the loud house fanfiction lincoln blind

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Do you expect us to have a smart boy like you, when you can't even get your answers straight? Lola: Don't worry, he'll get over it NOT! He yawns, but it soundsoff.]. Lucy: How dare you assume I always am this way. [begins to walk away] Just leave me alone. Lincoln: [sighs, then talks to the reader(s)] Yet another terrible day at the Loud house has begunof course. The Story starts with Lincoln walking from the Living room towards his room. Lana: [worried] At least I care about my animals! Originally written by me,rewritten by JBN7863. Lynn: What? Why is it cold? One of them accused Lisa of trying to make other Louds siblings got blurry vision intentionally although she denies it, saying that it was just an accident. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lincoln: Guys, back to the topic! Luna: Sheesh, dude! Suddenly, he heard something from Lisa's room, so he decided to peek from outside the door. They all then rush him to hospital, in worry of something bad might happens to him. [angered] It was getting predictable! Just because of a seat? Lincoln was originally going to go out of the room and search for his glasses while trying to manage his sisters activities and sister fights blindly, but I think that might be too hard for me to do and continue the project. Luna: [annoyed] All they'll do is act like a bunch of jerks, anyway. Lincoln: Ugh, fine! Rita: [attempting to confront him, so he could feel better] But I do. But because she didn't what it is, she just ignore it, and just do what she normally would do. Overall, nothing else can be described due to the cliches that are featured in this story. NOTE: This is more of an idea presentation, rather than a full-on . After she starts to suit herself with wearing glasses, she thinks that wearing it wasn't actually bad. The next day, he wakes up only to find out that his glasses are gone. I know that this is stuck,so be sure to try to suggest me part 2 on message wall,or on Fan . He searches around the room only to realize that it was just tangled in his blanket the whole time. Lynn's version coming later. [as he said that, he then decides to walk away from them.]. [crosses his arms] All you're talking to is a piece of crap. [the sisters start telling Lincoln to calm down.]. There was originally a project to make an entire AU fanfic out of this story, but was scrapped due to time constraints and writer's block. And when he decides to come homehis mother is given his test results, and she's not amused.]. Rita: Lincoln Loud, I still can't believe this! I'm not braindead, I'm AIR-HEADED! [Lori, Lola, Lynn and Luan guffaw once again.]. [Lily proceeds to blow a raspberry at the rest of the sisters], [As the same gags will happen and nothing special is happening for today, we're skipping to a day later], [Lincoln slowly arrives at the living room, where Luna and co. are], Lincoln: You know what? I'd rather watch plastic surgeries gone wrong than that vile! [points to her]. Anyway, let's start. The Loud House follows 11-year-old Lincoln, and 10 sisters who each have unique personalities: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr. ,Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. Inside, he sees Lisa boasting about her creation, The Shrunken Beezer, an untested laser machine that can shrink anything as tiny as she wants to. [sarcastically] About how great Lincoln is compared to us "demon incarnates"? 12 May 2023 Join Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Clyde, and Sam as they journey through the Digiworld and try to fight their way back home. Enough! Does he not care about us, [holds up Lily] or Lily?! but, well, guess it's time to go to school. What's getting you to fight this early?! Lana: No, no, Lincoln! [suddenly shouting] Do I look like I'd care?! [mocking the baby sister] Lily can't even say "mean" right! She puts a sheet of paper to the aiming location,then she tries to aim at the paper,waiting until the machine is ready to beam. Some of my sisters have been mocking and abusing me throughout my life, I feel like I became weaker and careless thanks to them. His sisters asks him if everything is okay and what happens, so Lincoln then shows them his new glasses. Sweetie, it's okay to admit that you're bad, but when you do it several times, it won't help with your case! Hope you enjoyed it, remember to stay tuned for more to come . (This was all a joke about beating a dead horse! Research has been done, and was attempted to make it as accurate to what it was said as possible. A/N: Not even lying, this thing won't even be finished if it wasn't for some Discord acquaintance that help me write this concept or synopsis or whatever this should've be called? The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Later after waking up, Lincoln is having an eye check. He soon realized that it was just tangled in his blanket the whole time. Lucy: No. When Lincoln arrives at Clyde's house, Clyde opens the door and is shocked to see Lincoln's new appearance. We like you! Rita: [concerned] What about your sisters? Blind N Loud(I know that it's pretty much unrelated to Loud family by now, but let's consider this a filler of the project), (I hope an author would actually pick this up for a rewrite, please). No matter how garbage I-. Why is Lincoln like this? A few hours later, Ronnie Anne with Sid, wearing eye protector, attends the concert, with Sid yelling in excitement. All of the other Loud Sisters run towards him and ask if he's ok. The story starts with Lincoln walked from the living room. Luna: [who successfully attempted to pick up Leni, and now has hugged her] What? First, all thanks to JBN7863 for proofreading, fixing the grammar, vocubulary and other aspect of English in this fanfic. When Lincoln is taken in by her, she swears to punish the Louds for what they've done. Care. Lucy: Sighif that was true, I'd do whatever I can to help him until I die. Some Dark Themes included. Which is what this exact fanfic will use, as everyone with exaggerated traits seems to be more fun. He put his glasses aside, felt optimistic and managed to sleep however. Lana: [at Lucy and co.] You know what, guys? Leni: Yeah! The story starts with Lincoln walked from the living room towards his room when he suddenly heard something coming from Lisa's room, so he decided to peek from outside the door. You can put your own desired plot or character or details inside your rewrite. Then he gets out of his thoughts and sits, saying to himself that everything will be fine. They're shaking Lincoln to wake him but he didn't wake up. Lori: You think you guys will make him smile, [in an excited tone] no matter how much suffering he literally had to go through? Lisa Loud. But after a few advice Ronnie Anne, just accept her fate. She puts a sheet of paper to the place she wants to aim, then she tries to aim at the paper, waiting until the machine is ready to beam. [unamused] They're not worth our time, after all. Clyde tells Lincoln to not let too much pressure on himself just because of his glasses and let Lincoln in to play together. Language: English Words: 1,139 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1 . They all then rushed to hospital. It started off as a normal Saturday morning in the Loud house, but when Lincoln Loud finds a weird door inside the basement and walks inside, he suddenly finds himself met with a . Do it all you want! The scene was cut to the part where Lincoln got home. One morning, Sid just got notified that her K-Pop idol concert is coming to the city. Inside, he sees Lisa boasting about her creation, The Shrunken Beezer, an untested laser machine that can shrink anything as tiny as she wants to. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln: Geez [worried] why'd I move with her?! When Lincoln arrives at Clyde's house, Clyde opens the door and is shocked to see Lincoln's new appearance. Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), The Loud House (Cartoon), Encanto (2021) Teen And Up Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Work in Progress 01 Jun 2023 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Lynn Loud Sr. The story starts with Lincoln walked from the living room towards his room when he suddenly heard something coming from Lisa's room, so he decided to peek from outside the door. When I wrote this fanfic, I was going to specify which of the Loud sisters, ridiculed him while he show his glasses to them, support him, shocked, help him when he fainted, but I didn't know much about the Louds that time, causing me to scrap that idea, I don't want to go out of character and get too much of negative reviews. His vision was worsening (which changed his eyes' artstyle to dot eyes) making him dizzy and faint right on the floor. Lincoln: [grumpy] I said; I. Lucy: Sigh can we just get this over with? LincolnxHarem ClydeX? They then break into laughter, as usual], Lori: SERIOUSLY?! Lisa and one of the sister then gets into an argument, and sister fights. He suddenly got a call from Clyde, he was asking Lincoln to meet at his house and hang out. He asks Lincoln why did he wear glasses today, Lincoln tells him that he needs to after Lisa accidentally beamed his eyes while she was experimenting. The scene was cut to the part where Lincoln gets home. He then realized that he was beginning to rub his arms subconsiously as he began to feel the cold air on his skin. He acts like a neglectful pet owner! Cooking Especially you, Leni! Rita: Alright, alright! None of his sister seems to ridicule him and just doing their own business. Lincoln, with the view of his face obscured, slowly wakes up. [he gets out of the living room, and proceeds to go into his bedroom. Lori: Aw, would you look at that. [Lori, Lola, Luan and Lynn gasp. All of the Loud Sister's run towards him and ask if he's ok. Lori: OH, SCREW OFF! Especially Lynnbut does it really matter? Lola: Besides, boys are gross and disgusting! [continues cackling]. Lisa then notices Lincoln, which makes her lose focus and end up accidentally aimed at him and beamed right at his eyes. I like Princess Pony, and it helped me to take a break from the usual gloomy and dark things I'm into. The sisters are shocked after seeing it(ofc there are few that don't). Lola: WHAT DO YOU KNOW? The next day, he wakes up only to find out that his glasses are gone. Even if they can be mean, even if they fight violently, even if some of them can do extreme things! Implying that his vision is probably worse than her now. Luna: Dudes, we have to help him. Later, they both went their own home, after the concert is over. Just like my jokes! Let's just get out of here! Later at night, Lincoln struggles to sleep because he was worried about what might happen the next day. Lincoln: If you're going to shame me for my intelligence and how I workdo it! He then says to the audience "Oh My God" in a terrified face with his dot eyes. [in reality, Lincoln wakes up (late at night), screaming in shock for a short time.]. WE DON'T CARE WHETHER OR NOT YOUR HEAD IS FULL OF DAMN AIR! Luna: Well, yeah. When Ronnie Anne opens her eyes, it wasn't anything odd, besides from her eyes felt a little burned, so after she put the protector back on her eyes, they continue, partying. Lincoln: I believe that with teamwork, they could raise my sisters to become better people that is, if they are capable of changing. Sid is now filled with excitement, and said the she have picked the front row, and tells Ronnie Anne that the place is too near to the concert lights, so she needs to use something to protect her eyes from too much lights. His vision turns worse (which was clearly noticed by his eyes' artstyle changed to simple dot eyes, similar to Lisa's eyes without her glasses) and the laser effect makes him dizzy and fall right on the floor. IF MY BRAIN WAS TRULY DEAD, HOW WOULD I FUNCTION?! Lola: [now angered] That franchise is so CRINGEWORTHY! Just an odd introductory concept of an autistic Lincoln and his family life. The Loud House Fanon Wikia Explore Leave me suggestions in the comments sir, it can be useful for Chapter 2. [although they consider that pun to be cringeworthy, the rest of the sisters who were laughing before cackled again. Leni: [gets her arm and puts it around Lincoln's back, confronting him as she's worried] Linkyit's okay. Ok, let's start! Lori: Yeah, and he's literally trying to hog it! Lincoln: [dramatically] And togetherI WILL see the sunlight! Lana: You're not empty! I have to escape, and I can't tell mom and dad about this! He walks up the stairs like normal, realizing that nothing unusual happens or anything changes inside the house besides his appearance. However, criticism is fully welcome. ), (May contain SPOILERS. Everyday, you just talk about how-. They finally revealed that her vision are no longer as clear as it used to be, but she's been hiding because she think that wearing glasses is only going to make her life worse. Lucy: No matter how awful Lincoln thinks he is, I felt like I wanted to say something. As he exhaled, he could see the cold cloud of his breath wafting through the air. Sid then asks Ronnie Anne whether or not they could go to the concert, which Ronnie Anne responded with a yes, with a condition that Ronnie didn't want their place to be crowded. Leni: No matter how hard we try, either! He suddenly got a call from Clyde, he was asking Lincoln to meet at his house and hang out. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. ], [He seems to do everything for the start of the day weakly; as if he feels like he didn't sleep much, and has suffered from an abusive family. Rita: LINCOLN! They picked up a glasses with rectangular frame, and not too thick lens for her At first, Ronnie Anne didn't want to get her eyes on it. "You misread all the letters on the chart", He then prescribed a pair of circular glasses with a very thick glass, thicker than Lisa's glasses. Lynn: Dude, he even was willing to be a masochist when he accepted the offer to play sports with me! He put his glasses aside, try to be as optimistic as possible and manage to sleep. Lincoln: I was trying to get a seat in vanzilla, but they then started attacking me! He then wears it and continue his life like normal. [Lori proceeds to slap Leni in the face with full force.]. Chapter 1 of my first Loud House fanfic, Tactile. After the events of NSL, Lincoln leaves home and starts to cry in the middle of the forest. Now just let me talk. When one of Lisa's experiments accidentally leaves Lincoln temporarily blind, deaf, and effectively mute, the rest of the family bands together to make sure that they can get Lincoln through it all with his sanity still intact. There, he can relieve stress and try to make himself feel betterbut to no success. [worried] I don't wanna get interrogated by the police! Inside, he sees that Lisa is boasting about her creation, The Shrunken Beezer, an untested laser machine that can shrink anything as tiny as she wants to. Luna: [angered] Says who! Everyone at the Loud house always are as if they were born to make me suffer. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! Leni: But you, like, barely smileright? I WILL HAVE A BETTER LIFE! We can feel negative all the time! Preparing for school. I feel like some of these drama programs I watched earlier have influenced me. Lincoln: I DON'T CARE! Lori: Ugh [irritated] he's literally still in that phase, isn't he? This Fanfiction takes place two years after "How i meet my Brother", here Lincoln is 13 while Liz is 14. Implying that his vision is probably worse than hers now. It's such a shame that my family looked like they had a lot of potential, but were wasted with their shameful personalities. He agreed and also said there's something he wants to tell him. First, all thanks to JBN7863 for proofreading, fixing the grammar, vocubulary and other aspect of English in this fanfic. I've also resisted the temptation to go without you guys becauseI just feel like I'm some kind of statue! Then he stood up and walked out of his room, saying to himself that everything will be fine. He agreed and also said there's something he wants to tell him. All you do is write your stupid poems! The nature of the story will also be rather basic. This was not inspired by User:MrTyeDye 's fanfiction "Lincoln is Dumb". It is best to read the story completely blind.) Lola: Because that's the best seat in the van! [smugly] Now that is unhealthy. Will they be able to survive long enough to see their family again or will the Dark Masters and Seven Demon Lords be too much for them? Lincoln: BECAUSE THAT'S HOW MOM AND DAD SHOULD BE! Lincoln: Why should you care? Lincoln: [is tempted to slap her, but manages to resist] I-I [in a gloomy tone] don't care anymore. COLD! Rita, saddened, walks away to find Lynn Sr. and discuss with him about what's happening. Cut it with the negativity! All is good until the moment he's having an eye check. Later at home he gets to his bed, lying and thinking about how his new appearance will change his life. !" Lincoln shouted out loud from the feeling of the cold floor. ONE THAT KNOWS THAT THEIR CHILDREN CANNOT ABUSE EACH OTHER CONSTANTLY LIKE ASSES! So he got back to living like normal (he was worrying all that time). [Leni seems to already be driven to the point of tears, especially cause of the physical pain she has felt.]. We could get in trouble! Lincoln: No. Ok, let's start! How many times do we have to discuss this? I feel like I need to confess something, and you guys won't like it. Lisa then notices Lincoln, which makes her lose focus, ending up accidentally aims at him and beams right at his eyes. My first fanfiction rewritten to give it the best look possible. A/N:Sorry if it's out of character, feel free to rewrite it into Fanfiction format! Luna: [in British accent] FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP! You misread all the letters on the chart the doctor said, he then prescribed a pair of circular glasses similar to Lisa's and Clyde's but with a very thick glass, thicker than Lisas glasses. [More laughter from those four sisters are heard.]. Inside, he sees that Lisa is boasting about her creation, The Shrunken Beezer, an untested laser machine that can shrink anything as tiny as she wants to. [cue Lori, Lola, Lynn and Luan laughing.]. How many times have we talked about this? Lemons included! The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Story (script) Notes (May contain SPOILERS. He deserves it for all we care. Lynn: Besides, do we look like we'd care about that?! The Tragedy of the Black Sheepis yet another typical Loud House fanfic that treats Lincoln as if he was a 100% innocent angel who deserves sympathy, likely along with Leni and Luna, too, ignoring the fact the rest of the sisters can be nice as well; but there is this trope where authors may be like, "let's demonize them because we don't care about their redeeming qualities!" He then wears it and continue his life like normal. He's been feeling like this ever since we were young, and he can't be happy from us! He asked Lincoln why he wears glasses, Lincoln tells him that he needs to after Lisa accidentally beamed his eyes while she was experimenting. Lincoln struggles to sleep because he's worrying about what might happen the next day. The sisters are shocked after seeing it(of course, there are few that don't and one of them was holding her laugh before got elbowed). [optimistic] Everything's going to be fine, you'll see! On the way]. I might as well say that, I was the one who clogged the toilet. in a terrified face with his dot eyes. Later, Lincoln wakes up, and is having a checkup. His sisters ask if everything is ok, so Lincoln then shows them his new glasses. I'LL MOVE WITH RONNIE ANNE! Unaware that La Llorona is coming for her lost children and is heading to the reincarnation of one of them. [he continued talking about how bad he was again, but not for some time.]. They tried shaking Lincoln to wakes him up but he didn't. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I love my family! Meanwhile, the sisters saw what happened (peeking from somewhere), and entered the scene.]. Clyde said not to have too much pressure just because of his glasses and let Lincoln in to play together. It is best to read the story completely blind.). Part 1 The Story starts with Lincoln walking from the Living room towards his room. Leni: [furious] HEY! A few minutes later, the lights are flashing around the concert, and Ronnie Anne's eye protector falls to the floor, she picks it up, right at the time where the party lights, right now, right on Ronnie Anne's eyes. [Lana does the "calm down" gesture at the boy.]. . THAT'S YOUR CONFESSION?! That's it? Luna: Dude, why?! Categories [He then gets downstairs weakly to eat breakfast, as some of his sisters have mocked him for how late he got up for the day. Lincoln: [furious] AND I WANNA BE RAISED BY A BETTER FAMILY! Luan: Oh man! I felt like you guys would have sacrifice some of your money to go with me Leni: You're going on a trip? Now, let the fanfic begin as it shall start with a tale of a normal day in the Loud house [it is currently 2 PM. Lisa: And according to my calculations, those are official signs of depression; something we succeeded at as it influences over the rest of his feelings. He then exits the room with a sad face. All of them accused Lisa of trying to make other Louds siblings join her although she denies it, saying that it was just an accident. You all are welcome to contribute and pitch in to this idea, as long as you remain polite and respectful towards this real-life condition. He then exits the room with a sad face. Suddenly, he heard something from Lisa's room, so he decided to peek from outside the door. I want to use the "blind without it" plot at some point during the story, but I don't have an idea how to put a scene like that, when I was writing it. [laughing] Get it? [in British accent] You guys keep mocking us like we're a bunch of braindead wackos! Like with Lucy, here. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Leni: Yeah! That's HILARIOUS! Returned to home, on his bed inside the closet-turned-bedroom, he's thinking about how his new appearance will get him something bad. The Non-Adventures of the Autistic Loud By: Jack to the Future. Lincoln: No, not that! So he decides to be like what he usually was, with just an addition of having to wear glasses. Lincoln: I feel like this is the last straw. As if my positive feelings are now nonexistent, that I can't help but feel like [saddened] an empty human being. Lynn Sr: Really? He then says to the audience "I know that this isn't going to be well." He walks up the stairs like normal, realizing that nothing unusual happened or anything changed besides his appearance. Lola: YOU'RE ALL BRAINDEAD! We need to ask Mom and Dad to help us, you know. Don't. Luan: I guess you could say, we de-pressed his happiness button! Accurate to what it was said as possible and manage to sleep because he was worried about what happening... With a sad face him dizzy and faint right on the floor the grammar, vocubulary and other of., feel free to rewrite it into fanfiction format hospital, in worry of something bad happens! 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the loud house fanfiction lincoln blind

Do you expect us to have a smart boy like you, when you can't even get your answers straight? Lola: Don't worry, he'll get over it NOT! He yawns, but it soundsoff.]. Lucy: How dare you assume I always am this way. [begins to walk away] Just leave me alone. Lincoln: [sighs, then talks to the reader(s)] Yet another terrible day at the Loud house has begunof course. The Story starts with Lincoln walking from the Living room towards his room. Lana: [worried] At least I care about my animals! Originally written by me,rewritten by JBN7863. Lynn: What? Why is it cold? One of them accused Lisa of trying to make other Louds siblings got blurry vision intentionally although she denies it, saying that it was just an accident. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lincoln: Guys, back to the topic! Luna: Sheesh, dude! Suddenly, he heard something from Lisa's room, so he decided to peek from outside the door. They all then rush him to hospital, in worry of something bad might happens to him. [angered] It was getting predictable! Just because of a seat? Lincoln was originally going to go out of the room and search for his glasses while trying to manage his sisters activities and sister fights blindly, but I think that might be too hard for me to do and continue the project. Luna: [annoyed] All they'll do is act like a bunch of jerks, anyway. Lincoln: Ugh, fine! Rita: [attempting to confront him, so he could feel better] But I do. But because she didn't what it is, she just ignore it, and just do what she normally would do. Overall, nothing else can be described due to the cliches that are featured in this story. NOTE: This is more of an idea presentation, rather than a full-on . After she starts to suit herself with wearing glasses, she thinks that wearing it wasn't actually bad. The next day, he wakes up only to find out that his glasses are gone. I know that this is stuck,so be sure to try to suggest me part 2 on message wall,or on Fan . He searches around the room only to realize that it was just tangled in his blanket the whole time. Lynn's version coming later. [as he said that, he then decides to walk away from them.]. [crosses his arms] All you're talking to is a piece of crap. [the sisters start telling Lincoln to calm down.]. There was originally a project to make an entire AU fanfic out of this story, but was scrapped due to time constraints and writer's block. And when he decides to come homehis mother is given his test results, and she's not amused.]. Rita: Lincoln Loud, I still can't believe this! I'm not braindead, I'm AIR-HEADED! [Lori, Lola, Lynn and Luan guffaw once again.]. [Lily proceeds to blow a raspberry at the rest of the sisters], [As the same gags will happen and nothing special is happening for today, we're skipping to a day later], [Lincoln slowly arrives at the living room, where Luna and co. are], Lincoln: You know what? I'd rather watch plastic surgeries gone wrong than that vile! [points to her]. Anyway, let's start. The Loud House follows 11-year-old Lincoln, and 10 sisters who each have unique personalities: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr. ,Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. Inside, he sees Lisa boasting about her creation, The Shrunken Beezer, an untested laser machine that can shrink anything as tiny as she wants to. [sarcastically] About how great Lincoln is compared to us "demon incarnates"? 12 May 2023 Join Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Clyde, and Sam as they journey through the Digiworld and try to fight their way back home. Enough! Does he not care about us, [holds up Lily] or Lily?! but, well, guess it's time to go to school. What's getting you to fight this early?! Lana: No, no, Lincoln! [suddenly shouting] Do I look like I'd care?! [mocking the baby sister] Lily can't even say "mean" right! She puts a sheet of paper to the aiming location,then she tries to aim at the paper,waiting until the machine is ready to beam. Some of my sisters have been mocking and abusing me throughout my life, I feel like I became weaker and careless thanks to them. His sisters asks him if everything is okay and what happens, so Lincoln then shows them his new glasses. Sweetie, it's okay to admit that you're bad, but when you do it several times, it won't help with your case! Hope you enjoyed it, remember to stay tuned for more to come . (This was all a joke about beating a dead horse! Research has been done, and was attempted to make it as accurate to what it was said as possible. A/N: Not even lying, this thing won't even be finished if it wasn't for some Discord acquaintance that help me write this concept or synopsis or whatever this should've be called? The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Later after waking up, Lincoln is having an eye check. He soon realized that it was just tangled in his blanket the whole time. Lucy: No. When Lincoln arrives at Clyde's house, Clyde opens the door and is shocked to see Lincoln's new appearance. We like you! Rita: [concerned] What about your sisters? Blind N Loud(I know that it's pretty much unrelated to Loud family by now, but let's consider this a filler of the project), (I hope an author would actually pick this up for a rewrite, please). No matter how garbage I-. Why is Lincoln like this? A few hours later, Ronnie Anne with Sid, wearing eye protector, attends the concert, with Sid yelling in excitement. All of the other Loud Sisters run towards him and ask if he's ok. The story starts with Lincoln walked from the living room. Luna: [who successfully attempted to pick up Leni, and now has hugged her] What? First, all thanks to JBN7863 for proofreading, fixing the grammar, vocubulary and other aspect of English in this fanfic. When Lincoln is taken in by her, she swears to punish the Louds for what they've done. Care. Lucy: Sighif that was true, I'd do whatever I can to help him until I die. Some Dark Themes included. Which is what this exact fanfic will use, as everyone with exaggerated traits seems to be more fun. He put his glasses aside, felt optimistic and managed to sleep however. Lana: [at Lucy and co.] You know what, guys? Leni: Yeah! The story starts with Lincoln walked from the living room towards his room when he suddenly heard something coming from Lisa's room, so he decided to peek from outside the door. You can put your own desired plot or character or details inside your rewrite. Then he gets out of his thoughts and sits, saying to himself that everything will be fine. They're shaking Lincoln to wake him but he didn't wake up. Lori: You think you guys will make him smile, [in an excited tone] no matter how much suffering he literally had to go through? Lisa Loud. But after a few advice Ronnie Anne, just accept her fate. She puts a sheet of paper to the place she wants to aim, then she tries to aim at the paper, waiting until the machine is ready to beam. [unamused] They're not worth our time, after all. Clyde tells Lincoln to not let too much pressure on himself just because of his glasses and let Lincoln in to play together. Language: English Words: 1,139 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1 . They all then rushed to hospital. It started off as a normal Saturday morning in the Loud house, but when Lincoln Loud finds a weird door inside the basement and walks inside, he suddenly finds himself met with a . Do it all you want! The scene was cut to the part where Lincoln got home. One morning, Sid just got notified that her K-Pop idol concert is coming to the city. Inside, he sees Lisa boasting about her creation, The Shrunken Beezer, an untested laser machine that can shrink anything as tiny as she wants to. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln: Geez [worried] why'd I move with her?! When Lincoln arrives at Clyde's house, Clyde opens the door and is shocked to see Lincoln's new appearance. Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), The Loud House (Cartoon), Encanto (2021) Teen And Up Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Work in Progress 01 Jun 2023 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Lynn Loud Sr. The story starts with Lincoln walked from the living room towards his room when he suddenly heard something coming from Lisa's room, so he decided to peek from outside the door. When I wrote this fanfic, I was going to specify which of the Loud sisters, ridiculed him while he show his glasses to them, support him, shocked, help him when he fainted, but I didn't know much about the Louds that time, causing me to scrap that idea, I don't want to go out of character and get too much of negative reviews. His vision was worsening (which changed his eyes' artstyle to dot eyes) making him dizzy and faint right on the floor. Lincoln: [grumpy] I said; I. Lucy: Sigh can we just get this over with? LincolnxHarem ClydeX? They then break into laughter, as usual], Lori: SERIOUSLY?! Lisa and one of the sister then gets into an argument, and sister fights. He suddenly got a call from Clyde, he was asking Lincoln to meet at his house and hang out. He asks Lincoln why did he wear glasses today, Lincoln tells him that he needs to after Lisa accidentally beamed his eyes while she was experimenting. The scene was cut to the part where Lincoln gets home. He then realized that he was beginning to rub his arms subconsiously as he began to feel the cold air on his skin. He acts like a neglectful pet owner! Cooking Especially you, Leni! Rita: Alright, alright! None of his sister seems to ridicule him and just doing their own business. Lincoln, with the view of his face obscured, slowly wakes up. [he gets out of the living room, and proceeds to go into his bedroom. Lori: Aw, would you look at that. [Lori, Lola, Luan and Lynn gasp. All of the Loud Sister's run towards him and ask if he's ok. Lori: OH, SCREW OFF! Especially Lynnbut does it really matter? Lola: Besides, boys are gross and disgusting! [continues cackling]. Lisa then notices Lincoln, which makes her lose focus and end up accidentally aimed at him and beamed right at his eyes. I like Princess Pony, and it helped me to take a break from the usual gloomy and dark things I'm into. The sisters are shocked after seeing it(ofc there are few that don't). Lola: WHAT DO YOU KNOW? The next day, he wakes up only to find out that his glasses are gone. Even if they can be mean, even if they fight violently, even if some of them can do extreme things! Implying that his vision is probably worse than her now. Luna: Dudes, we have to help him. Later, they both went their own home, after the concert is over. Just like my jokes! Let's just get out of here! Later at night, Lincoln struggles to sleep because he was worried about what might happen the next day. Lincoln: If you're going to shame me for my intelligence and how I workdo it! He then says to the audience "Oh My God" in a terrified face with his dot eyes. [in reality, Lincoln wakes up (late at night), screaming in shock for a short time.]. WE DON'T CARE WHETHER OR NOT YOUR HEAD IS FULL OF DAMN AIR! Luna: Well, yeah. When Ronnie Anne opens her eyes, it wasn't anything odd, besides from her eyes felt a little burned, so after she put the protector back on her eyes, they continue, partying. Lincoln: I believe that with teamwork, they could raise my sisters to become better people that is, if they are capable of changing. Sid is now filled with excitement, and said the she have picked the front row, and tells Ronnie Anne that the place is too near to the concert lights, so she needs to use something to protect her eyes from too much lights. His vision turns worse (which was clearly noticed by his eyes' artstyle changed to simple dot eyes, similar to Lisa's eyes without her glasses) and the laser effect makes him dizzy and fall right on the floor. IF MY BRAIN WAS TRULY DEAD, HOW WOULD I FUNCTION?! Lola: [now angered] That franchise is so CRINGEWORTHY! Just an odd introductory concept of an autistic Lincoln and his family life. The Loud House Fanon Wikia Explore Leave me suggestions in the comments sir, it can be useful for Chapter 2. [although they consider that pun to be cringeworthy, the rest of the sisters who were laughing before cackled again. Leni: [gets her arm and puts it around Lincoln's back, confronting him as she's worried] Linkyit's okay. Ok, let's start! Lori: Yeah, and he's literally trying to hog it! Lincoln: [dramatically] And togetherI WILL see the sunlight! Lana: You're not empty! I have to escape, and I can't tell mom and dad about this! He walks up the stairs like normal, realizing that nothing unusual happens or anything changes inside the house besides his appearance. However, criticism is fully welcome. ), (May contain SPOILERS. Everyday, you just talk about how-. They finally revealed that her vision are no longer as clear as it used to be, but she's been hiding because she think that wearing glasses is only going to make her life worse. Lucy: No matter how awful Lincoln thinks he is, I felt like I wanted to say something. As he exhaled, he could see the cold cloud of his breath wafting through the air. Sid then asks Ronnie Anne whether or not they could go to the concert, which Ronnie Anne responded with a yes, with a condition that Ronnie didn't want their place to be crowded. Leni: No matter how hard we try, either! He suddenly got a call from Clyde, he was asking Lincoln to meet at his house and hang out. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. ], [He seems to do everything for the start of the day weakly; as if he feels like he didn't sleep much, and has suffered from an abusive family. Rita: LINCOLN! They picked up a glasses with rectangular frame, and not too thick lens for her At first, Ronnie Anne didn't want to get her eyes on it. "You misread all the letters on the chart", He then prescribed a pair of circular glasses with a very thick glass, thicker than Lisa's glasses. Lynn: Dude, he even was willing to be a masochist when he accepted the offer to play sports with me! He put his glasses aside, try to be as optimistic as possible and manage to sleep. Lincoln: I was trying to get a seat in vanzilla, but they then started attacking me! He then wears it and continue his life like normal. [Lori proceeds to slap Leni in the face with full force.]. Chapter 1 of my first Loud House fanfic, Tactile. After the events of NSL, Lincoln leaves home and starts to cry in the middle of the forest. Now just let me talk. When one of Lisa's experiments accidentally leaves Lincoln temporarily blind, deaf, and effectively mute, the rest of the family bands together to make sure that they can get Lincoln through it all with his sanity still intact. There, he can relieve stress and try to make himself feel betterbut to no success. [worried] I don't wanna get interrogated by the police! Inside, he sees that Lisa is boasting about her creation, The Shrunken Beezer, an untested laser machine that can shrink anything as tiny as she wants to. Luna: [angered] Says who! Everyone at the Loud house always are as if they were born to make me suffer. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! Leni: But you, like, barely smileright? I WILL HAVE A BETTER LIFE! We can feel negative all the time! Preparing for school. I feel like some of these drama programs I watched earlier have influenced me. Lincoln: I DON'T CARE! Lori: Ugh [irritated] he's literally still in that phase, isn't he? This Fanfiction takes place two years after "How i meet my Brother", here Lincoln is 13 while Liz is 14. Implying that his vision is probably worse than hers now. It's such a shame that my family looked like they had a lot of potential, but were wasted with their shameful personalities. He agreed and also said there's something he wants to tell him. First, all thanks to JBN7863 for proofreading, fixing the grammar, vocubulary and other aspect of English in this fanfic. I've also resisted the temptation to go without you guys becauseI just feel like I'm some kind of statue! Then he stood up and walked out of his room, saying to himself that everything will be fine. He agreed and also said there's something he wants to tell him. All you do is write your stupid poems! The nature of the story will also be rather basic. This was not inspired by User:MrTyeDye 's fanfiction "Lincoln is Dumb". It is best to read the story completely blind.) Lola: Because that's the best seat in the van! [smugly] Now that is unhealthy. Will they be able to survive long enough to see their family again or will the Dark Masters and Seven Demon Lords be too much for them? Lincoln: BECAUSE THAT'S HOW MOM AND DAD SHOULD BE! Lincoln: Why should you care? Lincoln: [is tempted to slap her, but manages to resist] I-I [in a gloomy tone] don't care anymore. COLD! Rita, saddened, walks away to find Lynn Sr. and discuss with him about what's happening. Cut it with the negativity! All is good until the moment he's having an eye check. Later at home he gets to his bed, lying and thinking about how his new appearance will change his life. !" Lincoln shouted out loud from the feeling of the cold floor. ONE THAT KNOWS THAT THEIR CHILDREN CANNOT ABUSE EACH OTHER CONSTANTLY LIKE ASSES! So he got back to living like normal (he was worrying all that time). [Leni seems to already be driven to the point of tears, especially cause of the physical pain she has felt.]. We could get in trouble! Lincoln: No. Ok, let's start! How many times do we have to discuss this? I feel like I need to confess something, and you guys won't like it. Lisa then notices Lincoln, which makes her lose focus, ending up accidentally aims at him and beams right at his eyes. My first fanfiction rewritten to give it the best look possible. A/N:Sorry if it's out of character, feel free to rewrite it into Fanfiction format! Luna: [in British accent] FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP! You misread all the letters on the chart the doctor said, he then prescribed a pair of circular glasses similar to Lisa's and Clyde's but with a very thick glass, thicker than Lisas glasses. [More laughter from those four sisters are heard.]. Inside, he sees that Lisa is boasting about her creation, The Shrunken Beezer, an untested laser machine that can shrink anything as tiny as she wants to. [cue Lori, Lola, Lynn and Luan laughing.]. How many times have we talked about this? Lemons included! The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Story (script) Notes (May contain SPOILERS. He deserves it for all we care. Lynn: Besides, do we look like we'd care about that?! The Tragedy of the Black Sheepis yet another typical Loud House fanfic that treats Lincoln as if he was a 100% innocent angel who deserves sympathy, likely along with Leni and Luna, too, ignoring the fact the rest of the sisters can be nice as well; but there is this trope where authors may be like, "let's demonize them because we don't care about their redeeming qualities!" He then wears it and continue his life like normal. He's been feeling like this ever since we were young, and he can't be happy from us! He asked Lincoln why he wears glasses, Lincoln tells him that he needs to after Lisa accidentally beamed his eyes while she was experimenting. Lincoln struggles to sleep because he's worrying about what might happen the next day. The sisters are shocked after seeing it(of course, there are few that don't and one of them was holding her laugh before got elbowed). [optimistic] Everything's going to be fine, you'll see! On the way]. I might as well say that, I was the one who clogged the toilet. in a terrified face with his dot eyes. Later, Lincoln wakes up, and is having a checkup. His sisters ask if everything is ok, so Lincoln then shows them his new glasses. I'LL MOVE WITH RONNIE ANNE! Unaware that La Llorona is coming for her lost children and is heading to the reincarnation of one of them. [he continued talking about how bad he was again, but not for some time.]. They tried shaking Lincoln to wakes him up but he didn't. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I love my family! Meanwhile, the sisters saw what happened (peeking from somewhere), and entered the scene.]. Clyde said not to have too much pressure just because of his glasses and let Lincoln in to play together. It is best to read the story completely blind.). Part 1 The Story starts with Lincoln walking from the Living room towards his room. Leni: [furious] HEY! A few minutes later, the lights are flashing around the concert, and Ronnie Anne's eye protector falls to the floor, she picks it up, right at the time where the party lights, right now, right on Ronnie Anne's eyes. [Lana does the "calm down" gesture at the boy.]. . THAT'S YOUR CONFESSION?! That's it? Luna: Dude, why?! Categories [He then gets downstairs weakly to eat breakfast, as some of his sisters have mocked him for how late he got up for the day. Lincoln: [furious] AND I WANNA BE RAISED BY A BETTER FAMILY! Luan: Oh man! I felt like you guys would have sacrifice some of your money to go with me Leni: You're going on a trip? Now, let the fanfic begin as it shall start with a tale of a normal day in the Loud house [it is currently 2 PM. Lisa: And according to my calculations, those are official signs of depression; something we succeeded at as it influences over the rest of his feelings. He then exits the room with a sad face. All of them accused Lisa of trying to make other Louds siblings join her although she denies it, saying that it was just an accident. You all are welcome to contribute and pitch in to this idea, as long as you remain polite and respectful towards this real-life condition. He then exits the room with a sad face. Suddenly, he heard something from Lisa's room, so he decided to peek from outside the door. I want to use the "blind without it" plot at some point during the story, but I don't have an idea how to put a scene like that, when I was writing it. [laughing] Get it? [in British accent] You guys keep mocking us like we're a bunch of braindead wackos! Like with Lucy, here. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Leni: Yeah! That's HILARIOUS! Returned to home, on his bed inside the closet-turned-bedroom, he's thinking about how his new appearance will get him something bad. The Non-Adventures of the Autistic Loud By: Jack to the Future. Lincoln: No, not that! So he decides to be like what he usually was, with just an addition of having to wear glasses. Lincoln: I feel like this is the last straw. As if my positive feelings are now nonexistent, that I can't help but feel like [saddened] an empty human being. Lynn Sr: Really? He then says to the audience "I know that this isn't going to be well." He walks up the stairs like normal, realizing that nothing unusual happened or anything changed besides his appearance. Lola: YOU'RE ALL BRAINDEAD! We need to ask Mom and Dad to help us, you know. Don't. Luan: I guess you could say, we de-pressed his happiness button! Accurate to what it was said as possible and manage to sleep because he was worried about what happening... With a sad face him dizzy and faint right on the floor the grammar, vocubulary and other of., feel free to rewrite it into fanfiction format hospital, in worry of something bad happens! 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Sunday December 11th, 2022