librenms problem with backend

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LibreNMS has some API. It doesn't have any frontend code for it (and recommending Grafana instead), but works in parallel to their existing RRD capabilities, essentially mirroring the metrics. privacy statement. 1 pdo_sqlite sysvmsg Put this into /etc/cron.d/hourly, and mark it executable: Finally, update the default configuration. Github styled the * away; edited my comment with code tags. @dhavalsoni88 Do you have mysql strict mode on? No clue about what the /$1/ should do. Its fixed now, I've increased PHP memory limit to 256 MB and post_max_size = 20M. Note you may need to play with the width and height and also size your widget properly. Shared: Allows all users to view the dashboard and make changes. My knowledge of Apache is not enough to fully understand what it means, but could this be related to the problem? No, it did not show any error or anything on browser console. Such a mixture creates a unique learning environment, which all students value so much. For help please use our Discord server or the community site: Or just notes in general. Therefore, what we recommend is that you spend some time preparing the major artifacts with the sufficient amount of details. Lets see how the created python script works: With this script you have a clear view what is missing in NetBox compared to LibreNMS and you can create its second part, which will add the entries to netbox using the same requests Python library. Proposing closing this, any objections @laf ? (actually, what we really need is the sum() of that, but it's less obvious to see what's happening in that one). You'll need to wait to see if anyone else can shed some light on it. Already on GitHub? iconv Thats the reason why there is not a really big choice of outstanding Open Source Software, which are fit for purpose of network management and automation in the modern networks: Check our blogposts about InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana. I have followed the instructions in the documentation for both applications but just not getting the data. sysvsem The target block must have a default probe. Add the following configuration to your /etc/nginx/conf.d/librenms.conf file within server section. Thanks @akosiaris @ayounsi ! Note: you can map the port by description or the alias or by port id. If you already have LibreNMS and is bringing NetBox later you can: This approach is predominantly used in the brownfield deployment, exactly the case we have outlined in the title of this blogpost. From syslocation or from override sysLocation. +-------------------+ What do we mean by that? *)$ index.php Sign up for the newsletter and stay updated. | | Dashboard Permissions Private: Sets the dashboard to only the user that created the dashboard can view and edit. You can find an example in misc/librenms-smokeping-debian.example. Verify this using : If you don't see smokeping.conf listed, you'll need to create a symlink for it: After creating the symlink, restart Apache with sudo systemctl apache2 restart, You should be able to load the Smokeping web interface at http://yourhost/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi. If not, you would need to parse the information collected via CLI and parse it. Strip everything from the *** Probes *** and *** Targets *** stanza's, and replace with: Note there may be other stanza's (possibly *** Slaves ***) between the *** Probes *** and *** Targets *** stanza's - leave these intact. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Upgrade settings, and looking at common probl. Device Summary vertical: List device totals, up, down, ignored, disabled. i am facing a problem when i want to activate a application like nginx or zfs. LibreNMS webGUI errors after Apache update, fix: Change .htaccess to compensate for Apache bug (, apcu Top Devices: By Traffic, or Uptime, or Response time, or Poller Duration, or Processor load, or Memory Usage, or Storage Usage. New Installation All installation steps assume a clean configuration - if you have an existing smokeping setup, you'll need to adapt these steps somewhat. Device Summary horizontal: List device totals, up, down, ignored, disabled. LibreNMS does not need the Web UI - you can find the graphs in LibreNMS on the latency tab. It is a traditional LAMP stack application, where LAMP stands for: The main purpose of LibreNMS is contained in its name: NMS. curl You can share dashboards with other users. Setting a global default dashboard However, it is not advisable as you wont be able to define all the necessary parameters available in NetBox and your documentation will be vague, to say at least. We should test and evalute that, it shouldn't take long! 1 remotefixonline 1 yr. ago Ive seen this before, can remeber if it was in the nginx config or the hostname setting in co fig.php make sure the name in config.php matches your virtual host in whichevwr webserver you are using. Do you think it's a bug in Apache instead? The setup looks fairly easy, but it may be a little heavy on the Graphite/Whisper side of things, considering the amount of ports LibreNMS monitors. However in general, no it's unlikely to be a bug with LibreNMS. SimpleXML Nevertheless, it is possible to retrieve the list of the network devices the LibreNMS is monitoring via this API using https://librenms.address/api/v0/devices endpoint. This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. sqlite3 When using the Generic-image widget you can provide the width and height of the widget with your request. This section covers the required configuration for your web server of choice. ago I did temporarily set SELinux to permissive to test and it works with that disabled. This section assumes you have configured LibreNMS with Nginx as specified in Configure Nginx. Except, I already did that, and before the Apache update, it worked perfectly fine this way. If you are using RRDCached with the -B switch and smokeping RRD's inside the LibreNMS RRD base directory, you can install this SELinux profile: Take a look at the instructions again - something isn't correct in your configuration. We truly believe you are benefiting from it and don't want you to miss it. If it doesn't work there then it has to be your browser, if it does then it's got to be your install. ctype We try and support at least 5.4 but 5.3 is pushing it - released just over 5 years ago. LibreNMS has a whole list of Widgets to select from. Also ran through the excellent video ( You can also make a custom dashboard and default it for all users in LibreNMS. Any guidance on how I can identify what needs changed to let it work with SELinux in enforcing/targeting mode? @Volans yeah that used to be a problem when aggregating into other periods, though now xfilesfactor is basically 0.01 across the board. standard Move the RRD's and give smokeping access rights to the LibreNMS RRD directory: If you have SELinux on, see next section before starting smokeping. Data encoding (free-text, XML, JSON, YAML, Protobuf). If you have further questions or you need help with your networks, we are happy to assist you, just send us a message. Have a question about this project? gmp sockets PDO I tested this on two servers (both running Debian Testing, php-fpm and librenms) and found the exact same behaviour on both servers: LibreNMS worked before the update, but after the update I get the aforementioned error. to your account. CentOS 6.7, 4 Gig RAM, 2 vCPU, Apache 2.2.15, PHP 5.3.3, MySQL 5.5.46 and RRD 1.4.7, PHP modules installed on my system: It was only after the Apache update (2.4.20 --> 2.4.23) that things went wrong. Success and failure strategies to build the automation tools. I saw something in the Apache changelogs that might be related: mod_proxy_fcgi: Avoid passing a filename of proxy:fcgi:// as SCRIPT_FILENAME to a FastCGI server. So it a network management (though, monitoring is more suitable here) system, which allows you monitor in near-real time the state of your network devices leveraging the set of per-defined metrics such as utilization of network interfaces, CPU/memory utilization, etc. At first sight it might just be that the update frequency of the data and the smallest retention period set in graphite do not match to each other, having a much smaller retention period than the update frequency. LibreNMS upgraded to 1.31. Some devices may have the IP address as its hostname, whilst others may have FQDN; some devices may have domain name as part of their hostname, whilst others others dont. Thanks for reading and any insights you may be able to provide. Collection network data via SNMP and streaming telemetry with Prometheus, Building API gateways with Python leveraging Fast API, Integration of alerting with Slack and your own APIs. Finally restart the smokeping service: Remember to update your config with the new locations. igbinary [operations/puppet@production] librenms: explicit graphite port, This is the resolved, note that the port in is required since $config isn't merged in librenms and we overwrite it with a brand new array, thus blanking out port, Turns out this is more data than I expected (just slowly increasing by now). For new installations, we can use the lnms cli to generate a Smokeping configuration file. '+ FPing' more than once) or stanza. If you need a trusted and experienced partner to automate your network and IT infrastructure, get in touch with us. *)$ index.php/$1/ Today well look into a question, which is raising quite often on various meetups related to network automation or various threads that is the addition of any automation components (say, NetBox) to the existing networking managing suit, where you already have some inventory (say, LibreNMS). The reason why we use term some is because its capabilities compared to NetBox is very limited. In order to access that endpoint, you need to authenticate and authorize yourself, which is implemented in LibreNMS using token, which needs to be created first and then to be communicated in the header of each request using X-Auth-Token key. The main purpose of LibreNMS is contained in its name: NMS. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Sounds like you've not set the base url in config.php or .htaccess isn't updated seeing as you are running in a sub directory - which whilst work means you have to do both of the aforementioned things. Also dont forget to share the article on your social media, if you like it. I have no idea why that /$1/ should or shouldn't be there or why it causes problems in @blaaat's and my case. The script will require two libraries, which are not part of the standard Python distribution. For me, this issue started after updating Apache, as explained in the first post of this thread. It's not recommended to run RRDCachedD without the -B switch. That means that in order to create a device, you need first at a bare minimum to create: device type (i.e., primitive of the device model), If you dont have them created, the NetBox would raise an error, Normalized data sets are put as an input to the. pgsql Full configuration templating with Jinja2 based on the source of truth (NetBox). Server Stats: Will display gauges for CPU, Memory, Storage usage. There is always a balance between capabilities of the platform and complexity to deploy and manage it. No more invalid metrics in graphite logs AFAICS, resolving! Just removed some old log files from /var/log/carbon/* on graphite2001, they were full of things like invalid line (librenms.x.y.z abd they were filling the small root partition. Sign in To access NetBox API you also need to create a token with corresponding permissions: Enroll to ZerotoHero Network Automation Training to get up to speed with NetBox and learn how to build automation with Ansible and Python on top of it. Those changes should land in the august release of LibreNMS (, most likely due next week. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Strip everything from /etc/smokeping/config.d/Probes and replace with: Strip everything from /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets and replace with: dir should match the location that smokeping writes RRD's to pings should match the default smokeping value, default 20 probes should be the number of processes to spread pings over, default 2. Has anything changed in version 1.54, so that using custom logo and favicon disables dasboard widgets and device list in webgui. Dear friend, After a bit of break caused by preparation to Kubernetes exams (we will continue blogs about Kubernetes as , Hello my friend, In the previous blogpost we have compared the usage of NAPALM and OpenConfig YANG modules with NETCONF , Hello my friend, In this post Id like to share my vision and my approach how to prepare for CCIE , Hello my friend, In one of the previous blogposts we have share the details how you can build the containerised , Ansible Automation Orchestration with Ansble Tower / AWX, rt-level training: Closed-loop Automation and Next-generation Monitoring. Having all of the LibreNMS data in Graphite could allow us to conveniently present and aggregate data that we otherwise can't with LibreNMS, such as the power usage per datacenter (something we used to use Torrus for). +-------------------+. Edit the General configuration file's Owner and contact, and cgiurl hostname details: Smokeping should automatically install an Apache configuration file in /etc/apache2/conf-available/. If your network device supports NETCONF or GNMI, you just should retrieve the configuration and populate NetBox with this information. You signed in with another tab or window. These settings can also be set in the Web UI. calendar privacy statement. SPL thanks for the pointer. 1 level 1 Description LibreNMS seems to have acquired a Graphite backend/extension. libxml Core Dimension parameter replacement for Generic-image widget, Complete guide for integrating Nokia, Arista, Cumulus, as well as CentOS and Raspberry PI Linux in your own PKI. Create customised dashboards in LibreNMS per user. CCIE. Here is a sample view of a typical per-device view in LibreNMS: In order to add the network device to LibreNMS, you would: For the purpose of this blogpost, we assume that LibreNMS is already up and running and the company wants to add NetBox to its toolkit. Thats why integration is such a key: adding new useful functionality without the need for users to learn new tool is a sound step to a successful automation project. zip Well occasionally send you account related emails. Unassigned from me since the deployment part is pending. To show you where to start with NetBox and LibreNMS integration, well create a simple script, which polls the inventory data from LibreNMS and NetBox and compares it outlining which changes need to be done in NetBox to add the same information as LibreNMS already have. All installation steps assume a clean configuration - if you have an existing smokeping setup, you'll need to adapt these steps somewhat. The easiest way to create token is via the WebUI (though you can do it via CLI as well): Once you have a token, you can go ahead and test your access to REST API: Enroll to our Network Automation Trainings to master REST API and Linux (e.g., curl/jq) skills. Install them: Now, lets take in the Python script itself: It is relatively simple one and is not aimed to be used in prod as this is a sequential one and doesnt rely on concurrency in any capacity. Well take a look into multiple approaches and, as usual, will share some code snippets how you can do that. My original line reads. Step 2: Then go to Settings -> WebUI settings -> Dashboard Settings and set the global default dashboard. exif Then, during the import from LibreNMS you just template devices out of the prepared primitives providing the necessary variables. Only if that is genuinely an issue and a fix. Already on GitHub? Orchestration of automation workflows with AWX and its integration with NetBox, GitHub, as well as custom execution environments for better scalability. What things or workarounds could I try to get it working again (besides downgrading Apache to 2.4.20)? Once you're happy, manually kick off the cron once, then enable and start smokeping: Smokeping is available via the default repositories. LibreNMS only uses MIBs to make OIDs easier to read. [OK] Database connection successful [OK] Database schema correct [WARN] IPv6 is disabled on your server, you will not be able to add IPv6 devices. Multivendor network development and automation from the industry expert. memcache This is not problem of LibreNMS per se (though, it could be that devices are imported nod correctly); but it depends on each particular network operating system LibreNMS interacts with. [operations/puppet@production] librenms: enable graphite extension, Change 367875 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi; owner: Filippo Giunchedi): monitoring network LibreNMS Monitoring Server Introduction Network and systems administrators almost always need some form of monitoring. That is not even saying that you shall be proficient with a variety of technologies, such as REST API or GRPC API, JSON/Protobuf/XML, Postman and many other tools. $ du -hcs /var/lib/carbon/whisper/librenms/, $ find /var/lib/carbon/whisper/librenms/ -type f | wc -l. Content licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA) unless otherwise noted; code licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) or other open source licenses. Retrieve the list of network devices via REST API, Prepare some items in NetBox via UI or REST API, Add the information from LibreNMS to NetBox via REST API, Run the discovery of Network and populate missing part. [operations/puppet@production] librenms: enable graphite extension, Space wise, librenms has ~15k rrds now, assuming it'll create the same number on the graphite side, at ~350k per whisper file that's ~5GB used on graphite, Change 366836 merged by Filippo Giunchedi: I am not sure if it's a problem with the LibreNMS package or something else. Install and integrate Smokeping Backend - RHEL, CentOS and alike Smokeping is available via EPEL, which if you're running LibreNMS, you probably already have. And on top of that, each technology is provided with online demos and labs to master your skills thoroughly. This can include graphing bandwidth usage at router end points, monitoring the up/down of services running on various servers, and much, much more. Most likely, content wasn't fully removed from the *** Probes *** *** Targets*** stanza's as instructed. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Private: Sets the dashboard to only the user that created the dashboard can view and edit. Should I create a pull request for this? Sign in [Jacob Champion ]. I think it's worth waiting, if urgent though we could backport the changes. zlib. Or images from inside LibreNMS. Besides the per-device view, you can build various dashboards with graphs from different network devices, etc. src="url" needs to be URL to webpage you are linking to. Graylog: Displays all Graylog's syslog entries. pcntl By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and From the purpose of automation, we are really interested only in the inventory part: Lets see how can retrieve it programmatically. pcre Have a question about this project? Integrating different automation tools is typically the most labor-intensive work, as it requires understanding of the tools you are integrating, their internal hierarchy and APIs capabilities. You can find an example in misc/librenms-smokeping-rhel.example. I wasn't sure if this was a bug in Apache or in LibreNMS, but I decided to fill a bug report here because other websites/webapps still work fine. bz2 Reddit, Inc. 2023. I have not seen the problem in other (PHP-based) websites or webapps, which is why I suspect this to be something inherent to LibreNMS. Capture Debug Information. In our Zero-to-Hero Network Automation Training you will learn all possible ways to programmably retrieve the configuration from network devices running Cisco IOS XR, Nokia SR OS, Arista EOS and Cumulus Linux. date Smokeping is available via EPEL, which if you're running LibreNMS, you probably already have. LibreNMS here is located more at the side of spectrum with where it is easy to deploy and manage the application, that is why it is so popular across the globe; however, its usefulness for automation or data analysis is quite low, that is why we need to add NetBox. Alerts Widget: Displays all alert notifications. If you follow the instructions you will have one. After the latest update of Apache on Debian testing (Apache 2.4.20-2 --> 2.4.23-1), all LibreNMS pages except the frontpage fail with the error File not found.. Using Operational Commands via NETCONF at Nokia SR OS in Sequential Mode. Entrepreneur; pdo_pgsql @ayounsi Want to have the honours ? Eventlog: Displays all events with your devices and LibreNMS. this query:*eqiad*.sensor.sensor.current.*.*.sensor. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Get the error message "problem with backend", also some links in the gui refering to, like deleting a device (""). Any ideas of why this may be happening? Network automation infrastructure (Linux, Linux networking, KVM, Docker). 9 mo. I've just installed fresh LibreNMS version "8a1573a". The problem persists. openssl 1 brad2388 1 yr. ago What has to change there? From the perspective of traditional network and IT infrastructure monitoring, From the perspective of more application-centric and DevOps-ish approach, it is possible to use InfluxData suit (, If you are lucky enough to build a greenfield network these days, you should focus on modelling the entire network infrastructure in NetBox first and then to render the entire configuration based on that modelling. Then you can get the list of network devices, which are existing in NetBox now. In the dashboard, you want to create an interface graph select the widget called. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. But in web-gui, dashboards shows "problem with backend". If you have an existing smokeping server, follow the instructions, you only need to look at Configure LibreNMS - All Operating Systems. Components Status: List all components Ok state, Warning state, Critical state. after login to admin area 1st time, I am trying to create Dashboard. Model-driven network automation with YANG, NETCONF, RESTCONF, GNMI. You can install it on Ubuntu with, After that you need to create password for your user, You can verify your user and password with, Then you just need to add to your config auth_basic parameters. mysql But my GUI when I login to librenms says that I have problems with my backend and won't display any of the machines I added to it. World Map: displays all your devices locations. NetBox REST API is, in our eyes, an exceptional one: it is very feature reach, stable, functional and extensible (via plugins). You will need to know this in order to map the port to the graph. You shall be careful upon building this integration, as sometimes data in LibreNMS may be not necessary properly represented. Shared: Allows all users to view the dashboard and make changes. Leave everything else untouched. If you need more information or testing I will gladly try to help. The output seems to be very spotty, like a lot of data points are missing. wddx Support How does LibreNMS use MIBs? Once installed, you should need a cron script installed to make sure that the configuration file is updated. Installing NAPALM Community Driver for Nokia SR OS and comparing NAPALM and OpenConfig/YANG. fileinfo You can add @AUTO_HEIGHT@ and @AUTO_WIDTH@ to the Image URL as parameters. pdo_mysql filter The beauty of using Open Source Software is that you have typically a huge option to choose from for every task you are aiming to do, as there are a lot of enthusiasts worldwide, who are willing to put some efforts in the development of software to solve some (predominantly their own) problems. This output information could be helpful for you in troubleshooting a device or when requesting help. I was looking for PDU power usage metrics. I think you forgot a character (* ) though? But I can confirm that this does fix the issue for me without any side effects. Or should I ? Add the network devices from NetBox to LibreNMS via API. gv Integrating of different tools is one of the most complex and tricky parts of network automation; at the same time, quite often this is what ultimately defines success or failure of the entire network automation initiative. Only useful knowledge and skills. Dude thanks, wasn't aware of that capability. It doesn't have any frontend code for it (and recommending Grafana instead), but works in parallel to their existing RRD capabilities, essentially mirroring the metrics. NetBox is a very structured modelling tool. [operations/puppet@production] librenms: explicit graphite port, Change 367875 merged by Filippo Giunchedi: You signed in with another tab or window. hash I could be wrong though. json apc document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are working hard on creating the exceptional and unique content about network and IT technologies and automation. Project Manager; LibreNMS seems to have acquired a Graphite backend/extension. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and But now Librenms is showing problem with backend. I have not seen the problem in other (PHP-based) websites or webapps, which is why I suspect this to be something inherent to LibreNMS. In case of LibreNMS, it stores both static data (e.g., devices inventory) as well as time-series data (interface counters polled via SNMP and syslog) PHP - programming language, which is the front-end and back-end of the application is written into. You're right. Thats a lot, and may be not easy to start with. In our. If you want to do something like run Smokeping on a seperate host and ship data via RRCached though, here's the install command: Once installed, you should need a cron script installed to make sure that the configuration file is updated. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Same for ports and services. In our, If you already have a network, you may need to populate NetBox using the discovery of the network. This scenario, the order of the operation will be the following: It is possible to implement some logic, where you will automatically add the device to LibreNMS as soon as you add it to NetBox leveraging webhooks. It polls the network devices using the standard set of SNMP MIBs, which sometimes may be incomplete if you need to poll information from the vendor-specific MIBs. The most rock-solid and functional tools for configuration management (Ansible) and Python-based automation frameworks (Nornir). Grafana dashboards for librenms graphite data, Backfill librenms data in graphite with historical RRDs, T171823: Grafana dashboards for librenms graphite data, T173401: graphite2001 disk space alarms for big log files in /var/log/carbon, T148541: Replace Torrus with Prometheus snmp_exporter for PDUs monitoring, T171714: "MySQL server has gone away" from librenms logs,,,, T173698: Backfill librenms data in graphite with historical RRDs,*eqiad*.sensor.sensor.current.*. ereg Otherwise, look again at the instructions. Join us and unleash your potential. Notes: use for html tags, embed links and external web pages. ftp Shared Read: Sets the dashboard to allow other users to view the dashboard, but cant make changes to the dashboard. All rights reserved. mongo Availability Map: Displays all devices with colored tiles, green up, yellow for warning (device has been restarted in last 24 hours), red for down. Anton Karneliuk. In this case, you would need to install those extra MIBs on LibreNMS. I haven't noticed any site affects till now. Automation 10. xmlreader tokenizer That is also a downside of majority of the Open Source Software: they are often focused on specific use cases and their re-adoption to different use cases can be either very complicated or not possible. (there were no errors when I added the hosts) EDIT: I can see the machines I add it's just on the dashboard it says "Problems with backend" so I cannot get any widgets. I did read the section in the docs about potentially having to use sudo in the extend configuration but was unsure how to determine if I needed that or not. Note, you need to install fcgiwrap for CGI wrapper interact with Nginx. You're right; since I'm running LibreNMS in a subdirectory, I have to set the base URL in config.php and .htaccess. Yes I can see the dashboard of demo server, but can you please suggest why my dashboard is not working even after fresh installation? I don't have access to a 2.4.20 install to test so can't offer anything further. SmokePing is a tool which lets us keep track of network latency, and visualise this through RRD graphs. Looks like librenms polls every 5 minutes, so the gaps are there because no data has actually been sent. | @@GLOBAL.sql_mode | session If you need to add other configuration, make sure it comes after the LibreNMS configuration, and keep in mind that Smokeping does not allow duplicate modules, and cares about the configuration file sequence. You can also list all services and ignored/disabled devices in this widget. mcrypt Adding N+1 tool is easy, ensuring that anyone will use it is much more difficult. readline LibreNMS does not parse MIBs to discover sensors for devices. That gives you opportunity to ask questions to understand the solutions in-depts and have discussions about your own projects. Sign in If I click devices-> all devices , no devices is shown. to your account, Hi, Hi there I created a new installation of LibreNMS (The latest version), when I log in to the WebUI I can add devices normally and everything works fine with polling etc except the dashboard page widgets show the error Problem with backend. RewriteRule ^(. Just a note, I have installs running on PHP 5.3.3 with no issues. Top Interfaces: Lists top interfaces by traffic utilization. memcached Also some web pages may not support html embedded or iframe. For testing purposes, I hosted LibreNMS directly on a subdomain instead of in a subdirectory. We have posted a lot about NetBox and its API already, so spend some time reading these blogs if you are not yet familiar with NetBox. Put this into /etc/cron.d/hourly, and mark it executable: Finally, update the default configuration. msgpack when I select any widget from "Select Widget Drop down menu", i am not getting "Add Widgets" button enable. Had to upgrade MariaDB to 10.5, drop the port_groups table, run ./lnms migrate and then was able to get in. This issue has been closed as it isn't classed as a new device request. LibreNMS has support for both new and pre-existing SmokePing installations. IT & Network Expert / Architect / Manager; I've just installed fresh LibreNMS version "8a1573a". Out put from the poller capture is shown below for nginx with permission denied error but I am unsure what needs adjusted. Depending on what comes first, the order may be different. Phar Widgets work in general for people so this is something specific to your setup - have you followed the instructions correctly when installing? Globe Map: Will display map of the globe. That is the reason why we are in love with NetBox and use it for all our automation projects. But I can search for devices in search box, then they show up. xmlwriter Have a question about this project? If you're trying to integrate LibreNMS, smokeping and another source of configuration, you're probably trying to redefine a module (e.g. to your account. Bear in mind, that NetBox may already have some data, if you do incremental imports; therefore, such summary is important. Note the device type has to be listed as "Server". SEC 4. mysql> SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode; My knowledge of Apache is not enough to fully understand what it means, but could this be related to the problem? xsl LibreNMS uses static discovery definitions written in YAML or PHP. to: In /var/log/apache2/error.log I found the following error being emitted after trying to visit a LibreNMS page: I use php7-fpm with mod_proxy_fcgi to tie it to Apache. How to fix and check for errors in the librenms installation. gettext As you can already guess, the way how we can and should integrate NetBox with LibreNMS (if we have LibreNMS and want to add NetBox or vice versa) is to rely on the APIs. dom Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. However, it is a good starting for you to understand the problem. PR59618. Both issues have been fixed upstream! By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Code of Conduct. If you're trying to integrate LibreNMS, smokeping and another source of configuration, you need to make sure there are no duplicate or missing definitions. Somehow a certain feature of config value changed in Apache which causes LibreNMS to break. xml This is somewhat out of scope of LibreNMS, but make sure that file permissions and SELinux labels allow the smokeping user to write to the directory. mbstring Permission denied, Configure SELinux to allow smokeping to write in LibreNMS directory on Centos / RHEL, Probe FPing missing missing from the probes section, File '/usr/sbin/sendmail' does not exist`. Since the upgrade is done, I am reverting actions taken in T171167#3536747 and T171167#3536898 namely status and assignment. Well, I don't know exactly under what circumstances this issue occurs; so far only @blaaat and I have reported it. 2x CCIE (RS/SP) #49412; Reflection PHP 5.3.3 - upgrade. If you don't see the widget being added do you see any errors or anything in the browsers console? mysqli have posted a lot about NetBox and its API already, Automation 17. So, for example, works, but does not. No part of this blogpost could be reproduced, stored in a, $ curl -H "X-Auth-Token: 12345abcdef" https://librenms.address/api/v0/devices | jq, $ curl -H "Authorization: Token abcdef123455" https://netbox.address/api/dcim/devices/ | jq. What you need to know about study process. my System Specs is as below: There is a problem writing to the RRD directory. Indeed it looks like librenms sends both metrics with whitespace in the name and metrics without values: Reported upstream at and Somehow a certain feature of config value changed in Apache which causes LibreNMS to break. MSc Telecommunications. I noticed that this fix, despite working perfectly, has never been committed. ==================================== ==================================== [OK] Composer Version: 1.8.6 [OK] Dependencies up-to-date. The nginx-status page is availabe and can be displayed so I am 99% there but not sure what I am missing. *.sensor, You signed in with another tab or window. Take care and good bye! Step 1: Set the dashboard to either shared read or shared, depending on what you want the users access to change. posix Already on GitHub? You can use this feature to run Debug on Discovery, Poller, SNMP, Alerts. +-------------------+ This feature can be found by going to the device that you are troubleshooting in the webui, clicking on the settings icon menu on far right and . shmop Pending deployment of latest version of librenms to production. privacy statement. Principles of software developments and the most useful and convenient tools. This covers the required configuration for either Apache or Nginx. Had the same problem, modified the htaccess from: RewriteRule ^(. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and snmp Wondering if anyone can help with an issue I am having getting data to populate in the graphs for the nginx and mysql applications using SNMP extend for my librenms install (localhost). The following will configure Nginx to respond to http://yourlibrenms/smokeping: After saving the configuration file, verify your Nginx configuration file syntax is OK with sudo nginx -t, then restart Nginx with sudo systemctl restart nginx, You should be able to load the Smokeping web interface at http://yourlibrenms/smokeping, You can use the purpose-made htpasswd utility included in the apache2-utils package (Nginx password files use the same format as Apache). gd sysvshm The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: @Duck-dave sorry but this is not the place to ask for help. External Image: can be used to show external images on your dashboard. If you're using RRDCacheD, make sure that the permissions are correct there too, and that if you're using -B that the smokeping RRD's are inside the base directory; update the smokeping rrd directory if required. Therefore, updating a MIB alone will not improve OS support, the definitions must be updated. Which seems to work, haven't tested everything. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: @dhavalsoni88 The add widget button isn't actually a button, when you select the widget you want it dynamically adds it in. Graph: Can be used to display graphs from devices. Same for ports and services. Best programming languages (Python, Bash) for developing automation. Shared Read: Sets the dashboard to allow other users to view the dashboard, but cant make changes to the dashboard. This will ensure that the image will fit nicely with the dimensions if the Generic-image widget. Change 366836 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi; owner: Filippo Giunchedi): Since we don't have a Grafana dashboard yet, I tried to query Graphite manually with e.g. The good news is that all these things you can learn at out Network Automation Training programs: We offer the following training programs for you: During these trainings you will learn the following topics: Moreover, we put all mentions technologies in the context of real use cases, which our team has solved and are solving in various projects in the service providers, enterprise and data centre networks and systems across the Europe and USA. The easier scenario is when you first have NetBox and then add LibreNMS (or you do both tasks simultaneously). after login to admin area 1st time, I am trying to create Dashboard. In terms of discovery, there is no reasonable automated way out of box in the NetBox: it does support NAPALM drivers, however, its usage from NetBox is not very straightforward and NAPALM data model is fairly limited (see our remark about Open Source Software using particular use cases in the beginning of this blogpost). Showing examples of ./validate.php and / I tested this on two different servers and both show the exact same problem after updating Apache. when I select any widget from "Select Widget Drop down menu", i am not getting "Add Widgets" button enable. There are a few considerations you need to keep in mind: All of the aforementioned items you can create via REST API and, technically, you can do it during the same run, when you create network devices. 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librenms problem with backendAgri-Innovation Stories

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librenms problem with backend

LibreNMS has some API. It doesn't have any frontend code for it (and recommending Grafana instead), but works in parallel to their existing RRD capabilities, essentially mirroring the metrics. privacy statement. 1 pdo_sqlite sysvmsg Put this into /etc/cron.d/hourly, and mark it executable: Finally, update the default configuration. Github styled the * away; edited my comment with code tags. @dhavalsoni88 Do you have mysql strict mode on? No clue about what the /$1/ should do. Its fixed now, I've increased PHP memory limit to 256 MB and post_max_size = 20M. Note you may need to play with the width and height and also size your widget properly. Shared: Allows all users to view the dashboard and make changes. My knowledge of Apache is not enough to fully understand what it means, but could this be related to the problem? No, it did not show any error or anything on browser console. Such a mixture creates a unique learning environment, which all students value so much. For help please use our Discord server or the community site: Or just notes in general. Therefore, what we recommend is that you spend some time preparing the major artifacts with the sufficient amount of details. Lets see how the created python script works: With this script you have a clear view what is missing in NetBox compared to LibreNMS and you can create its second part, which will add the entries to netbox using the same requests Python library. Proposing closing this, any objections @laf ? (actually, what we really need is the sum() of that, but it's less obvious to see what's happening in that one). You'll need to wait to see if anyone else can shed some light on it. Already on GitHub? iconv Thats the reason why there is not a really big choice of outstanding Open Source Software, which are fit for purpose of network management and automation in the modern networks: Check our blogposts about InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana. I have followed the instructions in the documentation for both applications but just not getting the data. sysvsem The target block must have a default probe. Add the following configuration to your /etc/nginx/conf.d/librenms.conf file within server section. Thanks @akosiaris @ayounsi ! Note: you can map the port by description or the alias or by port id. If you already have LibreNMS and is bringing NetBox later you can: This approach is predominantly used in the brownfield deployment, exactly the case we have outlined in the title of this blogpost. From syslocation or from override sysLocation. +-------------------+ What do we mean by that? *)$ index.php Sign up for the newsletter and stay updated. | | Dashboard Permissions Private: Sets the dashboard to only the user that created the dashboard can view and edit. You can find an example in misc/librenms-smokeping-debian.example. Verify this using : If you don't see smokeping.conf listed, you'll need to create a symlink for it: After creating the symlink, restart Apache with sudo systemctl apache2 restart, You should be able to load the Smokeping web interface at http://yourhost/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi. If not, you would need to parse the information collected via CLI and parse it. Strip everything from the *** Probes *** and *** Targets *** stanza's, and replace with: Note there may be other stanza's (possibly *** Slaves ***) between the *** Probes *** and *** Targets *** stanza's - leave these intact. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Upgrade settings, and looking at common probl. Device Summary vertical: List device totals, up, down, ignored, disabled. i am facing a problem when i want to activate a application like nginx or zfs. LibreNMS webGUI errors after Apache update, fix: Change .htaccess to compensate for Apache bug (, apcu Top Devices: By Traffic, or Uptime, or Response time, or Poller Duration, or Processor load, or Memory Usage, or Storage Usage. New Installation All installation steps assume a clean configuration - if you have an existing smokeping setup, you'll need to adapt these steps somewhat. Device Summary horizontal: List device totals, up, down, ignored, disabled. LibreNMS does not need the Web UI - you can find the graphs in LibreNMS on the latency tab. It is a traditional LAMP stack application, where LAMP stands for: The main purpose of LibreNMS is contained in its name: NMS. curl You can share dashboards with other users. Setting a global default dashboard However, it is not advisable as you wont be able to define all the necessary parameters available in NetBox and your documentation will be vague, to say at least. We should test and evalute that, it shouldn't take long! 1 remotefixonline 1 yr. ago Ive seen this before, can remeber if it was in the nginx config or the hostname setting in co fig.php make sure the name in config.php matches your virtual host in whichevwr webserver you are using. Do you think it's a bug in Apache instead? The setup looks fairly easy, but it may be a little heavy on the Graphite/Whisper side of things, considering the amount of ports LibreNMS monitors. However in general, no it's unlikely to be a bug with LibreNMS. SimpleXML Nevertheless, it is possible to retrieve the list of the network devices the LibreNMS is monitoring via this API using https://librenms.address/api/v0/devices endpoint. This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. sqlite3 When using the Generic-image widget you can provide the width and height of the widget with your request. This section covers the required configuration for your web server of choice. ago I did temporarily set SELinux to permissive to test and it works with that disabled. This section assumes you have configured LibreNMS with Nginx as specified in Configure Nginx. Except, I already did that, and before the Apache update, it worked perfectly fine this way. If you are using RRDCached with the -B switch and smokeping RRD's inside the LibreNMS RRD base directory, you can install this SELinux profile: Take a look at the instructions again - something isn't correct in your configuration. We truly believe you are benefiting from it and don't want you to miss it. If it doesn't work there then it has to be your browser, if it does then it's got to be your install. ctype We try and support at least 5.4 but 5.3 is pushing it - released just over 5 years ago. LibreNMS has a whole list of Widgets to select from. Also ran through the excellent video ( You can also make a custom dashboard and default it for all users in LibreNMS. Any guidance on how I can identify what needs changed to let it work with SELinux in enforcing/targeting mode? @Volans yeah that used to be a problem when aggregating into other periods, though now xfilesfactor is basically 0.01 across the board. standard Move the RRD's and give smokeping access rights to the LibreNMS RRD directory: If you have SELinux on, see next section before starting smokeping. Data encoding (free-text, XML, JSON, YAML, Protobuf). If you have further questions or you need help with your networks, we are happy to assist you, just send us a message. Have a question about this project? gmp sockets PDO I tested this on two servers (both running Debian Testing, php-fpm and librenms) and found the exact same behaviour on both servers: LibreNMS worked before the update, but after the update I get the aforementioned error. to your account. CentOS 6.7, 4 Gig RAM, 2 vCPU, Apache 2.2.15, PHP 5.3.3, MySQL 5.5.46 and RRD 1.4.7, PHP modules installed on my system: It was only after the Apache update (2.4.20 --> 2.4.23) that things went wrong. Success and failure strategies to build the automation tools. I saw something in the Apache changelogs that might be related: mod_proxy_fcgi: Avoid passing a filename of proxy:fcgi:// as SCRIPT_FILENAME to a FastCGI server. So it a network management (though, monitoring is more suitable here) system, which allows you monitor in near-real time the state of your network devices leveraging the set of per-defined metrics such as utilization of network interfaces, CPU/memory utilization, etc. At first sight it might just be that the update frequency of the data and the smallest retention period set in graphite do not match to each other, having a much smaller retention period than the update frequency. LibreNMS upgraded to 1.31. Some devices may have the IP address as its hostname, whilst others may have FQDN; some devices may have domain name as part of their hostname, whilst others others dont. Thanks for reading and any insights you may be able to provide. Collection network data via SNMP and streaming telemetry with Prometheus, Building API gateways with Python leveraging Fast API, Integration of alerting with Slack and your own APIs. Finally restart the smokeping service: Remember to update your config with the new locations. igbinary [operations/puppet@production] librenms: explicit graphite port, This is the resolved, note that the port in is required since $config isn't merged in librenms and we overwrite it with a brand new array, thus blanking out port, Turns out this is more data than I expected (just slowly increasing by now). For new installations, we can use the lnms cli to generate a Smokeping configuration file. '+ FPing' more than once) or stanza. If you need a trusted and experienced partner to automate your network and IT infrastructure, get in touch with us. *)$ index.php/$1/ Today well look into a question, which is raising quite often on various meetups related to network automation or various threads that is the addition of any automation components (say, NetBox) to the existing networking managing suit, where you already have some inventory (say, LibreNMS). The reason why we use term some is because its capabilities compared to NetBox is very limited. In order to access that endpoint, you need to authenticate and authorize yourself, which is implemented in LibreNMS using token, which needs to be created first and then to be communicated in the header of each request using X-Auth-Token key. The main purpose of LibreNMS is contained in its name: NMS. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Sounds like you've not set the base url in config.php or .htaccess isn't updated seeing as you are running in a sub directory - which whilst work means you have to do both of the aforementioned things. Also dont forget to share the article on your social media, if you like it. I have no idea why that /$1/ should or shouldn't be there or why it causes problems in @blaaat's and my case. The script will require two libraries, which are not part of the standard Python distribution. For me, this issue started after updating Apache, as explained in the first post of this thread. It's not recommended to run RRDCachedD without the -B switch. That means that in order to create a device, you need first at a bare minimum to create: device type (i.e., primitive of the device model), If you dont have them created, the NetBox would raise an error, Normalized data sets are put as an input to the. pgsql Full configuration templating with Jinja2 based on the source of truth (NetBox). Server Stats: Will display gauges for CPU, Memory, Storage usage. There is always a balance between capabilities of the platform and complexity to deploy and manage it. No more invalid metrics in graphite logs AFAICS, resolving! Just removed some old log files from /var/log/carbon/* on graphite2001, they were full of things like invalid line (librenms.x.y.z abd they were filling the small root partition. Sign in To access NetBox API you also need to create a token with corresponding permissions: Enroll to ZerotoHero Network Automation Training to get up to speed with NetBox and learn how to build automation with Ansible and Python on top of it. Those changes should land in the august release of LibreNMS (, most likely due next week. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Strip everything from /etc/smokeping/config.d/Probes and replace with: Strip everything from /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets and replace with: dir should match the location that smokeping writes RRD's to pings should match the default smokeping value, default 20 probes should be the number of processes to spread pings over, default 2. Has anything changed in version 1.54, so that using custom logo and favicon disables dasboard widgets and device list in webgui. Dear friend, After a bit of break caused by preparation to Kubernetes exams (we will continue blogs about Kubernetes as , Hello my friend, In the previous blogpost we have compared the usage of NAPALM and OpenConfig YANG modules with NETCONF , Hello my friend, In this post Id like to share my vision and my approach how to prepare for CCIE , Hello my friend, In one of the previous blogposts we have share the details how you can build the containerised , Ansible Automation Orchestration with Ansble Tower / AWX, rt-level training: Closed-loop Automation and Next-generation Monitoring. Having all of the LibreNMS data in Graphite could allow us to conveniently present and aggregate data that we otherwise can't with LibreNMS, such as the power usage per datacenter (something we used to use Torrus for). +-------------------+. Edit the General configuration file's Owner and contact, and cgiurl hostname details: Smokeping should automatically install an Apache configuration file in /etc/apache2/conf-available/. If your network device supports NETCONF or GNMI, you just should retrieve the configuration and populate NetBox with this information. You signed in with another tab or window. These settings can also be set in the Web UI. calendar privacy statement. SPL thanks for the pointer. 1 level 1 Description LibreNMS seems to have acquired a Graphite backend/extension. libxml Core Dimension parameter replacement for Generic-image widget, Complete guide for integrating Nokia, Arista, Cumulus, as well as CentOS and Raspberry PI Linux in your own PKI. Create customised dashboards in LibreNMS per user. CCIE. Here is a sample view of a typical per-device view in LibreNMS: In order to add the network device to LibreNMS, you would: For the purpose of this blogpost, we assume that LibreNMS is already up and running and the company wants to add NetBox to its toolkit. Thats why integration is such a key: adding new useful functionality without the need for users to learn new tool is a sound step to a successful automation project. zip Well occasionally send you account related emails. Unassigned from me since the deployment part is pending. To show you where to start with NetBox and LibreNMS integration, well create a simple script, which polls the inventory data from LibreNMS and NetBox and compares it outlining which changes need to be done in NetBox to add the same information as LibreNMS already have. All installation steps assume a clean configuration - if you have an existing smokeping setup, you'll need to adapt these steps somewhat. The easiest way to create token is via the WebUI (though you can do it via CLI as well): Once you have a token, you can go ahead and test your access to REST API: Enroll to our Network Automation Trainings to master REST API and Linux (e.g., curl/jq) skills. Install them: Now, lets take in the Python script itself: It is relatively simple one and is not aimed to be used in prod as this is a sequential one and doesnt rely on concurrency in any capacity. Well take a look into multiple approaches and, as usual, will share some code snippets how you can do that. My original line reads. Step 2: Then go to Settings -> WebUI settings -> Dashboard Settings and set the global default dashboard. exif Then, during the import from LibreNMS you just template devices out of the prepared primitives providing the necessary variables. Only if that is genuinely an issue and a fix. Already on GitHub? Orchestration of automation workflows with AWX and its integration with NetBox, GitHub, as well as custom execution environments for better scalability. What things or workarounds could I try to get it working again (besides downgrading Apache to 2.4.20)? Once you're happy, manually kick off the cron once, then enable and start smokeping: Smokeping is available via the default repositories. LibreNMS only uses MIBs to make OIDs easier to read. [OK] Database connection successful [OK] Database schema correct [WARN] IPv6 is disabled on your server, you will not be able to add IPv6 devices. Multivendor network development and automation from the industry expert. memcache This is not problem of LibreNMS per se (though, it could be that devices are imported nod correctly); but it depends on each particular network operating system LibreNMS interacts with. [operations/puppet@production] librenms: enable graphite extension, Change 367875 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi; owner: Filippo Giunchedi): monitoring network LibreNMS Monitoring Server Introduction Network and systems administrators almost always need some form of monitoring. That is not even saying that you shall be proficient with a variety of technologies, such as REST API or GRPC API, JSON/Protobuf/XML, Postman and many other tools. $ du -hcs /var/lib/carbon/whisper/librenms/, $ find /var/lib/carbon/whisper/librenms/ -type f | wc -l. Content licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA) unless otherwise noted; code licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) or other open source licenses. Retrieve the list of network devices via REST API, Prepare some items in NetBox via UI or REST API, Add the information from LibreNMS to NetBox via REST API, Run the discovery of Network and populate missing part. [operations/puppet@production] librenms: enable graphite extension, Space wise, librenms has ~15k rrds now, assuming it'll create the same number on the graphite side, at ~350k per whisper file that's ~5GB used on graphite, Change 366836 merged by Filippo Giunchedi: I am not sure if it's a problem with the LibreNMS package or something else. Install and integrate Smokeping Backend - RHEL, CentOS and alike Smokeping is available via EPEL, which if you're running LibreNMS, you probably already have. And on top of that, each technology is provided with online demos and labs to master your skills thoroughly. This can include graphing bandwidth usage at router end points, monitoring the up/down of services running on various servers, and much, much more. Most likely, content wasn't fully removed from the *** Probes *** *** Targets*** stanza's as instructed. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Private: Sets the dashboard to only the user that created the dashboard can view and edit. Should I create a pull request for this? Sign in [Jacob Champion ]. I think it's worth waiting, if urgent though we could backport the changes. zlib. Or images from inside LibreNMS. Besides the per-device view, you can build various dashboards with graphs from different network devices, etc. src="url" needs to be URL to webpage you are linking to. Graylog: Displays all Graylog's syslog entries. pcntl By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and From the purpose of automation, we are really interested only in the inventory part: Lets see how can retrieve it programmatically. pcre Have a question about this project? Integrating different automation tools is typically the most labor-intensive work, as it requires understanding of the tools you are integrating, their internal hierarchy and APIs capabilities. You can find an example in misc/librenms-smokeping-rhel.example. I wasn't sure if this was a bug in Apache or in LibreNMS, but I decided to fill a bug report here because other websites/webapps still work fine. bz2 Reddit, Inc. 2023. I have not seen the problem in other (PHP-based) websites or webapps, which is why I suspect this to be something inherent to LibreNMS. Capture Debug Information. In our Zero-to-Hero Network Automation Training you will learn all possible ways to programmably retrieve the configuration from network devices running Cisco IOS XR, Nokia SR OS, Arista EOS and Cumulus Linux. date Smokeping is available via EPEL, which if you're running LibreNMS, you probably already have. LibreNMS here is located more at the side of spectrum with where it is easy to deploy and manage the application, that is why it is so popular across the globe; however, its usefulness for automation or data analysis is quite low, that is why we need to add NetBox. Alerts Widget: Displays all alert notifications. If you follow the instructions you will have one. After the latest update of Apache on Debian testing (Apache 2.4.20-2 --> 2.4.23-1), all LibreNMS pages except the frontpage fail with the error File not found.. Using Operational Commands via NETCONF at Nokia SR OS in Sequential Mode. Entrepreneur; pdo_pgsql @ayounsi Want to have the honours ? Eventlog: Displays all events with your devices and LibreNMS. this query:*eqiad*.sensor.sensor.current.*.*.sensor. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Get the error message "problem with backend", also some links in the gui refering to, like deleting a device (""). Any ideas of why this may be happening? Network automation infrastructure (Linux, Linux networking, KVM, Docker). 9 mo. I've just installed fresh LibreNMS version "8a1573a". The problem persists. openssl 1 brad2388 1 yr. ago What has to change there? From the perspective of traditional network and IT infrastructure monitoring, From the perspective of more application-centric and DevOps-ish approach, it is possible to use InfluxData suit (, If you are lucky enough to build a greenfield network these days, you should focus on modelling the entire network infrastructure in NetBox first and then to render the entire configuration based on that modelling. Then you can get the list of network devices, which are existing in NetBox now. In the dashboard, you want to create an interface graph select the widget called. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. But in web-gui, dashboards shows "problem with backend". If you have an existing smokeping server, follow the instructions, you only need to look at Configure LibreNMS - All Operating Systems. Components Status: List all components Ok state, Warning state, Critical state. after login to admin area 1st time, I am trying to create Dashboard. Model-driven network automation with YANG, NETCONF, RESTCONF, GNMI. You can install it on Ubuntu with, After that you need to create password for your user, You can verify your user and password with, Then you just need to add to your config auth_basic parameters. mysql But my GUI when I login to librenms says that I have problems with my backend and won't display any of the machines I added to it. World Map: displays all your devices locations. NetBox REST API is, in our eyes, an exceptional one: it is very feature reach, stable, functional and extensible (via plugins). You will need to know this in order to map the port to the graph. You shall be careful upon building this integration, as sometimes data in LibreNMS may be not necessary properly represented. Shared: Allows all users to view the dashboard and make changes. Leave everything else untouched. If you need more information or testing I will gladly try to help. The output seems to be very spotty, like a lot of data points are missing. wddx Support How does LibreNMS use MIBs? Once installed, you should need a cron script installed to make sure that the configuration file is updated. Installing NAPALM Community Driver for Nokia SR OS and comparing NAPALM and OpenConfig/YANG. fileinfo You can add @AUTO_HEIGHT@ and @AUTO_WIDTH@ to the Image URL as parameters. pdo_mysql filter The beauty of using Open Source Software is that you have typically a huge option to choose from for every task you are aiming to do, as there are a lot of enthusiasts worldwide, who are willing to put some efforts in the development of software to solve some (predominantly their own) problems. This output information could be helpful for you in troubleshooting a device or when requesting help. I was looking for PDU power usage metrics. I think you forgot a character (* ) though? But I can confirm that this does fix the issue for me without any side effects. Or should I ? Add the network devices from NetBox to LibreNMS via API. gv Integrating of different tools is one of the most complex and tricky parts of network automation; at the same time, quite often this is what ultimately defines success or failure of the entire network automation initiative. Only useful knowledge and skills. Dude thanks, wasn't aware of that capability. It doesn't have any frontend code for it (and recommending Grafana instead), but works in parallel to their existing RRD capabilities, essentially mirroring the metrics. NetBox is a very structured modelling tool. [operations/puppet@production] librenms: explicit graphite port, Change 367875 merged by Filippo Giunchedi: You signed in with another tab or window. hash I could be wrong though. json apc document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are working hard on creating the exceptional and unique content about network and IT technologies and automation. Project Manager; LibreNMS seems to have acquired a Graphite backend/extension. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and But now Librenms is showing problem with backend. I have not seen the problem in other (PHP-based) websites or webapps, which is why I suspect this to be something inherent to LibreNMS. In case of LibreNMS, it stores both static data (e.g., devices inventory) as well as time-series data (interface counters polled via SNMP and syslog) PHP - programming language, which is the front-end and back-end of the application is written into. You're right. Thats a lot, and may be not easy to start with. In our. If you want to do something like run Smokeping on a seperate host and ship data via RRCached though, here's the install command: Once installed, you should need a cron script installed to make sure that the configuration file is updated. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Same for ports and services. In our, If you already have a network, you may need to populate NetBox using the discovery of the network. This scenario, the order of the operation will be the following: It is possible to implement some logic, where you will automatically add the device to LibreNMS as soon as you add it to NetBox leveraging webhooks. It polls the network devices using the standard set of SNMP MIBs, which sometimes may be incomplete if you need to poll information from the vendor-specific MIBs. The most rock-solid and functional tools for configuration management (Ansible) and Python-based automation frameworks (Nornir). Grafana dashboards for librenms graphite data, Backfill librenms data in graphite with historical RRDs, T171823: Grafana dashboards for librenms graphite data, T173401: graphite2001 disk space alarms for big log files in /var/log/carbon, T148541: Replace Torrus with Prometheus snmp_exporter for PDUs monitoring, T171714: "MySQL server has gone away" from librenms logs,,,, T173698: Backfill librenms data in graphite with historical RRDs,*eqiad*.sensor.sensor.current.*. ereg Otherwise, look again at the instructions. Join us and unleash your potential. Notes: use for html tags, embed links and external web pages. ftp Shared Read: Sets the dashboard to allow other users to view the dashboard, but cant make changes to the dashboard. All rights reserved. mongo Availability Map: Displays all devices with colored tiles, green up, yellow for warning (device has been restarted in last 24 hours), red for down. Anton Karneliuk. In this case, you would need to install those extra MIBs on LibreNMS. I haven't noticed any site affects till now. Automation 10. xmlreader tokenizer That is also a downside of majority of the Open Source Software: they are often focused on specific use cases and their re-adoption to different use cases can be either very complicated or not possible. (there were no errors when I added the hosts) EDIT: I can see the machines I add it's just on the dashboard it says "Problems with backend" so I cannot get any widgets. I did read the section in the docs about potentially having to use sudo in the extend configuration but was unsure how to determine if I needed that or not. Note, you need to install fcgiwrap for CGI wrapper interact with Nginx. You're right; since I'm running LibreNMS in a subdirectory, I have to set the base URL in config.php and .htaccess. Yes I can see the dashboard of demo server, but can you please suggest why my dashboard is not working even after fresh installation? I don't have access to a 2.4.20 install to test so can't offer anything further. SmokePing is a tool which lets us keep track of network latency, and visualise this through RRD graphs. Looks like librenms polls every 5 minutes, so the gaps are there because no data has actually been sent. | @@GLOBAL.sql_mode | session If you need to add other configuration, make sure it comes after the LibreNMS configuration, and keep in mind that Smokeping does not allow duplicate modules, and cares about the configuration file sequence. You can also list all services and ignored/disabled devices in this widget. mcrypt Adding N+1 tool is easy, ensuring that anyone will use it is much more difficult. readline LibreNMS does not parse MIBs to discover sensors for devices. That gives you opportunity to ask questions to understand the solutions in-depts and have discussions about your own projects. Sign in If I click devices-> all devices , no devices is shown. to your account, Hi, Hi there I created a new installation of LibreNMS (The latest version), when I log in to the WebUI I can add devices normally and everything works fine with polling etc except the dashboard page widgets show the error Problem with backend. RewriteRule ^(. Just a note, I have installs running on PHP 5.3.3 with no issues. Top Interfaces: Lists top interfaces by traffic utilization. memcached Also some web pages may not support html embedded or iframe. For testing purposes, I hosted LibreNMS directly on a subdomain instead of in a subdirectory. We have posted a lot about NetBox and its API already, so spend some time reading these blogs if you are not yet familiar with NetBox. Put this into /etc/cron.d/hourly, and mark it executable: Finally, update the default configuration. msgpack when I select any widget from "Select Widget Drop down menu", i am not getting "Add Widgets" button enable. Had to upgrade MariaDB to 10.5, drop the port_groups table, run ./lnms migrate and then was able to get in. This issue has been closed as it isn't classed as a new device request. LibreNMS has support for both new and pre-existing SmokePing installations. IT & Network Expert / Architect / Manager; I've just installed fresh LibreNMS version "8a1573a". Out put from the poller capture is shown below for nginx with permission denied error but I am unsure what needs adjusted. Depending on what comes first, the order may be different. Phar Widgets work in general for people so this is something specific to your setup - have you followed the instructions correctly when installing? Globe Map: Will display map of the globe. That is the reason why we are in love with NetBox and use it for all our automation projects. But I can search for devices in search box, then they show up. xmlwriter Have a question about this project? If you're trying to integrate LibreNMS, smokeping and another source of configuration, you're probably trying to redefine a module (e.g. to your account. Bear in mind, that NetBox may already have some data, if you do incremental imports; therefore, such summary is important. Note the device type has to be listed as "Server". SEC 4. mysql> SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode; My knowledge of Apache is not enough to fully understand what it means, but could this be related to the problem? xsl LibreNMS uses static discovery definitions written in YAML or PHP. to: In /var/log/apache2/error.log I found the following error being emitted after trying to visit a LibreNMS page: I use php7-fpm with mod_proxy_fcgi to tie it to Apache. How to fix and check for errors in the librenms installation. gettext As you can already guess, the way how we can and should integrate NetBox with LibreNMS (if we have LibreNMS and want to add NetBox or vice versa) is to rely on the APIs. dom Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. However, it is a good starting for you to understand the problem. PR59618. Both issues have been fixed upstream! By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Code of Conduct. If you're trying to integrate LibreNMS, smokeping and another source of configuration, you need to make sure there are no duplicate or missing definitions. Somehow a certain feature of config value changed in Apache which causes LibreNMS to break. xml This is somewhat out of scope of LibreNMS, but make sure that file permissions and SELinux labels allow the smokeping user to write to the directory. mbstring Permission denied, Configure SELinux to allow smokeping to write in LibreNMS directory on Centos / RHEL, Probe FPing missing missing from the probes section, File '/usr/sbin/sendmail' does not exist`. Since the upgrade is done, I am reverting actions taken in T171167#3536747 and T171167#3536898 namely status and assignment. Well, I don't know exactly under what circumstances this issue occurs; so far only @blaaat and I have reported it. 2x CCIE (RS/SP) #49412; Reflection PHP 5.3.3 - upgrade. If you don't see the widget being added do you see any errors or anything in the browsers console? mysqli have posted a lot about NetBox and its API already, Automation 17. So, for example, works, but does not. No part of this blogpost could be reproduced, stored in a, $ curl -H "X-Auth-Token: 12345abcdef" https://librenms.address/api/v0/devices | jq, $ curl -H "Authorization: Token abcdef123455" https://netbox.address/api/dcim/devices/ | jq. What you need to know about study process. my System Specs is as below: There is a problem writing to the RRD directory. Indeed it looks like librenms sends both metrics with whitespace in the name and metrics without values: Reported upstream at and Somehow a certain feature of config value changed in Apache which causes LibreNMS to break. MSc Telecommunications. I noticed that this fix, despite working perfectly, has never been committed. ==================================== ==================================== [OK] Composer Version: 1.8.6 [OK] Dependencies up-to-date. The nginx-status page is availabe and can be displayed so I am 99% there but not sure what I am missing. *.sensor, You signed in with another tab or window. Take care and good bye! Step 1: Set the dashboard to either shared read or shared, depending on what you want the users access to change. posix Already on GitHub? You can use this feature to run Debug on Discovery, Poller, SNMP, Alerts. +-------------------+ This feature can be found by going to the device that you are troubleshooting in the webui, clicking on the settings icon menu on far right and . shmop Pending deployment of latest version of librenms to production. privacy statement. Principles of software developments and the most useful and convenient tools. This covers the required configuration for either Apache or Nginx. Had the same problem, modified the htaccess from: RewriteRule ^(. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and snmp Wondering if anyone can help with an issue I am having getting data to populate in the graphs for the nginx and mysql applications using SNMP extend for my librenms install (localhost). The following will configure Nginx to respond to http://yourlibrenms/smokeping: After saving the configuration file, verify your Nginx configuration file syntax is OK with sudo nginx -t, then restart Nginx with sudo systemctl restart nginx, You should be able to load the Smokeping web interface at http://yourlibrenms/smokeping, You can use the purpose-made htpasswd utility included in the apache2-utils package (Nginx password files use the same format as Apache). gd sysvshm The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: @Duck-dave sorry but this is not the place to ask for help. External Image: can be used to show external images on your dashboard. If you're using RRDCacheD, make sure that the permissions are correct there too, and that if you're using -B that the smokeping RRD's are inside the base directory; update the smokeping rrd directory if required. Therefore, updating a MIB alone will not improve OS support, the definitions must be updated. Which seems to work, haven't tested everything. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: @dhavalsoni88 The add widget button isn't actually a button, when you select the widget you want it dynamically adds it in. Graph: Can be used to display graphs from devices. Same for ports and services. Best programming languages (Python, Bash) for developing automation. Shared Read: Sets the dashboard to allow other users to view the dashboard, but cant make changes to the dashboard. This will ensure that the image will fit nicely with the dimensions if the Generic-image widget. Change 366836 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi; owner: Filippo Giunchedi): Since we don't have a Grafana dashboard yet, I tried to query Graphite manually with e.g. The good news is that all these things you can learn at out Network Automation Training programs: We offer the following training programs for you: During these trainings you will learn the following topics: Moreover, we put all mentions technologies in the context of real use cases, which our team has solved and are solving in various projects in the service providers, enterprise and data centre networks and systems across the Europe and USA. The easier scenario is when you first have NetBox and then add LibreNMS (or you do both tasks simultaneously). after login to admin area 1st time, I am trying to create Dashboard. In terms of discovery, there is no reasonable automated way out of box in the NetBox: it does support NAPALM drivers, however, its usage from NetBox is not very straightforward and NAPALM data model is fairly limited (see our remark about Open Source Software using particular use cases in the beginning of this blogpost). Showing examples of ./validate.php and / I tested this on two different servers and both show the exact same problem after updating Apache. when I select any widget from "Select Widget Drop down menu", i am not getting "Add Widgets" button enable. There are a few considerations you need to keep in mind: All of the aforementioned items you can create via REST API and, technically, you can do it during the same run, when you create network devices. 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