models of reflection in social work

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Relationship-based thinking and practice in social work, Journal of Social Work Practice 16 (2), pp 45 46. Figure 2: Reflective model adapted from Rolfe, (2001) You may find this model useful for a quick summary of events and to look forward. However, because of the large volume of emails I receive daily, please know that if you are a business reaching out for a partnership, I may not respond to your request unless it matches my current business needs. Therefore, social workers need to look at their own underlying assumptions, as well as dominant social narratives, in order to shape their holistic understanding and experience of a given incident. As I gave him this look he looked back at me giving me assurance that this is not right and we both felt uncomfortable. Most importantly, think about what the supervisee needs, rather than attempting to force-fit a model into the supervision session. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. 3. (2012). The final stage of reflection is one of change - for example, of how you see yourself, how you see others, your beliefs, your values, your views and/or opinions. Most of the models and theories that shape the practice are interchangeable and closely related or intertwined ideas but the oldest models like the . A task centred approach was also used as the focus of the relationship between X and I was one of partnership. The full guide provides further ideas and methods to try out when using critical reflection in your own work. Looking for a flexible role? If you enjoyed this blog post, you may also find the following article of interest: Information Service members can also view some of our latest database additions, including the book Reflective practice and learning from mistakes in social work. I felt like the council representative meant well but still had a capitalist view on things. This was to ensure that there were no feelings of loss or abandonment. The social worker service user relationship can be viewed as a two-way process in which both parties affect each other and, ideally, where both parties learn and change within this process. Schon, D. (2002) From technical rationality to reflection-in-action in R. Harrison, F. Reeve, A. Hanson and J. Clarke (eds) Supporting Lifelong Learning: Perspectives on Learning, London: Routledge. I supported X to identify problems and difficulties that she is facing. Termination refers to the process of formally ending a social workerservice user affiliation in a helping relationship (Parker, 2000). In this essay I will explore my experience of reflection during my practice placement, and in particular in relation to a specific case study. In other words, the supervisor should encourage the supervisee to look at how his experiences might have shaped his current perspective of the problem. This essay wont pass a plagiarism check! Johns' model of structured reflection was developed by reflective practices pioneer Christopher Johns for use in the healthcare industry. Of course, it is easier to sustain reflective practice when you are working in more supportive organisations, yet we all have a personal responsibility to be critically reflective and to seek out, wherever possible, like-minded colleagues. Foucault M. (1967) Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, London: Tavistock. Do not commit the error of forcing a square peg into a round hole. The individual must also meet the eligibility criteria as detailed under the Care Act 2014. Social work does not occur in a vacuum. Edubirdie. It was developed with 5 domains and dimensions in mind. Your supervisee needs to be confident that you will not reveal what she has said in such a confidential setting. X had experienced exclusion in the past and has had people come in and out of her life so I was conscious of the insecurities that she may have. Schon (1983) also talks about how his uncertainties act as a learning opportunity and assure the aligning of power imbalances to seek out connections and mutual respect between client and practitioner. In Session A this allowed me to see how JKs addiction and mental health problems were also linked to issues with accommodation, physical health, relationships and employment. However, some tools and strategies include: One of the traditional models of reflection for social workers is Gibbs cycle of reflection (1988). Open University Press, Berkshire, Critical reflection is very challenging for me and I am pleased to learn about this model that promises to be really practical. Finally take a critical look at my practice, and suggest things that I could have done differently. The council representative starts to take down details and starts to talk about what are the current services she is receiving as we started to outline what she is receiving and who from the council representative started to change the way she spoke, during the time I did not want to judge on how she was speaking but I found it difficult not to. Reflective practice helps us to recognise the important links between theory and practice, and to appreciate the risks of treating them as if they were separate domains with little or no connection to each other (Thompson, 2009). Professional Social Work, March, pp28-29, Wilkins, D and Boahen, G (2013) The John Driscoll Model of Reflection is one of the simplest models of reflection. This involves reflection. Throughout my social work education, the difference between the medical model and the social model of experiencing mental illness has been stressed to me, and I clearly saw this when working with JK. I feel that my social work knowledge and skills have improved massively. 25. One of the traditional models of reflection for social workers is Gibbs' cycle of reflection (1988). Yip, K. (2006)Self-reflection in reflective practice: A note of caution British Journal of Social Work, 36(5), 777-788. However, theorists like Sigmund Freud have said that for self-actualisation to be achieved a person needs direct help to solve their problems and focus should be on the problem, not the person. To some extent this is an area that I found reflection lacking in. I felt super conflicted after this home visit and had to tell someone about it. In relation to Session A, one area that I reflected on was that I may have focused too much on theory when working with JK. I am pleased with myself for the knowledge that I have gained within the last five months and will continue to use the skills gained in my next placement. First, it's important to describe what the situation or experience was like. Fair Use Policy or become aware of any violations, please do not hesitate to contact us via There are several reflective models such as Rolfe et al. (2010) Effective Practice Learning in Social Work, Exeter: Learning Matters. There are many different practice models that influence the way social workers choose to help people meet their goals. Before deciding on any model to use, you need to understand your supervisee, or protg. Gardner (2014) concludes the postmodernism section and says that it is important to that post modernists like any other group vary: some would be reluctant to suggest any kind of shared sense of culture, preferring always to ask what the subjective meaning is for a particular person. Consideration will also be given to areas for development. The relevant parts of the code of practice that should be upheld are respecting service users needs and dignity, supporting their rights to control their lives, and establishing and maintaining the trust and confidence of service users. Competency #3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice. Tew (2005) noted that the in the social model of mental distress, core values required include looking at the person and their situation holistically, removing the us and them thinking that tends to dominate mental health services, listening to what people really have to say, and being committed to anti-oppressive practice. X was seen as the expert of her own situation and her own needs. Wherever you are located, and whatever experiences you may, or may not have had, that statement will draw assumptions, just as it would if I were to say I was a nurse, or a Now what? A new model for social work reflection: whatever the weather About the Model. Parker (2000) also states that good helping comes from the identity and integrity of the helper, and this means that the helper (practitioner) should be authentic, and this can help form a good working relationship. There are several reflective models such as Rolfe et al. 23. This was to prevent blurring of professional boundaries and to prevent the creation of unrealistic expectations. Thank you, The best social work and social care jobs, The online resource for social care professionals, Picture posed by models: Photo: Nullplus/Fotolia. Our agency worked with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable members of society, and engaging in uninformed work with these types of service users is a dangerous undertaking (Collingwood et al, 2008). Throughout my encounter with X, I ensured that I did not make promises or give false reassurances about what I can deliver. 30 Things to do on a Sunday for a Productive Week. Jan 28th, 2021 Published. In this model, the authors note that the 5 domains are not to be covered in a single session. It is important to note that critical reflection can be emotionally challenging and there may be times when practitioners prefer to avoid critical reflection for this very understandable reason (Ferguson, 2018; Askeland and Fook, 2009), particularly in relation to group-based reflection. While working within the area of learning disabilities, I developed healthy relationships with service users. Keeping a distance of three to five feet between the social . It is important that practitioners and their managers know which strategies are most effective for them and their team when it comes to extracting valuable insight from mistakes. Critical Reflection plays a significant role in social work, when practicing social work, it is important to reflect on new but also old experience for present and future learning. These might appear to be superficial but they . Critical Analysis Skills for Social Workers perhaps having a dialogue section like supervision can have a . Why? We identify, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of knowledge and evidence. If endings are handled insensitively, the experience can prove traumatic for the service user, leading to feelings of loss and abandonment. While working on cases, I built relationships with other team members and service users, and I am sad to lose those relationships. The creator of Social Work Haven. Models for assessment include ecological, strength based, person centred which are often used when assessing a child. However, it is important to distinguish constructive feedback from blame. Howe, D. (1998). Take the time to understand your supervisee, before trying to use any theories with them. He was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, and dealt with significant anxiety and depression. DCruz, H., Gillingham, P. and Melendez, S. (2007) Reflexivity, its meanings and relevance for social work: A critical review of the literature British Journal of Social Work, 37, 73-90. Reflective model according to Kolb Kolb's reflective model is referred to as "experiential learning". I carried out reviews with X to identify whether her needs are being met and outcomes achieved. In its simplest terms, reflection provides us with an opportunity to review our decisions and decision-making processes however, in practice, reflection is a far more complex concept (Trevethick, 2005: 251). Define the problem Free resources to assist you with your university studies! The reflective tool Purpose Purpose: This section of the Professional Capabilities Framework relates to why we do what we do as social workers, our values and ethics and how we approach our work. Although I noted some areas I could have improved on in my interactions with JK, what was most apparent in my work with him was that my willingness to explore his paradigm and perspectives opened him up to engaging with me on a range of issues, that otherwise may have remained hidden. Some imaginative speculation how else might this have happened? Visualize the quality of the relationship to them using the lines above. This is not a license for your supervisee to do whatever they want. However, it soon became clear to me that the fast-paced working environment, where at times paperwork was promoted over practice, meant that reflection could potentially be ignored in favour of bureaucracy and targets (DCruz et al, 2007). Cameron, A., Lart, R., Bostock, L. and Coomber, C. (2012) Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services, London: SCIE. Gibb's cycle contains six stages: Description Feelings Evaluation Analysis Conclusion Action plan As with other models, Gibb's begins with an outline of the experience being reflected on. Thompson, N. (2009) Practicing Social Work: Meeting the Professional Challenge, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. In other organisations, critical reflection may be seen as less important. Reflecting upon past experience is a vital capability for all social work professionals to develop improved communication skills, commend ourselves for what went well, enhance future performance, and continuing professional development. To begin the case manager and I sat down and had a conversation with the client just to set a comfortable space for assessment when a representative from the council will come and perform an assessment for the client. I introduced the placement setting and the case study, and then looked at my experience of reflection within this setting. I felt that working in this way would help address the service users needs as much as possible. Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Available from: Lightening what came as a shock or surprise. Eye on Ethics. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It will build a better relationship whereby they are more receptive to your feedback. It has been recognised in literature around theory in practice that overly focusing on theory when working with service users can actually hinder the work being done, as the service user can feel depersonalised (Parker, 2010). Highlighting helpful advice and using it in a constructive way is not the same as finger pointing and fault picking, and managers must develop the ability to distinguish between the two. The other type of reflection Schon notes is reflection-in-action, or reflecting on your actions as you are doing them, and considering issues like best practice throughout the process. I will start by outlining my practice setting, and the details of the particular case study. Critical reflection is also part of this framework, making up the entirety of domain 6. However, these power dynamics cannot be ignored, and underline all social work practice.I acknowledged the inherent power dynamics from the inception of my interactions with JK. During a certain period of their lives, humans are faced with feelings of isolation due to the lack of social connectedness. Recently, I received an urgent voicemail message from a hospital social worker: "Please get back to me as soon as possible. Being from Nigeria originally, and coming from a different cultural background than myself, meant that I had to be particularly careful in applying theory to the work that I did with JK.However, it is also clear that practice cannot just be based on routine or habit, with no basis in evidence (Thompson, 2009). Reflection is a process that is centrally concerned with challenging the dominant myths, assumptions and hidden message systems, implicit in the way teaching and education are currently organised; 4. I asked questions that drew on Xs skills and strengths and it enabled X to see how she could use her own skills to achieve her goals. Identifying learning needs: Consider knowledge, attitude, skills >>> 5. Dewey (1993) recognised the importance of discovering new information in reflection. Atkins, S. and Murphy, K. (1994) Reflective Practice, Nursing Standard8(39) 49-56. By adhering to the Equality Act 2010 I ensured that X was treated without discrimination. No one likes to talk about their own mistakes. It is one of the more complex models of reflection but it may be that you find having multiple stages of the process to guide you reassuring. This includes an example assessment and exercises to reflect on and evaluate your analysis, as specified by the Consolidation Programme in Wales, and useful for all practitioners. Should you have any questions regarding our I found this to be the case at times, when I was expected to write my reflections at a certain time, and have reflective supervision in a certain way. I also built a non-judgemental relationship. Reflective Practice in Social Work The Ethical Dimension. (2012) Social Work: A Critical Approach to Practice, London: Sage. Before that, I also list out points you should note before adopting any model of supervision. Upon reflection, I realised that X was not as attached as I thought she would be and this made it easier for her to accept that I was leaving. These service users particularly challenged me, as I found their intersecting issues usually stretch well beyond their dual diagnosis, to other areas like housing or physical health. 7 Pages. I found these to be very helpful in working with JK. Postmodernism is summarised next which Gardner (2014) states it challenges modernist thinking that assigns people to limit categories and often to binaries, understanding of the impact of current thinking at a social level including attitudes to and influences of power and how this is embedded in language. (1993) How we Think: A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the education process, Boston: Health Publishing. MA Education 2022. In addition to this Fook (2002), states that postmodernism also raises awareness of dichotomous thinking, that is seeing the world in pairs of opposites, which imply that one group is better than the other. Schn, D. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner, New York: Basic Books. The Driscoll model is one of many which may be used, so can be applied in many situations (Moon, 2000, 2004). This is helpful in reconsidering an event, and determining whether something could have been done differently or better. White, S. (2001) Auto-ethnography as reflexive enquiry: The research act as self-surveillance, in I. Shaw and N. Gould (eds), Qualitative Research in Social Work, London: Sage. It can give rise to a new or renewed sense of hope and optimism about the future and the part that people can play in shaping their lives (Trevithick, 2000, p. 4). X wants to be able to travel within the community on her own and her self-determination is a strength that can be used to ensure that this happens. I then moved on to look at how reflection promoted me to engage with theory in practice, in particular in relation to systems theory. The team is multidisciplinary and made up of social workers, community care officers, nurses and other medical professions. It includes the domains: 2 - Values and Ethics; 3 - Diversity and Equality; 4 - Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing. To some extent, this was the fault of the other professionals, who did not consult me on the work they were doing with JK, and literature has noted that collaboration is particularly difficult when working with dual diagnosis service users, as mental health and addiction services can disagree over the correct course, or who should take the lead (Clement et al, 1993; Champney-Smith, 2004). A model of reflection is a structured process that is used to guide personal and situational analysis and improvement. My supervisor has taken the time to understand conflicts that arise, and to give her understanding of the situation based on what she knows about me. He received depot injections monthly for his mental health difficulties, and he found these instances particularly distressing. This Weather model was developed by social work students and Siobhan Maclean in 2016. In Gardners final summary she talks about critical social theory which Identifies the interrelationships between cultural and social values and expectations and how these are internalized by individuals, often in unhelpful ways; emphasises the importance of social justice approach. Below are brief outlines of four of the most popular models arranged from easy to more advanced (tip . Knott, C. and Spafford, J. Feelings: Reflect on How you Felt in that Situation, How you Coped with it. Taking into account my learning at the onset of my social work placement, this reflective piece is to show how I have progressed and developed as a professional. Champney-Smith, J. To continue using our website and consent to the use of cookies, click click 'Continue'. But it shows that you are willing to put your head on the block in defence of your supervisee. During my placements, I had two different types of supervisors. They are an inevitable part of the human condition, highlight our flaws, inabilities and limitations and can place a spotlight on what happens when resources and people are stretched too thinly. Models of Reflection A short guide to models of reflective practice Introduction If you are not used to being reflective it can be hard to know where to start the process. From blame way social workers choose to help people meet their goals the experience can traumatic! ) How we think: a History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, London Sage. Between the social working with JK that you are willing to put your head on block! Details of the relationship to them using the lines above are willing to put your head the! Choose to help people meet their goals I comment or protg square peg into round... To five feet between the social felt like the council representative meant well but still had a capitalist view things. 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models of reflection in social work

Relationship-based thinking and practice in social work, Journal of Social Work Practice 16 (2), pp 45 46. Figure 2: Reflective model adapted from Rolfe, (2001) You may find this model useful for a quick summary of events and to look forward. However, because of the large volume of emails I receive daily, please know that if you are a business reaching out for a partnership, I may not respond to your request unless it matches my current business needs. Therefore, social workers need to look at their own underlying assumptions, as well as dominant social narratives, in order to shape their holistic understanding and experience of a given incident. As I gave him this look he looked back at me giving me assurance that this is not right and we both felt uncomfortable. Most importantly, think about what the supervisee needs, rather than attempting to force-fit a model into the supervision session. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. 3. (2012). The final stage of reflection is one of change - for example, of how you see yourself, how you see others, your beliefs, your values, your views and/or opinions. Most of the models and theories that shape the practice are interchangeable and closely related or intertwined ideas but the oldest models like the . A task centred approach was also used as the focus of the relationship between X and I was one of partnership. The full guide provides further ideas and methods to try out when using critical reflection in your own work. Looking for a flexible role? If you enjoyed this blog post, you may also find the following article of interest: Information Service members can also view some of our latest database additions, including the book Reflective practice and learning from mistakes in social work. I felt like the council representative meant well but still had a capitalist view on things. This was to ensure that there were no feelings of loss or abandonment. The social worker service user relationship can be viewed as a two-way process in which both parties affect each other and, ideally, where both parties learn and change within this process. Schon, D. (2002) From technical rationality to reflection-in-action in R. Harrison, F. Reeve, A. Hanson and J. Clarke (eds) Supporting Lifelong Learning: Perspectives on Learning, London: Routledge. I supported X to identify problems and difficulties that she is facing. Termination refers to the process of formally ending a social workerservice user affiliation in a helping relationship (Parker, 2000). In this essay I will explore my experience of reflection during my practice placement, and in particular in relation to a specific case study. In other words, the supervisor should encourage the supervisee to look at how his experiences might have shaped his current perspective of the problem. This essay wont pass a plagiarism check! Johns' model of structured reflection was developed by reflective practices pioneer Christopher Johns for use in the healthcare industry. Of course, it is easier to sustain reflective practice when you are working in more supportive organisations, yet we all have a personal responsibility to be critically reflective and to seek out, wherever possible, like-minded colleagues. Foucault M. (1967) Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, London: Tavistock. Do not commit the error of forcing a square peg into a round hole. The individual must also meet the eligibility criteria as detailed under the Care Act 2014. Social work does not occur in a vacuum. Edubirdie. It was developed with 5 domains and dimensions in mind. Your supervisee needs to be confident that you will not reveal what she has said in such a confidential setting. X had experienced exclusion in the past and has had people come in and out of her life so I was conscious of the insecurities that she may have. Schon (1983) also talks about how his uncertainties act as a learning opportunity and assure the aligning of power imbalances to seek out connections and mutual respect between client and practitioner. In Session A this allowed me to see how JKs addiction and mental health problems were also linked to issues with accommodation, physical health, relationships and employment. However, some tools and strategies include: One of the traditional models of reflection for social workers is Gibbs cycle of reflection (1988). Open University Press, Berkshire, Critical reflection is very challenging for me and I am pleased to learn about this model that promises to be really practical. Finally take a critical look at my practice, and suggest things that I could have done differently. The council representative starts to take down details and starts to talk about what are the current services she is receiving as we started to outline what she is receiving and who from the council representative started to change the way she spoke, during the time I did not want to judge on how she was speaking but I found it difficult not to. Reflective practice helps us to recognise the important links between theory and practice, and to appreciate the risks of treating them as if they were separate domains with little or no connection to each other (Thompson, 2009). Professional Social Work, March, pp28-29, Wilkins, D and Boahen, G (2013) The John Driscoll Model of Reflection is one of the simplest models of reflection. This involves reflection. Throughout my social work education, the difference between the medical model and the social model of experiencing mental illness has been stressed to me, and I clearly saw this when working with JK. I feel that my social work knowledge and skills have improved massively. 25. One of the traditional models of reflection for social workers is Gibbs' cycle of reflection (1988). Yip, K. (2006)Self-reflection in reflective practice: A note of caution British Journal of Social Work, 36(5), 777-788. However, theorists like Sigmund Freud have said that for self-actualisation to be achieved a person needs direct help to solve their problems and focus should be on the problem, not the person. To some extent this is an area that I found reflection lacking in. I felt super conflicted after this home visit and had to tell someone about it. In relation to Session A, one area that I reflected on was that I may have focused too much on theory when working with JK. I am pleased with myself for the knowledge that I have gained within the last five months and will continue to use the skills gained in my next placement. First, it's important to describe what the situation or experience was like. Fair Use Policy or become aware of any violations, please do not hesitate to contact us via There are several reflective models such as Rolfe et al. (2010) Effective Practice Learning in Social Work, Exeter: Learning Matters. There are many different practice models that influence the way social workers choose to help people meet their goals. Before deciding on any model to use, you need to understand your supervisee, or protg. Gardner (2014) concludes the postmodernism section and says that it is important to that post modernists like any other group vary: some would be reluctant to suggest any kind of shared sense of culture, preferring always to ask what the subjective meaning is for a particular person. Consideration will also be given to areas for development. The relevant parts of the code of practice that should be upheld are respecting service users needs and dignity, supporting their rights to control their lives, and establishing and maintaining the trust and confidence of service users. Competency #3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice. Tew (2005) noted that the in the social model of mental distress, core values required include looking at the person and their situation holistically, removing the us and them thinking that tends to dominate mental health services, listening to what people really have to say, and being committed to anti-oppressive practice. X was seen as the expert of her own situation and her own needs. Wherever you are located, and whatever experiences you may, or may not have had, that statement will draw assumptions, just as it would if I were to say I was a nurse, or a Now what? A new model for social work reflection: whatever the weather About the Model. Parker (2000) also states that good helping comes from the identity and integrity of the helper, and this means that the helper (practitioner) should be authentic, and this can help form a good working relationship. There are several reflective models such as Rolfe et al. 23. This was to prevent blurring of professional boundaries and to prevent the creation of unrealistic expectations. Thank you, The best social work and social care jobs, The online resource for social care professionals, Picture posed by models: Photo: Nullplus/Fotolia. Our agency worked with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable members of society, and engaging in uninformed work with these types of service users is a dangerous undertaking (Collingwood et al, 2008). Throughout my encounter with X, I ensured that I did not make promises or give false reassurances about what I can deliver. 30 Things to do on a Sunday for a Productive Week. Jan 28th, 2021 Published. In this model, the authors note that the 5 domains are not to be covered in a single session. It is important to note that critical reflection can be emotionally challenging and there may be times when practitioners prefer to avoid critical reflection for this very understandable reason (Ferguson, 2018; Askeland and Fook, 2009), particularly in relation to group-based reflection. While working within the area of learning disabilities, I developed healthy relationships with service users. Keeping a distance of three to five feet between the social . It is important that practitioners and their managers know which strategies are most effective for them and their team when it comes to extracting valuable insight from mistakes. Critical Reflection plays a significant role in social work, when practicing social work, it is important to reflect on new but also old experience for present and future learning. These might appear to be superficial but they . Critical Analysis Skills for Social Workers perhaps having a dialogue section like supervision can have a . Why? We identify, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of knowledge and evidence. If endings are handled insensitively, the experience can prove traumatic for the service user, leading to feelings of loss and abandonment. While working on cases, I built relationships with other team members and service users, and I am sad to lose those relationships. The creator of Social Work Haven. Models for assessment include ecological, strength based, person centred which are often used when assessing a child. However, it is important to distinguish constructive feedback from blame. Howe, D. (1998). Take the time to understand your supervisee, before trying to use any theories with them. He was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, and dealt with significant anxiety and depression. DCruz, H., Gillingham, P. and Melendez, S. (2007) Reflexivity, its meanings and relevance for social work: A critical review of the literature British Journal of Social Work, 37, 73-90. Reflective model according to Kolb Kolb's reflective model is referred to as "experiential learning". I carried out reviews with X to identify whether her needs are being met and outcomes achieved. In its simplest terms, reflection provides us with an opportunity to review our decisions and decision-making processes however, in practice, reflection is a far more complex concept (Trevethick, 2005: 251). Define the problem Free resources to assist you with your university studies! The reflective tool Purpose Purpose: This section of the Professional Capabilities Framework relates to why we do what we do as social workers, our values and ethics and how we approach our work. Although I noted some areas I could have improved on in my interactions with JK, what was most apparent in my work with him was that my willingness to explore his paradigm and perspectives opened him up to engaging with me on a range of issues, that otherwise may have remained hidden. Some imaginative speculation how else might this have happened? Visualize the quality of the relationship to them using the lines above. This is not a license for your supervisee to do whatever they want. However, it soon became clear to me that the fast-paced working environment, where at times paperwork was promoted over practice, meant that reflection could potentially be ignored in favour of bureaucracy and targets (DCruz et al, 2007). Cameron, A., Lart, R., Bostock, L. and Coomber, C. (2012) Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services, London: SCIE. Gibb's cycle contains six stages: Description Feelings Evaluation Analysis Conclusion Action plan As with other models, Gibb's begins with an outline of the experience being reflected on. Thompson, N. (2009) Practicing Social Work: Meeting the Professional Challenge, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. In other organisations, critical reflection may be seen as less important. Reflecting upon past experience is a vital capability for all social work professionals to develop improved communication skills, commend ourselves for what went well, enhance future performance, and continuing professional development. To begin the case manager and I sat down and had a conversation with the client just to set a comfortable space for assessment when a representative from the council will come and perform an assessment for the client. I introduced the placement setting and the case study, and then looked at my experience of reflection within this setting. I felt that working in this way would help address the service users needs as much as possible. Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Available from: Lightening what came as a shock or surprise. Eye on Ethics. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It will build a better relationship whereby they are more receptive to your feedback. It has been recognised in literature around theory in practice that overly focusing on theory when working with service users can actually hinder the work being done, as the service user can feel depersonalised (Parker, 2010). Highlighting helpful advice and using it in a constructive way is not the same as finger pointing and fault picking, and managers must develop the ability to distinguish between the two. The other type of reflection Schon notes is reflection-in-action, or reflecting on your actions as you are doing them, and considering issues like best practice throughout the process. I will start by outlining my practice setting, and the details of the particular case study. Critical reflection is also part of this framework, making up the entirety of domain 6. However, these power dynamics cannot be ignored, and underline all social work practice.I acknowledged the inherent power dynamics from the inception of my interactions with JK. During a certain period of their lives, humans are faced with feelings of isolation due to the lack of social connectedness. Recently, I received an urgent voicemail message from a hospital social worker: "Please get back to me as soon as possible. Being from Nigeria originally, and coming from a different cultural background than myself, meant that I had to be particularly careful in applying theory to the work that I did with JK.However, it is also clear that practice cannot just be based on routine or habit, with no basis in evidence (Thompson, 2009). Reflection is a process that is centrally concerned with challenging the dominant myths, assumptions and hidden message systems, implicit in the way teaching and education are currently organised; 4. I asked questions that drew on Xs skills and strengths and it enabled X to see how she could use her own skills to achieve her goals. Identifying learning needs: Consider knowledge, attitude, skills >>> 5. Dewey (1993) recognised the importance of discovering new information in reflection. Atkins, S. and Murphy, K. (1994) Reflective Practice, Nursing Standard8(39) 49-56. By adhering to the Equality Act 2010 I ensured that X was treated without discrimination. No one likes to talk about their own mistakes. It is one of the more complex models of reflection but it may be that you find having multiple stages of the process to guide you reassuring. This includes an example assessment and exercises to reflect on and evaluate your analysis, as specified by the Consolidation Programme in Wales, and useful for all practitioners. Should you have any questions regarding our I found this to be the case at times, when I was expected to write my reflections at a certain time, and have reflective supervision in a certain way. I also built a non-judgemental relationship. Reflective Practice in Social Work The Ethical Dimension. (2012) Social Work: A Critical Approach to Practice, London: Sage. Before that, I also list out points you should note before adopting any model of supervision. Upon reflection, I realised that X was not as attached as I thought she would be and this made it easier for her to accept that I was leaving. These service users particularly challenged me, as I found their intersecting issues usually stretch well beyond their dual diagnosis, to other areas like housing or physical health. 7 Pages. I found these to be very helpful in working with JK. Postmodernism is summarised next which Gardner (2014) states it challenges modernist thinking that assigns people to limit categories and often to binaries, understanding of the impact of current thinking at a social level including attitudes to and influences of power and how this is embedded in language. (1993) How we Think: A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the education process, Boston: Health Publishing. MA Education 2022. In addition to this Fook (2002), states that postmodernism also raises awareness of dichotomous thinking, that is seeing the world in pairs of opposites, which imply that one group is better than the other. Schn, D. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner, New York: Basic Books. The Driscoll model is one of many which may be used, so can be applied in many situations (Moon, 2000, 2004). This is helpful in reconsidering an event, and determining whether something could have been done differently or better. White, S. (2001) Auto-ethnography as reflexive enquiry: The research act as self-surveillance, in I. Shaw and N. Gould (eds), Qualitative Research in Social Work, London: Sage. It can give rise to a new or renewed sense of hope and optimism about the future and the part that people can play in shaping their lives (Trevithick, 2000, p. 4). X wants to be able to travel within the community on her own and her self-determination is a strength that can be used to ensure that this happens. I then moved on to look at how reflection promoted me to engage with theory in practice, in particular in relation to systems theory. The team is multidisciplinary and made up of social workers, community care officers, nurses and other medical professions. It includes the domains: 2 - Values and Ethics; 3 - Diversity and Equality; 4 - Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing. To some extent, this was the fault of the other professionals, who did not consult me on the work they were doing with JK, and literature has noted that collaboration is particularly difficult when working with dual diagnosis service users, as mental health and addiction services can disagree over the correct course, or who should take the lead (Clement et al, 1993; Champney-Smith, 2004). A model of reflection is a structured process that is used to guide personal and situational analysis and improvement. My supervisor has taken the time to understand conflicts that arise, and to give her understanding of the situation based on what she knows about me. He received depot injections monthly for his mental health difficulties, and he found these instances particularly distressing. This Weather model was developed by social work students and Siobhan Maclean in 2016. In Gardners final summary she talks about critical social theory which Identifies the interrelationships between cultural and social values and expectations and how these are internalized by individuals, often in unhelpful ways; emphasises the importance of social justice approach. Below are brief outlines of four of the most popular models arranged from easy to more advanced (tip . Knott, C. and Spafford, J. Feelings: Reflect on How you Felt in that Situation, How you Coped with it. Taking into account my learning at the onset of my social work placement, this reflective piece is to show how I have progressed and developed as a professional. Champney-Smith, J. To continue using our website and consent to the use of cookies, click click 'Continue'. But it shows that you are willing to put your head on the block in defence of your supervisee. During my placements, I had two different types of supervisors. They are an inevitable part of the human condition, highlight our flaws, inabilities and limitations and can place a spotlight on what happens when resources and people are stretched too thinly. Models of Reflection A short guide to models of reflective practice Introduction If you are not used to being reflective it can be hard to know where to start the process. From blame way social workers choose to help people meet their goals the experience can traumatic! ) How we think: a History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, London Sage. Between the social working with JK that you are willing to put your head on block! Details of the relationship to them using the lines above are willing to put your head the! Choose to help people meet their goals I comment or protg square peg into round... To five feet between the social felt like the council representative meant well but still had a capitalist view things. 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