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For example, majorities in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway say it is not very or not at all important to be born in their country or have family background there to be truly Swedish, etc. If income or wealth information is missing, HRS respondents are asked follow-up questions about the dollar amount using an unfolding brackets approach to identify the range limits of the missing data item. Estimates based on the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances, for example, indicate that 41percent of American households headed by individuals aged5564 have no savings in retirement accounts. The Knoll, MelissaA. Fast Facts and Figures About Social Security, 2016. The fact is, over the past few decades, a large amount of research has shown that corporate social responsibility benefits employees, customers and businesses alike. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn has articulated one strain of opposition to the EUs conception of European values, declaring in July 2018 that Central Europe has a special culture. Continue reading for seven stats that prove just how important social media marketing is for businesses of every shape and size. In this episode I will speak about our destiny and how to be spiritual in hard times. Table2 compares estimates of reliance on Social Security benefits based on data from the March2015 CPS (covering income in 2014) with estimates based on data from the 2012 HRS and the 2008 panel of the SIPP (each covering income in 2012). The HRS is the most comprehensive national longitudinal survey of Americans aged51 or older. This belief is most widespread in Greece (66%), Latvia (66%), Ukraine (60%), Armenia (59%), Moldova (57%), Russia (56%) and Bulgaria (55%). Play also offers an ideal opportunity for parents to engage fully with their children. Volume 226, Issue 3, Supplement, S1265-S1370. 2015. Heres one way to look at it: Content is what we teach, but there is also the how, and this is where literacy instruction comes in. These companies likely arent participating in CSR programs for altruistic reasons alone. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. In Central and Eastern Europe, meanwhile, younger and older adults express roughly similar views on this question. Get social media resources and tips in your inbox weekly. National Institute on Aging. Shoven, JohnB., and Sita Nataraj Slavov. At #COP27, climate activist @AmponsemJoshua spoke to us about the importance of driving youth-led climate solutions and ensuring that they become more than just pledges. 2011a. Today, 93 percent of the worlds top companies release annual CSR reports. 2014. For example, 98% of Danes, 96% of Hungarians and 87% of Russians say it is important to respect their institutions and laws to truly be Danish, Hungarian or Russian. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union refers to common values in its preamble, which begins: The peoples of Europe, in creating an ever closer union among them, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values. Her specialties outside of work include serenading her dogs, devouring buffalo wings and dad jokes. Among aged households, the estimated real median income among redesign respondents was 4.6percent greater than that of traditional-questionnaire respondents. Society of Gynecologic Surgeons 48th Annual Scientific Meeting. We can fast forward, change the channel or take our pick from an infinite library of commercial-free content. Song, JaeG., and Joyce Manchester. If youre curious about my background and how I came to do what I do, you can visit my about page. The Drawdown of Personal Retirement Assets. NBER Working Paper No. Income of the Population 55 or Older, 2010. For example, the monthly benefit of a person who claims at age65 is reduced by 6.7percent if her or his FRA is 66 (born 19431954) versus no reduction for a person whose FRA is 65 (born in 1937 or earlier). Washington, DC: GAO. Download this checklist designed to help businesses meet the needs of their customers on Instagram. Respondents from a nationally representative sample of the U.S. population were asked detailed questions about income in the previous year for each person in the household, including whether they received any Social Security income, the amount of any such income, and the benefit type (retired worker, disabled worker, or dependent/survivor). 13-11871. The traditional major sources of retirement income in the United Statesoften called the three-legged stool or the three pillarsare Social Security benefits, employer-provided pensions (including retirement accounts), and income from assets or savings. Further, a customer is more likely to share and recommend a product that he believes to come from a responsible, ethical brand. In Portugal, for example, the vast majority of adults say that being born in Portugal (81%) and having a Portuguese family background (80%) are very or somewhat important to being truly Portuguese. These sentiments also are widespread among adults in Italy and Spain. For example, on the topic of individualism, the sociologist Steven Lukes has posited that individualism (or human autonomy) is a value central to the morality of modern Western civilization, and it is absent or understressed in others (such as many tribal moralities or that of orthodox communism in Eastern Europe today). Lukes, Steven. Businesses of all kinds are finally starting to see social differentlyas a full-blown business function thats much more than a marketing tool. On the other side of the spectrum, small businesses can use social to reach larger audiences while also engaging local, loyal followers. For example, in nearly every Central and Eastern European country polled, fewer than half of adults say they would be willing to accept Muslims into their family; in nearly every Western European country surveyed, more than half say they would accept a Muslim into their family. Privacy Predictably, the changing landscape of pension offerings led to a dramatic shift in aggregate asset holdings from traditional DB plans toward tax-advantaged DC plans or IRAs. In Western Europe, meanwhile, majorities in nearly every country surveyed say religion should be kept separate from government policies. Because Social Security benefits represent a substantial portion of the income of Americans aged65 or older (Social Security Administration [SSA] 2002, 2012, 2014, 2016a, 2016b), accurate measurements of that portion are important to researchers and policymakers (Banerjee 2013; Employee Benefit Research Institute 2013; Miller and Schieber 2013, 2014). UNESCO. Measurement Issues Associated with Using Survey Data Matched with Administrative Data from the Social Security Administration. Social Security Bulletin 69(2): 112. For example, 61% of younger Estonians (ages 18 to 34) oppose legal gay marriage in their country, compared with 75% of those 35 and older. These companies also get more creativity and improved work results from employees. Final Report. from Cardozo. WebSocial Security benefits are the most important source of U.S. retirement income. Over the same period, the share of their total income attributed to assets decreased from 18percent to 10percent (SSA 2002, Table7.1; 2016b, Table10.1); interest rate changes over that span may have contributed to the latter trend. The FRA increases by 2months for members of each successive birth cohort from 1938 through 1942, reaching 66 for those born in 1943.5 Because monthly benefits are permanently reduced for individuals claiming before reaching their FRA, the increased FRAs for members of later birth cohorts affect their Social Security income. Reliance on income from Social Security varies greatly by socioeconomic characteristics. Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. The Impact of Employment and Earnings Shocks on Contribution Behavior in Defined Contribution Plans: 20052009. The Journal of Retirement 2(4): 86104. The characteristics of this aged population were largely similar across the three surveys, although HRS respondents were slightly more likely to live with others and less likely to live alone than were their CPS and SIPP counterparts. In France and the United Kingdom, for example, most say it is not important to be Christian to be truly French or truly British. | The Success of the U.S. Retirement System. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Estimates based on data from the three surveys reveal that about half of the aged population live in households receiving at least 50percent of their family income from Social Security benefits and about one-quarter live in households receiving at least 90percent of their family income from Social Security. Banerjee, Sudipto. Social can make big brands feel welcoming and accessible. Thus, it is important for policymakers to have an accurate picture of the composition of retirement income so that any proposed changes to Social Security may better address the needs of the aged. The lower Christian shares in Western Europe reflect how the regions religious landscape has been changing within the lifetimes of survey respondents. UNESCO. Interestingly the number who 'often' get news from social media is down 3 March2015 CPS questions covered income received in2014. As Johnson (2016, 63) observes of DC pensions: These do-it-yourself retirement plans can generate substantial retirement income only if workers choose to make significant contributions to their accounts each pay period, resist the temptation to dip into their accounts before they retire, and manage funds wisely after they retire.. Employer-provided pensions are an important source of U.S. retirement income (Hardy and Shuey 2000; Herd 2009; O'Rand 2011; Poterba 2014; Shuey and O'Rand 2004; Warner, Hayward, and Hardy 2010). In most countries in the East, the share of Christians has remained fairly stable in recent generations. . Power and importance of social media in todays world is such that it has been included in the curriculum of almost any kind of school all over the globe. Employee Benefit Research Institute. Is Christianity a European value? What about secularism? Consequently, those in this younger generation in Central and Eastern Europe are much less likely than their peers in Western Europe to express openness to having Muslims or Jews in their families. Czajka, JohnL., and Gabrielle Denmead. This pattern holds across the region; young adults in nearly every Central and Eastern European country are much more conservative on this issue compared with both younger and older Western Europeans. For respondents without matched records we add to their survey-reported benefits an amount of $1,200, which is the average (and the median) Medicare premium observed in the Payment History Update System records. | Based on responses to these questions, the Census Bureau calculated the Social Security income (which includes Medicare premiums) for each family member and then calculated the total family income. Do Census Data Understate Retirement Income? Issue in Brief No. This website is produced and published at U.S. taxpayer expense. Estimates of reliance at the 90percent threshold, however, are more divergent: about one-quarter of the aged population in the HRS and the CPS, and about one-fifth in the SIPP. Such savings may not provide an adequate annuity payment over the period of retirement. In sum, the shift in the dominant type of pension plan offerings and the resulting shift in the income they can generate is likely to have influenced not only the proportion of the retired population that draws pension income but also the composition and importance of such income in retirement. Discover what matters in the world of information security today. Research has suggested that the CPS does not adequately measure income from certain sourcesin particular, income from retirement accounts, such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) or defined contribution (DC) plans (Miller and Schieber 2014). Selling online is non-negotiable; Omnichannel tools are creating more meaningful shopping experiences; Automated technology is helping retailers manage the labor shortage; Same-day delivery is giving retailers a clear advantage; Social commerce is one of the biggest digital trends in the Growing Older in America: The Health and Retirement Study. NIH publication No. And of course, the United Kingdom voted in 2016 to leave the European Union, which many have suggested came in part due to concerns about immigration and open borders. Leaders often cite European values when defending their stances on highly charged political topics. In addition, increasing shares of claims were delayed in subsequent years among those workers who had not reached their increased FRA (Purcell 2016; Song and Manchester2007). Cookies This chart, by Datareportal, summarises the importance and growth of social media today. But in the East, views are more varied. (see here), majorities in all of these countries view being born in their country and having ancestry there as important components of national identity. While traditional marketing and advertising methods are one-way media, where brands rely on their monologue to win over a consumer, social media empowers dialogue and gives consumers unique opportunities to engage. Semega, JessicaL. and Edward Welniak,Jr. 2015. There are many reasons for the importance of CSR in business. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Trends in Retirement Plan Coverage Over the Last Decade. Monthly Labor Review 129(2): 5964. Among the Western European countries surveyed, only in Portugal (44%) do more than three-in-ten say they are absolutely certain that God exists. 2012. The purpose of the HRS is to provide high-quality data to examine the ways in which older adults' health interacts with social, economic, and psychological factors and retirement decisions. By conducting unique and in-depth interviews, it also provides a comprehensive inventory of the income and wealth of the population aged51 or older (National Institute on Aging2007). Anguelov, ChrisE., HowardM. Iams, and PatrickJ. Purcell. Chestnut Hill, MA: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. In a separate question, Western Europeans also are much more likely than their Central and Eastern European counterparts to say they would accept Muslims in their neighborhoods.1 For example, 83% of Finns say they would be willing to accept Muslims as neighbors, compared with 55% of Ukrainians. . Twitter 1597847904420392961. The two sides of Europe do not appear to be moving closer on these questions with younger generations. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. Also, a dual-pass approach was implemented by asking first about the sources of income and then about the amount from each reported source. Become an AMA member today. Research has shown that few people draw distributions from IRAs (Holden and Schrass 2016) or from 401(k)-type accounts (Poterba, Venti, and Wise 2011a, 2011b) before they are required to do so. The CPS calculates family income by summing self-reported income amounts across all family members. 2012. New Risks for Workers: Pensions, Labor Markets, and Gender. Annual Review of Sociology 30: 453477. Plus, keeping customers happy is just one of the many benefits of CSR. Lauren Cover is a content writer who writes to empower brands and equip social media professionals with tools for success. Read. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. East Germany is another unusual case; it was part of the Eastern bloc, but is now included in Western Europe as part of a reunified Germany. In addition to being a social group and a social movement, but that believes in the importance of gun ownership per se. Subscribe. In the final two sections, we present our findings and conclude with a discussion of policy implications. In the age of streaming, we dont need to watch or listen to ads anymore. Leadership Women in Business Managing Strategy Personal Growth. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. This is likely because workers are more willing to personally identify with companies they view as ethical. And Protestantism is the dominant Christian tradition in much of Northern Europe, particularly Scandinavia. In addition to enjoying the protection provided by indexing, a prospective beneficiary who delays claiming Social Security benefits essentially purchases additional longevity insurancereducing the risk of running out of savingsby raising his or her lifetime monthly benefit (Shu, Payne, and Sagara 2014; Shoven and Slavov 2012). There are a few countries, however, where this sentiment is somewhat less common: Only about two-thirds of adults in Moldova, Finland and Bosnia say speaking the national language is important to truly belonging to their country, as do only 62% of Ukrainians and 54% of Belarusians. For married respondents, total household income combines that of both spouses. WebThe NSW Public Sector Capability Framework is designed to help attract, develop and retain a responsive and capable public sector workforce. Specifically, in 2012, question NQ085 asked: About the Social Security income that you (yourself) receive, how much was the Social Security check or the amount deposited directly into your account last month? The latter amount is approximately similar to the difference that Iams and Purcell (2013) found using SIPP data and is almost equal to the median Medicare premiums. Mackenzie, GeorgeA. This is not to suggest that support for multiculturalism is universal even in Western Europe. . The Senior Citizens' Freedom to Work Act of 2000 instituted another programmatic change by eliminating the retirement earnings test (RET) for working beneficiaries who had reached FRA. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA The Impact of Changes in Couples' Earnings on Married Women's Social Security Benefits. Social Security Bulletin 72(1): 19. WebWorld Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development - Global Report 2021-2022. The survey data are routinely matched to Social Security administrative records; 93percent of respondents in the 2008 SIPP panel were matched to their SSA records. Then, apply what you learn to customer service strategies for your other social networks. The Harris Poll, on behalf of Sprout Social, surveyed more than 1,000 US consumers and 250 business executives to better understand how they use social media, the importance of social media marketing, socials impact on organizations and how its influence will change in the coming years. All three surveys report that roughly half of the aged population live in households that receive at least 50percent of total family income from Social Security and about one-quarter of the aged live in households that receive at least 90percent of family income from Social Security. . Among the Central and Eastern European countries surveyed, there are only three exceptions where fewer than two-thirds of adults say they believe in God: Hungary (59%), Estonia (44%) and the Czech Republic (29%). The HRS understates total Social Security benefit amounts because it asks respondents to report the net amount. Over time, however, trends in employer-provided pension offerings, societal changes, and Social Security program rule changes have altered the distribution of income by source among the aged population. But in several others, including Poland, Russia and Ukraine, the balance of opinion tilts in the other direction, with respondents more likely to say that abortion should be mostly or entirely illegal. Perhaps, because the SIPP was designed to focus on income and program participation of the low-income population, it may better reflect the composition of their income. 2012. When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the physical world and people hunkered down at home, nearly everything shifted to the digital space. For example, in the Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia, the vast majority of people say being Christian (specifically Lutheran) is not important to their national identity. Download the Sprout Social app for IOS Devices in the Apple App store. Munnell, AliciaH. 2014. Download the Sprout Social app for Android in the Google Play Store. Although Greece was not part of the Eastern bloc, it is categorized in Central and Eastern Europe because of both its geographical location and its public attitudes, which are more in line with Eastern than Western Europe on the issues covered in this report. These differences emerge from a series of surveys conducted by Pew Research Center between 2015 and 2017 among nearly 56,000 adults (ages 18 and older) in 34 Western, Central and Eastern European countries, and they continue to divide the continent more than a decade after the European Union began to expand well beyond its Western European roots to include, among others, the Central European countries of Poland and Hungary, and the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The 2008 SIPP panel started in late 2008 and continued through 2013, with a new wave of interviews conducted every 4months. And still others simply lean toward the East on most issues, as Poland does on views of national identity and Muslims, as well as same-sex marriage and abortion. 2 After 2006, the proportion dropped gradually, and by 2014, it had reached 84percent. 2015. 13-11871. But Czechs also express low levels of acceptance toward Muslims, more closely resembling their neighbors in the East. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the hottest trends in business. Survey results suggest that Europes regional divide over same-sex marriage could persist into the future: Across most of Central and Eastern Europe, young adults oppose legalizing gay marriage by only somewhat narrower margins than do their elders. These findings suggest that Social Security remains the primary source of retirement income for substantial segments of the aged population and that retirement accounts, despite their increased prevalence, have not changed the importance of Social Security benefits for the majority of the aged population. Public assistance and other sources respectively accounted for 2percent and 3percent of per capita family income of the aged population. This may reflect the fact that multiple languages are spoken in these countries, including large numbers of Russian speakers in Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. The Last Private Industry Pension Plans: A Visual Essay. Monthly Labor Review 135(12): 318. Specifically, we calculate the percentage of aged individuals who live in a household that derives (1)at least 50percent and (2)at least 90percent of family income from Social Security benefits. Across the continent, Europeans mostly say religion and government should be kept separate. Brady, Peter, Kimberly Burham, and Sarah Holden. Post-pandemic marketing update. Social Security program changes, such as claiming-age rule changes, can strongly affect the level of Social Security benefits (Shoven and Slavov 2012). 14-15. Married Women's Projected Retirement Benefits: An Update. Social Security Bulletin 76(2): 1724. For instance, Czechs are highly secular, generally favor same-sex marriage and do not associate Christianity with their national identity, similar to most Western Europeans. Because our sample is restricted to people aged65 or older, Social Security income mostly comes from retired-worker, spouse, and survivor benefits. Using data from the redesigned March2015 CPS, the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (2016, Table9a) reports the percentage distribution of per capita 2014 family income by source, overall and in each total-income quintile for persons aged65 or older.3 Social Security benefits were the primary income source, accounting for an average of about 49percent of total family income for aged individuals. Among the 59percent of households that have some retirement savings, the median amount saved is about $104,000, and one-quarter of those households have saved less than $26,000 (Government Accountability Office 2015, Tables13). These trends have reduced the Social Security benefits of many couples (Sass2016). The share of income from Social Security among persons aged65 or older may have changed over time because of trends in pension offerings, societal changes, and program rule changes. More importantly, for the first time, the 2015 CPS asked separate questions about retirement-account withdrawals and distributions and collected information on property income. To be sure, some Central and Eastern European countries, such as the Czech Republic, Estonia and Bulgaria, overwhelmingly favor legal abortion. Volume 226, Issue 2, Supplement, S781-S1266. Chestnut Hill, MA: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. If youre looking for more insight into how to create a social media marketing budget, check out this article. The continental divide in attitudes and values can be extreme in some cases. Digital transformation is in full swing. For example, 83% of adults in Hungary and 82% of adults in Poland say it is very or somewhat important to have been born in their country to be truly Hungarian or truly Polish. And 72% of Russians say it is important to have Russian family background to be truly Russian.. The Decline of the Traditional Pension: A Comparative Study of Threats to Retirement Security. Whats more, companies with high reputation scores retain customers that are willing to buy, recommend, invest in and share products with others. 6 The General Social Surveys (GSS), conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago for roughly four decades, show that the number of religiously unaffiliated adults remained below 10% from the 1970s through the early 1990s. Unlike CPS results on Social Security benefit income, which are based solely on the survey reports, data from the latter two surveys can be augmented with verifiably accurate information from Social Security administrative records, which contain data on Social Security benefits that respondents received in a given year. Teens Take After Their Parents Religiously, Attend Services Together and Enjoy Family Rituals, How do European countries differ in religious commitment? But if you plant the seeds now, nurture your strategy with data and give your social team the tools to harvest the fruits of their labor, you can reap long-term dividends. Income Data for Policy Analysis: A Comparative Assessment of Eight Surveys. Top Social Media Articles . For the European Union, whose members include 24 of the 34 countries surveyed in this report, the term European values tends to signify what Americans might consider liberal ideals.2 The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union includes respect for cultural and religious diversity; prohibitions against discrimination based on religion and sexual orientation; the right to asylum for refugees; and guarantees of freedom of movement within the EU.3. But today, for most people living in the former Eastern bloc, being Christian (whether Catholic or Orthodox) is an important component of their national identity. 7 We also use 2013 CPS data, but only to assess the impact of changes to the 2015 CPS income questions. WebSales & Marketing Finances Your Team Technology Social Media Security. 2012. In Western Europe, there are a variety of reasons why many adults who were raised Christian have become unaffiliated. When we look closer at the 55% of consumers who learn about new brands on social, Gen Z and Millennials are especially likely to use social for brand discovery. Despite differences in reference years and methodologies, the three surveys produce very similar estimated percentages of aged persons who live in households that receive at least half of their income from Social Security (around 54percent in the HRS and the SIPP and 52percent in the CPS). Finally, were seeing this shift, and according to the latest Sprout Social Index, Edition XVII: Elevate, 90% of marketers agree that social data enables them to stay ahead of their competitors. Private Pensions. In Oxford Handbook of U.S. Social Policy, edited by Daniel Bland, Christopher Howard, and KimberlyJ. Morgan, 279295. The respective proportions receiving at least 90percent of income from Social Security were 18percent, 23percent, 27percent, and 33percent. Employers also bear the capital-market and longevity risks related to providing income (in the form of an annuity) to retired workers. And in Georgia, 92% of adults say it is important to speak Georgian to truly share their national identity. In addition to the 24 EU countries surveyed, two additional ones in the survey Serbia and Bosnia are in various stages of accession, the yearslong process of joining the EU. To examine the effects of the CPS redesign, we start by comparing estimates from the 2013 CPS (covering income in 2012) with those from the 2015 CPS (covering income in 2014). Warner, DavidF., MarkD. Hayward, and MelissaA. Hardy. The HRS is more systematic than the CPS and the SIPP in collecting information on retirement-plan account balances and distributions. Orthodoxy is the dominant faith in the East, including in Greece, Russia, the former Soviet republics of Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine and Belarus, and other former Eastern bloc countries such as Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. As other departments across your business begin leveraging social data, your social team will become a go-to resource for guidance. When they were in the Soviet Unions sphere of influence, many Central and Eastern European countries officially kept religion out of public life. By this measure, young Estonian adults are still six times as likely as older adults in Denmark (10%) to oppose same-sex marriage. Expectedly, reliance on Social Security benefits decreases as family income increases. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Washington, DC: SSA. Just over one-third of consumers also follow and interact with brands more than they did a year ago, and expect that to increase in the future. The Impact of Survey Choice on Measuring the Relative Importance of Social Security Benefits to the Elderly. Social Security Bulletin 67(2): 5564. I love when brands engage with you on social. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. What the data says about abortion in the U.S. These are among the findings of Pew Research Center surveys conducted across Central and Eastern Europe in 2015 and 2016 and Western Europe in 2017.7. Not convinced? 2015. American Council of Life Insurers, American Benefits Council, and Investment Company Institute. The eight countries where this attitude is most prevalent are all geographically in the East: Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Russia, Bosnia, Romania and Serbia. Other questions asked on the survey point to a further East-West values gap with respect to key social issues, such as same-sex marriage and legal abortion. | A simple like can go a long way in building brand love. 2004. It is unclear why the SIPP estimate is lower than those from the other two surveys. The corresponding estimates for those at the 90percent threshold of reliance were 64percent for those in the lowest income quintile and 0percent for those in the highest income quintile. We then calculate the share of total family or household income received from Social Security and estimate the percentage of the aged population that relies on Social Security benefits as a primary source of income in retirement. Compared with Western Europeans, fewer Central and Eastern Europeans would welcome Muslims or Jews into their families or neighborhoods, extend the right of marriage to gay or lesbian couples or broaden the definition of national identity to include people born outside their country. 14-19. The findings and conclusions presented in the Bulletin are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Social Security Administration. As a result, their monthly Social Security benefit amounts were reduced relative to the benefits they would have received if they had claimed at full retirement age (FRA). And going forward, 85% agree that social data will be a primary source of business intelligence. Companies that fail to do so risk being left behind. 2012. For example, the delayed retirement credit is 8percent per year for individuals born in 1943 or later. Copyright 2000-2022 IGNACIO GARCIA, LLC.All rights reserved Web master Iggy Columbus, Ohio Last modified May, 2021 Hosted by GVO, USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21B 2000BB1 USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21C 2000CC IRS PUBLICATION 517. Whether you are starting your first company or you are a dedicated entrepreneur diving into a new venture, Bizfluent is here to equip you with the tactics, tools and information to establish and run your ventures. WebAsk The Trailblazer is an equality-first social series for those who are getting certified, landing their dream job in the Salesforce ecosystem, and sharing their experiences with other Trailblazers to follow. Employees can, however, opt out of the plan or change their contribution rate. In past years, securing a budget and resources for social media marketing has been one of the biggest challenges marketers faced. Attitudes toward religious minorities in the region go hand in hand with differing conceptions of national identity. This makes customers care about your brand and want to engage more with you. This is not to say that Central and Eastern Europeans are very religious by conventional measures of religious behavior. Chestnut Hill, MA: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Over the last three decades, the dominant pension offering changed dramatically, from the defined benefit (DB) type to the DC type (Costo 2006; Mackenzie 2010; Wiatrowski 2012; Anguelov, Iams, and Purcell 2012). 2013. Western Europeans also express belief in God at lower levels than people in Central and Eastern Europe, where large majorities say they believe in God including overwhelming shares in several countries, such as Georgia, Armenia, Moldova and Romania. Western Europeans also are more likely than their neighbors in the East to say they never pray (e.g., 62% in Denmark vs. 28% in Russia). 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For example, majorities in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway say it is not very or not at all important to be born in their country or have family background there to be truly Swedish, etc. If income or wealth information is missing, HRS respondents are asked follow-up questions about the dollar amount using an unfolding brackets approach to identify the range limits of the missing data item. Estimates based on the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances, for example, indicate that 41percent of American households headed by individuals aged5564 have no savings in retirement accounts. The Knoll, MelissaA. Fast Facts and Figures About Social Security, 2016. The fact is, over the past few decades, a large amount of research has shown that corporate social responsibility benefits employees, customers and businesses alike. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn has articulated one strain of opposition to the EUs conception of European values, declaring in July 2018 that Central Europe has a special culture. Continue reading for seven stats that prove just how important social media marketing is for businesses of every shape and size. In this episode I will speak about our destiny and how to be spiritual in hard times. Table2 compares estimates of reliance on Social Security benefits based on data from the March2015 CPS (covering income in 2014) with estimates based on data from the 2012 HRS and the 2008 panel of the SIPP (each covering income in 2012). The HRS is the most comprehensive national longitudinal survey of Americans aged51 or older. This belief is most widespread in Greece (66%), Latvia (66%), Ukraine (60%), Armenia (59%), Moldova (57%), Russia (56%) and Bulgaria (55%). Play also offers an ideal opportunity for parents to engage fully with their children. Volume 226, Issue 3, Supplement, S1265-S1370. 2015. Heres one way to look at it: Content is what we teach, but there is also the how, and this is where literacy instruction comes in. These companies likely arent participating in CSR programs for altruistic reasons alone. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. In Central and Eastern Europe, meanwhile, younger and older adults express roughly similar views on this question. Get social media resources and tips in your inbox weekly. National Institute on Aging. Shoven, JohnB., and Sita Nataraj Slavov. At #COP27, climate activist @AmponsemJoshua spoke to us about the importance of driving youth-led climate solutions and ensuring that they become more than just pledges. 2011a. Today, 93 percent of the worlds top companies release annual CSR reports. 2014. For example, 98% of Danes, 96% of Hungarians and 87% of Russians say it is important to respect their institutions and laws to truly be Danish, Hungarian or Russian. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union refers to common values in its preamble, which begins: The peoples of Europe, in creating an ever closer union among them, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values. Her specialties outside of work include serenading her dogs, devouring buffalo wings and dad jokes. Among aged households, the estimated real median income among redesign respondents was 4.6percent greater than that of traditional-questionnaire respondents. Society of Gynecologic Surgeons 48th Annual Scientific Meeting. We can fast forward, change the channel or take our pick from an infinite library of commercial-free content. Song, JaeG., and Joyce Manchester. If youre curious about my background and how I came to do what I do, you can visit my about page. The Drawdown of Personal Retirement Assets. NBER Working Paper No. Income of the Population 55 or Older, 2010. For example, the monthly benefit of a person who claims at age65 is reduced by 6.7percent if her or his FRA is 66 (born 19431954) versus no reduction for a person whose FRA is 65 (born in 1937 or earlier). Washington, DC: GAO. Download this checklist designed to help businesses meet the needs of their customers on Instagram. Respondents from a nationally representative sample of the U.S. population were asked detailed questions about income in the previous year for each person in the household, including whether they received any Social Security income, the amount of any such income, and the benefit type (retired worker, disabled worker, or dependent/survivor). 13-11871. The traditional major sources of retirement income in the United Statesoften called the three-legged stool or the three pillarsare Social Security benefits, employer-provided pensions (including retirement accounts), and income from assets or savings. Further, a customer is more likely to share and recommend a product that he believes to come from a responsible, ethical brand. In Portugal, for example, the vast majority of adults say that being born in Portugal (81%) and having a Portuguese family background (80%) are very or somewhat important to being truly Portuguese. These sentiments also are widespread among adults in Italy and Spain. For example, on the topic of individualism, the sociologist Steven Lukes has posited that individualism (or human autonomy) is a value central to the morality of modern Western civilization, and it is absent or understressed in others (such as many tribal moralities or that of orthodox communism in Eastern Europe today). Lukes, Steven. Businesses of all kinds are finally starting to see social differentlyas a full-blown business function thats much more than a marketing tool. On the other side of the spectrum, small businesses can use social to reach larger audiences while also engaging local, loyal followers. For example, in nearly every Central and Eastern European country polled, fewer than half of adults say they would be willing to accept Muslims into their family; in nearly every Western European country surveyed, more than half say they would accept a Muslim into their family. Privacy Predictably, the changing landscape of pension offerings led to a dramatic shift in aggregate asset holdings from traditional DB plans toward tax-advantaged DC plans or IRAs. In Western Europe, meanwhile, majorities in nearly every country surveyed say religion should be kept separate from government policies. Because Social Security benefits represent a substantial portion of the income of Americans aged65 or older (Social Security Administration [SSA] 2002, 2012, 2014, 2016a, 2016b), accurate measurements of that portion are important to researchers and policymakers (Banerjee 2013; Employee Benefit Research Institute 2013; Miller and Schieber 2013, 2014). UNESCO. Measurement Issues Associated with Using Survey Data Matched with Administrative Data from the Social Security Administration. Social Security Bulletin 69(2): 112. For example, 61% of younger Estonians (ages 18 to 34) oppose legal gay marriage in their country, compared with 75% of those 35 and older. These companies also get more creativity and improved work results from employees. Final Report. from Cardozo. WebSocial Security benefits are the most important source of U.S. retirement income. Over the same period, the share of their total income attributed to assets decreased from 18percent to 10percent (SSA 2002, Table7.1; 2016b, Table10.1); interest rate changes over that span may have contributed to the latter trend. The FRA increases by 2months for members of each successive birth cohort from 1938 through 1942, reaching 66 for those born in 1943.5 Because monthly benefits are permanently reduced for individuals claiming before reaching their FRA, the increased FRAs for members of later birth cohorts affect their Social Security income. Reliance on income from Social Security varies greatly by socioeconomic characteristics. Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. The Impact of Employment and Earnings Shocks on Contribution Behavior in Defined Contribution Plans: 20052009. The Journal of Retirement 2(4): 86104. The characteristics of this aged population were largely similar across the three surveys, although HRS respondents were slightly more likely to live with others and less likely to live alone than were their CPS and SIPP counterparts. In France and the United Kingdom, for example, most say it is not important to be Christian to be truly French or truly British. | The Success of the U.S. Retirement System. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Estimates based on data from the three surveys reveal that about half of the aged population live in households receiving at least 50percent of their family income from Social Security benefits and about one-quarter live in households receiving at least 90percent of their family income from Social Security. Banerjee, Sudipto. Social can make big brands feel welcoming and accessible. Thus, it is important for policymakers to have an accurate picture of the composition of retirement income so that any proposed changes to Social Security may better address the needs of the aged. The lower Christian shares in Western Europe reflect how the regions religious landscape has been changing within the lifetimes of survey respondents. UNESCO. Interestingly the number who 'often' get news from social media is down 3 March2015 CPS questions covered income received in2014. As Johnson (2016, 63) observes of DC pensions: These do-it-yourself retirement plans can generate substantial retirement income only if workers choose to make significant contributions to their accounts each pay period, resist the temptation to dip into their accounts before they retire, and manage funds wisely after they retire.. Employer-provided pensions are an important source of U.S. retirement income (Hardy and Shuey 2000; Herd 2009; O'Rand 2011; Poterba 2014; Shuey and O'Rand 2004; Warner, Hayward, and Hardy 2010). In most countries in the East, the share of Christians has remained fairly stable in recent generations. . Power and importance of social media in todays world is such that it has been included in the curriculum of almost any kind of school all over the globe. Employee Benefit Research Institute. Is Christianity a European value? What about secularism? Consequently, those in this younger generation in Central and Eastern Europe are much less likely than their peers in Western Europe to express openness to having Muslims or Jews in their families. Czajka, JohnL., and Gabrielle Denmead. This pattern holds across the region; young adults in nearly every Central and Eastern European country are much more conservative on this issue compared with both younger and older Western Europeans. For respondents without matched records we add to their survey-reported benefits an amount of $1,200, which is the average (and the median) Medicare premium observed in the Payment History Update System records. | Based on responses to these questions, the Census Bureau calculated the Social Security income (which includes Medicare premiums) for each family member and then calculated the total family income. Do Census Data Understate Retirement Income? Issue in Brief No. This website is produced and published at U.S. taxpayer expense. Estimates of reliance at the 90percent threshold, however, are more divergent: about one-quarter of the aged population in the HRS and the CPS, and about one-fifth in the SIPP. Such savings may not provide an adequate annuity payment over the period of retirement. In sum, the shift in the dominant type of pension plan offerings and the resulting shift in the income they can generate is likely to have influenced not only the proportion of the retired population that draws pension income but also the composition and importance of such income in retirement. Discover what matters in the world of information security today. Research has suggested that the CPS does not adequately measure income from certain sourcesin particular, income from retirement accounts, such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) or defined contribution (DC) plans (Miller and Schieber 2014). Selling online is non-negotiable; Omnichannel tools are creating more meaningful shopping experiences; Automated technology is helping retailers manage the labor shortage; Same-day delivery is giving retailers a clear advantage; Social commerce is one of the biggest digital trends in the Growing Older in America: The Health and Retirement Study. NIH publication No. And of course, the United Kingdom voted in 2016 to leave the European Union, which many have suggested came in part due to concerns about immigration and open borders. Leaders often cite European values when defending their stances on highly charged political topics. In addition, increasing shares of claims were delayed in subsequent years among those workers who had not reached their increased FRA (Purcell 2016; Song and Manchester2007). Cookies This chart, by Datareportal, summarises the importance and growth of social media today. But in the East, views are more varied. (see here), majorities in all of these countries view being born in their country and having ancestry there as important components of national identity. While traditional marketing and advertising methods are one-way media, where brands rely on their monologue to win over a consumer, social media empowers dialogue and gives consumers unique opportunities to engage. Semega, JessicaL. and Edward Welniak,Jr. 2015. There are many reasons for the importance of CSR in business. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Trends in Retirement Plan Coverage Over the Last Decade. Monthly Labor Review 129(2): 5964. Among the Western European countries surveyed, only in Portugal (44%) do more than three-in-ten say they are absolutely certain that God exists. 2012. The purpose of the HRS is to provide high-quality data to examine the ways in which older adults' health interacts with social, economic, and psychological factors and retirement decisions. By conducting unique and in-depth interviews, it also provides a comprehensive inventory of the income and wealth of the population aged51 or older (National Institute on Aging2007). Anguelov, ChrisE., HowardM. Iams, and PatrickJ. Purcell. Chestnut Hill, MA: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. In a separate question, Western Europeans also are much more likely than their Central and Eastern European counterparts to say they would accept Muslims in their neighborhoods.1 For example, 83% of Finns say they would be willing to accept Muslims as neighbors, compared with 55% of Ukrainians. . Twitter 1597847904420392961. The two sides of Europe do not appear to be moving closer on these questions with younger generations. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. Also, a dual-pass approach was implemented by asking first about the sources of income and then about the amount from each reported source. Become an AMA member today. Research has shown that few people draw distributions from IRAs (Holden and Schrass 2016) or from 401(k)-type accounts (Poterba, Venti, and Wise 2011a, 2011b) before they are required to do so. The CPS calculates family income by summing self-reported income amounts across all family members. 2012. New Risks for Workers: Pensions, Labor Markets, and Gender. Annual Review of Sociology 30: 453477. Plus, keeping customers happy is just one of the many benefits of CSR. Lauren Cover is a content writer who writes to empower brands and equip social media professionals with tools for success. Read. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. East Germany is another unusual case; it was part of the Eastern bloc, but is now included in Western Europe as part of a reunified Germany. In addition to being a social group and a social movement, but that believes in the importance of gun ownership per se. Subscribe. In the final two sections, we present our findings and conclude with a discussion of policy implications. In the age of streaming, we dont need to watch or listen to ads anymore. Leadership Women in Business Managing Strategy Personal Growth. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. This is likely because workers are more willing to personally identify with companies they view as ethical. And Protestantism is the dominant Christian tradition in much of Northern Europe, particularly Scandinavia. In addition to enjoying the protection provided by indexing, a prospective beneficiary who delays claiming Social Security benefits essentially purchases additional longevity insurancereducing the risk of running out of savingsby raising his or her lifetime monthly benefit (Shu, Payne, and Sagara 2014; Shoven and Slavov 2012). There are a few countries, however, where this sentiment is somewhat less common: Only about two-thirds of adults in Moldova, Finland and Bosnia say speaking the national language is important to truly belonging to their country, as do only 62% of Ukrainians and 54% of Belarusians. For married respondents, total household income combines that of both spouses. WebThe NSW Public Sector Capability Framework is designed to help attract, develop and retain a responsive and capable public sector workforce. Specifically, in 2012, question NQ085 asked: About the Social Security income that you (yourself) receive, how much was the Social Security check or the amount deposited directly into your account last month? The latter amount is approximately similar to the difference that Iams and Purcell (2013) found using SIPP data and is almost equal to the median Medicare premiums. Mackenzie, GeorgeA. This is not to suggest that support for multiculturalism is universal even in Western Europe. . The Senior Citizens' Freedom to Work Act of 2000 instituted another programmatic change by eliminating the retirement earnings test (RET) for working beneficiaries who had reached FRA. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA The Impact of Changes in Couples' Earnings on Married Women's Social Security Benefits. Social Security Bulletin 72(1): 19. WebWorld Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development - Global Report 2021-2022. The survey data are routinely matched to Social Security administrative records; 93percent of respondents in the 2008 SIPP panel were matched to their SSA records. Then, apply what you learn to customer service strategies for your other social networks. The Harris Poll, on behalf of Sprout Social, surveyed more than 1,000 US consumers and 250 business executives to better understand how they use social media, the importance of social media marketing, socials impact on organizations and how its influence will change in the coming years. All three surveys report that roughly half of the aged population live in households that receive at least 50percent of total family income from Social Security and about one-quarter of the aged live in households that receive at least 90percent of family income from Social Security. . Among the Central and Eastern European countries surveyed, there are only three exceptions where fewer than two-thirds of adults say they believe in God: Hungary (59%), Estonia (44%) and the Czech Republic (29%). The HRS understates total Social Security benefit amounts because it asks respondents to report the net amount. Over time, however, trends in employer-provided pension offerings, societal changes, and Social Security program rule changes have altered the distribution of income by source among the aged population. But in several others, including Poland, Russia and Ukraine, the balance of opinion tilts in the other direction, with respondents more likely to say that abortion should be mostly or entirely illegal. Perhaps, because the SIPP was designed to focus on income and program participation of the low-income population, it may better reflect the composition of their income. 2012. When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the physical world and people hunkered down at home, nearly everything shifted to the digital space. For example, in the Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia, the vast majority of people say being Christian (specifically Lutheran) is not important to their national identity. Download the Sprout Social app for IOS Devices in the Apple App store. Munnell, AliciaH. 2014. Download the Sprout Social app for Android in the Google Play Store. Although Greece was not part of the Eastern bloc, it is categorized in Central and Eastern Europe because of both its geographical location and its public attitudes, which are more in line with Eastern than Western Europe on the issues covered in this report. These differences emerge from a series of surveys conducted by Pew Research Center between 2015 and 2017 among nearly 56,000 adults (ages 18 and older) in 34 Western, Central and Eastern European countries, and they continue to divide the continent more than a decade after the European Union began to expand well beyond its Western European roots to include, among others, the Central European countries of Poland and Hungary, and the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The 2008 SIPP panel started in late 2008 and continued through 2013, with a new wave of interviews conducted every 4months. And still others simply lean toward the East on most issues, as Poland does on views of national identity and Muslims, as well as same-sex marriage and abortion. 2 After 2006, the proportion dropped gradually, and by 2014, it had reached 84percent. 2015. 13-11871. But Czechs also express low levels of acceptance toward Muslims, more closely resembling their neighbors in the East. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the hottest trends in business. Survey results suggest that Europes regional divide over same-sex marriage could persist into the future: Across most of Central and Eastern Europe, young adults oppose legalizing gay marriage by only somewhat narrower margins than do their elders. These findings suggest that Social Security remains the primary source of retirement income for substantial segments of the aged population and that retirement accounts, despite their increased prevalence, have not changed the importance of Social Security benefits for the majority of the aged population. Public assistance and other sources respectively accounted for 2percent and 3percent of per capita family income of the aged population. This may reflect the fact that multiple languages are spoken in these countries, including large numbers of Russian speakers in Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. The Last Private Industry Pension Plans: A Visual Essay. Monthly Labor Review 135(12): 318. Specifically, we calculate the percentage of aged individuals who live in a household that derives (1)at least 50percent and (2)at least 90percent of family income from Social Security benefits. Across the continent, Europeans mostly say religion and government should be kept separate. Brady, Peter, Kimberly Burham, and Sarah Holden. Post-pandemic marketing update. Social Security program changes, such as claiming-age rule changes, can strongly affect the level of Social Security benefits (Shoven and Slavov 2012). 14-15. Married Women's Projected Retirement Benefits: An Update. Social Security Bulletin 76(2): 1724. For instance, Czechs are highly secular, generally favor same-sex marriage and do not associate Christianity with their national identity, similar to most Western Europeans. Because our sample is restricted to people aged65 or older, Social Security income mostly comes from retired-worker, spouse, and survivor benefits. Using data from the redesigned March2015 CPS, the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (2016, Table9a) reports the percentage distribution of per capita 2014 family income by source, overall and in each total-income quintile for persons aged65 or older.3 Social Security benefits were the primary income source, accounting for an average of about 49percent of total family income for aged individuals. Among the 59percent of households that have some retirement savings, the median amount saved is about $104,000, and one-quarter of those households have saved less than $26,000 (Government Accountability Office 2015, Tables13). These trends have reduced the Social Security benefits of many couples (Sass2016). The share of income from Social Security among persons aged65 or older may have changed over time because of trends in pension offerings, societal changes, and program rule changes. More importantly, for the first time, the 2015 CPS asked separate questions about retirement-account withdrawals and distributions and collected information on property income. To be sure, some Central and Eastern European countries, such as the Czech Republic, Estonia and Bulgaria, overwhelmingly favor legal abortion. Volume 226, Issue 2, Supplement, S781-S1266. Chestnut Hill, MA: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. If youre looking for more insight into how to create a social media marketing budget, check out this article. The continental divide in attitudes and values can be extreme in some cases. Digital transformation is in full swing. For example, 83% of adults in Hungary and 82% of adults in Poland say it is very or somewhat important to have been born in their country to be truly Hungarian or truly Polish. And 72% of Russians say it is important to have Russian family background to be truly Russian.. The Decline of the Traditional Pension: A Comparative Study of Threats to Retirement Security. Whats more, companies with high reputation scores retain customers that are willing to buy, recommend, invest in and share products with others. 6 The General Social Surveys (GSS), conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago for roughly four decades, show that the number of religiously unaffiliated adults remained below 10% from the 1970s through the early 1990s. Unlike CPS results on Social Security benefit income, which are based solely on the survey reports, data from the latter two surveys can be augmented with verifiably accurate information from Social Security administrative records, which contain data on Social Security benefits that respondents received in a given year. Teens Take After Their Parents Religiously, Attend Services Together and Enjoy Family Rituals, How do European countries differ in religious commitment? But if you plant the seeds now, nurture your strategy with data and give your social team the tools to harvest the fruits of their labor, you can reap long-term dividends. Income Data for Policy Analysis: A Comparative Assessment of Eight Surveys. Top Social Media Articles . For the European Union, whose members include 24 of the 34 countries surveyed in this report, the term European values tends to signify what Americans might consider liberal ideals.2 The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union includes respect for cultural and religious diversity; prohibitions against discrimination based on religion and sexual orientation; the right to asylum for refugees; and guarantees of freedom of movement within the EU.3. But today, for most people living in the former Eastern bloc, being Christian (whether Catholic or Orthodox) is an important component of their national identity. 7 We also use 2013 CPS data, but only to assess the impact of changes to the 2015 CPS income questions. WebSales & Marketing Finances Your Team Technology Social Media Security. 2012. In Western Europe, there are a variety of reasons why many adults who were raised Christian have become unaffiliated. When we look closer at the 55% of consumers who learn about new brands on social, Gen Z and Millennials are especially likely to use social for brand discovery. Despite differences in reference years and methodologies, the three surveys produce very similar estimated percentages of aged persons who live in households that receive at least half of their income from Social Security (around 54percent in the HRS and the SIPP and 52percent in the CPS). Finally, were seeing this shift, and according to the latest Sprout Social Index, Edition XVII: Elevate, 90% of marketers agree that social data enables them to stay ahead of their competitors. Private Pensions. In Oxford Handbook of U.S. Social Policy, edited by Daniel Bland, Christopher Howard, and KimberlyJ. Morgan, 279295. The respective proportions receiving at least 90percent of income from Social Security were 18percent, 23percent, 27percent, and 33percent. Employers also bear the capital-market and longevity risks related to providing income (in the form of an annuity) to retired workers. And in Georgia, 92% of adults say it is important to speak Georgian to truly share their national identity. In addition to the 24 EU countries surveyed, two additional ones in the survey Serbia and Bosnia are in various stages of accession, the yearslong process of joining the EU. To examine the effects of the CPS redesign, we start by comparing estimates from the 2013 CPS (covering income in 2012) with those from the 2015 CPS (covering income in 2014). Warner, DavidF., MarkD. Hayward, and MelissaA. Hardy. The HRS is more systematic than the CPS and the SIPP in collecting information on retirement-plan account balances and distributions. Orthodoxy is the dominant faith in the East, including in Greece, Russia, the former Soviet republics of Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine and Belarus, and other former Eastern bloc countries such as Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. As other departments across your business begin leveraging social data, your social team will become a go-to resource for guidance. When they were in the Soviet Unions sphere of influence, many Central and Eastern European countries officially kept religion out of public life. By this measure, young Estonian adults are still six times as likely as older adults in Denmark (10%) to oppose same-sex marriage. Expectedly, reliance on Social Security benefits decreases as family income increases. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Washington, DC: SSA. Just over one-third of consumers also follow and interact with brands more than they did a year ago, and expect that to increase in the future. The Impact of Survey Choice on Measuring the Relative Importance of Social Security Benefits to the Elderly. Social Security Bulletin 67(2): 5564. I love when brands engage with you on social. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. What the data says about abortion in the U.S. These are among the findings of Pew Research Center surveys conducted across Central and Eastern Europe in 2015 and 2016 and Western Europe in 2017.7. Not convinced? 2015. American Council of Life Insurers, American Benefits Council, and Investment Company Institute. The eight countries where this attitude is most prevalent are all geographically in the East: Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Russia, Bosnia, Romania and Serbia. Other questions asked on the survey point to a further East-West values gap with respect to key social issues, such as same-sex marriage and legal abortion. | A simple like can go a long way in building brand love. 2004. It is unclear why the SIPP estimate is lower than those from the other two surveys. The corresponding estimates for those at the 90percent threshold of reliance were 64percent for those in the lowest income quintile and 0percent for those in the highest income quintile. We then calculate the share of total family or household income received from Social Security and estimate the percentage of the aged population that relies on Social Security benefits as a primary source of income in retirement. Compared with Western Europeans, fewer Central and Eastern Europeans would welcome Muslims or Jews into their families or neighborhoods, extend the right of marriage to gay or lesbian couples or broaden the definition of national identity to include people born outside their country. 14-19. The findings and conclusions presented in the Bulletin are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Social Security Administration. As a result, their monthly Social Security benefit amounts were reduced relative to the benefits they would have received if they had claimed at full retirement age (FRA). And going forward, 85% agree that social data will be a primary source of business intelligence. Companies that fail to do so risk being left behind. 2012. For example, the delayed retirement credit is 8percent per year for individuals born in 1943 or later. Copyright 2000-2022 IGNACIO GARCIA, LLC.All rights reserved Web master Iggy Columbus, Ohio Last modified May, 2021 Hosted by GVO, USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21B 2000BB1 USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21C 2000CC IRS PUBLICATION 517. Whether you are starting your first company or you are a dedicated entrepreneur diving into a new venture, Bizfluent is here to equip you with the tactics, tools and information to establish and run your ventures. WebAsk The Trailblazer is an equality-first social series for those who are getting certified, landing their dream job in the Salesforce ecosystem, and sharing their experiences with other Trailblazers to follow. Employees can, however, opt out of the plan or change their contribution rate. In past years, securing a budget and resources for social media marketing has been one of the biggest challenges marketers faced. Attitudes toward religious minorities in the region go hand in hand with differing conceptions of national identity. This makes customers care about your brand and want to engage more with you. This is not to say that Central and Eastern Europeans are very religious by conventional measures of religious behavior. Chestnut Hill, MA: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Over the last three decades, the dominant pension offering changed dramatically, from the defined benefit (DB) type to the DC type (Costo 2006; Mackenzie 2010; Wiatrowski 2012; Anguelov, Iams, and Purcell 2012). 2013. Western Europeans also express belief in God at lower levels than people in Central and Eastern Europe, where large majorities say they believe in God including overwhelming shares in several countries, such as Georgia, Armenia, Moldova and Romania. Western Europeans also are more likely than their neighbors in the East to say they never pray (e.g., 62% in Denmark vs. 28% in Russia). 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