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The Truth is GOD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. Last but not least, disobedience hinders you from receiving Gods blessing in your life. Because the Jewish People remain GODS Chosen People forever. All three of the Law Codes in the Pentateuch end with blessings for obedience and warnings for covenant failures: The Book of the Covenant (Ex 23:20-33) The Holiness Code (Lev 26:3-45) But I have spoken to you again and again; yet you have not listened to Me. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! And that kind of disobedience and idolatryhas consequences. But as truly as I live, The LORD said, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of The LORD. And that kind of disobedience and idolatry has consequences. When S. was arrested in Tel Aviv in 2019, he had no identity documents. 54 Godly Relationship Quotes For Purity [+ Sermon]. Anti-Israel derangement syndrome at work.). That is , by The Holy Spirit. But Moses told them that GOD was not with them. But then we get a more literal picture of what was happening. Being in The Spirit means that you are like Caleb. 18, 21, 24, 28) further emphasizes this progression. We can stray, but God will bring us back to Him" (Bible Reader's Companion, note on verses 32-38). The people would repent and ask Moses to pray to God for forgiveness, which God always granted. Short Prayer For Protection From Evil Spirits That Works. But most Bible teachers reject The Law of Moses, and teach their listeners to reject GODS Law of Moses. And by living your life according to GODS Word, His Laws, Instructions, and Teachings, you will withstand the evil. Answer (1 of 12): To me there are three theological issues here: 1) trial or testing and 2) punishment for sin and 3) how much we know. We are chosen by the grace of GOD. Two weeks later, she was attacked by the tabloids and the mayor, and the school . God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew. At last, the Israelites will understand the evil of their ways and come to hate them. Two days later, alumni from the first graduating class, in 1986, sent an open letter to the universitys faculty and administration, maintaining that their legacy had been disgraced by the nurturing of a toxic, intolerant, and antisemitic environment., At the same time, law school faculty members at CUNY sent their own letter to the trustees demanding a retraction of their statement, arguing that the suggestion that hate speech includes political affiliation as a characteristic similar to race or religion is wildly inconsistent with longstanding and legal definitions of the concept of hate speech.. Lord God, please let your hand be against me and my ancestral household, but dont let your people be ravaged by plague!. Two people were killed in Israel, including an Israeli woman and a Palestinian worker from Gaza. With that said, lets look at the 5 major consequences of disobedience in the bible that come when you disobey Gods word or commandments. Instead, its people will be punished. Indeed all Israel has transgressed Your law and turned aside, not obeying Your voice; so the curse has been poured out on us, along with the oath which is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, for we have sinned against Him. The first four of the Ten Commandments outline man's duty to Godand the fact that all were transgressed clearly illustrates Israel's rebellion against God. Our current reading encompasses the first 44 verses of chapter 20. a descendant of Canaans third son (cf. 3-6), the curse is proclaimed in form and number corresponding (vers. And returning after forty days of searching the land, ten of the twelve spies brought an evil report to the Children of Israel, telling them, we are not able to go up against those people because they are stronger than we are. And you will stand against the evil, you and your family, always. Two weeks later, she was attacked by the tabloids and the mayor, and the school disavowed her speech. So, if you are living a disobedient lifestyle of sin, just know the Lord is angry with you and you better repent today and ask for forgiveness before His wrath consumes you when your time runs out, dear. Old Testament Minor Prophets 63 Quotes On Jesus Christ (To Help You Know Him Better). Remember, The Law of Moses is the Spoken Word Of GOD. Chapter 20 begins a new section of the book of Ezekiel. Either by mistake or intentionally. But the airstrikes are often conducted in heavily populated areas, and many Palestinians in Gaza say they amount to a collective punishment aimed at making them fearful about who their neighbors might be. And the punishments you may receive by being disobedient can range from diseases, things not going well in your life, afflictions, misfortunes, and ultimately hellfire if you die unrepentant. 51 Powerful Short Prayer Quotes For Strength {That Work.}. Once he went inside, the building was blown up. As a proof of this, we can already see in the Old Testament in the case of the Israelites where God rained down many judgments on them because of disobeying Him as we see in 1 Chronicles 21:14 onwards. NUMBERS 14.20-23 So The LORD pardoned the Children of Israel. Rather, God recognized in the Jews of that day, and all Israel today, the same rebellious spirit that had characterized the nation historically. But they were not the stated target of the attack earlier this month. A photo of Alois Brunner, as it appears in the fugitive war criminal's Mossad file. So its name is called Bamah [high place] to this day." Israel has long accused Palestinian armed groups in Gaza of hiding among civilians and using them as human shields. Therefore, not believing GOD leads to disobedience to GOD which results in punishment. For if the word spoken through angels proved unalterable, and every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty. And Moses pleaded with The LORD for the People, and GOD pardoned them. In case of disobedience and apostasy, not only would the blessing be withheld, but a curse would descend, blighting, destructive, and ruinous. 7 Major Causes Of Laziness In Many Christians Today. You will be blessed. Thus, though not mentioned elsewhere, there was the threat of divine retribution against the people before the time of the Exodus (which is mentioned in [Ezekiel 20] v. 10)" (Nelson Study Bible, note on verse 8). THEY SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL, AND ATE AND DRANK WITH HIM. 5 Characteristics Of Judas Iscariot [That Doomed Him], 5 Examples Of Disobedience In The Bible [To Learn From], Modest Dressing In The Bible (& Why It Truly Matters?). By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. Romans 1:18-32 mentions how people who rejected God and His truth were given over to lewd and evil practices such as homosexualityan exact parallel with Ezekiel 20. This has been your practice from your youth, The man said, The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.. Why Is Quiet Time With God Important [With Illustrations], 7 Major Root Causes Of Sin (That Causes People To Sin. Its the Lord. When asked about the attack, the military referred to a statement saying that it had targeted Islamic Jihad command-and-control centers from which they operate and direct rockets toward Israel. From the days of the kings of Assyria to this day. Since the 2021 war, Hamas says it has begun moving its offices away from important infrastructure such as hospitals and schools. Turn to GOD quickly and obey His Law of Moses. Genesis 12:1-3 Critics assert that Israel's history demonstrates the weakness of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in that their God could not keep His promises. In fact, all the disobedience we naturally have against God is due to the fall of our first parents Adam and Eve who were the first to disobey God and suffered the consequences for that. I will bring disaster on youincurable diseases and fevers that will make you blind and cause your life to waste away. When Israel wants to kill someone, they can find many different ways to kill, but they want others to die along with their target.. The temple is destroyed. 54 Christian Life Quotes (To Help You Live Wisely.). Do not fear them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Calvinism The aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip. Kind David the psalmist further reminds us in Psalms 7:10-12 that God is angry with the wicked daily, especially those who live in willful disobedience to His word and commandments written in the bible. 7 God considered this behavior [] to be evil, so he attacked Israel. SEE EZEKIEL 18.21. The passage here refers not to the Jewish return from Babylonian exile in ancient times but to a future return of all Israel. 54 Agape Love Quotes [+Animation On Gods Agape Love], 54 Power Of Faith Quotes (To Help You Move Mountains). The modern Israelite nations are, as mentioned, replete with idolatry and Sabbath breaking. The children of Israel are a nice case study and example that helps us to know that God always brings judgment on anyone be it a king or an ordinary person which can be in the form of death if such people dont repent. It Made Her Law School a Target. And do not fear the people of the land for they are bread for us because their defense has left them, and The LORD is with us. And believing in ONE GOD, not the three different gods of the trinity. [+ Sermon On Overcoming Sin], 7 Major Characteristics of Sin That Make Us Do Bad Things, How To Escape Gods Judgment & Wrath (In 3 Simple Steps). Leaders and members of the groups say that Israels airstrikes are aimed at hurting the civilian population to undermine public support for them. Dania was to be married on July 21. Students petitioned for her to turn over the remainder of her salary to the Black Law Students Association and remove her name from their diplomas. The Lord of hosts will punish you as well as He did to the people of the old if you dont repent of your disobedience or evil ways despite several warnings from Him. [+ Animation], 5 Effective Ways Of Praying For Someone Who Hurt You Badly. Old Testament History As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The starting date in verse 1 equates to August of 591 B.C. to the Israelites when they disobeyed Gods word. The repeated expression, "seven times" (vv. "Being in prison is punishment . NUMBERS 14.24 GOD blessed Caleb for obeying Him because Caleb had another Spirit, the Holy Spirit which GOD gives to all who obey Him. This fact becomes even clearer in our next reading. bethelohenu@gmail.com I want to address the second one first. Jesus Christ warned in Matthews 13:41 that everything that offends will be finally be cast in the fiery furnace of hell where the disobedient will be weeping and gnashing of teeth along with the devil and his fallen angels. That too is a lie. We need to set the record straight. The Israelites descended so far as to burn their children in sacrifice (verse 26). A student gave a commencement address at the famously progressive CUNY law school. I hope the above 5 consequences of disobedience in the bible will now help you avoid living a life of disobedience as being disobedient to God brings nothing but calamities to your life. And that brings blessings. Now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who keeps covenant and lovingkindness. This is not to say that other nations do not have some of these same characteristics or that Israelites have no vicious streak in them. CUNY seemed unprepared for the fallout, even though, the day before graduation, the university announced an advisory council on Jewish life, made up of prominent Jewish leaders from around the city, to combat hate on its various campuses. As God answered before, He says He refuses to be questioned by these elders or the nation (verse 3, 31). In Judges 3, we read: So the people of Israel lived among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites . Repeatedly, God commands Israel to obey Him, promising great blessing for obedience and dire consequences for disobedience. A student gave a commencement address at the famously progressive CUNY law school. One tribe after another made slaves out of the people. Disobedience Brings God's Punishment. NUMBERS 14.33-45 So for lack of faith in The LORD their GOD, and their disobedience to Him, their carcasses fell dead in the wilderness while their children under twenty years old roamed the wilderness for forty years. In Jeremiah 2:15, Israelsenemy is pictured as a roaring lion. The answer? Can we go set up a military base in Colorado? he said. This terminology is used in Leviticus 27:32 in reference to a shepherd counting His sheep with respect to tithing, where one out of ten is devoted to God. And you have the sword of The Spirit, Who is GOD ALMIGHTY by believing Him, and obeying Him. Jamal Khoswan, a dentist, Mirvat Khoswan, a pharmacist, and their son, a 19-year-old dental student, were killed in the strike as well as the Islamic Jihad commander who lived downstairs, Tareq Izzeldeen, and two of his children, a girl, 11, and a boy, 9. Read Messiahs Words in LUKE 17.5-10. All written in His Law of Moses. Fearing that Israel would destroy entire buildings because they contained offices or homes belonging to members of armed groups, residents of some buildings posted signs in their lobbies warning against renting to departments linked to the Hamas-led government. One thing you need to know is that disobedience always brings wrath and judgment upon a persons life especially if that person continues to live in willful disobedience. Wasnt it I who sinned and acted wickedly? The Babylonians set up a new governor over the area and go back to their land. MATTHEW 7.21-23, LUKE 8.21, ACTS 5.32, MARK 12.29, ETC. South of Gaza City, Ghada Abu Ebeid, 50, this month was living with a relative near the remains of her familys two-story house, which was destroyed by an Israeli bomb in the recent fighting that also sheared off the fronts of nearby buildings. Again "certain of the elders of Israel" among the Jewish exiles come to Ezekiel to seek information from God as they did in chapter 14. Disobedience is a sin because its a transgression of Gods law, which is why 1 John 3:4 in the New Testament tells us that sin is the transgression of the law. Truth is The Word of GOD that is spoken in The Bible. Thats the truth. And know and believe that there is only ONE GOD, Yeshua The Messiah. The three-month journey from the Red Sea to Sinai, 2. "The chapter division in the MT [Masoretic Text, the authoritative Hebrew version] is between v. 44 and v. 45 in the English text. Israel Called Them Precision Strikes. Moses had a pretty tough job. 54 Gods Forgiveness Quotes [+ Animation On Forgiveness]. Later, as the whole book of Judges shows, Israel's disobedience brought trouble. For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. ).It is applied to the Israelites in Joshua 3:17; Joshua 4:1; Isaiah 1:4; Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 26:2.See also Exodus 33:13.In the singular it means a people in the more general sense, a . The man said, The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate. Then the Lord God said to the woman, What is this you have done? And the woman said, The serpent deceived me, and I ate.. ACTS 5.32. Limited Atonement If you will not listen to the voice of the, But if they will not listen, then I will uproot that nation, uproot and destroy it, declares the, Worldly Pleasures, Characteristic Of The Wicked. The curse thus appears as the exact counterpart of the blessing. Jeremiah 2:18tells us thatinstead of turning to the Lord Israelturned to Egypt and Assyria. This is why we see that when the children of Israel disobeyed the Lord, they stopped enjoying that favor and blessing God promised them if they remained obedient to His word He commanded them to do. GOD has made a way for Gentiles, non-Jewish People, to fully join in with the Jewish People to be His Chosen People as well. 14 The Lord said, "If you will not obey my commands, you will be punished. A family sitting in the rubble of their house, which was destroyed by Israeli bombing in Jabalia, in northern Gaza. Now as for these sheep, what have they done? Those who follow Bible teachers rather than ALMIGHTY GOD and reject GODS Laws, Teachings, and Instructions that are written in The Law of Moses will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. The punishment that comes when you disobey God can clearly be seen in the Old Testament in the case of the children of Israel who were punished by God when they disobeyed Him as we see in Jeremiah 30:1-24. THE PUNISHMENT FOR DISOBEDIENCE. Stand with your spiritual strength that comes from living your life in Truth. Now, one of the saddest statements is in the next verse. ), 7 Dangers Of Sin To Help You Stop Sinning (+Video Sermon), 13 Characteristics Of A Sinner (That Gives Them Away. This certainly fits the imagery of the purge God says He is conductingto get rid of the rebels (not allowing them to return to the land of Israel) before bringing those who are left back to the Promised Land and into His covenant (Ezekiel 20:37-38). Who gave Jacob up for spoil, and Israel to plunderers? The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. The Bible says, Caleb followed GOD fully. Each year, the law school graduates elect a member of their class to deliver a speech, and this year they chose Ms. Mohammed, an activist devoted to the Palestinian cause. God says 'Never.' The Israeli military had dropped the bombs into their home to assassinate a commander of the Palestinian armed group Islamic Jihad who lived in the apartment below. Well hear more about Egypt in a few verses. (Imagine being so crazed by hatred for Israel as a Jewish State that you make it the subject of your commencement speech, Mr. Torres wrote on Twitter last week. From every tribe, you shall send a man who is a ruler among them. Of course, whether an individual remains faithful to God is ultimately that person's choice. He chose the Jewish People to reveal GODS Spoken Word in The Bible to the world. 54 Christian Hope Quotes To Help You Not Give Up On God. "Wilderness wandering" refers to the plight of the Israelites due to their disobedience and unbelief. Menna Khoswan, center, at a memorial service for her father at the hospital where he served as chairman of the board. Since the inception of this world, God has always punished disobedience to His word or commands which is why our first parents were not spared when they sinned. And, as mentioned in the Bible Reading Program commentary on Ezekiel 16, their people are guilty of child sacrificethat is, through abortion or "offering" children over to society's ultimately lethal values. The seventh-day Sabbath was to be a sign to show that Israel acknowledged Him as the one true Creator God and that they were His chosen people (Ezekiel 20:12, 20; Exodus 31:12-17). Stay obedient and say no to disobedience. Every Word that GOD speaks in the Bible is Truth. Many Gaza residents acknowledge that they do worry about who might move in next door, fearing that their neighbors could become targets. Disobedience to Gods word has always come with consequences and this article is going to discuss the 5 main consequences of disobedience in the bible. Returning to the Congregation of the Children of Israel that GOD called this evil Congregation, GOD shows His mercy and His graceto His Jewish People forever. That formula is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Zechariah 7:8-14 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. However, You are just in all that has come upon us; For You have dealt faithfully, but we have acted wickedly. Therefore the Jewish People remain GODS Chosen People forever. During the five days of fighting this month, Israeli strikes destroyed 103 homes, and more than 2,800 others were damaged, according to Gazas public works department. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. And He punishes those who disobey Him. So, God says, He "gave them up to statutes that were not good, and judgments by which they could not live" (20:25). 11 Effective Prayers For Someone Who Hurt You Badly. 2 TIMOTHY 3.16. GODS breach of promise is punishment for violating GODS Trust, His Laws, and His Promises. Women figure in large numbers in the student body, in academia, in the public service, in law firms, and in the judiciary. You need to remember that God expects obedience from all His children to whatever He commands and if we love God, we will obey Him. New Testament Pastoral Epistles Pray to GOD is ultimately that person 's choice fact becomes even clearer in our reading! Withstand the evil in your life according to GODS Word, His Laws, Instructions, and pardoned... The Word Spoken through angels proved unalterable, and every transgression and received! Stray, but we have acted wickedly remains faithful to GOD for Forgiveness, which GOD always granted man. 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The Truth is GOD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. Last but not least, disobedience hinders you from receiving Gods blessing in your life. Because the Jewish People remain GODS Chosen People forever. All three of the Law Codes in the Pentateuch end with blessings for obedience and warnings for covenant failures: The Book of the Covenant (Ex 23:20-33) The Holiness Code (Lev 26:3-45) But I have spoken to you again and again; yet you have not listened to Me. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! And that kind of disobedience and idolatryhas consequences. But as truly as I live, The LORD said, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of The LORD. And that kind of disobedience and idolatry has consequences. When S. was arrested in Tel Aviv in 2019, he had no identity documents. 54 Godly Relationship Quotes For Purity [+ Sermon]. Anti-Israel derangement syndrome at work.). That is , by The Holy Spirit. But Moses told them that GOD was not with them. But then we get a more literal picture of what was happening. Being in The Spirit means that you are like Caleb. 18, 21, 24, 28) further emphasizes this progression. We can stray, but God will bring us back to Him" (Bible Reader's Companion, note on verses 32-38). The people would repent and ask Moses to pray to God for forgiveness, which God always granted. Short Prayer For Protection From Evil Spirits That Works. But most Bible teachers reject The Law of Moses, and teach their listeners to reject GODS Law of Moses. And by living your life according to GODS Word, His Laws, Instructions, and Teachings, you will withstand the evil. Answer (1 of 12): To me there are three theological issues here: 1) trial or testing and 2) punishment for sin and 3) how much we know. We are chosen by the grace of GOD. Two weeks later, she was attacked by the tabloids and the mayor, and the school . God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew. At last, the Israelites will understand the evil of their ways and come to hate them. Two days later, alumni from the first graduating class, in 1986, sent an open letter to the universitys faculty and administration, maintaining that their legacy had been disgraced by the nurturing of a toxic, intolerant, and antisemitic environment., At the same time, law school faculty members at CUNY sent their own letter to the trustees demanding a retraction of their statement, arguing that the suggestion that hate speech includes political affiliation as a characteristic similar to race or religion is wildly inconsistent with longstanding and legal definitions of the concept of hate speech.. Lord God, please let your hand be against me and my ancestral household, but dont let your people be ravaged by plague!. Two people were killed in Israel, including an Israeli woman and a Palestinian worker from Gaza. With that said, lets look at the 5 major consequences of disobedience in the bible that come when you disobey Gods word or commandments. Instead, its people will be punished. Indeed all Israel has transgressed Your law and turned aside, not obeying Your voice; so the curse has been poured out on us, along with the oath which is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, for we have sinned against Him. The first four of the Ten Commandments outline man's duty to Godand the fact that all were transgressed clearly illustrates Israel's rebellion against God. Our current reading encompasses the first 44 verses of chapter 20. a descendant of Canaans third son (cf. 3-6), the curse is proclaimed in form and number corresponding (vers. And returning after forty days of searching the land, ten of the twelve spies brought an evil report to the Children of Israel, telling them, we are not able to go up against those people because they are stronger than we are. And you will stand against the evil, you and your family, always. Two weeks later, she was attacked by the tabloids and the mayor, and the school disavowed her speech. So, if you are living a disobedient lifestyle of sin, just know the Lord is angry with you and you better repent today and ask for forgiveness before His wrath consumes you when your time runs out, dear. Old Testament Minor Prophets 63 Quotes On Jesus Christ (To Help You Know Him Better). Remember, The Law of Moses is the Spoken Word Of GOD. Chapter 20 begins a new section of the book of Ezekiel. Either by mistake or intentionally. But the airstrikes are often conducted in heavily populated areas, and many Palestinians in Gaza say they amount to a collective punishment aimed at making them fearful about who their neighbors might be. And the punishments you may receive by being disobedient can range from diseases, things not going well in your life, afflictions, misfortunes, and ultimately hellfire if you die unrepentant. 51 Powerful Short Prayer Quotes For Strength {That Work.}. Once he went inside, the building was blown up. As a proof of this, we can already see in the Old Testament in the case of the Israelites where God rained down many judgments on them because of disobeying Him as we see in 1 Chronicles 21:14 onwards. NUMBERS 14.20-23 So The LORD pardoned the Children of Israel. Rather, God recognized in the Jews of that day, and all Israel today, the same rebellious spirit that had characterized the nation historically. But they were not the stated target of the attack earlier this month. A photo of Alois Brunner, as it appears in the fugitive war criminal's Mossad file. So its name is called Bamah [high place] to this day." Israel has long accused Palestinian armed groups in Gaza of hiding among civilians and using them as human shields. Therefore, not believing GOD leads to disobedience to GOD which results in punishment. For if the word spoken through angels proved unalterable, and every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty. And Moses pleaded with The LORD for the People, and GOD pardoned them. In case of disobedience and apostasy, not only would the blessing be withheld, but a curse would descend, blighting, destructive, and ruinous. 7 Major Causes Of Laziness In Many Christians Today. You will be blessed. Thus, though not mentioned elsewhere, there was the threat of divine retribution against the people before the time of the Exodus (which is mentioned in [Ezekiel 20] v. 10)" (Nelson Study Bible, note on verse 8). THEY SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL, AND ATE AND DRANK WITH HIM. 5 Characteristics Of Judas Iscariot [That Doomed Him], 5 Examples Of Disobedience In The Bible [To Learn From], Modest Dressing In The Bible (& Why It Truly Matters?). By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. Romans 1:18-32 mentions how people who rejected God and His truth were given over to lewd and evil practices such as homosexualityan exact parallel with Ezekiel 20. This has been your practice from your youth, The man said, The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.. Why Is Quiet Time With God Important [With Illustrations], 7 Major Root Causes Of Sin (That Causes People To Sin. Its the Lord. When asked about the attack, the military referred to a statement saying that it had targeted Islamic Jihad command-and-control centers from which they operate and direct rockets toward Israel. From the days of the kings of Assyria to this day. Since the 2021 war, Hamas says it has begun moving its offices away from important infrastructure such as hospitals and schools. Turn to GOD quickly and obey His Law of Moses. Genesis 12:1-3 Critics assert that Israel's history demonstrates the weakness of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in that their God could not keep His promises. In fact, all the disobedience we naturally have against God is due to the fall of our first parents Adam and Eve who were the first to disobey God and suffered the consequences for that. I will bring disaster on youincurable diseases and fevers that will make you blind and cause your life to waste away. When Israel wants to kill someone, they can find many different ways to kill, but they want others to die along with their target.. The temple is destroyed. 54 Christian Life Quotes (To Help You Live Wisely.). Do not fear them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Calvinism The aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip. Kind David the psalmist further reminds us in Psalms 7:10-12 that God is angry with the wicked daily, especially those who live in willful disobedience to His word and commandments written in the bible. 7 God considered this behavior [] to be evil, so he attacked Israel. SEE EZEKIEL 18.21. The passage here refers not to the Jewish return from Babylonian exile in ancient times but to a future return of all Israel. 54 Agape Love Quotes [+Animation On Gods Agape Love], 54 Power Of Faith Quotes (To Help You Move Mountains). The modern Israelite nations are, as mentioned, replete with idolatry and Sabbath breaking. The children of Israel are a nice case study and example that helps us to know that God always brings judgment on anyone be it a king or an ordinary person which can be in the form of death if such people dont repent. It Made Her Law School a Target. And do not fear the people of the land for they are bread for us because their defense has left them, and The LORD is with us. And believing in ONE GOD, not the three different gods of the trinity. [+ Sermon On Overcoming Sin], 7 Major Characteristics of Sin That Make Us Do Bad Things, How To Escape Gods Judgment & Wrath (In 3 Simple Steps). Leaders and members of the groups say that Israels airstrikes are aimed at hurting the civilian population to undermine public support for them. Dania was to be married on July 21. Students petitioned for her to turn over the remainder of her salary to the Black Law Students Association and remove her name from their diplomas. The Lord of hosts will punish you as well as He did to the people of the old if you dont repent of your disobedience or evil ways despite several warnings from Him. [+ Animation], 5 Effective Ways Of Praying For Someone Who Hurt You Badly. Old Testament History As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The starting date in verse 1 equates to August of 591 B.C. to the Israelites when they disobeyed Gods word. The repeated expression, "seven times" (vv. "Being in prison is punishment . NUMBERS 14.24 GOD blessed Caleb for obeying Him because Caleb had another Spirit, the Holy Spirit which GOD gives to all who obey Him. This fact becomes even clearer in our next reading. bethelohenu@gmail.com I want to address the second one first. Jesus Christ warned in Matthews 13:41 that everything that offends will be finally be cast in the fiery furnace of hell where the disobedient will be weeping and gnashing of teeth along with the devil and his fallen angels. That too is a lie. We need to set the record straight. The Israelites descended so far as to burn their children in sacrifice (verse 26). A student gave a commencement address at the famously progressive CUNY law school. I hope the above 5 consequences of disobedience in the bible will now help you avoid living a life of disobedience as being disobedient to God brings nothing but calamities to your life. And that brings blessings. Now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who keeps covenant and lovingkindness. This is not to say that other nations do not have some of these same characteristics or that Israelites have no vicious streak in them. CUNY seemed unprepared for the fallout, even though, the day before graduation, the university announced an advisory council on Jewish life, made up of prominent Jewish leaders from around the city, to combat hate on its various campuses. As God answered before, He says He refuses to be questioned by these elders or the nation (verse 3, 31). In Judges 3, we read: So the people of Israel lived among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites . Repeatedly, God commands Israel to obey Him, promising great blessing for obedience and dire consequences for disobedience. A student gave a commencement address at the famously progressive CUNY law school. One tribe after another made slaves out of the people. Disobedience Brings God's Punishment. NUMBERS 14.33-45 So for lack of faith in The LORD their GOD, and their disobedience to Him, their carcasses fell dead in the wilderness while their children under twenty years old roamed the wilderness for forty years. In Jeremiah 2:15, Israelsenemy is pictured as a roaring lion. The answer? Can we go set up a military base in Colorado? he said. This terminology is used in Leviticus 27:32 in reference to a shepherd counting His sheep with respect to tithing, where one out of ten is devoted to God. And you have the sword of The Spirit, Who is GOD ALMIGHTY by believing Him, and obeying Him. Jamal Khoswan, a dentist, Mirvat Khoswan, a pharmacist, and their son, a 19-year-old dental student, were killed in the strike as well as the Islamic Jihad commander who lived downstairs, Tareq Izzeldeen, and two of his children, a girl, 11, and a boy, 9. Read Messiahs Words in LUKE 17.5-10. All written in His Law of Moses. Fearing that Israel would destroy entire buildings because they contained offices or homes belonging to members of armed groups, residents of some buildings posted signs in their lobbies warning against renting to departments linked to the Hamas-led government. One thing you need to know is that disobedience always brings wrath and judgment upon a persons life especially if that person continues to live in willful disobedience. Wasnt it I who sinned and acted wickedly? The Babylonians set up a new governor over the area and go back to their land. MATTHEW 7.21-23, LUKE 8.21, ACTS 5.32, MARK 12.29, ETC. South of Gaza City, Ghada Abu Ebeid, 50, this month was living with a relative near the remains of her familys two-story house, which was destroyed by an Israeli bomb in the recent fighting that also sheared off the fronts of nearby buildings. Again "certain of the elders of Israel" among the Jewish exiles come to Ezekiel to seek information from God as they did in chapter 14. Disobedience is a sin because its a transgression of Gods law, which is why 1 John 3:4 in the New Testament tells us that sin is the transgression of the law. Truth is The Word of GOD that is spoken in The Bible. Thats the truth. And know and believe that there is only ONE GOD, Yeshua The Messiah. The three-month journey from the Red Sea to Sinai, 2. "The chapter division in the MT [Masoretic Text, the authoritative Hebrew version] is between v. 44 and v. 45 in the English text. Israel Called Them Precision Strikes. Moses had a pretty tough job. 54 Gods Forgiveness Quotes [+ Animation On Forgiveness]. Later, as the whole book of Judges shows, Israel's disobedience brought trouble. For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. ).It is applied to the Israelites in Joshua 3:17; Joshua 4:1; Isaiah 1:4; Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 26:2.See also Exodus 33:13.In the singular it means a people in the more general sense, a . The man said, The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate. Then the Lord God said to the woman, What is this you have done? And the woman said, The serpent deceived me, and I ate.. ACTS 5.32. Limited Atonement If you will not listen to the voice of the, But if they will not listen, then I will uproot that nation, uproot and destroy it, declares the, Worldly Pleasures, Characteristic Of The Wicked. The curse thus appears as the exact counterpart of the blessing. Jeremiah 2:18tells us thatinstead of turning to the Lord Israelturned to Egypt and Assyria. This is why we see that when the children of Israel disobeyed the Lord, they stopped enjoying that favor and blessing God promised them if they remained obedient to His word He commanded them to do. GOD has made a way for Gentiles, non-Jewish People, to fully join in with the Jewish People to be His Chosen People as well. 14 The Lord said, "If you will not obey my commands, you will be punished. A family sitting in the rubble of their house, which was destroyed by Israeli bombing in Jabalia, in northern Gaza. Now as for these sheep, what have they done? Those who follow Bible teachers rather than ALMIGHTY GOD and reject GODS Laws, Teachings, and Instructions that are written in The Law of Moses will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. The punishment that comes when you disobey God can clearly be seen in the Old Testament in the case of the children of Israel who were punished by God when they disobeyed Him as we see in Jeremiah 30:1-24. THE PUNISHMENT FOR DISOBEDIENCE. Stand with your spiritual strength that comes from living your life in Truth. Now, one of the saddest statements is in the next verse. ), 7 Dangers Of Sin To Help You Stop Sinning (+Video Sermon), 13 Characteristics Of A Sinner (That Gives Them Away. This certainly fits the imagery of the purge God says He is conductingto get rid of the rebels (not allowing them to return to the land of Israel) before bringing those who are left back to the Promised Land and into His covenant (Ezekiel 20:37-38). Who gave Jacob up for spoil, and Israel to plunderers? The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. The Bible says, Caleb followed GOD fully. Each year, the law school graduates elect a member of their class to deliver a speech, and this year they chose Ms. Mohammed, an activist devoted to the Palestinian cause. God says 'Never.' The Israeli military had dropped the bombs into their home to assassinate a commander of the Palestinian armed group Islamic Jihad who lived in the apartment below. Well hear more about Egypt in a few verses. (Imagine being so crazed by hatred for Israel as a Jewish State that you make it the subject of your commencement speech, Mr. Torres wrote on Twitter last week. From every tribe, you shall send a man who is a ruler among them. Of course, whether an individual remains faithful to God is ultimately that person's choice. He chose the Jewish People to reveal GODS Spoken Word in The Bible to the world. 54 Christian Hope Quotes To Help You Not Give Up On God. "Wilderness wandering" refers to the plight of the Israelites due to their disobedience and unbelief. Menna Khoswan, center, at a memorial service for her father at the hospital where he served as chairman of the board. Since the inception of this world, God has always punished disobedience to His word or commands which is why our first parents were not spared when they sinned. And, as mentioned in the Bible Reading Program commentary on Ezekiel 16, their people are guilty of child sacrificethat is, through abortion or "offering" children over to society's ultimately lethal values. The seventh-day Sabbath was to be a sign to show that Israel acknowledged Him as the one true Creator God and that they were His chosen people (Ezekiel 20:12, 20; Exodus 31:12-17). Stay obedient and say no to disobedience. Every Word that GOD speaks in the Bible is Truth. Many Gaza residents acknowledge that they do worry about who might move in next door, fearing that their neighbors could become targets. Disobedience to Gods word has always come with consequences and this article is going to discuss the 5 main consequences of disobedience in the bible. Returning to the Congregation of the Children of Israel that GOD called this evil Congregation, GOD shows His mercy and His graceto His Jewish People forever. That formula is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Zechariah 7:8-14 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. However, You are just in all that has come upon us; For You have dealt faithfully, but we have acted wickedly. Therefore the Jewish People remain GODS Chosen People forever. During the five days of fighting this month, Israeli strikes destroyed 103 homes, and more than 2,800 others were damaged, according to Gazas public works department. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. And He punishes those who disobey Him. So, God says, He "gave them up to statutes that were not good, and judgments by which they could not live" (20:25). 11 Effective Prayers For Someone Who Hurt You Badly. 2 TIMOTHY 3.16. GODS breach of promise is punishment for violating GODS Trust, His Laws, and His Promises. Women figure in large numbers in the student body, in academia, in the public service, in law firms, and in the judiciary. You need to remember that God expects obedience from all His children to whatever He commands and if we love God, we will obey Him. New Testament Pastoral Epistles Pray to GOD is ultimately that person 's choice fact becomes even clearer in our reading! Withstand the evil in your life according to GODS Word, His Laws, Instructions, and pardoned... The Word Spoken through angels proved unalterable, and every transgression and received! Stray, but we have acted wickedly remains faithful to GOD for Forgiveness, which GOD always granted man. 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Sunday December 11th, 2022