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Ive picked a selection of analytics queries that explore different access patterns. Glue crawlers sadly misinterprets things quite often and creates tables that don't work properly with Athena. Yes, Parquet performed better than the other options. bad_rows_prod1.tracker_protocol_violations. For each, I ran the query against the four datasets (Avro, JSON, GZipped JSON, and Parquet), and recorded Athenas runtime and data scanned statistics. In July 2022, did China have more nuclear weapons than Domino's Pizza locations? How can I repair this rotted fence post with footing below ground? Built with Docusaurus. Does the Fool say "There is no God" or "No to God" in Psalm 14:1. In my Friends Dont Let Friends Use JSON post, I noted that I preferred Avro to Parquet, because it was easier to write code to use it. If youd like to run this yourself, youll find the data generator and relevant CloudFormation templates here. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Note: Runtime variables in Chains, such as those used for date and time transformations, use Python strftime rather than Presto SQL. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. It contains most of the same information as the product page event, along with the number of units added. Amazon Athena uses Presto, so you can use any date functions that Presto provides.You'll be wanting to use current_date - interval '7' day, or similar.. WITH events AS ( SELECT event.eventVersion, event.eventID, event.eventTime, event.eventName, event.eventType, event.eventSource, event.awsRegion, event.sourceIPAddress, event.userAgent, event.userIdentity.type AS userType, event.userIdentity . As a result, you have to calculate the difference outside the query or by repeating the count expressions.. As I said above, Athena merges the two tables when performing a join. 0 Answers Avg Quality 2/10 . Hydrogen Isotopes and Bronsted Lowry Acid, Can't get TagSetDelayed to match LHS when the latter has a Hold attribute set, Ways to find a safe route on flooded roads. Each different failed event type (e.g. Athenaon AWS andBigQueryon GCP are tools that let you query your failed events, using the cloud storage files as a back-end data source. rev2023.6.2.43474. We recommend creating all tables, although you can skip the ones you are not interested in. If you define the table as holding a timestamp, then Athena will report dates far in the future. # Table 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1.tracker_protocol_violations' successfully created. parse_datetime(string, format) timestamp with time zone. Category: Analysis. TIMESTAMP STRING But if Im processing relatively small files, writing my own code to create the schema and translate the data, then I still lean toward Avro. Try to use from_iso8601_timestamp. For additional timezone related functions and examples, see Timezone functions and examples. Contributed on Dec 12 2020 . Use the --external_table_definition parameter so that BigQuery uses the bucket as the back-end data source. select * from table_name where servertime between TIMESTAMP '2018-04-01 00:00:00' and TIMESTAMP '2018-04 . Now run bq mk for each table definition in turn. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. The mapping between the various failed event tables and the corresponding JSON schemas is here. 576), AI/ML Tool examples part 3 - Title-Drafting Assistant, We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows. This is likely to reduce Parquets performance advantage. One thing to note is that Athena, unlike Redshift, cant use select-expression aliases (such as views and adds) in the select list. Formats timestamp as a string using format. Applications of maximal surfaces in Lorentz spaces. Accessing failed event aggregates via the API. Can Bluetooth mix input from guitar and send it to headphones? I had a column with timestamp 2017-11-15T11:18:42.573Z format, searching in the documentation figured out that parse_datetime parses the timestamp. Share . It looks like this: "2020-11-14 20:33:42". #. This approach is great for debugging your pipeline without the need to load your failed events into a separate database. Which fighter jet is this, based on the silhouette? It identifies the user, the total number of items purchased, and their total value. If you define the table as holding a timestamp, then Athena will report dates far in the future. Because of the way that the Glue SerDe wrote timestamps, I needed to first convert them to an Athena-compatible value. And since this query involves almost all of the rows of the two tables (excepting the timestamps and cart quantity), theres little benefit to be gained from Parquet. 0. I'm processing CSV files, outputting parquet files using Pandas in an AWS Lambda function, saving the data to an S3 bucket to query with Athena. Querying failed events in Athena and BigQuery. Link to this answer Share Copy Link . Movie in which a group of friends are driven to an abandoned warehouse full of vampires. Not the answer you're looking for? The following query uses the from_unixtime and to_iso8601 functions to return the timestamp field in human-readable ISO 8601 format (for example, 2019-12-13T23:40:12.000Z instead of 1576280412771). I was expecting it to be at least as fast as JSON, because internally it stores data in a binary format. If the timestamps used some other format, you might have to convert the timestamp column into an actual Athena timestamp, and compare using the same logic as the Parquet query. This is a result of its columnar data layout: Athena only had to read the two columns involved in the query. This is because depending on the variety of the failed event, the error might be a simple string or a complex object with additional detail. Note that we dont have to do any conversions on the timestamps: each of the data formats represents those timestamps in a way that a simple comparison will work. Interval and duration. AT TIME ZONE. The following list contains the time zones that can be used with the AT TIME ZONE operator in Athena. . And lastly, the output of your SerDe must match the input expected by Athena (or whatever tool youre using). This query will work, but it is relatively expensive because it will scan all files in theschema_violationsdirectory: You can construct a more economical query by using the_FILE_NAMEpseudo column to restrict the scan to files from the last week: You can repeat that query for each table you created in your bad rows dataset. The other thing that this query highlights is the different forms of date handling. So I decided to do some benchmarking. Please visit below address to learn more about timestamp related functions: https: . Hot Network Questions Runtime is in seconds, rounded to the nearest hundredth (and even that, I think, might give a false sense of precision: sometimes the numbers were replicable, sometimes they varied by a second or more between runs). Parquet is an even bigger win for this query, with over two orders of magnitude less data scanned. Fortunately, the two objects are interconvertible: you can start by reading into a DataFrame, then create a DynamicFrame to perform transforms and write your data in formats that DataFrame doesnt support. If you created one file per day, or one per hour (reasonable from a busy stream), then you may pay more in file reads than you save from columnar storage. Before you can query this data, you need to create corresponding tables in Athena or BigQuery as we explain below. As far as I can tell, its just because the chunk of each file containing timestamps can be read and scanned very quickly. Start by creating a database (replace {{DATABASE}} with the name of your pipeline, e.g. And I was disappointed by Avros performance, both in terms of query time and bytes scanned. date_add (unit, bigint, date), date_add (unit, bigint, time), date_add (varchar (x), bigint, timestamp) Adds a bigint of units, where unit is one of [second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, or year]. Of course, in the real world you would probably partition your files by date, meaning that Athena would only read a subset of the files regardless of format. For a TIMESTAMP column to work in Athena you need to use a specific format, which unfortunately is not ISO 8601. from_iso8601_timestamp (string) timestamp(3) with time zone # Parses the ISO 8601 formatted date string , optionally with time and time zone, into a timestamp(3) with time zone . TIMESTAMP Athena Java TIMESTAMP YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.fffffffff. What does Bell mean by polarization of spin state? This approach is great for debugging your pipeline without the need to load . Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Algiers Africa/Asmara Africa . Tags: athena string to-timestamp whatever. So you might wonder why it is necessary to provide explicit schema definitions for your tables. The DynamicFrame provides some common operations to transform your data, and also infers the schema for your data. Tags: athena, avro, aws, data engineering, data warehouse, parquet This table represents customers adding items to their shopping cart. Is there anything called Shallow Learning? Repeat this query for each table you have created: If you have schema violations, you might want to find which tracker sent the event: You can do a deeper dive into the error messages to get a explanation of the last 10 failures: You can query your tables from the query editor in theBigQuery console. format_datetime(timestamp, format) varchar. Does the policy change for AI-generated content affect users who (want to) Amazon Athena: Dateparse shows Invalid Format, AWS Athena SQL Query Error with timestamp, Athena returns wrong values for timestamp fields in parquet files, Results fetched from AWS Athena have different values in timestamp column, AWS Athena's conversion from Epoch to timestamp using create table populated with wrong data, AWS Athena table from python output with dates - dates get wrongly converted, AWS Athena error: Value cannot be cast to timestamp, Pandas time stamp column column having issues reading to redshift. It also writes column names in mixed case, which will cause problems for Athena unless you provide an explicit mapping in the table definition or do as I do, and lowercase the names in the Glue script. Athena on AWS and BigQuery on GCP are tools that let you query your failed events, using the cloud storage files as a back-end data source. The functions in this section use a format string that is compatible with JodaTime's DateTimeFormat pattern format. From a business perspective, trend and current data is more important than an overall aggregation. So, if I have the opportunity to aggregate data into large files, then I think Parquet is the right way to go. I then run a Glue crawler against the parquet files that this script outputs, and in S3, can query the data fine: The glue crawler correctly identifies the column as timestamp: But when I then query the table in Athena, I get this for the date: What has Athena so confused about the timestamp? Finding large and relevant datasets is a challenge. Example: SELECT from_iso8601_timestamp(ts) FROM timestamptestcsv3 Related information. The query also returns the HTTP source name, source ID, and request. Instead, . format_datetime(timestamp, format) varchar. But it wasnt even competitive. It looks like this: "2020-11-14 20:33:42". Timestream supports the following interval and duration functions for date and time. The Parquet query is pretty much what youd expect: The JSON query uses strings for the between clause. Popularity 9/10 Helpfulness 8/10 Language whatever. So, I need to make my column a text column and parse it using from_iso8601_timestamp(ts)? So, to make these examples realistic, I generated my data. 'output-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+T[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+', "invalid json: expected false got 'foo' (line 1, column 1)", "Unexpected exception fetching: org.http4s.client.UnexpectedStatus: unexpected HTTP status: 404 Not Found", -- Unnest individual messages for each failed event. And lastly, the Avro version. At its most basic, you tell Glue to read one file format and write another; if you need to, you can transform the data between those steps. This is a simple aggregation over one table; it requires reading every row. Create a dataset to contain your failed event tables: The--data-locationshould match the location of your bad rows bucket. Because developer time is much more valuable than machine time. If you have tracker protocol failures, you can do a deeper dive into the error messages to get a explanation of the last 10 failures: You might notice that the error field in the result of the query above has the JSON type. Use of Stein's maximal principle in Bourgain's paper on Besicovitch sets. Is there a place where adultery is a crime? May 16, 2023May 16, 2023 by Keith Gregory I expected some pushback, and got it: Parquet is much more performant. To extract date out of the timestamp I cast it to date. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Then I created Athena tables for each of the datasets. If you present the timestamp just as varchar, Athena will not convert those into timestamps. Then use the from_iso8601_timestamp() function to read the ts field as TIMESTAMP. Results. #. prod1 or qa1): Then run each sql statement provided in the badrows-tables repository by copying them into the Athena query editor. The Glue Avro SerDe, for example, writes timestamps and decimals as strings by default; you must configure it to write them as Avro logical types. How does one show in IPA that the first sound in "get" and "got" is different? If you have a large amount of data to transform (for example, 19 GB of JSON to transform into Parquet and Avro), then Glue is the easiest way to do it. Amazon Athena Converting String to Date. # Dataset 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1' successfully created. Return the timestamp field in human-readable ISO 8601 format. All events also have a unique identifer. In comparison to the previous query, Parquet does have an advantage here: it only needs to read the userid and timestamp columns from the two tables. I then wrote a Glue script to transform this raw data into Avro and Parquet, and manually downloaded and GZipped the JSON. Next, download the table definitions provided in the badrows-tables repository in JSON format. Go tothe Athena dashboardand use the query editor. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. # Table 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1.schema_violations' successfully created. The first is the difference between a Spark DataFrame and a Glue DynamicFrame. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This works because of the way that the timestamps are formatted: lexical order is the same as timestamp order. With the other formats, Athena had to read the entire file. Instead, you must define the column as a bigint and transform it for use (which is one of the JSON problems that I was trying to avoid in the first place!). I wondered if perhaps the column metadata identified the minimum and maximum values stored in the file, allowing Athena to skip files that didnt contain the date range, but the Parquet file format doc doesnt show any such metadata. And I have to admit: Avro disappointed me with its performance. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. schema violations, adapter failures) has a different schema, so you will need one table per event type. Athena supports the following formats: TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT, BOOLEAN, DOUBLE ,STRING, TIMESTAMP, DECIMAL, DATE (not supported for PARQUET file_format) and VARCHAR. Or perhaps not: I modified the Glue job to generate a larger number of partitions, and while the queries took longer, it wasnt that much more: the top 10 cart adds query ran in 1.4 seconds versus 1.05, and scanned 58 MB of data rather than 42. These objects are both table-like data stuctures, and are used when reading and writing data. The data exists in the input file. Formats timestamp as a string using format. WHERE from_iso8601_timestamp(data.failure.timestamp) > timestamp '2020-04-01'. When you enter your query in the SQL Editor or create a calculation, you use Presto SQL syntax.To adjust or perform calculations on date or timestamp values, you may find these common functions useful. The problem you are seeing is related to your between condition. This is, possibly, a result of the SerDe that Athena uses to read the data. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Note that the sql statements contain a few placeholders which you will need to edit before you can create the tables: These instructions make use of thebq command-line toolwhich is packaged with thegoogle cloud sdk. Again looking at the Avro SerDe: it writes timestamps in microseconds, while Athena expects them in milliseconds. Java Date Functions. Tender Turkey. This latter feature is great if you have dirty data, or are combining data from heterogenous sources, because it lets you define the actual schema after the fact with a transform. All of which is to say that reading the documentation is important, as is experimenting with your data in a notebook before firing off a Glue job. To convert the time zone of a timestamp, use . However, if you know the schema of your data, and know that it wont deviate from the schema, then its easier to apply that schema when reading the data, which only DataFrame supports. sp-storage-loader-bad-prod1-com_acme). If a customer puts an item in their cart but never completes checkout, we consider that cart abandoned. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct. some common operations to transform your data. There are, however, some quirks in the process of which you should be aware. as units_added from "athena-parquet"."add_to_cart" where "timestamp" between from_iso8601_timestamp('2023-05-03T21:00:00') and from_iso8601_timestamp('2023-05-03T22:00:00') group by productid order by units_added desc limit 10; . Each table definition contains a {{ BUCKET }} placeholder which needs to be changed to the GCS bucket where your bad rows files are stored (e.g. What if the numbers and words I wrote on my check don't match? Parsed the timestamp as parse_datetime(field_name, 'YYYY-MM-DD''T''HH:mm:ss.SSS''Z') as date which gave the timestamp in UTC format. BigQuery has an Auto-detect feature to automatically generate the table definition for you by inspecting the file contents. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. # Table 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1.adapter_failures' successfully created. This table represents the last stage in the purchase funnel. The part . Glue crawlers sadly misinterprets things quite often and creates tables that don't work properly with Athena. There are two potential pitfalls when using the autogenerated schema with the Snowplow bad rows files: As example of using your Athena tables, you might start by getting counts of each failed event type from the last week. Table generation error: ! When I query a column of TIMESTAMP data in my Amazon Athena table, I get empty results or the query fails. Two attempts of an if with an "and" are failing: if [ ] -a [ ] , if [[ && ]] Why? Date columns in the AWS Cost and Usage report come in the following format: '2017-11-01T00:00:00Z', which is not recognized by Athena when creating a table. The functions in this section use a format string that is compatible with JodaTime's DateTimeFormat pattern format. For a TIMESTAMP column to work in Athena you need to use a specific format, which unfortunately is not ISO 8601. For instance, if you are interested in Iglu repositories that failed to resolve, you can use something like this: Its also possible, although unwieldy, to reduce all errors to a single string: In the future, we plan to simplify the schemas of failed events so that they are more uniform and straightforward to query. For that to happen, you need to pass an explicit typecast. From the perspective of comparing data formats, it adds another dimension to the query plan: only some of the rows will contribute to the result. Copyright 2023 Snowplow Analytics Ltd. Is there any evidence suggesting or refuting that Russian officials knowingly lied that Russia was not going to attack Ukraine? Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Sorted by: 59. Follow the sdk instructions for how toinitialize and authenticate the sdk. Is linked content still subject to the CC-BY-SA license? BigQuery has a variety of JSON functions that allow you to extract data from within complex objects. I adapted this event generator to write JSON files to S3, and ran it for a simulated population of 1,000,000 users, 10,000 products, and 100,000,000 total events (I ignored some events for this post, so the numbers below wont add up). We recommend creating all tables, although you can skip the ones you are not interested in. If you were writing the file yourself, and could chose the Athena-compatible timestamp-millis logical type, there would be no need for this conversion. Also take a look at theBigQuery dashboardas you run these commands, so you can see your tables as you create them. The easiest way to discover these users is with an outer join between the add_to_cart and checkout_complete tables, comparing the timestamps of each. Chariots Data Engineering interview uses a simulated source of clickstream events: the sort of events that you might get when recording users actions on your e-Commerce website. SELECT data.failure.messages FROM adapter_failures. la_time 2012-10-30 18: 00: 00.000 America / Los_Angeles. Convert string to date, ISO 8601 date format Format: yyyy-mm-dd select from_iso8601_date('2018-12-11') from mytable -- 2018-12-11 Convert string to datetime, ISO 8601 timestamp format Format: yyyy-mm-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSS select from_iso8601_timestamp('2009-10-30T17:59:55.047') from mytable -- 2009-10-30 17:59:55.047 UTC For example, the invalid JSON message might have this error: In contrast, in case of a failure to resolve Iglu server, the value in the error field would look like this, with sub-errors inside: You can figure out what to expect from such a field by looking at the JSON schema for the respective type of failed events, in this case the tracker protocol violations schema. Here is how to run the command for the first three tables (note that you should change the dataset name bad_rows_prod1 to match the dataset you just created): Run the corresponding commands for the remaining table definitions. The RAW input format to the Lambda function is CSV, with a unix timestamp in UTC that looks like: I process the data further in the Lambda function, then output a parquet file. Having to jump through hoops to compensate for the SerDe didnt help. You can use from_iso8601_timestamp(ts) to parse ISO 8601 timestamps in queries. Hi, I have been stuck on this problem for hours now and really appreciate the community's help here. cast string to timestamp athena Comment . 2. You might want to start by getting counts of each failed event type from the last week. A second quirk is that the SerDe (serializer/deserializer, used to read and write files) might not behave as you expect or desire. TIMESTAMP STRINGdate_parse from_iso8601_timestamp () ()type athenaS3JSON "queued_at": "2019-04-12T06:02:48.231Z", TIMESTAMP athena . 1 Answer. Source: Amazon Athena convert string to date time. First story of aliens pretending to be humans especially a "human" family (like Coneheads) that is trying to fit in, maybe for a long time? Java date functions. This is a join between two tables, which Athena performs by selecting all rows from both tables and then doing a merge. How to convert Athena timestamp to string. I am pulling data from Athena. parse_datetime(string, format) timestamp with time zone. AWS Athena mis-interpreting timestamp column, Building a safer community: Announcing our new Code of Conduct, Balancing a PhD program with a startup career (Ep. Also replaceprod1with the name of your pipeline. This Athena table has a date format in ISO-8601. You can use from_iso8601_timestamp (ts) to parse ISO 8601 timestamps in queries. Theres nothing here that reduces the number of rows in the join, so the total data scanned roughly equals the size of the two tables. In some cases, much better. To keep costs down, I prefer using the aws-glue-libs Docker container, rather than a managed developer notebook. The time defaults to 00:00:00.000 , and the time zone defaults to the session time zone: I expected Parquet to have an edge here, and was not disappointed: it ran much faster than the others, and scanned an order of magnitude less data. But one thing to consider is that this dataset is almost perfectly targeted to Parquet: its a relatively small number of relatively large files. 2. This table represents a person viewing the description page for a product, and identifies the user, the product, and the time that the event happened. It identifies the user, the output of your pipeline without the need to create corresponding tables Athena... Read the entire file get empty results or the query fails be at least as fast as,... Script to transform this raw data into Avro and Parquet, and their total value tell, its just the... 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Ive picked a selection of analytics queries that explore different access patterns. Glue crawlers sadly misinterprets things quite often and creates tables that don't work properly with Athena. Yes, Parquet performed better than the other options. bad_rows_prod1.tracker_protocol_violations. For each, I ran the query against the four datasets (Avro, JSON, GZipped JSON, and Parquet), and recorded Athenas runtime and data scanned statistics. In July 2022, did China have more nuclear weapons than Domino's Pizza locations? How can I repair this rotted fence post with footing below ground? Built with Docusaurus. Does the Fool say "There is no God" or "No to God" in Psalm 14:1. In my Friends Dont Let Friends Use JSON post, I noted that I preferred Avro to Parquet, because it was easier to write code to use it. If youd like to run this yourself, youll find the data generator and relevant CloudFormation templates here. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Note: Runtime variables in Chains, such as those used for date and time transformations, use Python strftime rather than Presto SQL. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. It contains most of the same information as the product page event, along with the number of units added. Amazon Athena uses Presto, so you can use any date functions that Presto provides.You'll be wanting to use current_date - interval '7' day, or similar.. WITH events AS ( SELECT event.eventVersion, event.eventID, event.eventTime, event.eventName, event.eventType, event.eventSource, event.awsRegion, event.sourceIPAddress, event.userAgent, event.userIdentity.type AS userType, event.userIdentity . As a result, you have to calculate the difference outside the query or by repeating the count expressions.. As I said above, Athena merges the two tables when performing a join. 0 Answers Avg Quality 2/10 . Hydrogen Isotopes and Bronsted Lowry Acid, Can't get TagSetDelayed to match LHS when the latter has a Hold attribute set, Ways to find a safe route on flooded roads. Each different failed event type (e.g. Athenaon AWS andBigQueryon GCP are tools that let you query your failed events, using the cloud storage files as a back-end data source. rev2023.6.2.43474. We recommend creating all tables, although you can skip the ones you are not interested in. If you define the table as holding a timestamp, then Athena will report dates far in the future. # Table 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1.tracker_protocol_violations' successfully created. parse_datetime(string, format) timestamp with time zone. Category: Analysis. TIMESTAMP STRING But if Im processing relatively small files, writing my own code to create the schema and translate the data, then I still lean toward Avro. Try to use from_iso8601_timestamp. For additional timezone related functions and examples, see Timezone functions and examples. Contributed on Dec 12 2020 . Use the --external_table_definition parameter so that BigQuery uses the bucket as the back-end data source. select * from table_name where servertime between TIMESTAMP '2018-04-01 00:00:00' and TIMESTAMP '2018-04 . Now run bq mk for each table definition in turn. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. The mapping between the various failed event tables and the corresponding JSON schemas is here. 576), AI/ML Tool examples part 3 - Title-Drafting Assistant, We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows. This is likely to reduce Parquets performance advantage. One thing to note is that Athena, unlike Redshift, cant use select-expression aliases (such as views and adds) in the select list. Formats timestamp as a string using format. Applications of maximal surfaces in Lorentz spaces. Accessing failed event aggregates via the API. Can Bluetooth mix input from guitar and send it to headphones? I had a column with timestamp 2017-11-15T11:18:42.573Z format, searching in the documentation figured out that parse_datetime parses the timestamp. Share . It looks like this: "2020-11-14 20:33:42". #. This approach is great for debugging your pipeline without the need to load your failed events into a separate database. Which fighter jet is this, based on the silhouette? It identifies the user, the total number of items purchased, and their total value. If you define the table as holding a timestamp, then Athena will report dates far in the future. Because of the way that the Glue SerDe wrote timestamps, I needed to first convert them to an Athena-compatible value. And since this query involves almost all of the rows of the two tables (excepting the timestamps and cart quantity), theres little benefit to be gained from Parquet. 0. I'm processing CSV files, outputting parquet files using Pandas in an AWS Lambda function, saving the data to an S3 bucket to query with Athena. Querying failed events in Athena and BigQuery. Link to this answer Share Copy Link . Movie in which a group of friends are driven to an abandoned warehouse full of vampires. Not the answer you're looking for? The following query uses the from_unixtime and to_iso8601 functions to return the timestamp field in human-readable ISO 8601 format (for example, 2019-12-13T23:40:12.000Z instead of 1576280412771). I was expecting it to be at least as fast as JSON, because internally it stores data in a binary format. If the timestamps used some other format, you might have to convert the timestamp column into an actual Athena timestamp, and compare using the same logic as the Parquet query. This is a result of its columnar data layout: Athena only had to read the two columns involved in the query. This is because depending on the variety of the failed event, the error might be a simple string or a complex object with additional detail. Note that we dont have to do any conversions on the timestamps: each of the data formats represents those timestamps in a way that a simple comparison will work. Interval and duration. AT TIME ZONE. The following list contains the time zones that can be used with the AT TIME ZONE operator in Athena. . And lastly, the output of your SerDe must match the input expected by Athena (or whatever tool youre using). This query will work, but it is relatively expensive because it will scan all files in theschema_violationsdirectory: You can construct a more economical query by using the_FILE_NAMEpseudo column to restrict the scan to files from the last week: You can repeat that query for each table you created in your bad rows dataset. The other thing that this query highlights is the different forms of date handling. So I decided to do some benchmarking. Please visit below address to learn more about timestamp related functions: https: . Hot Network Questions Runtime is in seconds, rounded to the nearest hundredth (and even that, I think, might give a false sense of precision: sometimes the numbers were replicable, sometimes they varied by a second or more between runs). Parquet is an even bigger win for this query, with over two orders of magnitude less data scanned. Fortunately, the two objects are interconvertible: you can start by reading into a DataFrame, then create a DynamicFrame to perform transforms and write your data in formats that DataFrame doesnt support. If you created one file per day, or one per hour (reasonable from a busy stream), then you may pay more in file reads than you save from columnar storage. Before you can query this data, you need to create corresponding tables in Athena or BigQuery as we explain below. As far as I can tell, its just because the chunk of each file containing timestamps can be read and scanned very quickly. Start by creating a database (replace {{DATABASE}} with the name of your pipeline, e.g. And I was disappointed by Avros performance, both in terms of query time and bytes scanned. date_add (unit, bigint, date), date_add (unit, bigint, time), date_add (varchar (x), bigint, timestamp) Adds a bigint of units, where unit is one of [second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, or year]. Of course, in the real world you would probably partition your files by date, meaning that Athena would only read a subset of the files regardless of format. For a TIMESTAMP column to work in Athena you need to use a specific format, which unfortunately is not ISO 8601. from_iso8601_timestamp (string) timestamp(3) with time zone # Parses the ISO 8601 formatted date string , optionally with time and time zone, into a timestamp(3) with time zone . TIMESTAMP Athena Java TIMESTAMP YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.fffffffff. What does Bell mean by polarization of spin state? This approach is great for debugging your pipeline without the need to load . Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Algiers Africa/Asmara Africa . Tags: athena string to-timestamp whatever. So you might wonder why it is necessary to provide explicit schema definitions for your tables. The DynamicFrame provides some common operations to transform your data, and also infers the schema for your data. Tags: athena, avro, aws, data engineering, data warehouse, parquet This table represents customers adding items to their shopping cart. Is there anything called Shallow Learning? Repeat this query for each table you have created: If you have schema violations, you might want to find which tracker sent the event: You can do a deeper dive into the error messages to get a explanation of the last 10 failures: You can query your tables from the query editor in theBigQuery console. format_datetime(timestamp, format) varchar. Does the policy change for AI-generated content affect users who (want to) Amazon Athena: Dateparse shows Invalid Format, AWS Athena SQL Query Error with timestamp, Athena returns wrong values for timestamp fields in parquet files, Results fetched from AWS Athena have different values in timestamp column, AWS Athena's conversion from Epoch to timestamp using create table populated with wrong data, AWS Athena table from python output with dates - dates get wrongly converted, AWS Athena error: Value cannot be cast to timestamp, Pandas time stamp column column having issues reading to redshift. It also writes column names in mixed case, which will cause problems for Athena unless you provide an explicit mapping in the table definition or do as I do, and lowercase the names in the Glue script. Athena on AWS and BigQuery on GCP are tools that let you query your failed events, using the cloud storage files as a back-end data source. The functions in this section use a format string that is compatible with JodaTime's DateTimeFormat pattern format. From a business perspective, trend and current data is more important than an overall aggregation. So, if I have the opportunity to aggregate data into large files, then I think Parquet is the right way to go. I then run a Glue crawler against the parquet files that this script outputs, and in S3, can query the data fine: The glue crawler correctly identifies the column as timestamp: But when I then query the table in Athena, I get this for the date: What has Athena so confused about the timestamp? Finding large and relevant datasets is a challenge. Example: SELECT from_iso8601_timestamp(ts) FROM timestamptestcsv3 Related information. The query also returns the HTTP source name, source ID, and request. Instead, . format_datetime(timestamp, format) varchar. But it wasnt even competitive. It looks like this: "2020-11-14 20:33:42". Timestream supports the following interval and duration functions for date and time. The Parquet query is pretty much what youd expect: The JSON query uses strings for the between clause. Popularity 9/10 Helpfulness 8/10 Language whatever. So, I need to make my column a text column and parse it using from_iso8601_timestamp(ts)? So, to make these examples realistic, I generated my data. 'output-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+T[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+', "invalid json: expected false got 'foo' (line 1, column 1)", "Unexpected exception fetching: org.http4s.client.UnexpectedStatus: unexpected HTTP status: 404 Not Found", -- Unnest individual messages for each failed event. And lastly, the Avro version. At its most basic, you tell Glue to read one file format and write another; if you need to, you can transform the data between those steps. This is a simple aggregation over one table; it requires reading every row. Create a dataset to contain your failed event tables: The--data-locationshould match the location of your bad rows bucket. Because developer time is much more valuable than machine time. If you have tracker protocol failures, you can do a deeper dive into the error messages to get a explanation of the last 10 failures: You might notice that the error field in the result of the query above has the JSON type. Use of Stein's maximal principle in Bourgain's paper on Besicovitch sets. Is there a place where adultery is a crime? May 16, 2023May 16, 2023 by Keith Gregory I expected some pushback, and got it: Parquet is much more performant. To extract date out of the timestamp I cast it to date. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Then I created Athena tables for each of the datasets. If you present the timestamp just as varchar, Athena will not convert those into timestamps. Then use the from_iso8601_timestamp() function to read the ts field as TIMESTAMP. Results. #. prod1 or qa1): Then run each sql statement provided in the badrows-tables repository by copying them into the Athena query editor. The Glue Avro SerDe, for example, writes timestamps and decimals as strings by default; you must configure it to write them as Avro logical types. How does one show in IPA that the first sound in "get" and "got" is different? If you have a large amount of data to transform (for example, 19 GB of JSON to transform into Parquet and Avro), then Glue is the easiest way to do it. Amazon Athena Converting String to Date. # Dataset 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1' successfully created. Return the timestamp field in human-readable ISO 8601 format. All events also have a unique identifer. In comparison to the previous query, Parquet does have an advantage here: it only needs to read the userid and timestamp columns from the two tables. I then wrote a Glue script to transform this raw data into Avro and Parquet, and manually downloaded and GZipped the JSON. Next, download the table definitions provided in the badrows-tables repository in JSON format. Go tothe Athena dashboardand use the query editor. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. # Table 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1.schema_violations' successfully created. The first is the difference between a Spark DataFrame and a Glue DynamicFrame. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This works because of the way that the timestamps are formatted: lexical order is the same as timestamp order. With the other formats, Athena had to read the entire file. Instead, you must define the column as a bigint and transform it for use (which is one of the JSON problems that I was trying to avoid in the first place!). I wondered if perhaps the column metadata identified the minimum and maximum values stored in the file, allowing Athena to skip files that didnt contain the date range, but the Parquet file format doc doesnt show any such metadata. And I have to admit: Avro disappointed me with its performance. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. schema violations, adapter failures) has a different schema, so you will need one table per event type. Athena supports the following formats: TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT, BOOLEAN, DOUBLE ,STRING, TIMESTAMP, DECIMAL, DATE (not supported for PARQUET file_format) and VARCHAR. Or perhaps not: I modified the Glue job to generate a larger number of partitions, and while the queries took longer, it wasnt that much more: the top 10 cart adds query ran in 1.4 seconds versus 1.05, and scanned 58 MB of data rather than 42. These objects are both table-like data stuctures, and are used when reading and writing data. The data exists in the input file. Formats timestamp as a string using format. WHERE from_iso8601_timestamp(data.failure.timestamp) > timestamp '2020-04-01'. When you enter your query in the SQL Editor or create a calculation, you use Presto SQL syntax.To adjust or perform calculations on date or timestamp values, you may find these common functions useful. The problem you are seeing is related to your between condition. This is, possibly, a result of the SerDe that Athena uses to read the data. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Note that the sql statements contain a few placeholders which you will need to edit before you can create the tables: These instructions make use of thebq command-line toolwhich is packaged with thegoogle cloud sdk. Again looking at the Avro SerDe: it writes timestamps in microseconds, while Athena expects them in milliseconds. Java Date Functions. Tender Turkey. This latter feature is great if you have dirty data, or are combining data from heterogenous sources, because it lets you define the actual schema after the fact with a transform. All of which is to say that reading the documentation is important, as is experimenting with your data in a notebook before firing off a Glue job. To convert the time zone of a timestamp, use . However, if you know the schema of your data, and know that it wont deviate from the schema, then its easier to apply that schema when reading the data, which only DataFrame supports. sp-storage-loader-bad-prod1-com_acme). If a customer puts an item in their cart but never completes checkout, we consider that cart abandoned. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct. some common operations to transform your data. There are, however, some quirks in the process of which you should be aware. as units_added from "athena-parquet"."add_to_cart" where "timestamp" between from_iso8601_timestamp('2023-05-03T21:00:00') and from_iso8601_timestamp('2023-05-03T22:00:00') group by productid order by units_added desc limit 10; . Each table definition contains a {{ BUCKET }} placeholder which needs to be changed to the GCS bucket where your bad rows files are stored (e.g. What if the numbers and words I wrote on my check don't match? Parsed the timestamp as parse_datetime(field_name, 'YYYY-MM-DD''T''HH:mm:ss.SSS''Z') as date which gave the timestamp in UTC format. BigQuery has an Auto-detect feature to automatically generate the table definition for you by inspecting the file contents. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. # Table 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1.adapter_failures' successfully created. This table represents the last stage in the purchase funnel. The part . Glue crawlers sadly misinterprets things quite often and creates tables that don't work properly with Athena. There are two potential pitfalls when using the autogenerated schema with the Snowplow bad rows files: As example of using your Athena tables, you might start by getting counts of each failed event type from the last week. Table generation error: ! When I query a column of TIMESTAMP data in my Amazon Athena table, I get empty results or the query fails. Two attempts of an if with an "and" are failing: if [ ] -a [ ] , if [[ && ]] Why? Date columns in the AWS Cost and Usage report come in the following format: '2017-11-01T00:00:00Z', which is not recognized by Athena when creating a table. The functions in this section use a format string that is compatible with JodaTime's DateTimeFormat pattern format. For a TIMESTAMP column to work in Athena you need to use a specific format, which unfortunately is not ISO 8601. For instance, if you are interested in Iglu repositories that failed to resolve, you can use something like this: Its also possible, although unwieldy, to reduce all errors to a single string: In the future, we plan to simplify the schemas of failed events so that they are more uniform and straightforward to query. For that to happen, you need to pass an explicit typecast. From the perspective of comparing data formats, it adds another dimension to the query plan: only some of the rows will contribute to the result. Copyright 2023 Snowplow Analytics Ltd. Is there any evidence suggesting or refuting that Russian officials knowingly lied that Russia was not going to attack Ukraine? Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Sorted by: 59. Follow the sdk instructions for how toinitialize and authenticate the sdk. Is linked content still subject to the CC-BY-SA license? BigQuery has a variety of JSON functions that allow you to extract data from within complex objects. I adapted this event generator to write JSON files to S3, and ran it for a simulated population of 1,000,000 users, 10,000 products, and 100,000,000 total events (I ignored some events for this post, so the numbers below wont add up). We recommend creating all tables, although you can skip the ones you are not interested in. If you were writing the file yourself, and could chose the Athena-compatible timestamp-millis logical type, there would be no need for this conversion. Also take a look at theBigQuery dashboardas you run these commands, so you can see your tables as you create them. The easiest way to discover these users is with an outer join between the add_to_cart and checkout_complete tables, comparing the timestamps of each. Chariots Data Engineering interview uses a simulated source of clickstream events: the sort of events that you might get when recording users actions on your e-Commerce website. SELECT data.failure.messages FROM adapter_failures. la_time 2012-10-30 18: 00: 00.000 America / Los_Angeles. Convert string to date, ISO 8601 date format Format: yyyy-mm-dd select from_iso8601_date('2018-12-11') from mytable -- 2018-12-11 Convert string to datetime, ISO 8601 timestamp format Format: yyyy-mm-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSS select from_iso8601_timestamp('2009-10-30T17:59:55.047') from mytable -- 2009-10-30 17:59:55.047 UTC For example, the invalid JSON message might have this error: In contrast, in case of a failure to resolve Iglu server, the value in the error field would look like this, with sub-errors inside: You can figure out what to expect from such a field by looking at the JSON schema for the respective type of failed events, in this case the tracker protocol violations schema. Here is how to run the command for the first three tables (note that you should change the dataset name bad_rows_prod1 to match the dataset you just created): Run the corresponding commands for the remaining table definitions. The RAW input format to the Lambda function is CSV, with a unix timestamp in UTC that looks like: I process the data further in the Lambda function, then output a parquet file. Having to jump through hoops to compensate for the SerDe didnt help. You can use from_iso8601_timestamp(ts) to parse ISO 8601 timestamps in queries. Hi, I have been stuck on this problem for hours now and really appreciate the community's help here. cast string to timestamp athena Comment . 2. You might want to start by getting counts of each failed event type from the last week. A second quirk is that the SerDe (serializer/deserializer, used to read and write files) might not behave as you expect or desire. TIMESTAMP STRINGdate_parse from_iso8601_timestamp () ()type athenaS3JSON "queued_at": "2019-04-12T06:02:48.231Z", TIMESTAMP athena . 1 Answer. Source: Amazon Athena convert string to date time. First story of aliens pretending to be humans especially a "human" family (like Coneheads) that is trying to fit in, maybe for a long time? Java date functions. This is a join between two tables, which Athena performs by selecting all rows from both tables and then doing a merge. How to convert Athena timestamp to string. I am pulling data from Athena. parse_datetime(string, format) timestamp with time zone. AWS Athena mis-interpreting timestamp column, Building a safer community: Announcing our new Code of Conduct, Balancing a PhD program with a startup career (Ep. Also replaceprod1with the name of your pipeline. This Athena table has a date format in ISO-8601. You can use from_iso8601_timestamp (ts) to parse ISO 8601 timestamps in queries. Theres nothing here that reduces the number of rows in the join, so the total data scanned roughly equals the size of the two tables. In some cases, much better. To keep costs down, I prefer using the aws-glue-libs Docker container, rather than a managed developer notebook. The time defaults to 00:00:00.000 , and the time zone defaults to the session time zone: I expected Parquet to have an edge here, and was not disappointed: it ran much faster than the others, and scanned an order of magnitude less data. But one thing to consider is that this dataset is almost perfectly targeted to Parquet: its a relatively small number of relatively large files. 2. This table represents a person viewing the description page for a product, and identifies the user, the product, and the time that the event happened. It identifies the user, the output of your pipeline without the need to create corresponding tables Athena... Read the entire file get empty results or the query fails be at least as fast as,... Script to transform this raw data into Avro and Parquet, and their total value tell, its just the... 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