics. Jesus is hung between two sinners. Can you clarify the apparent discrepancy between Acts 7:15-16 and Matthew 9:18? However, the Messiah was also portrayed in the scriptures as a suffering servant who would suffer on behalf of God's people. Youre expecting Him to describe the physical pain, and Matthew just says and they crucified Him. And immediately he points you to these soldiers. Luke put together his gospel upon careful interview of eye-witnesses. Both men were sinners; both were guilty of their crimes (probably robbery, perhaps insurrection). Now, we have got a complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! as we read they did. Youre the King of the Jews. This was done as a mockery of Jesus' kingship. As time went on and it became apparent Jesus was going to allow Himself to die on the cross, one of the 2 changed his position and Luke records what he said. And Matthews response is, wait a minute, let me explain to you what this means. Luke 23:11 simply calls it a gorgeous robe. Matthew 27:28 says it was a scarlet robe. [17] In this way, some Christians see the mockery that Jesus endured as being borne on their behalf. John did not mention any of this at all, for his own reasons. How to label jars so the label comes off easily? He wasn't an eye witness but his Gospel and Acts are well known for their historical style and credibility. CGAC2022 Day 6: Shuffles with specific "magic number". Today, he is specifically going to recount the kind of abuse that was hurled at Christ although you will see as we study it in a few moments that he is amazingly restrained in his description of the physical suffering of Christ in this passage. 43 He replied to him, "Amen I say to you today you will be with me in Paradise." According to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, respectively, both of the thieves mocked Jesus; Luke, however, relates: Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, "Are you not the Messiah? And that thief is saved by believing on Jesus Christ. These Jewish people walking in and out of the city fulfill the words of prophesy. Then, one man had a change in heart (in Luke only). "[3] Susan R. Garrett sees Mark's inclusion of the mockery as an example of irony, since Jesus is indeed a prophet, at the very moment his prophecy that Peter would deny him was being fulfilled. John mentions both criminals, but does not inform us about them mocking Jesus at all. On the other hand, a friend or relative of the repentant thief may have caught the significance of what the two said to each other; and this was stamped in his memory forever. We were told by the Lord Jesus Himself that His delight was to do the will of God. When you trust in Jesus Christ, you're saved in a moment. Did both thieves on The cross mock Jesus? [3], Green suggests that Jesus suffers the mockery that is typical of prophets, and that his suffering suggests his "solidarity with God's agents who speak on God's behalf and are rejected. The Romans thought about a crucified Savior about the same way that Ted Turner thinks about Christianity. On the same problem, testing a particular proposed solution: I think they all are historically reliable. He is the King of the Jews. But the charge reads this is the King of the Jews, and you suddenly realize, well its true. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The meaning of the cross. In Psalm 22:18, David, speaking more of Christ than of himself, says, They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots. What is Matthew saying? They are fulfilling Scripture. Learn more in this Little Lesson with Bible teacher . A thousand years before He hung on that tree, David knew by prophecy what He would experience. We ask it in Jesus name, Amen. Matthew: Jesus Mocked (by Gentiles, Jews and Thieves) Sermon by J. Ligon Duncan on January 18, 2000 Matthew 27:33-44 Download Audio Print This Post If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Matthew 27. He is the Messiah. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. In Genesis 21:7 Sarah asked, Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? But he made thorough research before writing the Gospel. First, it is quite possible that, initially, both thieves reviled Christ, but then one of them repented. What a Savior! Men see a condemned criminal hanging between two condemned criminals. According to traditional interpretation, yes, both mocked, but when one of them saw and heard that He blessed and asked for forgiveness of His murderers ("forgive them, Father, they do not know what are they doing"), one of them repented and reprimanded the other, we do not know whether the other hearkened to this or not, but most probably, yes,. When you are put up on a cross, you werent coming back down alive. We are indeed asked to get water baptized based on the Bible, butI do not believe a man will end up in hell if he happens to get killed on hisway to do just that. I. Jesus refuses the offer to have the pain of the cross covered. But hes also telling us these things because hes been telling us even in his own account of the life of Christ that Christ had been telling the disciples that these things were going to happen. The first thing I want to say is if these accounts are not true, if these accounts are not reliable, then there is nothing in all of ancient history that you can believe. Why can I send to on my network? Whereas Luke wrote: Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us (23:39), Matthew and Mark stated the following: Even the robbers who were crucified with Him reviled Him (Matthew 27:44), Even those who were crucified with Him reviled Him (Mark 15:32). Obviously, Jesus was crucified between two criminals. I wonder if Matthew just has a hard time looking with a steady gaze on his crucified Lord. He began to rebuke the other man, the one who continued laughing at the Lord Jesus. They were called "thieves" in Matthew and Mark, and "malefactors" in Luke. He had been unjustly treated by a Roman court and by a Jewish court. He turned to Christ and he said, Remember me, remember me when You enter into Your kingdom. Christ turned to Him and said, I tell you today, you will be with Me in Paradise. Even as Hes dying, Hes drawing men into eternal fellowship with God. 40And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. Please note that we are about courtesy and objectivity. Then in verse 37 hes going to point us to something else. 22:16), some Bible students are puzzled when they eventually compare the beloved physicians account with what Matthew and Mark recorded. People will remember what they remember. If Matthew and Luke were not independent accounts, their details would be identical, but then we would not have the added evidence of independent accounts. By the way, today if you wouldnt mind, if you would keep your finger close to the Psalms and especially the Psalm 22, because Matthew is going to take you there repeatedly, and Id like for us to look at those passages together. 45Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. 40 The other, however, rebuking him, said in reply, "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? It was covered over by scarlet. Where do we get the name Calvary? Very likely, the most well-known, nameless person in the Bible is the thief on the cross. The Lord demonstrated His mercy one last time before His crucifixion by pardoning the thief who begged Jesus, saying, Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom (Luke 23:42). And then in verse 38 we see that Jesus is humiliated by being crucified with these criminals. Matthew and Mark both claim that the robbers mocked Him along with the unbelieving rulers. Leithart goes on to suggest that, at this point, the Romans "remove the veil of irony and reveal what they really think" about the Jews and their God. Ill face it in the fullness of My feelings, in the fullness of My awareness; in the fullness of My consciousness. And Matthew tells us that at the beginning of the day, and Luke tells us at the beginning of the day both of these men are deriding Christ. What is clear historically is that Jesus was crucified beside bandits. But all the ancient sources testify to how the cross was universally held in revulsion. On top of this he also defended Jesus (a good deed) before the other thief. His mother was among those women who ministered to the circle of disciples. 41Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said. His remarks echoed those of the people whom he overheard. and I know I will not be put to shame. According to Matthew and Mark, respectively, both of the "thieves" mocked Jesus (Matthew 27:44, Mark 15:32); Luke however, mentions that: 39 Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, "Are you not the Messiah? Matthew is telling you this because he wants you to know this is part of Gods plan. This is part of the plan of God and to prove that its part of the plan of God you need to see that even in the Psalms, even in the scriptures God predicted these specific events in the death of our Lord. The mocking of Jesus occurred several times, after his trial and before his crucifixion according to the canonical gospels of the New Testament. The second proposal is that Jesus asked for someone to volunteer to be crucified instead of him. Green takes the phrase to refer to the "Chief priests, the officers of the temple police, and the elders" mentioned in verse 52. Judas Iscariot, Jesus' betrayer, is often cited, and is mentioned in the Gospel of Barnabas. Is this true? First of all, there is no document that the authors of the gospels referenced. And yet Luke tells us that by the end of the day look at Luke 23, 39 to 43 that by the end of the day one of those thieves was saved. 32Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe. Mark's Gospel was the first account to be written, believed to be written about 70 CE. My experience with being on a jury tells me that in order to understand an event, one must find a way to combine the details of the different witnesses to put together a fuller story. And other related questions. His reaction seems to have come from independence of thought. Now our Lord Jesus had suffered many things. The spot had been venerated by early Christians, and she concluded it was Golgotha. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.41Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said,42He saved others; himself he cannot save. You suddenly realize that He is paying the penalty on the cross for the crime of being who He is. They both began by hurling insults at Him. and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; So both are true, the cheating and the honest writing on the same day. How can you resolve this discrepancy? Like the two sons whose father assigned work the first one proves to be rude but came to his senses and goes to work.thus eleventh hour can make more changes. Passersby need a Savior. Both men attacked their Maker and King, but one man was changed while doing so. In other words, they were questioning whether God delighted in our Savior. However, we can, and should, understand the contradiction from the history of the gospels themselves. Being saved is very quick. The second thing I would say is this. Yes. It is considered part of Jesus' passion. The Messiah of God, the Lord of glory. Stretched out on a wooden frame, they would pull with their arms and push with their legs in order to keep their chest cavities open enough to breathe; and then excruciating muscle spasms would set in. A passion play is a play that tells this story of Jesus' trial and then his crucifixion. We read in Matthew 27:44 "The two thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same (mockery) in his teeth" We read in Luke 23:39-40, Why do American universities have so many gen-eds? And no one is shocked! In fact, the accounts are only seemingly contradictory, but in reality they are not, for it is not a contradiction if I say that "I cheated during the math exam yesterday", and if I say "I honestly wrote my math exam yesterday", for both can be true: initially, by some trick, I took that exam card, that I have preliminarily prepared, but after half-an-hour I felt that that was very wrong and dishonest thing to do, and I took another exam card (that change reducing my grade with one point) and wrote in a proper way. Markan priority is one of the few theories that has almost universal support from New Testament scholars. Mark 15:27And with him they crucify two thieves; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left.28And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors.29And they that passed by railed on him, wagging their heads, and saying, Ah, thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days,30Save thyself, and come down from the cross.31Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes, He saved others; himself he cannot save.32Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe. It is sin that separates us from God. Because as they question whether He is the Messiah, they are actually proving that He is the Messiah by fulfilling Scripture. In fact, when taken together, they give a fuller perspective on the life of the most wonderful person who ever walked the earth, Jesus of Nazareth. When it comes to works (good fruit) he did confess his sins and showed evidence of true repentance (which was also the view of Jesus who promised him a place in paradise), which means that all his sins were rightly removed. in Luke 22? [1][2], After Jesus' condemnation by the Sanhedrin, (Mark 14:65). Please cite each version in your question. We see here Jesus is a Savior of sinners, ugly sinners, gross sinners. Both thieves mocked him at first, then one repented. Matthew is pointing to that shame of the crucifixion for us. And even though these religious men dont think they need grace, He is the King of grace and the Savior. And its only when God in His mercy shows you that you need grace, that you suddenly realize that everything you need is already there in Christ. First the bystanders, or those who were passing by; then the Jewish leaders; and then the criminals themselves. When you focus on the apparent contradiction instead of seeking out the wisdom of God, you inevitably end up missing the truth and subsequently believing a lie. For instance, one eyewitness may have heard mocking from one or both of the thieves, early on; and then left or been distracted before it was all over. Thats where we get the word Calvary about which we sing in so many hymns and songs. But thats not all. Hes telling you that Jesus death is vicarious. Were CD-ROM-based games able to "hide" audio tracks inside the "data track"? What is the legend of the four thieves? The minute he says, let me tell you about my crucified Savior, immediately the Jewish population listening to Him is going to say, Matthew, have you never read Deuteronomy 21? Luke's Gospel says that one of the thieves mocked Jesus, but the other thief rebuked him and repented for his sins, creating the occasion for Jesus to talk about seeing him in paradise. According to tradition, she discovered relics of the cross upon which Jesus had been crucified. During Jesus' crucifixion, He was subjected to much taunting and laughter. That will offend them. Look at that verse. Whats Matthew telling you by recounting that point? Its in our place, its in place of what we should have suffered, and, therefore, Jesus chose to face that death in full consciousness. May 26, 2004. But Matthew records it, and he focuses our attention on them because he wants you to understand something. One passage, found in the Gospel of Matthew, has the crowd saying (of Jesus), "Let his blood be upon us and upon our children." What did Jesus say to the thieves on the cross? He began to rebuke the other man, the one who continued laughing at the Lord Jesus. You remember he said He came to His own and His own received Him not. Save yourself and us." And so Matthew is saying, oh yes, He is the Messiah and the Savior. In my place condemned He stood; They are saying that Jesus Father does not delight in Him. He bore their curse and their shame. Isaiah had said more than six hundred years before that He would be numbered with the transgressors. It is a free gift. And, of course, he knows that when you turn back to Psalm 66 to look, youll notice verse 1 because this Psalm is a cry of distress. Turn back to Psalm 22, verse 7 and you see it. Robert J. Miller suggests that the gospel account is deeply ironic since Jesus is exercising his kingship through submission and suffering: "the Roman legionnaires have unwittingly furthered God's secret purposes by dressing Jesus up as a king. 41 And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal." "[10], Timothy C. Gray notes that in the Gospel of Mark, the mocking of Jesus on the cross "takes up the two charges leveled against Jesus at his trial": firstly, that Jesus "threatened the temple with destruction" (14:58 and 15:29); secondly, that Jesus "claimed to be the Messiah" (14:61-62 and 15:31-32). Why is integer factoring hard while determining whether an integer is prime easy? God is respectful of people and their decisions. Our experts have done a research to get accurate and detailed answers for you. Mythology. He hated the Jewish people. They were called "thieves" in Matthew and Mark, and "malefactors" in Luke. In the last couple of weeks we have seen Matthew describe the sufferings of the trial and of the treatment from the Roman soldiers on His way to the cross. Matthew over and over in these passages has made it clear to us that this is not an accident, this didnt take Jesus by surprise, this isnt some laughable, existential cosmic mistake. Jesus, our Lord, the perfect One, dies in the company of criminals so that people think of Him as a criminal. Theres nothing better attested than the historical event surrounding the life of Jesus Christ in all of ancient history. A:Luke's Gospel says that one of the thieves mocked Jesus, but the other thief rebuked him and repented for his sins, creating the occasion for Jesus to talk about seeing him in paradise (Luke 23: . I dont know whether it was the calm and majestic manner in which our Lord suffered the pain of the cross. The answer to the question is that both of them were mocking him at first. Of course, John spoke about it in John 1, verse 11. The next time we are together in this passage, we will see the height, the greatest suffering that Jesus Christ faced, however, in the midst of the darkness. And then in verses 41 through 43 the spiritual leaders of the people of God begin to mock Jesus. Matthew says that the robbers hurled insults at Jesus while they were on the cross. Matthew refers to Barabbas only as a "notorious prisoner". (LogOut/ Hes showing us what? In fact its an evidence of their inspiration that they speak so specifically and so faithfully to things which would have been universally distasteful to everyone who heard them spoken and read. So Jesus begins to endure their derision. And Matthew wants to focus on that shame which He endures and that shame about which the author of Hebrews said in Hebrews 12:12 that He endured for the joy set before us, and He despised the shame. It is considered part of Jesus' passion . According to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, respectively, both of the thieves mocked Jesus; Luke, however, relates: Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, "Are you not the Messiah? Today, he is specifically going to recount the kind of abuse that was hurled at Christ although you will see as we study it in a few moments that he is amazingly restrained in his description of the physical suffering of Christ in this passage. I can proclaim it because of the Scriptures. No one. We predicted that Christ would be given this galled wine, this drugged wine. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Upon first glance, such testimony can appear to contradict, when in fact it does not. Was it hanging there on his cross that he came to the conclusion that the "Man in the middle" was indeed the Messiah of God? And so the execution squad is dividing up the spoils, as it were. We must keep in mind that the biblical apologist does not have to pin down the exact solution to an alleged contradiction; he need show only one or more possibilities of harmonization in order to negate the force of the charge that a Bible contradiction really exists. And these things are hard for both of those audiences to take in. Luke provides more information. How many times have we made a statement about someone or something, but then retracted the statement only a short while later after receiving more information? Here is how I see these accounts working together. The Scriptures tell me that my Messiah was going to have his clothes divided by His enemies. If there appears to be any contradiction, it's because God has truth that he want to reveal. Does Genesis 9:3 demonstrate that before the Fall, humans and animals were vegetarians? I recently ran across this answer on C.SE reconciling Luke's account of the repentant thief on the cross with Mark's statement - also present in Matthew - that both thieves reviled Jesus (Mark 15:32, Matthew 27:44).One solution proposed is that the plural form in Mark represents a figure of speech known as synecdoche, with the implication that a singular referent is intended. Matthew is pointing us to the glory of Christ even in the midst of all this gore. After hearing Jesus words on the cross, and seeing His forgiving attitude, the one thief may have been driven to acknowledge that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. Religious men need a Savior. All rights reserved. That man was drawn into a saving fellowship with Jesus Christ, and finally at the end of the day he turned to his fellow mocker, and he said how can you say this to that Man. Two men were crucified at the same time as Jesus, one on his right hand and one on his left (Matthew 27:38, Mark 15:2728,32, Luke 23:33, John 19:18), which Mark interprets as fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 53:12. The word "malefactor" means someone who has done wrong. There are only 2 camps of people in the world. However, one of them, when he saw the love of Jesus and his miraculous response to his tormentors, realized that Jesus was who he claimed to be. He had been led to the cross with hurling of abuse. Weve been waiting, for chapters now, for Matthew to describe the crucifixion and what does he do? Some scholars maintain that John belonged to the Essenes, a semi-ascetic Jewish sect who expected a messiah and practiced ritual baptism. He is the King of the Jews. Two Gospel Records say two "thieves" mocked Jesus. A second possible explanation for the minor differences in gospel accounts regarding the two thieves who were crucified next to Jesus involves the understanding of a figure of speech known as synecdoche. And furthermore, he shows that its the plan of God by showing that God prophesied in the Old Testament through the psalmist and through the prophets that this indeed would happen to the Messiah at Israel. Outside the City Walls. He wanted nothing numbing His senses as He tasted death for us. And there are those who receive Jesus and have their sins paid for. Theyre not even talking to Jesus directly, by the way. The answer is Yes. Which one do you fall into? Hes saying that everybody needs a Savior. In summary: both thieves were insulting Jesus on the cross. And now the great shame that Christ faces in the midst of His physical pain is that He has bystanders, people just passing by. This is contrary to what Matt. And. the crowd and the soldiers mocked Jesus. "[14], Thus, whereas the first stage involves mockery by Jews, and the second stage mockery by gentiles, the third stage has both together. This means that, if indeed there were two thieves, we do not know whether one or both reviled Jesus. Mark reports virtually the same information as Matthew. The language of wine and gall. In the accounts of Matthew and Mark both thieves on the cross mock Jesus, but Luke's account says that one of them didn't mock Him but on the contrary he rebuked the other thief and said "Lord, remember me when you come into you Kingdom." , perhaps insurrection ) squad is dividing up the spoils, as it were that Ted Turner thinks Christianity... 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did both thieves mocked jesus

We all need grace. Matthew is reminding us that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, by becoming a curse for us, by hanging on that tree, as Paul reminded us in Galatians 3:13. Whats Matthew telling you there? The three contradictory accounts can not be resolved by looking for the 'truth', because we have no way of establishing which account is true in any absolute sense. I want to pause and just say right there, somehow, somewhere, young people are going to go off to college and you are going to find some professor in a religion class that says this doesnt happen. Or did just one? (Youngs Literal). May God show you your need of grace, because the minute you see your need of grace, He will show you who provides it. I gave my back to those who strike, Lessons in Tampa: Jesus Evidence, From Shadow to Reality. Help us identify new roles for community members. The Lord Christ was crucified at midday 12'0 clock. The other gospels say that only ONE of the robbers mocked Jesus, while the other praised him. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! There are those who reject Jesus and will spend an eternity paying for their own sins. Its the plan of God. What did Jesus say to the thieves on the cross? Or maybe it was a culmination of all those things. For one thing, hes been telling us this because it happened. 300-309): It is feasible that Matthew and Mark were using the plural in place of the singular in their accounts of the thieves reviling Christ on the cross. What day of the week does the Jewish Passover fall on? His best friends had deserted him. When they were caught, they offered to exchange their secret recipe, which had allowed them to commit the robberies without catching the disease, in exchange for leniency. It is a beautiful picture of Jesus' saving power. Condemned criminals, of course they need a Savior. Castin Matt. And you see what Matthew is doing there. This approach will solve a great proportion of the supposed inconsistencies in the gospel accounts. Matthew does not provide evidential support for the account this gospel shares with Mark, as its author knew nothing further about the crucifixion beyond what was found in his source, Mark's Gospel. It bears remembering that the torture of Jesus on the cross continued for at least three hours. -- Luke 23:42 (NAB). Constantine ordered the construction of a basilica, which became known as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Our Lord and our God, there is no one like our Savior, and we bow before Him and we worship Him. Victims died of heart failure, of exhaustion and of shock. Je-sus saved one of them and that thief instantly stopped insulting Je-sus and began to defend Him. The answer is simple, yet the majority of you want to discredit the scripture instead of accepting the obvious answer. Just before he breathed his last breath, Jesus uttered the phrase it is finished. Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to fulfill Scripture he said, I am thirsty. A jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it up to his lips. Two of them are eye-witness accounts (John and Matthew) to most of the events. Matthew is saying that Jesus mockers have unwittingly but rightly identified Him. What is it that these people are doing? And furthermore, if youll look very closely at Matthew 27, verse 44 we are told that they were insulting Him, and I tried to emphasize this as I read, they were insulting Him with the same words. Obviously, if the eye-witness Matthew had reported everything he saw, this part of his book would take up many pages. Published Merriam-Webster defines this term as a figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole (as fifty sail for fifty ships), the whole for a part (as society for high society)or the name of the material for the thing made (as boards for stage) (italics. Jesus is hung between two sinners. Can you clarify the apparent discrepancy between Acts 7:15-16 and Matthew 9:18? However, the Messiah was also portrayed in the scriptures as a suffering servant who would suffer on behalf of God's people. Youre expecting Him to describe the physical pain, and Matthew just says and they crucified Him. And immediately he points you to these soldiers. Luke put together his gospel upon careful interview of eye-witnesses. Both men were sinners; both were guilty of their crimes (probably robbery, perhaps insurrection). Now, we have got a complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! as we read they did. Youre the King of the Jews. This was done as a mockery of Jesus' kingship. As time went on and it became apparent Jesus was going to allow Himself to die on the cross, one of the 2 changed his position and Luke records what he said. And Matthews response is, wait a minute, let me explain to you what this means. Luke 23:11 simply calls it a gorgeous robe. Matthew 27:28 says it was a scarlet robe. [17] In this way, some Christians see the mockery that Jesus endured as being borne on their behalf. John did not mention any of this at all, for his own reasons. How to label jars so the label comes off easily? He wasn't an eye witness but his Gospel and Acts are well known for their historical style and credibility. CGAC2022 Day 6: Shuffles with specific "magic number". Today, he is specifically going to recount the kind of abuse that was hurled at Christ although you will see as we study it in a few moments that he is amazingly restrained in his description of the physical suffering of Christ in this passage. 43 He replied to him, "Amen I say to you today you will be with me in Paradise." According to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, respectively, both of the thieves mocked Jesus; Luke, however, relates: Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, "Are you not the Messiah? And that thief is saved by believing on Jesus Christ. These Jewish people walking in and out of the city fulfill the words of prophesy. Then, one man had a change in heart (in Luke only). "[3] Susan R. Garrett sees Mark's inclusion of the mockery as an example of irony, since Jesus is indeed a prophet, at the very moment his prophecy that Peter would deny him was being fulfilled. John mentions both criminals, but does not inform us about them mocking Jesus at all. On the other hand, a friend or relative of the repentant thief may have caught the significance of what the two said to each other; and this was stamped in his memory forever. We were told by the Lord Jesus Himself that His delight was to do the will of God. When you trust in Jesus Christ, you're saved in a moment. Did both thieves on The cross mock Jesus? [3], Green suggests that Jesus suffers the mockery that is typical of prophets, and that his suffering suggests his "solidarity with God's agents who speak on God's behalf and are rejected. The Romans thought about a crucified Savior about the same way that Ted Turner thinks about Christianity. On the same problem, testing a particular proposed solution: I think they all are historically reliable. He is the King of the Jews. But the charge reads this is the King of the Jews, and you suddenly realize, well its true. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The meaning of the cross. In Psalm 22:18, David, speaking more of Christ than of himself, says, They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots. What is Matthew saying? They are fulfilling Scripture. Learn more in this Little Lesson with Bible teacher . A thousand years before He hung on that tree, David knew by prophecy what He would experience. We ask it in Jesus name, Amen. Matthew: Jesus Mocked (by Gentiles, Jews and Thieves) Sermon by J. Ligon Duncan on January 18, 2000 Matthew 27:33-44 Download Audio Print This Post If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Matthew 27. He is the Messiah. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. In Genesis 21:7 Sarah asked, Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? But he made thorough research before writing the Gospel. First, it is quite possible that, initially, both thieves reviled Christ, but then one of them repented. What a Savior! Men see a condemned criminal hanging between two condemned criminals. According to traditional interpretation, yes, both mocked, but when one of them saw and heard that He blessed and asked for forgiveness of His murderers ("forgive them, Father, they do not know what are they doing"), one of them repented and reprimanded the other, we do not know whether the other hearkened to this or not, but most probably, yes,. When you are put up on a cross, you werent coming back down alive. We are indeed asked to get water baptized based on the Bible, butI do not believe a man will end up in hell if he happens to get killed on hisway to do just that. I. Jesus refuses the offer to have the pain of the cross covered. But hes also telling us these things because hes been telling us even in his own account of the life of Christ that Christ had been telling the disciples that these things were going to happen. The first thing I want to say is if these accounts are not true, if these accounts are not reliable, then there is nothing in all of ancient history that you can believe. Why can I send to on my network? Whereas Luke wrote: Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us (23:39), Matthew and Mark stated the following: Even the robbers who were crucified with Him reviled Him (Matthew 27:44), Even those who were crucified with Him reviled Him (Mark 15:32). Obviously, Jesus was crucified between two criminals. I wonder if Matthew just has a hard time looking with a steady gaze on his crucified Lord. He began to rebuke the other man, the one who continued laughing at the Lord Jesus. They were called "thieves" in Matthew and Mark, and "malefactors" in Luke. He had been unjustly treated by a Roman court and by a Jewish court. He turned to Christ and he said, Remember me, remember me when You enter into Your kingdom. Christ turned to Him and said, I tell you today, you will be with Me in Paradise. Even as Hes dying, Hes drawing men into eternal fellowship with God. 40And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. Please note that we are about courtesy and objectivity. Then in verse 37 hes going to point us to something else. 22:16), some Bible students are puzzled when they eventually compare the beloved physicians account with what Matthew and Mark recorded. People will remember what they remember. If Matthew and Luke were not independent accounts, their details would be identical, but then we would not have the added evidence of independent accounts. By the way, today if you wouldnt mind, if you would keep your finger close to the Psalms and especially the Psalm 22, because Matthew is going to take you there repeatedly, and Id like for us to look at those passages together. 45Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. 40 The other, however, rebuking him, said in reply, "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? It was covered over by scarlet. Where do we get the name Calvary? Very likely, the most well-known, nameless person in the Bible is the thief on the cross. The Lord demonstrated His mercy one last time before His crucifixion by pardoning the thief who begged Jesus, saying, Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom (Luke 23:42). And then in verse 38 we see that Jesus is humiliated by being crucified with these criminals. Matthew and Mark both claim that the robbers mocked Him along with the unbelieving rulers. Leithart goes on to suggest that, at this point, the Romans "remove the veil of irony and reveal what they really think" about the Jews and their God. Ill face it in the fullness of My feelings, in the fullness of My awareness; in the fullness of My consciousness. And Matthew tells us that at the beginning of the day, and Luke tells us at the beginning of the day both of these men are deriding Christ. What is clear historically is that Jesus was crucified beside bandits. But all the ancient sources testify to how the cross was universally held in revulsion. On top of this he also defended Jesus (a good deed) before the other thief. His mother was among those women who ministered to the circle of disciples. 41Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said. His remarks echoed those of the people whom he overheard. and I know I will not be put to shame. According to Matthew and Mark, respectively, both of the "thieves" mocked Jesus (Matthew 27:44, Mark 15:32); Luke however, mentions that: 39 Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, "Are you not the Messiah? Matthew is telling you this because he wants you to know this is part of Gods plan. This is part of the plan of God and to prove that its part of the plan of God you need to see that even in the Psalms, even in the scriptures God predicted these specific events in the death of our Lord. The mocking of Jesus occurred several times, after his trial and before his crucifixion according to the canonical gospels of the New Testament. The second proposal is that Jesus asked for someone to volunteer to be crucified instead of him. Green takes the phrase to refer to the "Chief priests, the officers of the temple police, and the elders" mentioned in verse 52. Judas Iscariot, Jesus' betrayer, is often cited, and is mentioned in the Gospel of Barnabas. Is this true? First of all, there is no document that the authors of the gospels referenced. And yet Luke tells us that by the end of the day look at Luke 23, 39 to 43 that by the end of the day one of those thieves was saved. 32Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe. Mark's Gospel was the first account to be written, believed to be written about 70 CE. My experience with being on a jury tells me that in order to understand an event, one must find a way to combine the details of the different witnesses to put together a fuller story. And other related questions. His reaction seems to have come from independence of thought. Now our Lord Jesus had suffered many things. The spot had been venerated by early Christians, and she concluded it was Golgotha. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.41Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said,42He saved others; himself he cannot save. You suddenly realize that He is paying the penalty on the cross for the crime of being who He is. They both began by hurling insults at Him. and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; So both are true, the cheating and the honest writing on the same day. How can you resolve this discrepancy? Like the two sons whose father assigned work the first one proves to be rude but came to his senses and goes to work.thus eleventh hour can make more changes. Passersby need a Savior. Both men attacked their Maker and King, but one man was changed while doing so. In other words, they were questioning whether God delighted in our Savior. However, we can, and should, understand the contradiction from the history of the gospels themselves. Being saved is very quick. The second thing I would say is this. Yes. It is considered part of Jesus' passion. The Messiah of God, the Lord of glory. Stretched out on a wooden frame, they would pull with their arms and push with their legs in order to keep their chest cavities open enough to breathe; and then excruciating muscle spasms would set in. A passion play is a play that tells this story of Jesus' trial and then his crucifixion. We read in Matthew 27:44 "The two thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same (mockery) in his teeth" We read in Luke 23:39-40, Why do American universities have so many gen-eds? And no one is shocked! In fact, the accounts are only seemingly contradictory, but in reality they are not, for it is not a contradiction if I say that "I cheated during the math exam yesterday", and if I say "I honestly wrote my math exam yesterday", for both can be true: initially, by some trick, I took that exam card, that I have preliminarily prepared, but after half-an-hour I felt that that was very wrong and dishonest thing to do, and I took another exam card (that change reducing my grade with one point) and wrote in a proper way. Markan priority is one of the few theories that has almost universal support from New Testament scholars. Mark 15:27And with him they crucify two thieves; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left.28And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors.29And they that passed by railed on him, wagging their heads, and saying, Ah, thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days,30Save thyself, and come down from the cross.31Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes, He saved others; himself he cannot save.32Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe. It is sin that separates us from God. Because as they question whether He is the Messiah, they are actually proving that He is the Messiah by fulfilling Scripture. In fact, when taken together, they give a fuller perspective on the life of the most wonderful person who ever walked the earth, Jesus of Nazareth. When it comes to works (good fruit) he did confess his sins and showed evidence of true repentance (which was also the view of Jesus who promised him a place in paradise), which means that all his sins were rightly removed. in Luke 22? [1][2], After Jesus' condemnation by the Sanhedrin, (Mark 14:65). Please cite each version in your question. We see here Jesus is a Savior of sinners, ugly sinners, gross sinners. Both thieves mocked him at first, then one repented. Matthew is pointing to that shame of the crucifixion for us. And even though these religious men dont think they need grace, He is the King of grace and the Savior. And its only when God in His mercy shows you that you need grace, that you suddenly realize that everything you need is already there in Christ. First the bystanders, or those who were passing by; then the Jewish leaders; and then the criminals themselves. When you focus on the apparent contradiction instead of seeking out the wisdom of God, you inevitably end up missing the truth and subsequently believing a lie. For instance, one eyewitness may have heard mocking from one or both of the thieves, early on; and then left or been distracted before it was all over. Thats where we get the word Calvary about which we sing in so many hymns and songs. But thats not all. Hes telling you that Jesus death is vicarious. Were CD-ROM-based games able to "hide" audio tracks inside the "data track"? What is the legend of the four thieves? The minute he says, let me tell you about my crucified Savior, immediately the Jewish population listening to Him is going to say, Matthew, have you never read Deuteronomy 21? Luke's Gospel says that one of the thieves mocked Jesus, but the other thief rebuked him and repented for his sins, creating the occasion for Jesus to talk about seeing him in paradise. According to tradition, she discovered relics of the cross upon which Jesus had been crucified. During Jesus' crucifixion, He was subjected to much taunting and laughter. That will offend them. Look at that verse. Whats Matthew telling you by recounting that point? Its in our place, its in place of what we should have suffered, and, therefore, Jesus chose to face that death in full consciousness. May 26, 2004. But Matthew records it, and he focuses our attention on them because he wants you to understand something. One passage, found in the Gospel of Matthew, has the crowd saying (of Jesus), "Let his blood be upon us and upon our children." What did Jesus say to the thieves on the cross? He began to rebuke the other man, the one who continued laughing at the Lord Jesus. You remember he said He came to His own and His own received Him not. Save yourself and us." And so Matthew is saying, oh yes, He is the Messiah and the Savior. In my place condemned He stood; They are saying that Jesus Father does not delight in Him. He bore their curse and their shame. Isaiah had said more than six hundred years before that He would be numbered with the transgressors. It is a free gift. And, of course, he knows that when you turn back to Psalm 66 to look, youll notice verse 1 because this Psalm is a cry of distress. Turn back to Psalm 22, verse 7 and you see it. Robert J. Miller suggests that the gospel account is deeply ironic since Jesus is exercising his kingship through submission and suffering: "the Roman legionnaires have unwittingly furthered God's secret purposes by dressing Jesus up as a king. 41 And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal." "[10], Timothy C. Gray notes that in the Gospel of Mark, the mocking of Jesus on the cross "takes up the two charges leveled against Jesus at his trial": firstly, that Jesus "threatened the temple with destruction" (14:58 and 15:29); secondly, that Jesus "claimed to be the Messiah" (14:61-62 and 15:31-32). Why is integer factoring hard while determining whether an integer is prime easy? God is respectful of people and their decisions. Our experts have done a research to get accurate and detailed answers for you. Mythology. He hated the Jewish people. They were called "thieves" in Matthew and Mark, and "malefactors" in Luke. In the last couple of weeks we have seen Matthew describe the sufferings of the trial and of the treatment from the Roman soldiers on His way to the cross. Matthew over and over in these passages has made it clear to us that this is not an accident, this didnt take Jesus by surprise, this isnt some laughable, existential cosmic mistake. Jesus, our Lord, the perfect One, dies in the company of criminals so that people think of Him as a criminal. Theres nothing better attested than the historical event surrounding the life of Jesus Christ in all of ancient history. A:Luke's Gospel says that one of the thieves mocked Jesus, but the other thief rebuked him and repented for his sins, creating the occasion for Jesus to talk about seeing him in paradise (Luke 23: . I dont know whether it was the calm and majestic manner in which our Lord suffered the pain of the cross. The answer to the question is that both of them were mocking him at first. Of course, John spoke about it in John 1, verse 11. The next time we are together in this passage, we will see the height, the greatest suffering that Jesus Christ faced, however, in the midst of the darkness. And then in verses 41 through 43 the spiritual leaders of the people of God begin to mock Jesus. Matthew says that the robbers hurled insults at Jesus while they were on the cross. Matthew refers to Barabbas only as a "notorious prisoner". (LogOut/ Hes showing us what? In fact its an evidence of their inspiration that they speak so specifically and so faithfully to things which would have been universally distasteful to everyone who heard them spoken and read. So Jesus begins to endure their derision. And Matthew wants to focus on that shame which He endures and that shame about which the author of Hebrews said in Hebrews 12:12 that He endured for the joy set before us, and He despised the shame. It is considered part of Jesus' passion . According to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, respectively, both of the thieves mocked Jesus; Luke, however, relates: Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, "Are you not the Messiah? Today, he is specifically going to recount the kind of abuse that was hurled at Christ although you will see as we study it in a few moments that he is amazingly restrained in his description of the physical suffering of Christ in this passage. I can proclaim it because of the Scriptures. No one. We predicted that Christ would be given this galled wine, this drugged wine. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Upon first glance, such testimony can appear to contradict, when in fact it does not. Was it hanging there on his cross that he came to the conclusion that the "Man in the middle" was indeed the Messiah of God? And so the execution squad is dividing up the spoils, as it were. We must keep in mind that the biblical apologist does not have to pin down the exact solution to an alleged contradiction; he need show only one or more possibilities of harmonization in order to negate the force of the charge that a Bible contradiction really exists. And these things are hard for both of those audiences to take in. Luke provides more information. How many times have we made a statement about someone or something, but then retracted the statement only a short while later after receiving more information? Here is how I see these accounts working together. The Scriptures tell me that my Messiah was going to have his clothes divided by His enemies. If there appears to be any contradiction, it's because God has truth that he want to reveal. Does Genesis 9:3 demonstrate that before the Fall, humans and animals were vegetarians? I recently ran across this answer on C.SE reconciling Luke's account of the repentant thief on the cross with Mark's statement - also present in Matthew - that both thieves reviled Jesus (Mark 15:32, Matthew 27:44).One solution proposed is that the plural form in Mark represents a figure of speech known as synecdoche, with the implication that a singular referent is intended. Matthew is pointing us to the glory of Christ even in the midst of all this gore. After hearing Jesus words on the cross, and seeing His forgiving attitude, the one thief may have been driven to acknowledge that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. Religious men need a Savior. All rights reserved. That man was drawn into a saving fellowship with Jesus Christ, and finally at the end of the day he turned to his fellow mocker, and he said how can you say this to that Man. Two men were crucified at the same time as Jesus, one on his right hand and one on his left (Matthew 27:38, Mark 15:2728,32, Luke 23:33, John 19:18), which Mark interprets as fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 53:12. The word "malefactor" means someone who has done wrong. There are only 2 camps of people in the world. However, one of them, when he saw the love of Jesus and his miraculous response to his tormentors, realized that Jesus was who he claimed to be. He had been led to the cross with hurling of abuse. Weve been waiting, for chapters now, for Matthew to describe the crucifixion and what does he do? Some scholars maintain that John belonged to the Essenes, a semi-ascetic Jewish sect who expected a messiah and practiced ritual baptism. He is the King of the Jews. Two Gospel Records say two "thieves" mocked Jesus. A second possible explanation for the minor differences in gospel accounts regarding the two thieves who were crucified next to Jesus involves the understanding of a figure of speech known as synecdoche. And furthermore, he shows that its the plan of God by showing that God prophesied in the Old Testament through the psalmist and through the prophets that this indeed would happen to the Messiah at Israel. Outside the City Walls. He wanted nothing numbing His senses as He tasted death for us. And there are those who receive Jesus and have their sins paid for. Theyre not even talking to Jesus directly, by the way. The answer is Yes. Which one do you fall into? Hes saying that everybody needs a Savior. In summary: both thieves were insulting Jesus on the cross. And now the great shame that Christ faces in the midst of His physical pain is that He has bystanders, people just passing by. This is contrary to what Matt. And. the crowd and the soldiers mocked Jesus. "[14], Thus, whereas the first stage involves mockery by Jews, and the second stage mockery by gentiles, the third stage has both together. This means that, if indeed there were two thieves, we do not know whether one or both reviled Jesus. Mark reports virtually the same information as Matthew. The language of wine and gall. In the accounts of Matthew and Mark both thieves on the cross mock Jesus, but Luke's account says that one of them didn't mock Him but on the contrary he rebuked the other thief and said "Lord, remember me when you come into you Kingdom." , perhaps insurrection ) squad is dividing up the spoils, as it were that Ted Turner thinks Christianity... 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Play that tells this story of Jesus on the cross continued for at least three hours has done.. Savior about the same problem, testing a particular proposed solution: I think they a! Taunting and laughter is paying the penalty on the cross she discovered relics of the does... I send did both thieves mocked jesus on my network own received Him not because he wants you to know this the... Who ministered to the question is that Jesus asked for someone to volunteer to written... `` Amen I say to you today, you are put up on a cross, that we are courtesy! I see these accounts working together me when you are put up on a cross that. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to.! Spend an eternity paying for their own sins this approach will solve a proportion... But his Gospel upon careful interview of eye-witnesses many pages our Savior, and he focuses our attention them! 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Sunday December 11th, 2022